Help Center/ GeminiDB/ GeminiDB Mongo API/ Working with GeminiDB Mongo API/ Migrating Data/ Migrating Data Using mongodump and mongorestore
Updated on 2025-03-04 GMT+08:00

Migrating Data Using mongodump and mongorestore

mongodump and mongorestore are backup and restoration tools provided by the MongoDB client. You can install a MongoDB client on the local device or ECS and use the mongodump and mongorestore tools to migrate your MongoDB databases or other cloud MongoDB databases to GeminiDB Mongo instances.


  • mongodump and mongorestore support only full migration. To ensure data consistency, stop services on the source database and stop writing data to the source database before the migration.
  • You are advised to perform the migration during off-peak hours to avoid impacting services.
  • The admin and local system databases cannot be migrated.
  • Make sure that no service set has been created in the system databases admin and local in the source database. If there is already a service set, migrate them out of the system databases admin and local before migration.
  • Before importing data, ensure that the necessary indexes are there on the source database. Delete any unnecessary indexes and create any necessary indexes before migration.
  • If you choose to migrate a sharded cluster, you must create a set of shards in the destination database and configure sharding. In addition, indexes must be created before migration.
  • If the backup using the mongodump tool fails (for example, an error is reported when the backup progress reaches 97%), you are advised to increase the VM storage space and reserve some redundant space before performing the backup again.
  • User rwuser can only operate service database tables. You are advised to specify databases and tables to import and export only service data. Otherwise, the insufficient permission problem may occur during full import and export.


  1. Prepare an ECS or a device that can access GeminiDB Mongo.
    • To connect to a GeminiDB Mongo instance over a private network from an ECS, create and log in to the ECS. For details, see Purchasing an ECS and Logging In to an ECS.
    • To connect to an instance through an EIP, you must:
      1. For details on how to bind an EIP, see Binding and Unbinding an EIP.
      2. Ensure that your local device can access the EIP.
  2. A migration tool has been installed on the prepared ECS or the device that can access GeminiDB Mongo.

    Install the migration tool. For details, see How Can I Install a MongoDB Client?

    • The mongodump and mongorestore tools are part of the MongoDB client installation package.
    • The MongoDB client version must match the instance version.

Exporting Data

  1. Log in to the ECS or the device that can access GeminiDB Mongo API.
  2. Back up the source database data using mongodump.

    • Example command for SSL connection:

      ./mongodump --host <DB_HOST> --port <DB_PORT> --authenticationDatabase <AUTH_DB> -u <DB_USER> --ssl --sslCAFile <FILE_PATH> --sslAllowInvalidCertificates --db <DB_NAME> --collection <DB_COLLECTION> --gzip --archive=<Backup_directory>

    • Example command for unencrypted connection:

      ./mongodump --host <DB_HOST> --port <DB_PORT> --authenticationDatabase <AUTH_DB> -u <DB_USER> --db <DB_NAME> --collection <DB_COLLECTION> --gzip --archive=<Backup_directory>

    Table 1 Parameter description




    Database address


    Database port


    Database username


    Database that stores <DB_USER> information. Generally, the value is admin.


    Path for storing the root certificate


    Name of a database to be migrated


    Collection in the database to be migrated


    Path for storing the exported data. You can customize the path.

    Enter the database administrator password when prompted:

    Enter password:


    ./mongodump --host 192.168.xx.xx --port 8635 --authenticationDatabase admin -u rwuser --db test --collection usertable --gzip --archive=/tmp/usertable.tar.gz

Importing Data

  1. Log in to the ECS or the device that can access GeminiDB Mongo.
  2. Upload the data to be imported to the ECS or the device that can access GeminiDB Mongo.

    Select an uploading method based on the OS you are using.

    • In Linux, for example, you can use secure copy protocol (SCP):


      Table 2 Parameter description




      Directory where the backup folder is located.


      User of the ECS OS


      ECS address


      Directory of the file to be imported

    • In Windows, use a transfer tool to upload the backup file to the ECS.

  3. Import the backup data to the GeminiDB Mongo instance.

    • Example command for SSL connection:

      ./mongorestore --host <DB_HOST> --port <DB_PORT> --authenticationDatabase <AUTH_DB> -u <DB_USER> --ssl --sslCAFile <FILE_PATH> --sslAllowInvalidCertificates --db <DB_NAME> --collection <DB_COLLECTION> --gzip --archive=<Backup_directory>

    • Example command for unencrypted connection:

      ./mongorestore --host <DB_HOST> --port <DB_PORT> --authenticationDatabase <AUTH_DB> -u <DB_USER> --db <DB_NAME> --collection <DB_COLLECTION> --gzip --archive=<Backup_directory>

    Table 3 Parameter description




    Database address


    Database port


    The database that authenticates DB_USER. Generally, the value is admin.


    Account name of the database administrator. The default value is rwuser.


    Path for storing the root certificate


    Name of the database to which data is to be imported


    Collection in the database to be imported


    Directory for storing backup files

    Enter the database administrator password when prompted:

    Enter password:


    ./mongorestore --host 192.168.xx.xx --port 8635 --authenticationDatabase admin -u rwuser --db test --collection usertable --gzip --archive=/tmp/usertable.tar.gz

Related Issues

When you back up the entire instance using mongodump and mongorestore, the permission verification fails.

  • Cause

    The rwuser user has limited permissions on the admin and config databases of the instance. As a result, the permission verification fails.

  • Solution

    Grant permissions on certain databases and tables to the user.