Help Center/ GaussDB/ Feature Guide(Centralized_V2.0-8.x)/ Partitioned Table/ Partitioned Table O&M Management/ SPLIT PARTITION/ Splitting a Level-2 Partition for a Level-2 *-List Partitioned Table
Updated on 2024-06-07 GMT+08:00

Splitting a Level-2 Partition for a Level-2 *-List Partitioned Table

You can run ALTER TABLE SPLIT SUBPARTITION to split a level-2 partition for a level-2 *-list partitioned table.

For example, assume that the defined range of the level-2 partition product2_channel2 of a level-2 *-list partitioned table hash_list_sales is DEFAULT. You can specify a split point to split the level-2 partition into two partitions and update the global index.
ALTER TABLE hash_list_sales SPLIT SUBPARTITION product2_channel2 VALUES ('6', '7', '8', '9') INTO
    SUBPARTITION product2_channel2_p1, -- The first partition range is ('6', '7', '8', '9').
    SUBPARTITION product2_channel2_p2  -- The second partition range is DEFAULT.
Alternatively, split the partition product2_channel2 into multiple partitions without specifying a split point, and update the global index.
ALTER TABLE hash_list_sales SPLIT SUBPARTITION product2_channel2 INTO
    SUBPARTITION product2_channel2_p1 VALUES ('6', '7', '8'),
    SUBPARTITION product2_channel2_p2 VALUES ('9', '10'),
    SUBPARTITION product2_channel2_p3 -- The third partition range is DEFAULT.
Alternatively, split the partition by specifying the partition value instead of the partition name.
ALTER TABLE hash_list_sales SPLIT SUBPARTITION FOR (1200, '6') VALUES ('6', '7', '8', '9') INTO
    SUBPARTITION product2_channel2_p1, -- The first partition range is ('6', '7', '8', '9').
    SUBPARTITION product2_channel2_p2  -- The second partition range is DEFAULT.

If the DEFAULT partition is split, the DEFAULT range cannot be declared for the first several partitions, and the last partition inherits the DEFAULT range.