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Updated on 2025-02-24 GMT+08:00
Table 1 Description of fields




Actual Payment

Equal to the amount due minus the amount of used cash coupons. Actual Payment = Amount due – Cash coupon used.

Account Name

Account that is created upon successful registration with HUAWEI CLOUD. When your enterprise master account has been associated with multiple member accounts, you can view bill details by account.

Account Adjustment

Information of your account adjustments in a billing cycle, such as payment reversals and arrears write-offs.

Amount Deducted from Savings Plan

Actual hourly amount spent in the savings plan.

Amount Paid

Amount that has been paid by now in a billing cycle in the post payment mode, including payment for exceeded credit and advance payment.

Amortized Cash

Amortized cash amount in the current month.

Amortized Credit

Amortized credit amount in the current month.

Amortized Cash Coupon

Amortized cash coupon amount in the current month.


Amount that a customer should pay for used cloud services after discounts have been applied. The discounts include commercial discounts, and partner authorized discounts.

  • For non-monthly settlement, Amount due = Cash payments + Credit payments + Cash coupon used + Arrears.
  • For monthly settlement, Amount due = Cash payments + Cash coupon used + Monthly Settlement.

Amount Deducted from Savings Plan

Actual hourly amount spent in the savings plan.


Amount to be deducted and paid, including uncleared amount and unsettled amount.


A physical region where resources use independent power supply and networks. AZs are physically isolated but interconnected through the internal network. One region has multiple AZs. If one AZ becomes faulty, the other AZs in the same region can still provide services. AZs in the same region can access each other through the intranet.



Billing Mode

Billing modes include Reserved Instance, Yearly/Monthly, and Pay-per-Use.

Billing Cycle

Time frame between billings for an account. It is determined by HUAWEI CLOUD and is generally one natural month. When a billing cycle ends, the system calculates all the fees that a customer needs to pay during the billing cycle and generates a bill.


A bill is a manifestation of your service fees regularly provided by HUAWEI CLOUD. It describes the revenue and expenditures of various services and products owned and used by you.

Bill Type

Type of a bill, such as expenditure, refund, account adjustment, and others.



Current Month Amortized

Amount amortized to the current month.

Cash Coupon Used

Fees that are paid using cash coupons.

Cash Coupon Amortized over Future Months

Cash coupon amount that has not been amortized after the current month.

Cash Coupon Amortized over Past Months

Cash coupon amount that has been amortized before the current month.

Cash Amortized over Past Months

Cash amount that has been amortized before the current month.

Cash Amortized over Future Months

Cash amount that has not been amortized after the current month.

Conversion Factor

Used to change Usage Unit to Usage Unit (for Pricing).

For example, the conversion factor between seconds and hours is 3600.

Credit Amortized over Past Months

Credit amount that has been amortized before the current month.

Credit Amortized over Future Months

Credit amount that has not been amortized after the current month.

Credit Period

Time from the bill date to the due date. It is usually one calendar month.

Credit Payment

Amount that is paid by credit. After the bill is generated, credit payments are included in the amount due.

Cash Payment

Amount that is paid by cash.



Due Date

The final date before which customers must pay off the bill.


Discounts offered to customers when they use cloud services, for example, commercial discounts, partner authorized discounts, and promotions. The value is the discount amount based on the list price.

Discount Type

Discount type used for the expenditure, for example, Commercial contract discount.

Discount Subtype

Describes the details of the discounts applied.

For example, if the commercial discount is 20% off, the bill shows that Discount Type is Commercial contract discount and Discount Subtype is % off: 20% discount.



End Time

Time when billing for the corresponding cloud service ends.

Enterprise Project

The enterprise project to which the cloud resource belongs. If you have not set any enterprise projects when purchasing a cloud service resource, the default value is default. If a cloud service resource you have purchased does not support enterprise project management, it will be presented as Non-project.


Information of your expenditures in a billing cycle, such as purchase and pay-per-use.

Expenditure Time

Time when the expenditure occurs. For yearly/monthly products, it is the time of payment, while for pay-per-use products, it is the period from the effective time to the expiration time of the resource.



Future Months Amortized

Amount that has not been amortized after the current month.



Hourly Commitment

Fixed hourly amount committed in the savings plan.

Huawei Arrears Write-Off

The part of amount that has been written off in arrears. It is the outstanding amount that HUAWEI CLOUD discharges according to the arrears write-off regulations, which customers do not need to repay.



Initial Amount Due

Amount payable in a billing cycle in the post payment mode.

  • For non-monthly settlement, Initial amount due = Amount paid by the cash account in the billing cycle (including expenditures only) + Amount paid by the credit account in the billing cycle (including expenditures, refunds, and account adjustments) + Arrears in the billing cycle.
  • For monthly settlement, Initial amount due = Amount paid in real time in the billing cycle (including expenditures only) + Amount settled monthly in the billing cycle (including expenditures, refunds, and account adjustments).


List Price

The sale price of a product with no commercial discounts and promotion discounts applied on the HUAWEI CLOUD official website. List price = Discount amount + Truncated amount + Amount due.



Master Account

An enterprise master account is for customers who have enabled enterprise management. They can view expenditures of the member accounts, and can repay bills of the member accounts in post payment mode.

Member Account

An enterprise member account is for customers who have accepted the invitation from a master account.

Monthly settlement

When pay-per-use expenditures are settled by month, the bill will be generated on the third day of the next month.

Monthly Breakdown

Resource expenditures are amortized to each month based on resources, products, and usage types.


The month to which the prepaid amount of a yearly/monthly resource or reserved instance is amortized based on the validity period of the order, or the month when the hourly billing of a pay-per-use resource or reserved instance occurs based on the accumulated usage (the same as the billing cycle).



Negative Amount

There is a negative balance in the customer's credit card when the refund is greater than the amount paid from the card in a certain billing cycle. For example, when the refund to the credit card is $10 USD and the amount paid from the credit card is $5 USD, there is a negative balance of $5 USD. The negative balance can be used to pay for the bills of the previous billing cycles or the next billing cycle.



Original Order No.

Unique identifier of a yearly/monthly order from which a customer has unsubscribed.

Order ID/Transaction ID

Order No. is a unique identifier of a yearly/monthly order. Transaction No. is a unique identifier of fee deduction for expenditures in the pay-per-use mode.


The bill is still not paid off after the due date.

Overdue Amount

Remaining amount that should be paid off the moment when the due date arrives.



Package Usage

Usage of a product or resource included in a resource package within a period of time. If this usage does not exceed the package quota, no extra charges are incurred.

Package Usage (Pricing Unit)

Package usage displayed in the unit used for pricing when the product is released. The value is truncated to a maximum of 10 decimal places.

Payment Option

Options selected when you placed an order in the billing mode such as Reserved Instance and Savings Plans. The options include all upfront, partial upfront, and no upfront.

Payment Status

The status of payment, including Paid, Unbilled (amount to be billed), and Partly Paid (amount that has been billed pending deduction and payment).

Past Months Amortized

Amount that has been amortized before the current month.

PayerAccount Name

Account that pays bills. Generally, bills are paid by the account that uses the resources. If an account is associated with an enterprise master for unified payment, bills will be paid by the enterprise master account from the time the association is completed.




Cloud service region that provides public cloud service resources independently and serves a large geographical area.


The specific object a customer uses via HUAWEI CLOUD, such as devices, IP addresses, and ports.

Resource ID

Unique ID of a cloud service resource.

Resource Name

User-defined name of a cloud service resource.

Resource Tag

User-defined tag of a cloud service resource.

Resource Type

Name of a cloud service. It indicates the category of the resource used for a cloud service.


Information of your refunds in a billing cycle, such as unsubscriptions and specification downgrades.

Remaining Amount Due

Remaining amount payable by now in a billing cycle in the post payment mode. Remaining amount due = Initial amount due – Amount paid.



Savings Plan

The savings plan which is used to cover the expenditures of the pay-per-use resource.

Savings Plan Discount

Discount obtained when you commit to a savings plan depends on the hourly commitment.

Start Time

Time when billing for the corresponding cloud service starts.


A collection of attributes and their values used to describe the features of resources that a cloud service needs. Specifications of resources of the same type have the same attributes but different attribute values.

Service Type

Category of a cloud service.



Total Usage

To which extent a cloud service is used within a period of time, including the usage duration, used capacity, used times, and used traffic.

Total Usage (Pricing Unit)

Usage displayed in the unit used for pricing when the product is released. The value is truncated to a maximum of 10 decimal places.

Total Usage (Pricing Unit) = Total Usage/Conversion Factor

For example, 1 byte = 1/(1024 x 1024 x 1024) GB. The value is truncated to 10 decimal places and will be displayed as 0.0000000009.

Total Credit Limit

Total amount granted to your credit account. It indicates the maximum credit amount offered to you within a certain period of time (generally one year) based on your payment capability.

Transaction Time

Time when the fee is deducted for an expenditure.

Transaction No.

Unique identifier of fee deduction for expenditures in the pay-per-use mode.


In pay-per-use billing mode, amounts are accurate to two decimal places during settlement, with the third and later decimal places directly deleted.



Usage Unit

Unit to measure the product usage.

Usage Unit (for Pricing)

Usage unit used for pricing a product when the product is released.

Usage Type

Usage type of pay-per-use cloud services to be billed, such as duration, capacity, upstream traffic, and more.

Unit Price

Price of product usage, such as ¥5.


Unit of product usage price, such as GB/hour, Mbps/hour, and GB.

Unbilled amount

The unprocessed amount of a bill to be generated.

Uncleared amount

Amount to be deducted and paid.

Usage in Reserved Instances

Reserved instance usage in a specified period. If the usage does not exceed the quota in the reserved instance package, the product and resources will not be billed separately.

Usage in Reserved instances (Pricing Unit)

Usage in a reserved instance, which is displayed in the unit used for pricing when the product is released. The value is truncated to a maximum of 10 decimal places.




The outstanding amount that HUAWEI CLOUD discharges according to the arrears write-off regulations, which customers do not need to repay.

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