Updated on 2025-03-13 GMT+08:00

Default Permission Mechanism

A user who creates an object is the owner of this object. By default, separation of duties is disabled after cluster installation. A database system administrator has the same permissions as object owners. After an object is created, only the object owner or system administrators can query, modify, and delete the object, and grant permissions for the object to other users through GRANT by default.

To enable another user to use the object, grant required permissions to the user or the role that contains the user.

GaussDB supports the following permissions: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, REFERENCES, CREATE, CONNECT, EXECUTE, USAGE, ALTER, DROP, COMMENT, INDEX, and VACUUM. Permission types are associated with object types. For permission details, see GRANT.

To revoke permissions, use REVOKE. Object owners have implicit permissions (such as ALTER, DROP, COMMENT, INDEX, VACUUM, GRANT, and REVOKE) on objects. That is, once becoming the owner of an object, the owner is immediately granted the implicit permissions on the object. Object owners can remove their own common permissions (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE), for example, making tables read-only to themselves or others, except system administrators.

System catalogs and views are visible to either system administrators or all users. System catalogs and views that require system administrator permissions can be queried only by system administrators. For details, see System Catalogs and System Views.

The database provides the object isolation feature. If this feature is enabled, users can view only the objects (tables, views, columns, and functions) that they have the permission to access. System administrators are not affected by this feature. For details, see ALTER DATABASE.

It is not recommended to modify the permissions on system catalogs and system views.