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Help Center/ GeminiDB/ GeminiDB Influx API/ Getting Started with GeminiDB Influx API/ Buying and Connecting to a Single-Node Instance

Buying and Connecting to a Single-Node Instance

Updated on 2025-02-28 GMT+08:00

This section describes how to buy and connect to a GeminiDB Influx single-node instance on the GeminiDB console.

A single-node instance cannot ensure the SLA. You are advised to use it only for testing and function verification.

Each tenant can create a maximum of 50 GeminiDB Influx instances by default. To request a higher quota, choose Service Tickets > Create Service Ticket in the upper right corner of the console and contact customer service.

Step 1: Buying a Single-Node Instance

For details, see Buying a Single-Node GeminiDB Influx Instance.

  1. Log in to the Huawei Cloud console.
  2. In the service list, choose Databases > GeminiDB Influx API.
  3. On the Instances page, click Buy DB Instance.
  4. On the displayed page, select a billing mode, configure instance specifications, and click Next.

    The following parameters are for reference only. Select proper specifications as needed. Table 1 lists details about the parameters.

    Figure 1 Billing mode and basic information


    Example Value


    Billing description


    Billing mode of an instance

    • Yearly/Monthly: A prepaid billing mode in which you pay for resources before using it. Bills are settled based on the subscription period. The longer the subscription term, the bigger the discount. This mode is a good option for long-term stable services.
    • Pay-per-use: A postpaid billing mode. Pay as you go and just pay for what you use. The DB instance usage is calculated by the second but billed every hour. This mode allows you to adjust resource usage easily. You neither need to prepare for resources in advance, nor end up with excessive or insufficient preset resources.


    Select CN-Hong Kong.

    The region where the tenant is located. It can be changed in the upper left corner.


    To reduce network latency, select a region nearest from which you will access the instance. Instances deployed in different regions cannot communicate with each other over a private network. After you buy an instance, you cannot change its region.

    DB Instance Name


    The instance name:

    • Can be the same as an existing instance name.
    • Can contain 4 to 64 characters and must start with a letter. It is case-sensitive and allows only letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_). If the name contains Chinese characters, the length cannot exceed 64 bytes.

    Compatible API



    Storage Type


    • Classic: classic separated storage and compute architecture
    • Cloud native: new-gen separated storage and compute architecture which is more flexible and supports more AZs
      • Cloud native storage only supports the pay-per-use billing mode.
      • Cloud native storage only supports cluster (performance-enhanced) instances.
      • The way you use instances with classic or cloud native storage is similar. Cloud native storage supports more AZs. If both classic and cloud native are supported, you can select any of them.

    DB Instance Type

    Single node

    A single-node instance cannot ensure the SLA. You are advised to use it only for testing and function verification.

    Compatible Version




    AZ 1, AZ 2, and AZ 3

    Availability zone where the instance is created. An AZ is a part of a region with its own independent power supplies and networks. AZs are physically isolated but can communicate with each other over a private network.

    A single-node instance can be deployed in one AZ.

    Figure 2 Specifications and storage


    Example Value


    Instance Specifications


    Data nodes provide read and write capabilities for time series databases. The specifications depend on configurations of the DFV shared resource pool and memory. Select specifications based on service requirements.

    For details about supported specifications, see Instance Specifications.



    A single-node instance can have only one node.

    Storage Space

    100 GB

    The minimum storage space is 100 GB and must be an integer. You can add at least 1 GB each time you scale up storage space.

    Purchase Cold Storage


    Do not purchase cold storage.

    If you disable cold storage when creating an instance, you can enable it later based on service requirements. For details, see Enabling Cold Storage.


    Cold storage cannot be disabled after being enabled.

    Figure 3 Network and database configurations


    Example Value




    Virtual private network where your instances are located. A VPC isolates networks for different services. You can select an existing VPC or create a VPC.

    • After a GeminiDB Influx instance is created, the VPC where the instance is deployed cannot be changed.
    • If you want to connect to a GeminiDB Influx instance from an ECS over a private network, ensure that the instance and the ECS are in the same VPC. If they are not, create a VPC peering connection between them.



    A subnet provides dedicated network resources that are logically isolated from other networks for security purposes.

    Security group


    A security group controls access between GeminiDB Influx instances and other services. Ensure that the security group you selected allows your client to access the instance.

    If no security group is available, the system creates one for you.

    Administrator Password

    Configured based on the password policy

    Password of the administrator account. The password:

    • Can include 8 to 32 characters.
    • Can include uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and any of the following special characters: ~!@#%^*-_=+?
    • For security reasons, set a strong password. The system will verify the password strength.

    Keep your password secure. The system cannot retrieve it if it is lost.

    Parameter Template


    A template of parameters for creating an instance. The template contains API configuration values that are applied to one or more instances.

    After an instance is created, you can modify its parameters to better meet your service requirements. For details, see Modifying Parameters of GeminiDB Influx Instances.

    Enterprise Project


    This parameter is provided for enterprise users.

    An enterprise project groups cloud resources, so you can manage resources and members by project. The default project is default.

    Select an enterprise project from the drop-down list. For more information about enterprise projects, see Enterprise Management User Guide.

    Retain the default values for other parameters.

  5. On the displayed page, confirm instance details. To modify the configurations, click Previous.

    If you do not need to modify the settings, read and agree to the service agreement and click Submit.

  6. Click Back to Instance Management to go to the instance list.
  7. On the Instances page, view and manage the created instance.
    • Creating an instance takes about 5 to 9 minutes. During the process, the instance status displayed in the instance list is Creating.
    • After the creation is complete, the instance status changes to Available.
      Figure 4 Available instance

Step 2: Connecting to an Instance Through DAS

  1. Log in to the Huawei Cloud console.
  2. In the service list, choose Databases > GeminiDB Influx API.
  3. In the instance list, locate a target instance and click Log In in the Operation column.

    Figure 5 Connecting to a GeminiDB Influx Instance

    Alternatively, click the instance name to go to the Basic Information page. Click Log In in the upper right corner of the page.

    Figure 6 Connecting to a GeminiDB Influx Instance
  4. Enter a password for logging in to the instance.

    You need to enter the password only when you log in to a GeminiDB Influx instance first time or after you set the password.

    Figure 7 Logging in to the GeminiDB Influx instance
  5. Manage relevant databases.
    Figure 8 Instance homepage
    • Save commands to the execution record.

      This function is enabled by default to save the recently executed commands for your later query.

      Then you can click the Executed Commands tab on the lower page to view historical commands.


      Commands with passwords are not displayed on the Executed Commands tab page.

      Figure 9 Executed commands

      If this function is disabled, the commands executed subsequently are not displayed. You can click next to Save Executed SQL Statements in the upper right corner to disable this function.

    • Execute a command.

      Enter a command in the command window and click Execute or F8.

      Figure 10 Executing a command

      After a command is executed, you can view the execution result on the Results page.

    • Save a command.

      You can save a command to all instances or the current instance. Then you can view details in My Commands.


      Commands with passwords cannot be saved to My Commands.

      Figure 11 Saving a command
    • View my commands.

      Common commands are displayed the My Commands page.

      You can set a filter to narrow the scope of commands. If you select All, all commands saved in the current account are displayed.

      Figure 12 Filtering commands

      Alternatively, you can enter a command title or statement in the search box to search for the corresponding command.

      Figure 13 Searching for a command

      On the My Commands page, you can also create, edit, and delete a command or copy it to the command window.

      Figure 14 Managing a command
    • Clear a command.

      You can also press F10 to clear the command in the command window.


Question: What should I do if the DAS console cannot be redirected after I click Log In in the Operation column in the instance list or click Log In on the Basic Information page?

Solution: Set your browser to allow pop-ups and try again.

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