このページは、お客様の言語ではご利用いただけません。Huawei Cloudは、より多くの言語バージョンを追加するために懸命に取り組んでいます。ご協力ありがとうございました。
- What's New
- Function Overview
- Product Bulletin
- Service Overview
- Billing Overview
- Billing for Compute Resources
- Billing for Storage Resources
- Billing for Scanned Data
- Package Billing
- Billing Examples
- Renewing Subscriptions
- Bills
- Arrears
- Billing Termination
Billing FAQ
- What Billing Modes Does DLI Offer?
- When Is a Data Lake Queue Idle?
- How Do I Troubleshoot DLI Billing Issues?
- Why Am I Still Being Billed on a Pay-per-Use Basis After I Purchased a Package?
- How Do I View the Usage of a Package?
- How Do I View a Job's Scanned Data Volume?
- Would a Pay-Per-Use Elastic Resource Pool Not Be Billed if No Job Is Submitted for Execution?
- Do I Need to Pay Extra Fees for Purchasing a Queue Billed Based on the Scanned Data Volume?
- How Is the Usage Beyond the Package Limit Billed?
- What Are the Actual CUs, CU Range, and Specifications of an Elastic Resource Pool?
- Change History
- Getting Started
User Guide
- DLI Job Development Process
- Preparations
Creating an Elastic Resource Pool and Queues Within It
- Overview of DLI Elastic Resource Pools and Queues
- Creating an Elastic Resource Pool and Creating Queues Within It
- Managing Elastic Resource Pools
Managing Queues
- Viewing Basic Information About a Queue
- Queue Permission Management
- Allocating a Queue to an Enterprise Project
- Creating an SMN Topic
- Managing Queue Tags
- Setting Queue Properties
- Testing Address Connectivity
- Deleting a Queue
- Auto Scaling of Standard Queues
- Setting a Scheduled Auto Scaling Task for a Standard Queue
- Changing the CIDR Block for a Standard Queue
- Example Use Case: Creating an Elastic Resource Pool and Running Jobs
- Example Use Case: Configuring Scaling Policies for Queues in an Elastic Resource Pool
- Creating a Non-Elastic Resource Pool Queue (Discarded and Not Recommended)
- Creating Databases and Tables
Data Migration and Transmission
- Overview
Migrating Data from External Data Sources to DLI
- Overview of Data Migration Scenarios
- Using CDM to Migrate Data to DLI
- Example Typical Scenario: Migrating Data from Hive to DLI
- Example Typical Scenario: Migrating Data from Kafka to DLI
- Example Typical Scenario: Migrating Data from Elasticsearch to DLI
- Example Typical Scenario: Migrating Data from RDS to DLI
- Example Typical Scenario: Migrating Data from GaussDB(DWS) to DLI
Configuring DLI to Read and Write Data from and to External Data Sources
- Configuring DLI to Read and Write External Data Sources
- Configuring the Network Connection Between DLI and Data Sources (Enhanced Datasource Connection)
- Using DEW to Manage Access Credentials for Data Sources
- Using DLI Datasource Authentication to Manage Access Credentials for Data Sources
Managing Enhanced Datasource Connections
- Viewing Basic Information About an Enhanced Datasource Connection
- Enhanced Connection Permission Management
- Binding an Enhanced Datasource Connection to an Elastic Resource Pool
- Unbinding an Enhanced Datasource Connection from an Elastic Resource Pool
- Adding a Route for an Enhanced Datasource Connection
- Deleting the Route for an Enhanced Datasource Connection
- Modifying Host Information in an Elastic Resource Pool
- Enhanced Datasource Connection Tag Management
- Deleting an Enhanced Datasource Connection
- Example Typical Scenario: Connecting DLI to a Data Source on a Private Network
- Example Typical Scenario: Connecting DLI to a Data Source on a Public Network
- Configuring an Agency to Allow DLI to Access Other Cloud Services
- Submitting a SQL Job Using DLI
- Submitting a Flink Job Using DLI
- Submitting a Spark Job Using DLI
- Submitting a DLI Job Using a Notebook Instance
- Using Cloud Eye to Monitor DLI
- Using CTS to Audit DLI
- Permissions Management
- Common DLI Management Operations
Best Practices
- Overview
- Analyzing Driving Behavior Data in IoV Scenarios Using DLI
- Converting Data Format from CSV to Parquet
- Analyzing E-Commerce BI Reports Using DLI
- Analyzing Billing Consumption Data Using DLI
- Analyzing Real-time E-Commerce Business Data Using DLI
Connecting BI Tools to DLI for Data Analysis
- Overview
- Configuring DBeaver to Connect to DLI for Data Query and Analysis
- Configuring DBT to Connect to DLI for Data Scheduling and Analysis
- Configuring Yonghong BI to Connect to DLI for Data Query and Analysis
- Configuring Superset to Connect to DLI for Data Query and Analysis
- Configuring Power BI to Connect to DLI Using Kyuubi for Data Query and Analysis
- Configuring FineBI to Connect to DLI Using Kyuubi for Data Query and Analysis
- Configuring Tableau to Connect to DLI Using Kyuubi for Data Query and Analysis
- Configuring Beeline to Connect to DLI Using Kyuubi for Data Query and Analysis
Developer Guide
- Connecting to DLI Using a Client
- SQL Jobs
Flink Jobs
- Stream Ecosystem
Flink OpenSource SQL Jobs
- Reading Data from Kafka and Writing Data to RDS
- Reading Data from Kafka and Writing Data to GaussDB(DWS)
- Reading Data from Kafka and Writing Data to Elasticsearch
- Reading Data from MySQL CDC and Writing Data to GaussDB(DWS)
- Reading Data from PostgreSQL CDC and Writing Data to GaussDB(DWS)
- Configuring High-Reliability Flink Jobs (Automatic Restart upon Exceptions)
- Flink Jar Job Examples
- Writing Data to OBS Using Flink Jar
- Using Flink Jar to Connect to Kafka that Uses SASL_SSL Authentication
- Using Flink Jar to Read and Write Data from and to DIS
- Flink Job Agencies
Spark Jar Jobs
- Using Spark Jar Jobs to Read and Query OBS Data
- Using the Spark Job to Access DLI Metadata
- Using Spark Jobs to Access Data Sources of Datasource Connections
- Spark Jar Jobs Using DEW to Acquire Access Credentials for Reading and Writing Data from and to OBS
- Obtaining Temporary Credentials from a Spark Job's Agency for Accessing Other Cloud Services
SQL Syntax Reference
Spark SQL Syntax Reference
- Common Configuration Items
- Spark SQL Syntax
- Spark Open Source Commands
- Databases
- Creating an OBS Table
- Creating a DLI Table
- Deleting a Table
- Viewing a Table
- Modifying a Table
Partition-related Syntax
- Adding Partition Data (Only OBS Tables Supported)
- Renaming a Partition (Only OBS Tables Supported)
- Deleting a Partition
- Deleting Partitions by Specifying Filter Criteria (Only Supported on OBS Tables)
- Altering the Partition Location of a Table (Only OBS Tables Supported)
- Updating Partitioned Table Data (Only OBS Tables Supported)
- Updating Table Metadata with REFRESH TABLE
- Backing Up and Restoring Data of Multiple Versions
- Table Lifecycle Management
- Data
- Exporting Query Results
Datasource Connections
- Creating a Datasource Connection with an HBase Table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with an OpenTSDB Table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with a DWS Table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with an RDS Table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with a CSS Table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with a DCS Table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with a DDS Table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with an Oracle Table
- Views
- Viewing the Execution Plan
- Data Permissions
- Data Types
- User-Defined Functions
Built-In Functions
Date Functions
- Overview
- add_months
- current_date
- current_timestamp
- date_add
- dateadd
- date_sub
- date_format
- datediff
- datediff1
- datepart
- datetrunc
- day/dayofmonth
- from_unixtime
- from_utc_timestamp
- getdate
- hour
- isdate
- last_day
- lastday
- minute
- month
- months_between
- next_day
- quarter
- second
- to_char
- to_date
- to_date1
- to_utc_timestamp
- trunc
- unix_timestamp
- weekday
- weekofyear
- year
String Functions
- Overview
- ascii
- concat
- concat_ws
- char_matchcount
- encode
- find_in_set
- get_json_object
- instr
- instr1
- initcap
- keyvalue
- length
- lengthb
- levenshtein
- locate
- lower/lcase
- lpad
- ltrim
- parse_url
- printf
- regexp_count
- regexp_extract
- replace
- regexp_replace
- regexp_replace1
- regexp_instr
- regexp_substr
- repeat
- reverse
- rpad
- rtrim
- soundex
- space
- substr/substring
- substring_index
- split_part
- translate
- trim
- upper/ucase
- Mathematical Functions
- Aggregate Functions
- Window Functions
- Other Functions
Date Functions
- aggregate_func
- alias
- attr_expr
- attr_expr_list
- attrs_value_set_expr
- boolean_expression
- class_name
- col
- col_comment
- col_name
- col_name_list
- condition
- condition_list
- cte_name
- data_type
- db_comment
- db_name
- else_result_expression
- file_format
- file_path
- function_name
- groupby_expression
- having_condition
- hdfs_path
- input_expression
- input_format_classname
- jar_path
- join_condition
- non_equi_join_condition
- number
- num_buckets
- output_format_classname
- partition_col_name
- partition_col_value
- partition_specs
- property_name
- property_value
- regex_expression
- result_expression
- row_format
- select_statement
- separator
- serde_name
- sql_containing_cte_name
- sub_query
- table_comment
- table_name
- table_properties
- table_reference
- view_name
- view_properties
- when_expression
- where_condition
- window_function
- Operators
Flink SQL Syntax Reference
Flink OpenSource SQL 1.15 Syntax Reference
- Constraints and Definitions
- Overview
- Flink OpenSource SQL 1.15 Usage
- Formats
- Connectors
- DML Snytax
- UDFs
- Type Inference
- Parameter Transfer
Built-In Functions
- Comparison Functions
- Logical Functions
- Arithmetic Functions
- String Functions
- Temporal Functions
- Conditional Functions
- Type Conversion Functions
- Collection Functions
- JSON Functions
- Value Construction Functions
- Value Retrieval Functions
- Grouping Functions
- Hash Functions
- Aggregate Functions
- Table-Valued Functions
- Flink OpenSource SQL 1.12 Syntax Reference
Flink Opensource SQL 1.10 Syntax Reference
- Constraints and Definitions
- Flink OpenSource SQL 1.10 Syntax
Data Definition Language (DDL)
- Creating a Source Table
Creating a Result Table
- ClickHouse Result Table
- Kafka Result Table
- Upsert Kafka Result Table
- DIS Result Table
- JDBC Result Table
- GaussDB(DWS) Result Table
- Redis Result Table
- SMN Result Table
- HBase Result Table
- Elasticsearch Result Table
- OpenTSDB Result Table
- User-defined Result Table
- Print Result Table
- File System Result Table
- Creating a Dimension Table
- Data Manipulation Language (DML)
- Functions
Flink OpenSource SQL 1.15 Syntax Reference
HetuEngine SQL Syntax Reference
HetuEngine SQL Syntax
- Before You Start
- Data Type
DDL Syntax
- SHOW Syntax Overview
- DML Syntax
- DQL Syntax
- Auxiliary Command Syntax
- Reserved Keywords
SQL Functions and Operators
- Logical Operators
- Comparison Functions and Operators
- Condition Expression
- Lambda Expression
- Conversion Functions
- Mathematical Functions and Operators
- Bitwise Functions
- Decimal Functions and Operators
- String Functions and Operators
- Regular Expressions
- Binary Functions and Operators
- JSON Functions and Operators
- Date and Time Functions and Operators
- Aggregate Functions
- Window Functions
- Array Functions and Operators
- Map Functions and Operators
- URL Function
- UUID Function
- Color Function
- Teradata Function
- Data Masking Functions
- IP Address Functions
- Quantile Digest Functions
- T-Digest Functions
- Implicit Data Type Conversion
- Appendix
HetuEngine SQL Syntax
Hudi SQL Syntax Reference
- Hudi Table Overview
- DLI Hudi Metadata
- DLI Hudi Development Specifications
- Using Hudi to Develop Jobs in DLI
- DLI Hudi SQL Syntax Reference
- Spark DataSource API Syntax Reference
- Data Management and Maintenance
- Typical Hudi Configuration Parameters
- Delta SQL Syntax Reference
Spark SQL Syntax Reference
API Reference
- Before You Start
- Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
- Permission-related APIs
- Global Variable-related APIs
- APIs Related to Resource Tags
APIs Related to Enhanced Datasource Connections
- Creating an Enhanced Datasource Connection
- Deleting an Enhanced Datasource Connection
- Listing Enhanced Datasource Connections
- Querying an Enhanced Datasource Connection
- Binding a Queue
- Unbinding a Queue
- Modifying Host Information
- Querying Authorization of an Enhanced Datasource Connection
- Creating a Route
- Deleting a Route
- Datasource Authentication-related APIs
APIs Related to Elastic Resource Pools
- Creating an Elastic Resource Pool
- Querying All Elastic Resource Pools
- Deleting an Elastic Resource Pool
- Modifying Elastic Resource Pool Information
- Querying All Queues in an Elastic Resource Pool
- Associating a Queue with an Elastic Resource Pool
- Viewing Scaling History of an Elastic Resource Pool
- Modifying the Scaling Policy of a Queue Associated with an Elastic Resource Pool
- Queue-related APIs (Recommended)
- SQL Job-related APIs
- SQL Template-related APIs
Flink Job-related APIs
- Creating a SQL Job
- Updating a SQL Job
- Creating a Flink Jar job
- Updating a Flink Jar Job
- Running Jobs in Batches
- Listing Jobs
- Querying Job Details
- Querying the Job Execution Plan
- Stopping Jobs in Batches
- Deleting a Job
- Deleting Jobs in Batches
- Exporting a Flink Job
- Importing a Flink Job
- Generating a Static Stream Graph for a Flink SQL Job
- APIs Related to Flink Job Templates
- Flink Job Management APIs
- Spark Job-related APIs
- APIs Related to Spark Job Templates
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
Out-of-Date APIs
- Agency-related APIs (Discarded)
Package Group-related APIs (Discarded)
- Uploading a Package Group (Discarded)
- Listing Package Groups (Discarded)
- Uploading a JAR Package Group (Discarded)
- Uploading a PyFile Package Group (Discarded)
- Uploading a File Package Group (Discarded)
- Querying Resource Packages in a Group (Discarded)
- Deleting a Resource Package from a Group (Discarded)
- Changing the Owner of a Group or Resource Package (Discarded)
- APIs Related to Spark Batch Processing (Discarded)
- SQL Job-related APIs (Discarded)
- Resource-related APIs (Discarded)
- Permission-related APIs (Discarded)
- Queue-related APIs (Discarded)
- Datasource Authentication-related APIs (Discarded)
- APIs Related to Enhanced Datasource Connections (Discarded)
- Template-related APIs (Discarded)
- Table-related APIs (Discarded)
- APIs Related to SQL Jobs (Discarded)
- APIs Related to Data Upload (Discarded)
- Cluster-related APIs
- APIs Related to Flink Jobs (Discarded)
- Public Parameters
- SDK Reference
DLI Basics
- What Are the Differences Between DLI Flink and MRS Flink?
- What Are the Differences Between MRS Spark and DLI Spark?
- How Do I Upgrade the Engine Version of a DLI Job?
- Where Can Data Be Stored in DLI?
- Can I Import OBS Bucket Data Shared by Other Tenants into DLI?
- Regions and AZs
- Can a Member Account Use Global Variables Created by Other Member Accounts?
- Is DLI Affected by the Apache Spark Command Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2022-33891)?
- How Do I Manage Jobs Running on DLI?
- How Do I Change the Field Names of an Existing Table on DLI?
DLI Elastic Resource Pools and Queues
- How Can I Check the Actual and Used CUs for an Elastic Resource Pool as Well as the Required CUs for a Job?
- How Do I Check for a Backlog of Jobs in the Current DLI Queue?
- How Do I View the Load of a DLI Queue?
- How Do I Monitor Job Exceptions on a DLI Queue?
- How Do I Migrate an Old Version Spark Queue to a General-Purpose Queue?
- How Do I Do If I Encounter a Timeout Exception When Executing DLI SQL Statements on the default Queue?
DLI Databases and Tables
- Why Am I Unable to Query a Table on the DLI Console?
- How Do I Do If the Compression Rate of an OBS Table Is High?
- How Do I Do If Inconsistent Character Encoding Leads to Garbled Characters?
- Do I Need to to Regrant Permissions to Users and Projects After Deleting and Recreating a Table With the Same Name?
- How Do I Do If Files Imported Into a DLI Partitioned Table Lack Data for the Partition Columns, Causing Query Failures After the Import Is Completed?
- How Do I Fix Incorrect Data in an OBS Foreign Table Caused by Newline Characters in OBS File Fields?
- How Do I Prevent a Cartesian Product Query and Resource Overload Due to Missing "ON" Conditions in Table Joins?
- How Do I Do If I Can't Query Data After Manually Adding It to the Partition Directory of an OBS Table?
- Why Does the "insert overwrite" Operation Affect All Data in a Partitioned Table Instead of Just the Targeted Partition?
- Why Does the "create_date" Field in an RDS Table (Datetime Data Type) Appear as a Timestamp in DLI Queries?
- How Do I Do If Renaming a Table After a SQL Job Causes Incorrect Data Size?
- How Can I Resolve Data Inconsistencies When Importing Data from DLI to OBS?
Enhanced Datasource Connections
- How Do I Do If I Can't Bind an Enhanced Datasource Connection to a Queue?
- How Do I Resolve a Failure in Connecting DLI to GaussDB(DWS) Through an Enhanced Datasource Connection?
- How Do I Do If the Datasource Connection Is Successfully Created but the Network Connectivity Test Fails?
- How Do I Configure Network Connectivity Between a DLI Queue and a Data Source?
- Why Is Creating a VPC Peering Connection Necessary for Enhanced Datasource Connections in DLI?
- How Do I Do If Creating a Datasource Connection in DLI Gets Stuck in the "Creating" State When Binding It to a Queue?
- How Do I Resolve the "communication link failure" Error When Using a Newly Created Datasource Connection That Appears to Be Activated?
- How Do I Troubleshoot a Connection Timeout Issue That Isn't Recorded in Logs When Accessing MRS HBase Through a Datasource Connection?
- How Do I Fix the "Failed to get subnet" Error When Creating a Datasource Connection in DLI?
- How Do I Do If I Encounter the "Incorrect string value" Error When Executing insert overwrite on a Datasource RDS Table?
- How Do I Resolve the Null Pointer Error When Creating an RDS Datasource Table?
- Error Message "org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: tuple concurrently updated" Is Displayed When the System Executes insert overwrite on a Datasource GaussDB(DWS) Table
- RegionTooBusyException Is Reported When Data Is Imported to a CloudTable HBase Table Through a Datasource Table
- How Do I Do If A Null Value Is Written Into a Non-Null Field When Using a DLI Datasource Connection to Connect to a GaussDB(DWS) Table?
- How Do I Do If an Insert Operation Failed After the Schema of the GaussDB(DWS) Source Table Is Updated?
- How Do I Insert Data into an RDS Table with an Auto-Increment Primary Key Using DLI?
SQL Jobs
SQL Job Development
- SQL Jobs
- How Do I Merge Small Files?
- How Do I Use DLI to Access Data in an OBS Bucket?
- How Do I Specify an OBS Path When Creating an OBS Table?
- How Do I Create a Table Using JSON Data in an OBS Bucket?
- How Can I Use the count Function to Perform Aggregation?
- How Do I Synchronize DLI Table Data Across Regions?
- How Do I Insert Table Data into Specific Fields of a Table Using a SQL Job?
- How Do I Troubleshoot Slow SQL Jobs?
- How Do I View DLI SQL Logs?
- How Do I View SQL Execution Records in DLI?
- How Do I Do When Data Skew Occurs During the Execution of a SQL Job?
- Why Does a SQL Job That Has Join Operations Stay in the Running State?
- Why Is a SQL Job Stuck in the Submitting State?
- Why Is Error "path obs://xxx already exists" Reported When Data Is Exported to OBS?
- Why Is Error "SQL_ANALYSIS_ERROR: Reference 't.id' is ambiguous, could be: t.id, t.id.;" Displayed When Two Tables Are Joined?
- Why Is Error "The current account does not have permission to perform this operation,the current account was restricted. Restricted for no budget." Reported when a SQL Statement Is Executed?
- Why Is Error "There should be at least one partition pruning predicate on partitioned table XX.YYY" Reported When a Query Statement Is Executed?
- Why Is Error "IllegalArgumentException: Buffer size too small. size" Reported When Data Is Loaded to an OBS Foreign Table?
- Why Is Error "DLI.0002 FileNotFoundException" Reported During SQL Job Running?
- Why Is a Schema Parsing Error Reported When I Create a Hive Table Using CTAS?
- Why Is Error "org.apache.hadoop.fs.obs.OBSIOException" Reported When I Run DLI SQL Scripts on DataArts Studio?
- Why Is Error "UQUERY_CONNECTOR_0001:Invoke DLI service api failed" Reported in the Job Log When I Use CDM to Migrate Data to DLI?
- Why Is Error "File not Found" Reported When I Access a SQL Job?
- Why Is Error "DLI.0003: AccessControlException XXX" Reported When I Access a SQL Job?
- Why Is Error "DLI.0001: org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException: verifyBucketExists on {{bucket name}}: status [403]" Reported When I Access a SQL Job?
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "The current account does not have permission to perform this operation,the current account was restricted. Restricted for no budget" When Executing a SQL Statement?
SQL Job Development
Flink Jobs
Flink Job Consulting
- How Do I Authorize a Subuser to View Flink Jobs?
- How Do I Configure Auto Restart upon Exception for a Flink Job?
- How Do I Save Logs for Flink Jobs?
- Why Is Error "No such user. userName:xxxx." Reported on the Flink Job Management Page When I Grant Permission to a User?
- How Do I Restore a Flink Job from a Specific Checkpoint After Manually Stopping the Job?
- Why Is a Message Displayed Indicating That the SMN Topic Does Not Exist When I Use the SMN Topic in DLI?
Flink SQL Jobs
- How Do I Map an OBS Table to a DLI Partitioned Table?
- How Do I Change the Number of Kafka Partitions in a Flink SQL Job Without Stopping It?
- How Do I Fix the DLI.0005 Error When Using EL Expressions to Create a Table in a Flink SQL Job?
- Why Is No Data Queried in the DLI Table Created Using the OBS File Path When Data Is Written to OBS by a Flink Job Output Stream?
- Why Does a Flink SQL Job Fails to Be Executed, and Is "connect to DIS failed java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Access key cannot be null" Displayed in the Log?
- Data Writing Fails After a Flink SQL Job Consumed Kafka and Sank Data to the Elasticsearch Cluster
- How Does Flink Opensource SQL Parse Nested JSON?
- Why Is the Time Read by a Flink OpenSource SQL Job from the RDS Database Is Different from the RDS Database Time?
- Why Does Job Submission Fail When the failure-handler Parameter of the Elasticsearch Result Table for a Flink Opensource SQL Job Is Set to retry_rejected?
- How Do I Configure Connection Retries for Kafka Sink If it is Disconnected?
- How Do I Write Data to Different Elasticsearch Clusters in a Flink Job?
- Why Does DIS Stream Not Exist During Job Semantic Check?
- Why Is Error "Timeout expired while fetching topic metadata" Repeatedly Reported in Flink JobManager Logs?
Flink Jar Jobs
- Can I Upload Configuration Files for Flink Jar Jobs?
- Why Does a Flink Jar Package Conflict Result in Job Submission Failure?
- Why Does a Flink Jar Job Fail to Access GaussDB(DWS) and a Message Is Displayed Indicating Too Many Client Connections?
- Why Is Error Message "Authentication failed" Displayed During Flink Jar Job Running?
- Why Is Error Invalid OBS Bucket Name Reported After a Flink Job Submission Failed?
- Why Does the Flink Submission Fail Due to Hadoop JAR File Conflict?
- How Do I Locate a Flink Job Submission Error?
Flink Job Performance Tuning
- What Is the Recommended Configuration for a Flink Job?
- Flink Job Performance Tuning
- How Do I Prevent Data Loss After Flink Job Restart?
- How Do I Locate a Flink Job Running Error?
- How Can I Check if a Flink Job Can Be Restored From a Checkpoint After Restarting It?
- Why Are Logs Not Written to the OBS Bucket After a DLI Flink Job Fails to Be Submitted for Running?
- Why Is the Flink Job Abnormal Due to Heartbeat Timeout Between JobManager and TaskManager?
Flink Job Consulting
Spark Jobs
Spark Job Development
- Spark Jobs
- How Do I Use Spark to Write Data into a DLI Table?
- How Do I Set Up AK/SK So That a General Queue Can Access Tables Stored in OBS?
- How Do I View the Resource Usage of DLI Spark Jobs?
- How Do I Use Python Scripts to Access the MySQL Database If the pymysql Module Is Missing from the Spark Job Results Stored in MySQL?
- How Do I Run a Complex PySpark Program in DLI?
- How Do I Use JDBC to Set the spark.sql.shuffle.partitions Parameter to Improve the Task Concurrency?
- How Do I Read Uploaded Files for a Spark Jar Job?
- Why Can't I Find the Specified Python Environment After Adding the Python Package?
- Why Is a Spark Jar Job Stuck in the Submitting State?
Spark Job O&M
- What Can I Do When Receiving java.lang.AbstractMethodError in the Spark Job?
- Why Do I Get "ResponseCode: 403" and "ResponseStatus: Forbidden" Errors When a Spark Job Accesses OBS Data?
- Why Do I Encounter the Error "verifyBucketExists on XXXX: status [403]" When Using a Spark Job to Access an OBS Bucket That I Have Permission to Access?
- Why Does a Job Running Timeout Occur When Processing a Large Amount of Data with a Spark Job?
- Why Does a Spark Job Fail to Execute with an Abnormal Access Directory Error When Accessing Files in SFTP?
- Why Does the Job Fail to Be Executed Due to Insufficient Database and Table Permissions?
- Why Is the global_temp Database Missing in the Job Log of Spark 3.x?
- Why Does Using DataSource Syntax to Create an OBS Table of Avro Type Fail When Accessing Metadata With Spark 2.3.x?
Spark Job Development
- DLI Resource Quotas
DLI Permissions Management
- How Do I Do If I Receive an Error Message Stating That I Do Not Have Sufficient Permissions When Creating a Table After Upgrading the Engine Version of a Queue?
- What Is Column-Level Authorization for DLI Partitioned Tables?
- How Do I Do If I Encounter Insufficient Permissions While Updating Packages?
- Why Is Error "DLI.0003: Permission denied for resource..." Reported When I Run a SQL Statement?
- How Do I Do If I Can't Query Table Data After Being Granted Table Permissions?
- Will Granting Duplicate Permissions to a Table After Inheriting Database Permissions Cause an Error?
- Why Can't I Query a View After I'm Granted the Select Table Permission on the View?
- How Do I Do If I Receive a Message Saying I Don't Have Sufficient Permissions to Submit My Jobs to the Job Bucket?
- How Do I Resolve an Unauthorized OBS Bucket Error?
DLI Basics
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- DLI Introduction
- Getting Started
- DLI Console Overview
- SQL Editor
- Job Management
- Queue Management
- Data Management
- Job Templates
- Datasource Connections
- Global Configuration
- UDFs
- Permissions Management
- Change History
API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Before You Start
- Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
- Permission-related APIs
- Queue-related APIs (Recommended)
- APIs Related to SQL Jobs
- Package Group-related APIs
APIs Related to Flink Jobs
- Granting OBS Permissions to DLI
- Creating a SQL Job
- Updating a SQL Job
- Creating a Flink Jar job
- Updating a Flink Jar Job
- Running Jobs in Batches
- Querying the Job List
- Querying Job Details
- Querying the Job Execution Plan
- Stopping Jobs in Batches
- Deleting a Job
- Deleting Jobs in Batches
- Exporting a Flink Job
- Importing a Flink Job
- APIs Related to Spark jobs
- APIs Related to Flink Job Templates
APIs Related to Enhanced Datasource Connections
- Creating an Enhanced Datasource Connection
- Deleting an Enhanced Datasource Connection
- Querying an Enhanced Datasource Connection List
- Querying an Enhanced Datasource Connection
- Binding a Queue
- Unbinding a Queue
- Modifying the Host Information
- Querying Authorization of an Enhanced Datasource Connection
- Global Variable-related APIs
- Public Parameters
- Change History
SQL Syntax Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
Spark SQL Syntax Reference
- Common Configuration Items of Batch SQL Jobs
- SQL Syntax Overview of Batch Jobs
- Spark Open Source Commands
- Databases
- Creating an OBS Table
- Creating a DLI Table
- Deleting a Table
- Checking Tables
- Modifying a Table
Syntax for Partitioning a Table
- Adding Partition Data (Only OBS Tables Supported)
- Renaming a Partition (Only OBS Tables Supported)
- Deleting a Partition
- Deleting Partitions by Specifying Filter Criteria (Only Supported on OBS Tables)
- Altering the Partition Location of a Table (Only OBS Tables Supported)
- Updating Partitioned Table Data (Only OBS Tables Supported)
- Updating Table Metadata with REFRESH TABLE
- Importing Data to the Table
- Inserting Data
- Clearing Data
- Exporting Search Results
- Backing Up and Restoring Data of Multiple Versions
- Table Lifecycle Management
- Creating a Datasource Connection with an HBase Table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with an OpenTSDB Table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with a DWS table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with an RDS Table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with a CSS Table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with a DCS Table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with a DDS Table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with an Oracle Table
- Views
- Checking the Execution Plan
- Data Permissions Management
- Data Types
- User-Defined Functions
Built-in Functions
Date Functions
- Overview
- add_months
- current_date
- current_timestamp
- date_add
- dateadd
- date_sub
- date_format
- datediff
- datediff1
- datepart
- datetrunc
- day/dayofmonth
- from_unixtime
- from_utc_timestamp
- getdate
- hour
- isdate
- last_day
- lastday
- minute
- month
- months_between
- next_day
- quarter
- second
- to_char
- to_date
- to_date1
- to_utc_timestamp
- trunc
- unix_timestamp
- weekday
- weekofyear
- year
String Functions
- Overview
- ascii
- concat
- concat_ws
- char_matchcount
- encode
- find_in_set
- get_json_object
- instr
- instr1
- initcap
- keyvalue
- length
- lengthb
- levenshtein
- locate
- lower/lcase
- lpad
- ltrim
- parse_url
- printf
- regexp_count
- regexp_extract
- replace
- regexp_replace
- regexp_replace1
- regexp_instr
- regexp_substr
- repeat
- reverse
- rpad
- rtrim
- soundex
- space
- substr/substring
- substring_index
- split_part
- translate
- trim
- upper/ucase
- Mathematical Functions
- Aggregate Functions
- Window Functions
- Other Functions
Date Functions
- Basic SELECT Statements
- Filtering
- Sorting
- Grouping
- Subquery
- Alias
- Set Operations
- OVER Clause
- Flink OpenSource SQL 1.12 Syntax Reference
Flink Opensource SQL 1.10 Syntax Reference
- Constraints and Definitions
- Flink OpenSource SQL 1.10 Syntax
Data Definition Language (DDL)
- Creating a Source Table
Creating a Result Table
- ClickHouse Result Table
- Kafka Result Table
- Upsert Kafka Result Table
- DIS Result Table
- JDBC Result Table
- GaussDB(DWS) Result Table
- Redis Result Table
- SMN Result Table
- HBase Result Table
- Elasticsearch Result Table
- OpenTSDB Result Table
- User-defined Result Table
- Print Result Table
- File System Result Table
- Creating a Dimension Table
- Data Manipulation Language (DML)
- Functions
Historical Versions
Flink SQL Syntax
- SQL Syntax Constraints and Definitions
- SQL Syntax Overview of Stream Jobs
- Creating a Source Stream
Creating a Sink Stream
- MRS OpenTSDB Sink Stream
- CSS Elasticsearch Sink Stream
- DCS Sink Stream
- DDS Sink Stream
- DIS Sink Stream
- DMS Sink Stream
- DWS Sink Stream (JDBC Mode)
- DWS Sink Stream (OBS-based Dumping)
- MRS HBase Sink Stream
- MRS Kafka Sink Stream
- Open-Source Kafka Sink Stream
- File System Sink Stream (Recommended)
- OBS Sink Stream
- RDS Sink Stream
- SMN Sink Stream
- Creating a Temporary Stream
- Creating a Dimension Table
- Custom Stream Ecosystem
- Data Type
- Built-In Functions
- User-Defined Functions
- Geographical Functions
- Condition Expression
- Window
- JOIN Between Stream Data and Table Data
- Configuring Time Models
- Pattern Matching
- StreamingML
- Reserved Keywords
Flink SQL Syntax
- aggregate_func
- alias
- attr_expr
- attr_expr_list
- attrs_value_set_expr
- boolean_expression
- col
- col_comment
- col_name
- col_name_list
- condition
- condition_list
- cte_name
- data_type
- db_comment
- db_name
- else_result_expression
- file_format
- file_path
- function_name
- groupby_expression
- having_condition
- input_expression
- join_condition
- non_equi_join_condition
- number
- partition_col_name
- partition_col_value
- partition_specs
- property_name
- property_value
- regex_expression
- result_expression
- select_statement
- separator
- sql_containing_cte_name
- sub_query
- table_comment
- table_name
- table_properties
- table_reference
- when_expression
- where_condition
- window_function
- Operators
Spark SQL Syntax Reference
- User Guide (Paris Region)
API Reference (Paris Region)
- Before You Start
- Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
- Permission-related APIs
- Queue-related APIs (Recommended)
- APIs Related to SQL Jobs
- Package Group-related APIs
APIs Related to Flink Jobs
- Granting OBS Permissions to DLI
- Creating a SQL Job
- Updating a SQL Job
- Creating a Flink Jar job
- Updating a Flink Jar Job
- Running Jobs in Batches
- Querying the Job List
- Querying Job Details
- Querying the Job Execution Plan
- Stopping Jobs in Batches
- Deleting a Job
- Deleting Jobs in Batches
- Exporting a Flink Job
- Importing a Flink Job
- APIs Related to Spark jobs
- APIs Related to Flink Job Templates
APIs Related to Enhanced Datasource Connections
- Creating an Enhanced Datasource Connection
- Deleting an Enhanced Datasource Connection
- Querying an Enhanced Datasource Connection List
- Querying an Enhanced Datasource Connection
- Binding a Queue
- Unbinding a Queue
- Modifying the Host Information
- Querying Authorization of an Enhanced Datasource Connection
- Global Variable-related APIs
- Public Parameters
- Change History
SQL Syntax Reference (Paris Region)
Spark SQL Syntax Reference
- Common Configuration Items of Batch SQL Jobs
- SQL Syntax Overview of Batch Jobs
- Spark Open Source Commands
- Databases
- Creating an OBS Table
- Creating a DLI Table
- Deleting a Table
- Checking Tables
- Modifying a Table
Syntax for Partitioning a Table
- Adding Partition Data (Only OBS Tables Supported)
- Renaming a Partition (Only OBS Tables Supported)
- Deleting a Partition
- Deleting Partitions by Specifying Filter Criteria (Only Supported on OBS Tables)
- Altering the Partition Location of a Table (Only OBS Tables Supported)
- Updating Partitioned Table Data (Only OBS Tables Supported)
- Updating Table Metadata with REFRESH TABLE
- Importing Data to the Table
- Inserting Data
- Clearing Data
- Exporting Search Results
- Table Lifecycle Management
- Creating a Datasource Connection with an HBase Table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with an OpenTSDB Table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with a DWS table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with an RDS Table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with a CSS Table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with a DCS Table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with a DDS Table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with an Oracle Table
- Views
- Checking the Execution Plan
- Data Permissions Management
- Data Types
- User-Defined Functions
Built-in Functions
Date Functions
- Overview
- add_months
- current_date
- current_timestamp
- date_add
- dateadd
- date_sub
- date_format
- datediff
- datediff1
- datepart
- datetrunc
- day/dayofmonth
- from_unixtime
- from_utc_timestamp
- getdate
- hour
- isdate
- last_day
- lastday
- minute
- month
- months_between
- next_day
- quarter
- second
- to_char
- to_date
- to_date1
- to_utc_timestamp
- trunc
- unix_timestamp
- weekday
- weekofyear
- year
String Functions
- Overview
- ascii
- concat
- concat_ws
- char_matchcount
- encode
- find_in_set
- get_json_object
- instr
- instr1
- initcap
- keyvalue
- length
- lengthb
- levenshtein
- locate
- lower/lcase
- lpad
- ltrim
- parse_url
- printf
- regexp_count
- regexp_extract
- replace
- regexp_replace
- regexp_replace1
- regexp_instr
- regexp_substr
- repeat
- reverse
- rpad
- rtrim
- soundex
- space
- substr/substring
- substring_index
- split_part
- translate
- trim
- upper/ucase
- Mathematical Functions
- Aggregate Functions
- Window Functions
- Other Functions
Date Functions
- Basic SELECT Statements
- Filtering
- Sorting
- Grouping
- Subquery
- Alias
- Set Operations
- OVER Clause
- Flink OpenSource SQL 1.12 Syntax Reference
Flink Opensource SQL 1.10 Syntax Reference
- Constraints and Definitions
- Flink OpenSource SQL 1.10 Syntax
Data Definition Language (DDL)
- Creating a Source Table
Creating a Result Table
- ClickHouse Result Table
- Kafka Result Table
- Upsert Kafka Result Table
- DIS Result Table
- JDBC Result Table
- GaussDB(DWS) Result Table
- Redis Result Table
- SMN Result Table
- HBase Result Table
- Elasticsearch Result Table
- OpenTSDB Result Table
- User-defined Result Table
- Print Result Table
- File System Result Table
- Creating a Dimension Table
- Data Manipulation Language (DML)
- Functions
Historical Versions
Flink SQL Syntax
- SQL Syntax Constraints and Definitions
- SQL Syntax Overview of Stream Jobs
- Creating a Source Stream
Creating a Sink Stream
- MRS OpenTSDB Sink Stream
- CSS Elasticsearch Sink Stream
- DCS Sink Stream
- DDS Sink Stream
- DIS Sink Stream
- DMS Sink Stream
- DWS Sink Stream (JDBC Mode)
- DWS Sink Stream (OBS-based Dumping)
- MRS HBase Sink Stream
- MRS Kafka Sink Stream
- Open-Source Kafka Sink Stream
- File System Sink Stream (Recommended)
- OBS Sink Stream
- RDS Sink Stream
- SMN Sink Stream
- Creating a Temporary Stream
- Creating a Dimension Table
- Custom Stream Ecosystem
- Data Type
- Built-In Functions
- User-Defined Functions
- Geographical Functions
- Condition Expression
- Window
- JOIN Between Stream Data and Table Data
- Configuring Time Models
- Pattern Matching
- StreamingML
- Reserved Keywords
Flink SQL Syntax
- aggregate_func
- alias
- attr_expr
- attr_expr_list
- attrs_value_set_expr
- boolean_expression
- col
- col_comment
- col_name
- col_name_list
- condition
- condition_list
- cte_name
- data_type
- db_comment
- db_name
- else_result_expression
- file_format
- file_path
- function_name
- groupby_expression
- having_condition
- input_expression
- join_condition
- non_equi_join_condition
- number
- partition_col_name
- partition_col_value
- partition_specs
- property_name
- property_value
- regex_expression
- result_expression
- select_statement
- separator
- sql_containing_cte_name
- sub_query
- table_comment
- table_name
- table_properties
- table_reference
- when_expression
- where_condition
- window_function
- Operators
Spark SQL Syntax Reference
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- DLI Introduction
- Getting Started
- DLI Console Overview
- SQL Editor
- Job Management
- Queue Management
- Data Management
- Job Templates
- Datasource Connections
- Global Configuration
- UDFs
- Permissions Management
- Change History
API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Before You Start
- Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
- Permission-related APIs
- Queue-related APIs (Recommended)
- APIs Related to SQL Jobs
- Package Group-related APIs
APIs Related to Flink Jobs
- Granting OBS Permissions to DLI
- Creating a SQL Job
- Updating a SQL Job
- Creating a Flink Jar job
- Updating a Flink Jar Job
- Running Jobs in Batches
- Querying the Job List
- Querying Job Details
- Querying the Job Execution Plan
- Stopping Jobs in Batches
- Deleting a Job
- Deleting Jobs in Batches
- Exporting a Flink Job
- Importing a Flink Job
- APIs Related to Spark jobs
- APIs Related to Flink Job Templates
APIs Related to Enhanced Datasource Connections
- Creating an Enhanced Datasource Connection
- Deleting an Enhanced Datasource Connection
- Querying an Enhanced Datasource Connection List
- Querying an Enhanced Datasource Connection
- Binding a Queue
- Unbinding a Queue
- Modifying the Host Information
- Querying Authorization of an Enhanced Datasource Connection
- Global Variable-related APIs
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Public Parameters
- Change History
SQL Syntax Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
Spark SQL Syntax Reference
- Common Configuration Items of Batch SQL Jobs
- SQL Syntax Overview of Batch Jobs
- Spark Open Source Commands
- Databases
- Creating an OBS Table
- Creating a DLI Table
- Deleting a Table
- Checking Tables
- Modifying a Table
Syntax for Partitioning a Table
- Adding Partition Data (Only OBS Tables Supported)
- Renaming a Partition (Only OBS Tables Supported)
- Deleting a Partition
- Deleting Partitions by Specifying Filter Criteria (Only Supported on OBS Tables)
- Altering the Partition Location of a Table (Only OBS Tables Supported)
- Updating Partitioned Table Data (Only OBS Tables Supported)
- Updating Table Metadata with REFRESH TABLE
- Importing Data to the Table
- Inserting Data
- Clearing Data
- Exporting Search Results
- Backing Up and Restoring Data of Multiple Versions
- Table Lifecycle Management
- Creating a Datasource Connection with an HBase Table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with an OpenTSDB Table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with a DWS table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with an RDS Table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with a CSS Table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with a DCS Table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with a DDS Table
- Creating a Datasource Connection with an Oracle Table
- Views
- Checking the Execution Plan
- Data Permissions Management
- Data Types
- User-Defined Functions
Built-in Functions
Date Functions
- Overview
- add_months
- current_date
- current_timestamp
- date_add
- dateadd
- date_sub
- date_format
- datediff
- datediff1
- datepart
- datetrunc
- day/dayofmonth
- from_unixtime
- from_utc_timestamp
- getdate
- hour
- isdate
- last_day
- lastday
- minute
- month
- months_between
- next_day
- quarter
- second
- to_char
- to_date
- to_date1
- to_utc_timestamp
- trunc
- unix_timestamp
- weekday
- weekofyear
- year
String Functions
- Overview
- ascii
- concat
- concat_ws
- char_matchcount
- encode
- find_in_set
- get_json_object
- instr
- instr1
- initcap
- keyvalue
- length
- lengthb
- levenshtein
- locate
- lower/lcase
- lpad
- ltrim
- parse_url
- printf
- regexp_count
- regexp_extract
- replace
- regexp_replace
- regexp_replace1
- regexp_instr
- regexp_substr
- repeat
- reverse
- rpad
- rtrim
- soundex
- space
- substr/substring
- substring_index
- split_part
- translate
- trim
- upper/ucase
- Mathematical Functions
- Aggregate Functions
- Window Functions
- Other Functions
Date Functions
- Basic SELECT Statements
- Filtering
- Sorting
- Grouping
- Subquery
- Alias
- Set Operations
- OVER Clause
- Flink OpenSource SQL 1.12 Syntax Reference
Flink Opensource SQL 1.10 Syntax Reference
- Constraints and Definitions
- Flink OpenSource SQL 1.10 Syntax
Data Definition Language (DDL)
- Creating a Source Table
Creating a Result Table
- ClickHouse Result Table
- Kafka Result Table
- Upsert Kafka Result Table
- DIS Result Table
- JDBC Result Table
- GaussDB(DWS) Result Table
- Redis Result Table
- SMN Result Table
- HBase Result Table
- Elasticsearch Result Table
- OpenTSDB Result Table
- User-defined Result Table
- Print Result Table
- File System Result Table
- Creating a Dimension Table
- Data Manipulation Language (DML)
- Functions
Historical Versions
Flink SQL Syntax
- SQL Syntax Constraints and Definitions
- SQL Syntax Overview of Stream Jobs
- Creating a Source Stream
Creating a Sink Stream
- CloudTable HBase Sink Stream
- CloudTable OpenTSDB Sink Stream
- MRS OpenTSDB Sink Stream
- CSS Elasticsearch Sink Stream
- DCS Sink Stream
- DDS Sink Stream
- DIS Sink Stream
- DMS Sink Stream
- DWS Sink Stream (JDBC Mode)
- DWS Sink Stream (OBS-based Dumping)
- MRS HBase Sink Stream
- MRS Kafka Sink Stream
- Open-Source Kafka Sink Stream
- File System Sink Stream (Recommended)
- OBS Sink Stream
- RDS Sink Stream
- SMN Sink Stream
- Creating a Temporary Stream
- Creating a Dimension Table
- Custom Stream Ecosystem
- Data Type
- Built-In Functions
- User-Defined Functions
- Geographical Functions
- Condition Expression
- Window
- JOIN Between Stream Data and Table Data
- Configuring Time Models
- Pattern Matching
- StreamingML
- Reserved Keywords
Flink SQL Syntax
- aggregate_func
- alias
- attr_expr
- attr_expr_list
- attrs_value_set_expr
- boolean_expression
- col
- col_comment
- col_name
- col_name_list
- condition
- condition_list
- cte_name
- data_type
- db_comment
- db_name
- else_result_expression
- file_format
- file_path
- function_name
- groupby_expression
- having_condition
- input_expression
- join_condition
- non_equi_join_condition
- number
- partition_col_name
- partition_col_value
- partition_specs
- property_name
- property_value
- regex_expression
- result_expression
- select_statement
- separator
- sql_containing_cte_name
- sub_query
- table_comment
- table_name
- table_properties
- table_reference
- when_expression
- where_condition
- window_function
- Operators
Spark SQL Syntax Reference
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Videos
- General Reference
Reading Data from PostgreSQL CDC and Writing Data to GaussDB(DWS)
This guide provides reference for Flink 1.12 only.
Change Data Capture (CDC) can synchronize incremental changes from the source database to one or more destinations. During data synchronization, CDC processes data, for example, grouping (GROUP BY) and joining multiple tables (JOIN).
This example creates a PostgreSQL CDC source table to monitor PostgreSQL data changes and insert the changed data into a GaussDB(DWS) database.
- You have created an RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance. In this example, the RDS for PostgreSQL database version is 11.
For details, see Getting Started with RDS for PostgreSQL.
The version of the RDS PostgreSQL database cannot be earlier than 11.
- You have created a GaussDB(DWS) instance.
For details about how to create a GaussDB(DWS) cluster, see Creating a Cluster.
Overall Process
Step 2: Create an RDS PostgreSQL Database and Table
Step 3: Create a GaussDB(DWS) Database and Table
Step 1: Create a Queue
- Log in to the DLI console. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Resources > Queue Management.
- On the displayed page, click Buy Queue in the upper right corner.
- On the Buy Queue page, set queue parameters as follows:
- Billing Mode: .
- Region and Project: Retain the default values.
- Name: Enter a queue name.
The queue name can contain only digits, letters, and underscores (_), but cannot contain only digits or start with an underscore (_). The name must contain 1 to 128 characters.
The queue name is case-insensitive. Uppercase letters will be automatically converted to lowercase letters.
- Type: Select For general purpose. Select the Dedicated Resource Mode.
- AZ Mode and Specifications: Retain the default values.
- Enterprise Project: Select default.
- Advanced Settings: Select Custom.
- CIDR Block: Specify the queue network segment. For example,
The CIDR block of a queue cannot overlap with the CIDR blocks of DMS Kafka and RDS for MySQL DB instances. Otherwise, datasource connections will fail to be created.
- Set other parameters as required.
- Click Buy. Confirm the configuration and click Submit.
Step 2: Create an RDS PostgreSQL Database and Table
- Log in to the RDS console. On the displayed page, locate the target PostgreSQL DB instance and choose More > Log In in the Operation column.
- In the login dialog box displayed, enter the username and password and click Log In.
- Create a database instance and name it testrdsdb.
- Create a schema named test for the testrdsdb database.
- Choose SQL Operations > SQL Query. On the page displayed, create an RDS for PostgreSQL table.
create table test.cdc_order( order_id VARCHAR, order_channel VARCHAR, order_time VARCHAR, pay_amount FLOAT8, real_pay FLOAT8, pay_time VARCHAR, user_id VARCHAR, user_name VARCHAR, area_id VARCHAR, primary key(order_id));
Run the following statement in the PostgreSQL instance:ALTER TABLE test.cdc_order REPLICA IDENTITY FULL;
Step 3: Create a GaussDB(DWS) Database and Table
- Connect to the created GaussDB(DWS) cluster.
For details, see Using the gsql CLI Client to Connect to a Cluster.
- Connect to the default database gaussdb of a GaussDB(DWS) cluster.
gsql -d gaussdb -h Connection address of the GaussDB(DWS) cluster -U dbadmin -p 8000 -W password -r
- gaussdb: Default database of the GaussDB(DWS) cluster
- Connection address of the DWS cluster: If a public network address is used for connection, set this parameter to the public network IP address or domain name. If a private network address is used for connection, set this parameter to the private network IP address or domain name. For details, see section Obtaining the Cluster Connection Address. If an ELB is used for connection, set this parameter to the ELB address.
- dbadmin: Default administrator username used during cluster creation
- -W: Default password of the administrator
- Run the following command to create the testdwsdb database:
- Run the following command to exit the gaussdb database and connect to testdwsdb:
\q gsql -d testdwsdb -h Connection address of the GaussDB(DWS) cluster -U dbadmin -p 8000 -W password -r
- Run the following commands to create a table:
create schema test; set current_schema= test; drop table if exists dws_order; CREATE TABLE dws_order ( order_id VARCHAR, order_channel VARCHAR, order_time VARCHAR, pay_amount FLOAT8, real_pay FLOAT8, pay_time VARCHAR, user_id VARCHAR, user_name VARCHAR, area_id VARCHAR );
Step 4: Create an Enhanced Datasource Connection
- Connecting DLI to RDS
- Go to the RDS console, click the name of the target RDS DB instance on the Instances page. Basic information of the instance is displayed.
- In the Connection Information pane, obtain the floating IP address, database port, VPC, and subnet.
- Click the security group name. On the displayed page, click the Inbound Rules tab and add a rule to allow access from DLI queues. For example, if the CIDR block of the queue is, set Priority to 1, Action to Allow, Protocol to TCP, Type to IPv4, Source to, and click OK.
- Log in to the DLI management console. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Datasource Connections. On the displayed page, click Create in the Enhanced tab.
- In the displayed dialog box, set the following parameters: For details, see the following section:
- Connection Name: Enter a name for the enhanced datasource connection. For this example, enter dli_rds.
- Resource Pool: Select the name of the queue created in Step 1: Create a Queue.
- VPC: Select the VPC of the RDS DB instance.
- Subnet: Select the subnet of RDS DB instance.
- Set other parameters as you need.
Click OK. Click the name of the created datasource connection to view its status. You can perform subsequent steps only after the connection status changes to Active.
- In the navigation pane on the left, choose Resources > Queue Management. On the page displayed, locate the queue you created in Step 1: Create a Queue, click More in the Operation column, and select Test Address Connectivity.
- In the displayed dialog box, enter floating IP address:database port of the RDS DB instance you have obtained in 2 in the Address box and click Test to check whether the database is reachable.
- Connecting DLI to GaussDB(DWS)
- On the GaussDB(DWS) management console, choose Clusters. On the displayed page, click the name of the created GaussDB(DWS) cluster to view basic information.
- In the Basic Information tab, locate the Database Attributes pane and obtain the private IP address and port number of the DB instance. In the Network pane, obtain VPC, and subnet information.
- Click the security group name. On the displayed page, click the Inbound Rules tab and add a rule to allow access from DLI queues. For example, if the CIDR block of the queue is, set Priority to 1, Action to Allow, Protocol to TCP, Type to IPv4, Source to, and click OK.
- Check whether the RDS instance and GaussDB(DWS) instance are in the same VPC and subnet.
- Log in to the DLI management console. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Datasource Connections. On the displayed page, click Create in the Enhanced tab.
- In the displayed dialog box, set the following parameters: For details, see the following section:
- Connection Name: Enter a name for the enhanced datasource connection. For this example, enter dli_dws.
- Resource Pool: Select the name of the queue created in Step 1: Create a Queue.
- VPC: Select the VPC of the GaussDB(DWS) instance.
- Subnet: Select the subnet of GaussDB(DWS) instance.
- Set other parameters as you need.
Click OK. Click the name of the created datasource connection to view its status. You can perform subsequent steps only after the connection status changes to Active.
- In the navigation pane on the left, choose Resources > Queue Management. On the page displayed, locate the queue you created in Step 1: Create a Queue, click More in the Operation column, and select Test Address Connectivity.
- In the displayed dialog box, enter floating IP address:database port of the GaussDB(DWS) instance you have obtained in 2 in the Address box and click Test to check whether the database is reachable.
Step 5: Run a Job
- On the DLI management console, choose Job Management > Flink Jobs. On the Flink Jobs page, click Create Job.
- In the Create Job dialog box, set Type to Flink OpenSource SQL and Name to FlinkCDCPostgreDWS. Click OK.
- On the job editing page, set the following parameters and retain the default values of other parameters.
- Queue: Select the queue created in Step 1: Create a Queue.
- Flink Version: Select 1.12.
- Save Job Log: Enable this function.
- OBS Bucket: Select an OBS bucket for storing job logs and grant access permissions of the OBS bucket as prompted.
- Enable Checkpointing: Enable this function.
- Enter a SQL statement in the editing pane. The following is an example. Modify the parameters in bold as you need.
In this example, the syntax version of Flink OpenSource SQL is 1.12. In this example, the data source is Kafka and the result data is written to Elasticsearch.
For details, see PostgreSQL CDC Source Table and GaussDB(DWS) Result Table.
Table 1 Job running parameters Parameter
A shared queue is selected by default. You can select a CCE queue with dedicated resources and configure the following parameters:
UDF Jar: UDF Jar file. Before selecting such a file, upload the corresponding JAR file to the OBS bucket and choose Data Management > Package Management to create a package. For details, see Creating a Package.
In SQL, you can call a UDF that is inserted into a JAR file.
When creating a job, a sub-user can only select the queue that has been allocated to the user.
If the remaining capacity of the selected queue cannot meet the job requirements, the system automatically scales up the capacity and you will be billed based on the increased capacity. When a queue is idle, the system automatically scales in its capacity.
Flink Version
The following versions are available:
- 1.10: For details about the SQL syntax, see Flink OpenSource SQL 1.10 Syntax.
- 1.12: For details about the SQL syntax, see Flink OpenSource SQL 1.12 Syntax.
Sum of the number of compute units and job manager CUs of DLI. CU is also the billing unit of DLI. One CU equals 1 vCPU and 4 GB.
The value is the number of CUs required for job running and cannot exceed the number of CUs in the bound queue.
Job Manager CUs
Number of CUs of the management unit.
Maximum number of Flink OpenSource SQL jobs that can run at the same time.
This value cannot be greater than four times the compute units (number of CUs minus the number of JobManager CUs).
Task Manager Configuration
Whether to set Task Manager resource parameters.
If this option is selected, you need to set the following parameters:
- CU(s) per TM: Number of resources occupied by each Task Manager.
- Slot(s) per TM: Number of slots contained in each Task Manager.
OBS Bucket
OBS bucket to store job logs and checkpoint information. If the selected OBS bucket is not authorized, click Authorize.
Save Job Log
Whether to save job run logs to OBS. The logs are saved in Bucket name/jobs/logs/Directory starting with the job ID.
CAUTION:You are advised to configure this parameter. Otherwise, no run log is generated after the job is executed. If the job fails, the run log cannot be obtained for fault locating.
If this option is selected, you need to set the following parameters:
OBS Bucket: Select an OBS bucket to store user job logs. If the selected OBS bucket is not authorized, click Authorize.NOTE:
If Enable Checkpointing and Save Job Log are both selected, you only need to authorize OBS once.
Alarm Generation upon Job Exception
Whether to notify users of any job exceptions, such as running exceptions or arrears, via SMS or email.
If this option is selected, you need to set the following parameters:
SMN Topic
Select a user-defined SMN topic. For details about how to create a custom SMN topic, see "Creating a Topic" in Simple Message Notification User Guide.
Enable Checkpointing
Whether to enable job snapshots. If this function is enabled, jobs can be restored based on checkpoints.
If this option is selected, you need to set the following parameters:- Checkpoint Interval: interval for creating checkpoints, in seconds. The value ranges from 1 to 999999, and the default value is 30.
- Checkpoint Mode: checkpointing mode, which can be set to either of the following values:
- At least once: Events are processed at least once.
- Exactly once: Events are processed only once.
- OBS Bucket: Select an OBS bucket to store your checkpoints. If the selected OBS bucket is not authorized, click Authorize.
Checkpoints are saved in Bucket name/jobs/checkpoint/Directory starting with the job ID.
If Enable Checkpointing and Save Job Log are both selected, you only need to authorize OBS once.
Auto Restart upon Exception
Whether to enable automatic restart. If this function is enabled, jobs will be automatically restarted and restored when exceptions occur.
If this option is selected, you need to set the following parameters:
- Max. Retry Attempts: maximum number of retries upon an exception. The unit is times/hour.
- Unlimited: The number of retries is unlimited.
- Limited: The number of retries is user-defined.
- Restore Job from Checkpoint: This parameter is available only when Enable Checkpointing is selected.
Idle State Retention Time
How long the state of a key is retained without being updated before it is removed in GroupBy or Window. The default value is 1 hour.
Dirty Data Policy
Policy for processing dirty data. The following policies are supported: Ignore, Trigger a job exception, and Save.
If you set this field to Save, Dirty Data Dump Address must be set. Click the address box to select the OBS path for storing dirty data.
create table PostgreCdcSource( order_id string, order_channel string, order_time string, pay_amount double, real_pay double, pay_time string, user_id string, user_name string, area_id STRING, primary key (order_id) not enforced ) with ( 'connector' = 'postgres-cdc', 'hostname' = '',--IP address of the PostgreSQL instance 'port'= ' 5432',--Port number of the PostgreSQL instance 'pwd_auth_name'= 'xxxxx', -- Name of the datasource authentication of the password type created on DLI. If datasource authentication is used, you do not need to set the username and password for the job. 'database-name' = ' testrdsdb',--Database name of the PostgreSQL instance 'schema-name' = ' test',-- Schema in the PostgreSQL database 'table-name' = ' cdc_order'--Table name in the PostgreSQL database ); create table dwsSink( order_id string, order_channel string, order_time string, pay_amount double, real_pay double, pay_time string, user_id string, user_name string, area_id STRING, primary key(order_id) not enforced ) with ( 'connector' = 'gaussdb', 'driver' = 'com.huawei.gauss200.jdbc.Driver', 'url'='jdbc:gaussdb:// ', --- indicates the internal IP address and port of the GaussDB(DWS) instance. testdwsdb indicates the name of the created GaussDB(DWS) database. 'table-name' = ' test\".\"dws_order', ---test indicates the schema of the created GaussDB(DWS) table, and dws_order indicates the GaussDB(DWS) table name. 'username' = 'xxxxx',--Username of the GaussDB(DWS) instance 'password' = 'xxxxx',--Password of the GaussDB(DWS) instance 'write.mode' = 'insert' ); insert into dwsSink select * from PostgreCdcSource where pay_amount > 100;
- Click Check Semantic and ensure that the SQL statement passes the check. Click Save. Click Start, confirm the job parameters, and click Start Now to execute the job. Wait until the job status changes to Running.
Step 6: Send Data and Query Results
- Log in to the RDS console. On the displayed page, locate the target PostgreSQL DB instance and choose More > Log In in the Operation column.
- On the displayed login dialog box, enter the username and password and click Log In.
- In the Operation column of row where the created database locates, click SQL Window and enter the following statement to create a table and insert data to the table:
insert into test.cdc_order values ('202103241000000001','webShop','2021-03-24 10:00:00','50.00','100.00','2021-03-24 10:02:03','0001','Alice','330106'), ('202103251606060001','appShop','2021-03-24 12:06:06','200.00','180.00','2021-03-24 16:10:06','0002','Jason','330106'), ('202103261000000001','webShop','2021-03-24 14:03:00','300.00','100.00','2021-03-24 10:02:03','0003','Lily','330106'), ('202103271606060001','appShop','2021-03-24 16:36:06','99.00','150.00','2021-03-24 16:10:06','0001','Henry','330106');
- Connect to the created GaussDB(DWS) cluster.
For details, see Using the gsql CLI Client to Connect to a Cluster.
- Connect to the default database testdwsdb of a GaussDB(DWS) cluster.
gsql -d testdwsdb -h Connection address of the GaussDB(DWS) cluster -U dbadmin -p 8000 -W password -r
- Run the following statements to query table data:
select * from test.dws_order;
The query result is as follows:order_channel order_channel order_time pay_amount real_pay pay_time user_id user_name area_id 202103251606060001 appShop 2021-03-24 12:06:06 200.0 180.0 2021-03-24 16:10:06 0002 Jason 330106 202103261000000001 webShop 2021-03-24 14:03:00 300.0 100.0 2021-03-24 10:02:03 0003 Lily 330106
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