Help Center/ DataArts Studio/ FAQs/ DataArts Factory/ What Should I Do If an Error Message Is Displayed When I View Logs?
Updated on 2024-08-30 GMT+08:00

What Should I Do If an Error Message Is Displayed When I View Logs?


When you view the logs of a data development node, the error message shown in the following figure is displayed.

Figure 1 Message displayed

Possible Causes

Logs of data development jobs are stored in OBS buckets. This message is displayed if the user group to which you belong does not have the OBS operation permission, or no OBS log file is available.


  1. Log in to the IAM management console as the administrator.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Users. Then click your username to go to the user information page.
  3. Obtain the user group to which your user belongs.
    Figure 2 User group to which your user belongs

  4. In the navigation pane, choose User Groups. Locate the row that contains the user group obtained in the previous step and click Authorize in the Operation column.
  5. On the displayed Authorize User Group page, search for and select the OBS OperateAccess or OBS Administrator permission.
    Figure 3 Assigning permissions to the user group

  6. Click Next and select the scope requiring minimum authorization. The All resources option is selected by default.
  7. Click OK.

    If the permissions are correct, check whether a log file exists in the OBS bucket.

Handling the Error After Running a Job

  1. Log in to the IAM management console as the administrator.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Users. Then click your username to go to the user information page.
  3. Click next to Access Type to change the access type.
  4. Select Programmatic access and Management console access.
    Figure 4 Configuring the access type

  5. Click OK.
    • When creating a workspace on the management console, you can set the OBS path for storing job logs only to an OBS object bucket rather than a parallel file system. If you do not set the OBS path for storing job logs, DataArts Factory writes logs to the dlf-log-{projectId} bucket, and DataArts DataService writes logs to the dlm-log-{projectId} bucket by default.
    • If you do not select an existing OBS bucket for Job Log Path, the default dlf-log-{projectId} bucket cannot be created when you run the job for the first time. As a result, logs cannot be written. To ensure that job logs can be properly written to the OBS bucket, select an existing OBS path when creating a workspace.