Help Center/ Distributed Message Service for Kafka/ User Guide (Paris Region)/ FAQs/ Consumer Groups/ Will a Consumer Group Without Active Consumers Be Automatically Deleted in 14 Days?
Updated on 2024-04-07 GMT+08:00

Will a Consumer Group Without Active Consumers Be Automatically Deleted in 14 Days?

This depends on the offsets.retention.minutes parameter.

  • For instances created before Jun 16, 2020, the default value of offsets.retention.minutes is 2,147,483,646 minutes, which is about 1,491,308 days. In this case, consumer groups will not be deleted 14 days later.
  • For instances created on or after Jun 16, 2020, the default value of offsets.retention.minutes is 20,160 minutes, which is 14 days. In this case, consumer groups will be deleted 14 days later.

Kafka uses the offsets.retention.minutes parameter to control how long to keep offsets for a consumer group. If offsets are not committed within this period, they will be deleted. If Kafka determines that there are no active consumers in a consumer group (for example, when the consumer group is empty) and there are no offsets, Kafka will delete the consumer group.