このページは、お客様の言語ではご利用いただけません。Huawei Cloudは、より多くの言語バージョンを追加するために懸命に取り組んでいます。ご協力ありがとうございました。
- What's New
- Function Overview
- Service Overview
- Billing
- Getting Started
User Guide
- Usage Process
- Instances
- Integration Application Management
Data Source Management
- Data Sources Supported by ROMA Connect
- Connecting to an API Data Source
- Connecting to an ActiveMQ Data Source
- Connecting to an ArtemisMQ Data Source
- Connecting to a DB2 Data Source
- Connecting to a DIS Data Source
- Connecting to a DWS Data Source
- Connecting to the DM Data Source
- Connecting to a Gauss100 Data Source
- Connecting to an FTP Data Source
- Connecting to an HL7 Data Source
- Connecting to a HANA Data Source
- Connecting to a HIVE Data Source
- Connecting to an LDAP Data Source
- Connecting to an IBM MQ Data Source
- Connecting to a Kafka Data Source
- Connecting to a MySQL Data Source
- Connecting to a MongoDB Data Source
- Connecting to an MQS Data Source
- Connecting to an MRS Hive Data Source
- Connecting to an MRS HDFS Data Source
- Connecting to an MRS HBase Data Source
- Connecting to an MRS Kafka Data Source
- Connecting to an OBS Data Source
- Connecting to an Oracle Data Source
- Connecting to a PostgreSQL Data Source
- Connecting to a Redis Data Source
- Connecting to a RabbitMQ Data Source
- Connecting to a RocketMQ Data Source
- Connecting to an SAP Data Source
- Connecting to an SNMP Data Source
- Connecting to a SQL Server Data Source
- Connecting to a GaussDB(for MySQL) Data Source
- Connecting to a WebSocket Data Source
- Connecting to a Custom Data Source
- Data Integration Guide
Service Integration Guide
- Usage Introduction
- Exposing an API
- Exposing a Function API
- Exposing a Data API
- Calling an API
- Managing APIs
- Managing Custom Backends
- Configuring API Control Policies
- Configuring API Plug-in Policies
- Configuring a Custom Authorizer
- Configuring Signature Verification for Backend Services
- Configuring API Cascading
Service Integration Guide (Old Edition)
- Usage Introduction
- Exposing APIs
- Creating and Exposing Data APIs
- Creating and Exposing Function APIs
- Calling an API
- Managing APIs
- Managing Custom Backends
- Managing Control Policies
- Managing Plug-ins
- Configuring a Custom Authorizer
- Configuring Signature Verification for Backend Services
- Configuring API Cascading
- Message Integration Guide
- Device Integration Guide
- Increasing Resource Quota
- Audit Logs
- Monitoring Metrics
- Permissions
- User Guide(new)
Best Practices
- Digital Reconstruction of Traditional Parking Lot Management Systems
- Sharing Enterprise Data Using APIs
- Integrating and Converting Service Data Across Systems
- Building an Enterprise Service Open Platform
- Developing a Custom Authorizer with a Custom Backend
- Avoiding MQS Message Accumulation
- Synchronizing Data from MySQL to Oracle as Scheduled
Developer Guide
- Developer Guide for Data Integration
Developer Guide for Service Integration
- Overview
- Developing API Calling Authentication (App)
- Developing API Calling Authentication (IAM)
Developing Custom Function Backends
- Overview
- AesUtils
- APIConnectResponse
- Base64Utils
- CacheUtils
- CipherUtils
- ConnectionConfig
- DataSourceClient
- DataSourceConfig
- ExchangeConfig
- HttpClient
- HttpConfig
- JedisConfig
- JSON2XMLHelper
- JSONHelper
- JsonUtils
- JWTUtils
- KafkaConsumer
- KafkaProducer
- KafkaConfig
- MD5Encoder
- Md5Utils
- QueueConfig
- RabbitMqConfig
- RabbitMqProducer
- RedisClient
- RomaWebConfig
- RSAUtils
- SapRfcClient
- SapRfcConfig
- SoapClient
- SoapConfig
- StringUtils
- TextUtils
- XmlUtils
- Developing Custom Data Backends
- Developing Signature Verification for Backend Services
- Developer Guide for Message Integration
Developer Guide for Device Integration
- Overview
- Preparations
- Configuring Device Integration
MQTT Topic Specifications
- Before You Start
- Gateway Login
- Adding a Gateway Subdevice
- Response for Adding a Gateway Subdevice
- Updating the Gateway Subdevice Status
- Response for Updating the Gateway Subdevice Status
- Deleting a Gateway Subdevice
- Querying Gateway Information
- Response for Querying Gateway Information
- Delivering a Command to a Device
- Response for Delivering a Command to a Device
- Reporting Device Data
API Reference
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
Public Resource APIs
Application Management
- Verifying the Existence of an Application
- Querying Applications
- Creating an Application
- Querying Application Details
- Updating an Application
- Deleting an Application
- Querying an Application Secret
- Resetting an Application Secret
- Querying Application Members
- Setting Application Members
- Querying Candidate Members
- Asset Management
- Dictionary Management
- Public Management
- Instance Management
Application Management
Data Integration APIs
- Data Source Management
- Task Monitoring and Management
Task Management
- Creating a Common Task
- Querying a Task List
- Counting the number of tasks of different types and states
- Updating a Common Job
- Querying Information About a Specified Task
- Deleting a Task
- Manually Triggering a Single Task
- Manually Stopping the Current Task
- Creating a Schedule
- Querying a Schedule
- Modifying a Scheduling
- Starting or Stopping Tasks in Batches
- Creating a Composite Task
- Initializing the Combined Task
- Modifying a Combined Task
- Resetting the Progress of the Combined Task
- Creating Combined Task Mappings
- Deleting the Specified Task Mapping
Service Integration APIs
- Instance Management
- API Group Management
API Management
- Creating an API
- Modifying an API
- Deleting an API
- Publishing an API or Taking an API Offline
- Querying Details of an API
- Querying APIs
- Publishing APIs or Taking APIs Offline in Batches
- Debugging an API
- Switching API Versions
- Querying Details of an API Version
- Taking an API Version Offline
- Querying Historical Versions of an API
- Querying the Runtime Definition of an API
- Verifying the API Definition
- Environment Management
- Environment Variable Management
- Domain Name Management
- Request Throttling Policy Management
- Binding a Request Throttling Policy to an API
- Excluded Request Throttling Configuration
- Signature Key Management
- Binding Signature Keys
- Access Control Policy Management
- Binding Access Control Policies
- API Import and Export
VPC Channel Management
- Creating a VPC Channel
- Updating a VPC Channel
- Deleting a VPC Channel
- Querying Details of a VPC Channel
- Querying VPC Channels
- Adding or Updating Backend Servers
- Querying Backend Servers of a VPC Channel
- Updating a Backend Instance
- Deleting a Backend Server
- Enabling Backend Servers in Batches
- Disabling Backend Servers in Batches
- Modifying VPC Channel Health Checks
- Adding or Updating a Backend Server Group of a VPC Channel
- Querying the List of Backend Cloud Service Groups of a VPC Channel
- Viewing Details About a Backend Server Group of a VPC Channel
- Deleting a VPC Backend Server Group
- Updating a Backend Server Group of a VPC Channel
Client Configuration
- Querying Apps
- Querying Details of an App
- Creating an AppCode
- Generating an AppCode
- Querying AppCodes of an App
- Querying Details of an AppCode
- Deleting an AppCode
- Querying Application Quotas Associated with an Application Quota
- Configuring Access Control for an App
- Querying Details About App Access Control
- Deleting Access Control for an App
Client Quotas
- Creating a client quota.
- Modifying a Client Quota
- Delete a Client Quota
- Querying Details of a Client Quota
- Querying Client Quotas
- Binding Client Applications to a Client Quota
- Unbinding Client Applications from a Client Quota
- Querying Client Applications Bound to a Client Quota
- Querying Client Applications Available for Being Bound to a Client Quota
- Application Authorization Management
Custom Backend Management
- Creating a Backend API
- Modifying a Backend API
- Deleting a Backend API
- Querying Details of a Backend API
- Querying Backend APIs
- Creating a Backend API Script
- Testing a Backend API
- Querying the Backend API Test Result
- Deploying a Backend API
- Querying the Deployment History of a Backend API
- Canceling Deployment of a Backend API
- Verifying the Definition of a Custom Backend API
- Querying the Quota of a Custom Backend Service
- Querying Data Sources of a Custom Backend Service
- Custom Authorizer Management
- Querying Metrics
- Instance Feature Management
- Tag Management
- Configuration Management
- Application Configuration Management
- VPC Channel Management - Project-Level
SSL Certificate Management
- Obtaining SSL Certificates
- Create an SSL certificate.
- Binding a Domain Name to an SSL Certificate
- Unbinding a Domain Name from an SSL Certificate
- Viewing Certificate Details
- Deleting an SSL Certificate
- Modifying an SSL certificate
- Binding an SSL Certificate with a Domain Name
- Unbinding an SSL Certificate from a Domain Name
- Obtaining Domain Names Bound to an SSL Certificate
Plug-in Management
- Creating a Plug-in
- Modifying a Plug-in
- Deleting a Plug-in
- Querying a Plug-in
- Querying Plug-in Details
- Binding a Plug-in to an API
- Binding a Plug-in to an API
- Unbinding a Plug-in from an API
- Unbinding a Plug-in from an API
- Querying APIs Bound with a Plug-in
- Querying Plug-ins bound to an API
- Querying APIs that Can Be Bound to a Plug-in
- Querying Plug-ins that Can Be Bound to the Current API
- Message Integration APIs
Device Integration APIs
- Device Group Management
Device Management
- Creating a Device
- Querying Devices
- Bringing Devices Offline in Batches
- Deleting a Device
- Querying Device Details
- Modifying a Device
- Querying Device Topics
- Adding a Subdevice to the Gateway
- Querying Subdevices
- Querying a Device Shadow
- Resetting Device Authentication Information
- Querying Device Authentication Information
- Sending Commands
- Subscription Management
- Product Template Management
Product Management
- Creating a Product
- Querying Products
- Querying the Number of Devices in a Product
- Deleting a Product
- Querying Product Details
- Modifying Product Information
- Adding a Product Topic
- Querying Product Topics
- Deleting a Product Topic
- Modifying a Product Topic
- Resetting Product Authentication Information
- Querying Product Authentication Information
- Importing Products
- Exporting Products
- Rule Engine
Service Management
- Creating a Service
- Querying Services
- Deleting a Service
- Querying Service Details
- Modifying a Service
- Creating an Attribute
- Querying Attributes
- Creating a Command
- Querying Commands
- Deleting a Command
- Querying Command Details
- Modifying a Command
- Creating a Request Attribute
- Querying Request Attributes
- Deleting a Request Attribute
- Modifying a Request Attribute
- Creating a Response Attribute
- Querying Response Attributes
- Deleting a Response Attribute
- Querying Response Attributes
- Modifying a Response Attribute
- Example Applications
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Appendix
Out-of-Date APIs
- API Group Management (V1)
- API Management (V1)
Custom Backend Management (V1)
- Querying Backend APIs
- Creating a Backend API
- Querying Details of a Backend API
- Modifying a Backend API
- Deleting a Backend API
- Querying the Backend API Test Result
- Querying the Deployment History of a Backend API
- Deploying a Backend API
- Testing a Backend API
- Canceling Deployment of a Backend API
- Creating a Backend API Script
- Application Authorization Management (V1)
- Custom Authorizer Management (V1)
- Device Integration APIs (V1)
- Change History
- SDK Reference
- Instance Management
Data Integration
Common Data Integration Tasks
- Which Types of Data Are Supported by FDI Databases?
- What Is a Trace Number? Can Data Be Traced by Using a Trace Number?
- Can I Clear the Destination Tables of an FDI Task?
- Can a Task Collect Data from One Table to Another Table?
- Is the FDI Task Created by One User Visible to Another User Under the Same Account?
- How Do I Configure FDI to Connect to MRS Hive of Other Tenants Through a Public Network?
- Will Collected Data Be Updated After a File Is Parsed from OBS to the RDS Database?
- Why Are the Column Values Incorrect When the CSV File on the Source OBS Is Parsed to the Relational Database?
- Can Data Be Integrated into the Destination When the Data Types of Source and Destination Fields of MRS Hive Do Not Match?
- Is the Mapping Between MRS Hive or MRS HBase and MongoDB Case-sensitive When It Is Manually Entered?
- Does MRS Hive Support Partitioning?
- How Do I Set the Custom Period for the API Data Source at the Source?
- Does SAP Support Reading Views by Page?
- Composite Data Integration Tasks
Common Data Integration Tasks
Service Integration
- Does APIC Support Multiple Backend Endpoints?
- How Do I Perform App Authentication in iOS System?
- How Can I Ensure the Security of Backend Services Invoked by APIC?
- Do I Need to Publish an API Again After Modification?
- What Can I Do If an API Published in a Non-RELEASE Environment Is Inaccessible?
- Can I Invoke Different Backend Services by Publishing an API in Different Environments?
- Can Applications Deployed in a VPC Call APIs?
- What Is the Maximum Size of an API Request Packet?
- Can I Modify a Deployed Custom Backend?
- How Does APIC Throttle Requests?
- What Are the Causes of an API Calling Failure?
- Message Integration
- Device Integration
Common Data Integration Tasks
- Garbled Characters Are Displayed When Data Is Written to MRS Hive at the Destination
- All Data Is Written to the First Field of MRS Hive
- An Error Message Is Displayed at the Destination Indicating Task Execution Times Out
- Error Message "could only be written to 0 of the 1 minReplication nodes. There are 2 datanode(s) running and 2 node(s) are excluded in this operation" Is Reported at the Destination During Data Integration from MySQL to MRS Hive
- Error Message "Illegal mix of collations for operation 'UNION'" Is Displayed at the Source Database During MySQL-to-MySQL Data Integration
- Data May Be Lost When Incremental Data Collection Is Performed from the Source MySQL on an Hourly Basis
- Error Message "401 unauthorized" Is Displayed at the Source During API-to-MySQL Data Integration
- Error Message "cannot find record mapping field" Is Displayed at the Destination During Kafka-to-MySQL Data Integration
- Error Message "connect timeout" Is Displayed at the Source During Scheduled API-to-MySQL Data Integration
- FDI Fails to Obtain Data During Real-Time Kafka-to-MySQL Data Integration Although Data Exists in MQS Topics
- Value of the Source Field of the tinyint(1) Type Is Changed from 2 to 1 at the Destination During Scheduled MySQL-to-MySQL Data Integration
- "The task executes failed.Writer data to kafka failed" Is Reported When the Kafka Destination Is Used over the Public Network
Composite Data Integration Tasks
- Data Fails to Be Written Because the RowId Field Type Is Incorrectly Configured in the Destination Table
- Error Message "binlog probably contains events generated with statement or mixed based replication forma" Is Displayed When the Binlog of the MySQL Database Is Read
- Data Still Fails to Be Written After an FDI Task Failure Is Rectified
- Camel Fails to Access the Database Because Table Names Contain Garbled Characters
- Inserted Data Violates the Non-null Constraint
- FDI Task Fails to Be Executed Because DWS Changes to the Read-only State
- Data Write to DWS Becomes Slower
- Data Sources
Service Integration
- Backend Service Fails to Be Invoked
- Error Message "No backend available" Is Displayed When an API Is Called
- Error Message "The API does not exist or has not been published in an environment" Is Displayed When an API Is Called Using JavaScript
- Common Errors Related to IAM Authentication Information
- A Message Is Displayed Indicating that the Certificate Chain Is Incomplete When You Add a Certificate
- Device Integration
Common Data Integration Tasks
- Videos
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
- Getting Started
- Instances
- Integration Application Management
- Data Integration Guide
- Service Integration Guide
- Message Integration Guide
- Device Integration Guide
Data Source Management
- Data Sources Supported by ROMA Connect
- Connecting to an API Data Source
- Connecting to an ActiveMQ Data Source
- Connecting to an ArtemisMQ Data Source
- Connecting to a DB2 Data Source
- Connecting to a DIS Data Source
- Connecting to a DWS Data Source
- Connecting to a GaussDB 100 Data Source
- Connecting to a GaussDB 200 Data Source
- Connecting to an FTP Data Source
- Connecting to an FI HDFS Data Source
- Connecting to an FI Hive Data Source
- Connecting to an FI Kafka Data Source
- Connecting to an HL7 Data Source
- Connecting to a HANA Data Source
- Connecting to a HIVE Data Source
- Connecting to an LDAP Data Source
- Connecting to an IBM MQ Data Source
- Connecting to a Kafka Data Source
- Connecting to a MySQL Data Source
- Connecting to a MongoDB Data Source
- Connecting to an MRS Hive Data Source
- Connecting to an MRS HDFS Data Source
- Connecting to an MRS HBase Data Source
- Connecting to an MRS Kafka Data Source
- Connecting to an OBS Data Source
- Connecting to an Oracle Data Source
- Connecting to a PostgreSQL Data Source
- Connecting to a Redis Data Source
- Connecting to a RabbitMQ Data Source
- Connecting to an SAP Data Source
- Connecting to an SNMP Data Source
- Connecting to a SQL Server Data Source
- Connecting to a TaurusDB Data Source
- Connecting to a WebSocket Data Source
- Connecting to a Custom Data Source
- Asset Management
- Common Operations
Data Integration Tasks
- Which Types of Data Are Supported by FDI Databases?
- What Is a Trace Number? Can Data Be Traced by Using a Trace Number?
- Does an FDI Task Support Clearance of a Destination Table?
- Can a Task Collect Data from One Table to Another Table?
- Is the FDI Task Created by One User Visible to Another User Under the Same Account?
- How Do I Configure FDI to Connect to MRS Hive of Other Tenants Through a Public Network?
- Will Collected Data Be Updated After a File Is Parsed from OBS to the RDS Database?
- Why Are the Column Values Incorrect When the CSV File on the Source OBS Is Parsed to the Relational Database?
- Can Data Be Integrated into the Destination When the Data Types of Source and Destination Fields of MRS Hive Do Not Match?
- Is the Mapping Between MRS Hive or MRS HBase and MongoDB Case-sensitive When It Is Manually Entered?
- Does MRS Hive Support Partitioning?
- How Can I Configure the Time for Triggering a Scheduled Task of FDI?
- How Do I Set the Custom Period for the API Data Source at the Source?
- Composite Data Integration Tasks
Service Integration
- Which Languages Does APIC Support for SDKs?
- Does APIC Support Multiple Backend Endpoints?
- Which Error Codes Will Be Displayed When I Use APIC?
- How Can I Ensure the Security of Backend Services Invoked by APIC?
- Do I Need to Publish an API Again After Modification?
- What Can I Do If an API Published in a Non-RELEASE Environment Is Inaccessible?
- Can I Invoke Different Backend Services by Publishing an API in Different Environments?
- What Is the Maximum Size of an API Request Package?
- Can I Modify an API After It Is Deployed on the Custom Backend?
- How Does APIC Throttle Requests?
- What Are the Causes of an API Calling Failure?
- Can I Call an API If the API Is Not Bound to an EIP?
- Which Data Sources Does APIC Support?
- Message Integration
- Device Integration
Common Data Integration Tasks
- Garbled Characters Are Displayed When Data Is Written to MRS Hive at the Destination
- All Data Is Written to the First Field of MRS Hive
- An Error Message Is Displayed at the Destination Indicating Task Execution Times Out
- Error Message "could only be written to 0 of the 1 minReplication nodes. There are 2 datanode(s) running and 2 node(s) are excluded in this operation" Is Reported at the Destination During Data Integration from MySQL to MRS Hive
- Error Message "Illegal mix of collations for operation 'UNION'" Is Displayed at the Source Database During MySQL-to-MySQL Data Integration
- Data May Be Lost When Incremental Data Collection Is Performed from the Source MySQL on an Hourly Basis
- Error Message "401 unauthorized" Is Displayed at the Source During API-to-MySQL Data Integration
- Error Message "cannot find record mapping field" Is Displayed at the Destination During Kafka-to-MySQL Data Integration
- Error Message "connect timeout" Is Displayed at the Source During Scheduled API-to-MySQL Data Integration
- FDI Fails to Obtain Data During Real-Time Kafka-to-MySQL Data Integration Although Data Exists in MQS Topics
- Value of the Source Field of the tinyint(1) Type Is Changed from 2 to 1 at the Destination During Scheduled MySQL-to-MySQL Data Integration
Composite Data Integration Tasks
- Data Fails to Be Written Because the RowId Field Type Is Incorrectly Configured in the Destination Table
- Error Message "binlog probably contains events generated with statement or mixed based replication forma" Is Displayed When the Binlog of the MySQL Database Is Read
- Data Still Fails to Be Written After an FDI Task Failure Is Rectified
- Camel Fails to Access the Database Because Table Names Contain Garbled Characters
- Inserted Data Violates the Non-null Constraint
- FDI Task Fails to Be Executed Because DWS Changes to the read-only State
- Speed of Writing Data to DWS Becomes Slower
- Data Sources
- Service Integration
- Device Integration
Common Data Integration Tasks
Developer Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
Developer Guide for Service Integration
- How Do I Choose an Authentication Mode
- Using App Authentication to Call APIs
- Using IAM Authentication to Call APIs
- Signing Backend Services
Developing Function APIs
- Function API Script Compilation Guide
- APIConnectResponse
- Base64Utils
- CacheUtils
- CipherUtils
- ConnectionConfig
- DataSourceClient
- DataSourceConfig
- ExchangeConfig
- HttpClient
- HttpConfig
- JedisConfig
- JSON2XMLHelper
- JSONHelper
- JsonUtils
- JWTUtils
- KafkaConsumer
- KafkaProducer
- KafkaConfig
- MD5Encoder
- Md5Utils
- ObjectUtils
- QueueConfig
- RabbitMqConfig
- RabbitMqProducer
- RedisClient
- RomaWebConfig
- RSAUtils
- SapRfcClient
- SapRfcConfig
- SoapClient
- SoapConfig
- StringUtils
- TextUtils
- XmlUtils
- Developing Data API Statements
Developer Guide for Message Integration
- Overview and Network Environment Preparation
- Collecting Connection Information
Connecting to MQS in Client Mode
- Recommendations for Client Usage
- Setting Parameters for Clients
- Setting Up the Java Development Environment
- Configuring Kafka Clients in Java
- Configuring Kafka Clients in Python
- Configuring Kafka Clients in Other Languages
- Appendix: Methods for Improving the Message Processing Efficiency
- Appendix: Restrictions on Spring Kafka Interconnection
- Connecting to MQS Using RESTful APIs
Developer Guide for Device Integration
- Device Integration Development
MQTT Topic Specifications
- Before You Start
- Gateway Login
- Adding a Gateway Subdevice
- Response for Adding a Gateway Subdevice
- Updating the Gateway Subdevice Status
- Response for Updating the Gateway Subdevice Status
- Deleting a Gateway Subdevice
- Querying Gateway Information
- Response for Querying Gateway Information
- Delivering a Command to a Device
- Response for Delivering a Command to a Device
- Reporting Device Data
Developer Guide for Service Integration
API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Before You Start
- Calling APIs
Public Resource APIs
Application Management
- Verifying the Existence of an Application
- Querying Applications
- Creating an Application
- Querying Application Details
- Updating an Application
- Deleting an Application
- Querying an Application Secret
- Resetting an Application Secret
- Querying Application Members
- Setting Application Members
- Querying Candidate Members
- Asset Management
- Dictionary Management
- Public Management
Application Management
- Instance Management
- API Group Management
API Management
- Creating an API
- Modifying an API
- Deleting an API
- Publishing an API or Taking an API Offline
- Querying Details of an API
- Querying APIs
- Publishing APIs or Taking APIs Offline in Batches
- Debugging an API
- Switching API Versions
- Querying Details of an API Version
- Taking an API Version Offline
- Querying Historical Versions of an API
- Querying the Runtime Definition of an API
- Verifying the API Definition
- Environment Management
- Environment Variable Management
- Domain Name Management
- Request Throttling Policy Management
- Binding/Unbinding Request Throttling Policies
- Excluded Request Throttling Configuration
- Signature Key Management
- Binding/Unbinding Signature Keys
- Access Control Policy Management
- Binding/Unbinding Access Control Policies
- API Import and Export
- VPC Channel Management
Client Configuration
- Querying Apps
- Querying Details of an App
- Creating an AppCode
- Generating an AppCode
- Querying AppCodes of an App
- Querying Details of an AppCode
- Deleting an AppCode
- Querying Application Quotas Associated with an Application Quota
- Configuring Access Control for an App
- Querying Details About App Access Control
- Deleting Access Control for an App
Client Quota
- This API is used to create a client quota.
- Modifying a Client Quota
- Delete a Client Quota
- Querying Details of a Client Quota
- Querying Client Quotas
- Binding Client Applications to a Client Quota
- Unbinding Client Applications from a Client Quota
- Querying Client Applications Bound to a Client Quota
- Querying Client Applications Available for Being Bound to a Client Quota
- App Authorization Management
Custom Backend Management
- Creating a Backend API
- Modifying a Backend API
- Deleting a Backend API
- Querying Details of a Backend API
- Querying Backend APIs
- Creating a Backend API Script
- Testing a Backend API
- Querying the Backend API Test Result
- Deploying a Backend API
- Querying the Deployment History of a Backend API
- Canceling Deployment of a Backend API
- Verifying the Definition of a Custom Backend API
- Querying the Quota of a Custom Backend Service
- Querying Data Sources of a Custom Backend Service
- Custom Authorizer Management
- Monitoring Information Query
- Instance Feature Management
- Tag Management
- Configuration Management
- Application Configuration Management
Device Integration APIs
- Device Group Management
Device Management
- Creating a Device
- Querying Devices
- Bringing Devices Offline in Batches
- Deleting a Device
- Querying Device Details
- Modifying a Device
- Querying Device Topics
- Adding a Subdevice to the Gateway
- Querying Subdevices
- Querying a Device Shadow
- Resetting Device Authentication Information
- Querying Device Authentication Information
- Sending Commands
- Product Template Management
Product Management
- Creating a Product
- Querying Products
- Querying the Number of Devices in a Product
- Deleting a Product
- Querying Product Details
- Modifying Product Information
- Adding a Product Topic
- Querying Product Topics
- Deleting a Product Topic
- Modifying a Product Topic
- Resetting Product Authentication Information
- Querying Product Authentication Information
- Importing Products
- Exporting Products
- Rule Engine
Service Management
- Creating a Service
- Querying Services
- Deleting a Service
- Querying Service Details
- Modifying a Service
- Creating an Attribute
- Querying Attributes
- Creating a Command
- Querying Commands
- Deleting a Command
- Querying Command Details
- Modifying a Command
- Creating a Request Attribute
- Querying Request Attributes
- Deleting a Request Attribute
- Modifying a Request Attribute
- Creating a Response Attribute
- Querying Response Attributes
- Deleting a Response Attribute
- Querying Response Attributes
- Modifying a Response Attribute
- Appendix
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- General Reference
Configuring the Service Opening Platform
- An instance (platform) and its cascaded instance (subsidiary) can communicate with each other.
If the two instances are in different VPCs, create a VPC peering connection. For details, see VPC Peering Connection.
- If the two instances are located in different networks and communicate with each other through an air wall, their IP address and port number must be configured on the air wall. In addition, the air wall must use the TCP protocol for secure access. A dedicated VPN or tunnel can also be used to implement cross-network interworking.
Configuring Instance Cascading
Cascade the platform instance and its subsidiary instances so that the platform instance can open each subsidiary instance as backend service APIs.
- Enable cascading for subsidiary instances.
- Log in to the ROMA Connect console that displays subsidiary instance A. On the Instances page, click View Console.
- Choose Instance Information > Configuration Parameters and locate the cascade parameter.
- Click Edit on the right of the parameter, set Current Value to on, and click Save.
- Click
to set more cascading parameters.
Table 1 Subsidiary instance configuration Parameter
Encryption key used for authentication between APIs in the cascading relationship. The cascade_auth_key values of the subsidiary instance and platform instance must be the same.
Enter the platform instance ID.
- Repeat 1.a to 1.d to enable cascading for subsidiary instance B.
- Enable cascading for the platform instance.
- Log in to the ROMA Connect console that displays the platform instance. On the Instances page, click View Console.
- Choose Instance Information > Configuration Parameters and locate the cascade parameter.
- Click Edit on the right of the parameter, set Current Value to on, and click Save.
- Click
to set more cascading parameters.
Table 2 Platform instance configuration Parameter
Encryption key used for authentication between cascading APIs. The subsidiary and platform instances must use the same cascade_auth_key value.
You do not need to set this parameter in the platform instance.
Configuring a Load Balance Channel Between Instances
Configure the load balance channel from the platform instance to each subsidiary instance. When the platform instance calls the API of the subsidiary instance as the backend service, the dedicated authentication channel can be used to avoid authentication conflicts.
- In the navigation pane of the platform instance console, choose API Connect > API Policies. On the Load Balance Channels tab, click Create Load Balance Channel.
- On the page displayed, configure load balance channel information.
Table 3 Basic information Parameter
Enter a load balance channel name. Using naming rules facilitates future search.
Enter the access port number in the load balance channel. You can determine the port number based on the protocol used by the API in the subsidiary instance. For HTTP, set this parameter to 80. For HTTPS, set this parameter to 443.
Routing Algorithm
Select an algorithm for routing backend service requests. The load balance channel determines which servers the algorithm will send the requests to.
- WRR: Requests are forwarded to each cloud server in order of server weight.
- WLC: Requests are forwarded to the cloud server with the fewest live connections in order of server weight.
- SH: Requests are forwarded to the cloud server by source IP address. Requests with the same source IP address are forwarded to the same server unless the server is unavailable.
- URI hashing: Requests are forwarded to the cloud server by request path. Requests from the same path are forwarded to the same server unless the server is unavailable.
- Configure servers.
- Specify the way to add servers. Set Mode to Specify IP addresses if you want to access subsidiary instance APIs.
- Click Create Server Group. In the dialog box displayed, configure group information and click OK.
Servers can be added to different groups.
Table 4 Server group configuration Parameter
Group Name
Enter a server group name. Using naming rules facilitates future search.
Enter the weight of the server group. The larger the weight, the more requests can be forwarded to the servers in the group.
Enter a brief description of the server group.
- Click Add Backend Server Address.
- Configure backend server information.
Table 5 Backend server information Parameter
Backend Server Address
Enter the API access address of the subsidiary instance.
- IP address format:
- Set this parameter to the EIP of the subsidiary instance if the two instances communicate with each other over a public network.
- Set this parameter to the APIC connection address of the subsidiary instance if the two instances communicate with each other over a VPC intranet.
- Domain name format: Enter the access domain name of the API.
Standby Node
Enabled: The backend server serves as a standby node. It works only when all non-standby nodes are faulty.
Access port number of the backend server. If the port number is 0, the port of the load balance channel is used.
Server Status
Specify whether to enable the server. Requests are distributed to the server only after it is enabled.
- IP address format:
- Configure the health check.
The health check function is enabled by default. If you do not need the health check, disable this function.
Table 6 Health check configurations Parameter
Select the protocol used for the health check. Options: TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS
Two-Way Authentication
Available for Protocol set to HTTPS.
Specify whether to enable two-way authentication between ROMA Connect and backend servers.
Mandatory for Protocol set to HTTP or HTTPS.
Enter the health check URL.
Mandatory for Protocol set to HTTP or HTTPS.
Select the HTTP request method used for the health check. The value can be GET or HEAD.
Check Port
Enter the destination port of the health check. By default, the port number configured for the load balance channel is used.
Healthy Threshold
Number of consecutive successful checks required for a server to be considered healthy. Example: If set to 2, ROMA Connect declares the ECS status to be healthy when the check is successful twice in a row.
Unhealthy Threshold
Number of consecutive failed checks required for a server to be considered unhealthy. Example: If set to 5, ROMA Connect declares the ECS status to be abnormal when the check fails five times in a row.
Timeout Interval(s)
Response timeout of a health check, in seconds. If no response is received within this time, the health check fails.
Interval (s)
Interval between consecutive checks, in seconds.
Status Codes
Mandatory for Protocol set to HTTP or HTTPS.
If specified HTTP status codes are returned, the response is successful.
- Click Finish.
- Repeat 1 to 5 to configure the load balance channel from the platform instance to other subsidiary instances.
Creating an API on the Platform Instance
Create and open APIs in the platform instance, and use the subsidiary instance APIs as the backend service. Each subsidiary or partner calls other subsidiary instances' APIs opened by the platform instance.
For details about how to create an API, see Creating an API. Only the backend configuration is different, as shown as follows.
Parameter |
Description |
Backend Type |
Select a backend service type. When the API of the subsidiary instance is used as the backend service, select HTTP/HTTPS. |
Load Balance Channel |
Whether the backend service is accessed through a load balance channel. Configure the channel when the subsidiary instance APIs are used as the backend services. |
Configure the URL of the backend service.
Cascading Flag |
Determine whether to use the cascading mode to access backend services. Enable this option. |
Host Header |
Define the host header field carried in the backend service request. If you have specified Backend Server Address with an IP address when creating a load balance channel in Configuring a Load Balance Channel Between Instances, set Host Header to the domain name of the API of the subsidiary instance. |
Timeout (ms) |
Enter the timeout interval of a backend service request. The default value is 5000. |
Retries |
Number of retries after ROMA Connect fails to call the backend service.
Two-Way Authentication |
Available for Protocol set to HTTPS. Specify whether to enable two-way authentication between ROMA Connect and backend services. Disable two-way authentication for subsidiary instance APIs set as the backend services. |
Backend Authentication |
Determine whether to enable backend authentication. When the API of the subsidiary instance is used as the backend service, do not enable backend authentication. |
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