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Help Center/ FunctionGraph/ Best Practices/ Deploying AI Drawing Stable-Diffusion in the Application Center/ Advanced Use/ Using ECS as an NFS Server to Isolate Resources of Multiple Users

Using ECS as an NFS Server to Isolate Resources of Multiple Users

Updated on 2025-02-28 GMT+08:00

Using ECS as an NFS Server to Isolate Resources of Multiple Users

In addition to SFS file systems, NFS shared paths on ECS can also be mounted to FunctionGraph functions. Using ECS makes it easier to manage resources for multiple tenants.

  1. Buy an ECS. Pay attention to the following aspects:

    • Select CN East-Shanghai1 for Region. You can select the ECS specification and image version based on service requirements. EulerOS 2.5 64bit(40 GiB) is used as an example. Some Linux commands vary depending on the image version.
      Figure 1 Basic information
    • The size of many model files ranges from 1 GB to more than 10 GB. It is advised to select a system disk or mount a data disk as required. Click Next: Configure Network.
      Figure 2 Configuring a system disk
    • Select the VPC and subnet created in the previous step.
      Figure 3 Configuring the VPC and subnet
    • For details about how to configure a security group, see the following figure. For inbound rules, enable ports 111, 2049, 2051, 2052, and 20048 for the IP address segment in the subnet for the NFS service. Configure other ports, such as port 22 for SSH and SFTP and port 21 for FTP.
      Figure 4 Configuring a security group
    • Purchase an EIP based on service requirements.
      Figure 5 Purchasing an EIP

  2. Configure NFS sharing.

    After purchasing an ECS, you can configure NFS sharing. The following uses user1 and user2 as an example.
    1. Add users user1 and user2 and create the home directory.
      useradd -m user1 && useradd -m user1
    2. Change the password.
      passwd user1
      passwd user2
    3. Create a shared directory for users and change the operation permission on the shared directory to 777.
      mkdir /home/user1/share && chmod 777 /home/user1/share
      mkdir /home/user2/share && chmod 777 /home/user2/share

      The shared directory is a subdirectory of the home directory and inaccessible to other users. This ensures that the function has the operation permission after mounting the directory. Therefore, permission 777 will not cause unauthorized operations.

    4. Install the NFS service.
      yum install rpcbind nfs-utils // Run the corresponding command for images that use apt or other package management tools.
    5. Add the following content to the /etc/exports file:
      /home/user1/share xx.xx.xx.xx/xx(rw) // Fill xx.xx.xx.xx/xx with the network segment of the created subnet.
      /home/user2/share xx.xx.xx.xx/xx(rw) // Fill xx.xx.xx.xx/xx with the network segment of the created subnet.
    6. Start the NFS service.
      systemctl start rpcbind nfs
    7. Enable the NFS service to automatically start upon system startup.
      echo "xx.xx.xx.xx:/home/user1/share /nfs nfs4 defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab // Enter the IP address of the ECS in the subnet.
      echo "xx.xx.xx.xx:/home/user2/share /nfs nfs4 defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab // Enter the IP address of the ECS in the subnet.
      mount -av
    8. Check the sharing information. If the following is displayed, the NFS sharing is successfully configured.
      showmount -e xx.xx.xx.xx (IP address of the server)
      Figure 6 Checking sharing information

Mounting an Application

In the FunctionGraph application center, create a Stable-Diffusion application for user1 and user2, respectively. The following uses user1 as an example. The procedure for user2 is the same.

  1. Go to the Summary page of user1 application, find the function whose logical name is stable_diffusion or custom_models_tool in Resources, and click the link to go to the function details page. The operations of the two functions are the same. The stable_diffusion function is used as an example.

    Figure 7 Functions of user1

  2. On the function details page, choose Configuration > Network, enable VPC Access, configure the VPC and subnet, select the same VPC and subnet as those of ECS, and click Save.

    Figure 8 Configuring network

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Disk Mounting > Mount File System.

    • File System Type: Select ECS.
    • ECS: Select the ECS used to configure the NFS sharing.
    • Shared Directory: Enter /home/user1/share (e/home/user2/share for user2).
    • Access Path: Enter /mnt/auto.
    Figure 9 Mounting a file system

  4. After the configuration is complete, click OK.

Accessing the WebUI Program to Create Directories and Files

  1. Go to the Summary page of user1, click Access Application in the upper right corner, and wait until the function is started. The function automatically creates a directory required by the application in the mounting directory.
  2. Go back to the Summary page of user1 application and click Upload Model to open the file management tool.

    Figure 10 File management tool

  3. Save your model and plug-in files to the corresponding directories. The following is an introduction of some main directories.

    • sd/models/Stable-diffusion: Path for storing Stable-Diffusion Checkpoint model files.
    • sd/models/VAE: Path for storing VAE files.
    • sd/models/Lora: Path for storing LoRA models.
    • sd/extensions: Path for storing plug-ins.

  4. Reload the WebUI. The newly imported models are displayed.

    Figure 11 Checkpoint models
    Figure 12 LoRA models

  5. Click Generate in the upper right corner. The image is automatically saved to the /home/user1/share/sd/outputs/txt2img/202x-xx-xx directory.

    Figure 13 Directory for saving images

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