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Updated on 2022-09-22 GMT+08:00

Why Is the Return Code of Driver Inconsistent with Application State Displayed on ResourceManager WebUI?


Communication between ApplicationMaster and ResourceManager remains abnormal for a long time. Why is the driver return code inconsistent with application status on ResourceManager WebUI?


In yarn-client mode, Spark Driver and ApplicationMaster run as two independent processes. When Driver exits, it notifies ApplicationMaster to call the unregister API to deregister itself with ResourceManager.

This is a remote call and susceptible to network faults. If there exists a network fault, ApplicationMaster uses the retry mechanism of the Yarn client to try again. If the network is recovered before the maximum number of retries is reached, ApplicationMaster exits gracefully.

If the number and duration of retries are reached, ApplicationMaster fails to deregister itself, and ResourceManager declares ApplicationMaster to have exited forcibly and tries to restart ApplicationMaster. After the restart, if ApplicationMaster fails to connect to the exited Driver, ResourceManager flags the Application being failed.

This problem rarely occurs and it does not impact the display of application states by SparkSQL. You can also increase the number of YARN client connections and the connection duration to reduce the probability of this event. For details about the configuration, visit the following: