Updated on 2024-10-08 GMT+08:00

Using ClickHouse to Import and Export Data

Using the ClickHouse Client to Import and Export Data

Use the ClickHouse client to import and export data.

  • Importing data in CSV format

    clickhouse client --host Host name or IP address of the ClickHouse instance --database Database name --port Port number --secure --format_csv_delimiter="CSV file delimiter" --query="INSERT INTO Table name FORMAT CSV" < Host path where the CSV file is stored

    clickhouse client --host --database testdb --port 9440 --secure --format_csv_delimiter="," --query="INSERT INTO testdb.csv_table FORMAT CSV" < /opt/data

    You need to create a table in advance.

  • Exporting data in CSV format

    Exporting data files in CSV format may cause CSV injection. Exercise caution when performing this operation.

    clickhouse client --host Host name or IP address of the ClickHouse instance --database Database name --port Port number -m --secure --query="SELECT * FROM Table name" > CSV file export path

    clickhouse client --host --database testdb --port 9440 -m --secure --query="SELECT * FROM test_table" > /opt/test
  • Importing data in Parquet format

    cat Parquet file | clickhouse client --host Host name or IP address of the ClickHouse instance --database Database name --port Port number -m --secure --query="INSERT INTO Table name FORMAT Parquet"

    cat /opt/student.parquet | clickhouse client --host --database testdb --port 9440 -m --secure --query="INSERT INTO parquet_tab001 FORMAT Parquet"
  • Exporting data in Parquet format

    clickhouse client --host Host name or IP address of the ClickHouse instance --database Database name --port Port number -m --secure --query="select * from Table name FORMAT Parquet" > Parquet file export path

    clickhouse client --host --database testdb --port 9440 -m --secure --query="select * from test_table FORMAT Parquet" > /opt/student.parquet
  • Importing data in ORC format

    cat ORC file path | clickhouse client --host Host name or IP address of the ClickHouse instance --database Database name --port Port number -m --secure --query="INSERT INTO Table name FORMAT ORC"

    cat /opt/student.orc | clickhouse client --host --database testdb --port 9440 -m --secure --query="INSERT INTO orc_tab001 FORMAT ORC"
    # Data in the ORC file can be exported from HDFS. For example:
    hdfs dfs -cat /user/hive/warehouse/hivedb.db/emp_orc/000000_0_copy_1 | clickhouse client --host --database testdb --port 9440 -m --secure --query="INSERT INTO orc_tab001 FORMAT ORC"
  • Exporting data in ORC format

    clickhouse client --host Host name or IP address of the ClickHouse instance --database Database name --port Port number -m --secure --query="select * from Table name FORMAT ORC" > ORC file export path

    clickhouse client --host --database testdb --port 9440 -m --secure --query="select * from csv_tab001 FORMAT ORC" > /opt/student.orc
  • Importing data in JSON format

    INSERT INTO Table name FORMAT JSONEachRow JSON string 1 JSON string 2

    INSERT INTO test_table001 FORMAT JSONEachRow {"PageViews":5, "UserID":"4324182021466249494", "Duration":146,"Sign":-1} {"UserID":"4324182021466249494","PageViews":6,"Duration":185,"Sign":1}
  • Exporting data in JSON format

    clickhouse client --host Host name or IP address of the ClickHouse instance --database Database name --port Port number -m --secure --query="SELECT * FROM Table name FORMAT JSON|JSONEachRow|JSONCompact|..." > JSON file export path

    # Export JSON file.
    clickhouse client --host --database testdb --port 9440 -m --secure --query="SELECT * FROM test_table FORMAT JSON" > /opt/test.json
    # Export json(JSONEachRow).
    clickhouse client --host --database testdb --port 9440 -m --secure --query="SELECT * FROM test_table FORMAT JSONEachRow" > /opt/test_jsoneachrow.json
    # Export json(JSONCompact).
    clickhouse client --host --database testdb --port 9440 -m --secure --query="SELECT * FROM test_table FORMAT JSONCompact" > /opt/test_jsoncompact.json