Help Center/ Cloud Container Engine/ Best Practices/ DevOps/ Installing and Deploying Jenkins on CCE/ Procedure/ Interconnecting Jenkins with RBAC of Kubernetes Clusters (Example)
Updated on 2024-12-28 GMT+08:00

Interconnecting Jenkins with RBAC of Kubernetes Clusters (Example)


RBAC must be enabled for the cluster.

Scenario 1: Namespace-based Permissions Control

Create a service account and a role, and add a RoleBinding.

# kubectl create ns dev
# kubectl -n dev create sa dev

# cat <<EOF > dev-user-role.yml
kind: Role
  namespace: dev
  name: dev-user-pod
- apiGroups: ["*"]
  resources: ["deployments", "pods", "pods/log"]
  verbs: ["get", "watch", "list", "update", "create", "delete"]
# kubectl create -f dev-user-role.yml

# kubectl create rolebinding dev-view-pod \
    --role=dev-user-pod \
    --serviceaccount=dev:dev \

Generate the kubeconfig file of a specified service account.

  • In clusters earlier than v1.21, a token is obtained by mounting the secret of the service account to a pod. Tokens obtained this way are permanent. This approach is no longer recommended starting from version 1.21. Service accounts will stop auto creating secrets in clusters from version 1.25.

    In clusters of version 1.21 or later, you can use the TokenRequest API to obtain the token and use the projected volume to mount the token to the pod. Such tokens are valid for a fixed period. When the mounting pod is deleted, the token automatically becomes invalid. For details, see Service Account Token Security Improvement.

  • If you need a token that never expires, you can also manually manage secrets for service accounts. Although a permanent service account token can be manually created, you are advised to use a short-lived token by calling the TokenRequest API for higher security.

Because the cluster version used in this case is v1.25, the ServiceAccount will not have a secret created automatically. This example shows how to manually create a secret named dev-secret and associate it with the ServiceAccount named dev.

The manually created secret must be in the same namespace as the ServiceAccount to be associated with. Otherwise, the creation may fail.

# kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1 
kind: Secret 
  namespace: dev  # Namespace
  name: dev-secret   
  annotations: dev 

Check whether dev-secret has been created. If dev-secret is present in secrets of the dev namespace, then it has been created.

# kubectl get secrets -n dev
NAME               TYPE                                  DATA        AGE
default-secret           1      2d22h
dev-secret      3      4h14m
paas.elb           cfe/secure-opaque                        1      2d22h

Generate a kubeconfig file using dev-secret.

# CA_CERT=$(kubectl -n dev get secret dev-secret -o yaml | awk '/ca.crt:/{print $2}')
# cat <<EOF > dev.conf
apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
- cluster:
    certificate-authority-data: $CA_CERT
    server: $API_SERVER
  name: cluster

# TOKEN=$(kubectl -n dev get secret dev-secret -o go-template='{{.data.token}}')
# kubectl config set-credentials dev-user \
    --token=`echo ${TOKEN} | base64 -d` \

# kubectl config set-context default \
    --cluster=cluster \
    --user=dev-user \

# kubectl config use-context default \

Verify the configuration.

# kubectl --kubeconfig=dev.conf get po
Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:dev:dev" cannot list pods in the namespace "default"

# kubectl -n dev --kubeconfig=dev.conf run nginx --image nginx --port 80 --restart=Never
# kubectl -n dev --kubeconfig=dev.conf get po
nginx     1/1       Running   0          39s

Verify whether the permissions meet the expectation in Jenkins.

  1. Add the kubeconfig file with permissions control settings to Jenkins.

  2. Start the Jenkins job. In this example, Jenkins fails to be deployed in namespace default but is successfully deployed in namespace dev.

Scenario 2: Resource-based Permissions Control

  1. Generate the service account, role, and binding.

    # kubectl -n dev create sa sa-test0304
    # cat <<EOF > test0304-role.yml
    kind: Role
      namespace: dev
      name: role-test0304
    - apiGroups: ["*"]
      resources: ["deployments"]
      resourceNames: ["tomcat03", "tomcat04"]
      verbs: ["get", "update", "patch"]
    # kubectl create -f test0304-role.yml
    # kubectl create rolebinding test0304-bind \
        --role=role-test0304 \

  2. Generate a kubeconfig file.

    • In clusters earlier than v1.21, a token is obtained by mounting the secret of the service account to a pod. Tokens obtained this way are permanent. This approach is no longer recommended starting from version 1.21. Service accounts will stop auto creating secrets in clusters from version 1.25.

      In clusters of version 1.21 or later, you can use the TokenRequest API to obtain the token and use the projected volume to mount the token to the pod. Such tokens are valid for a fixed period. When the mounting pod is deleted, the token automatically becomes invalid. For details, see Service Account Token Security Improvement.

    • If you need a token that never expires, you can also manually manage secrets for service accounts. Although a permanent service account token can be manually created, you are advised to use a short-lived token by calling the TokenRequest API for higher security.

    Because the cluster version used in this case is v1.25, the ServiceAccount will not have a secret created automatically. This example shows how to manually create a secret named test-secret and associate it with the ServiceAccount named sa-test0304.

    # kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    apiVersion: v1 
    kind: Secret 
      namespace: dev   
      name: test-secret   
      annotations:     sa-test0304 

    Check whether test-secret has been created. If test-secret is present in secrets of the dev namespace, then it has been created.

    # kubectl get secrets -n dev
    NAME               TYPE                                  DATA        AGE
    default-secret           1      2d22h
    dev-secret      3      4h14m
    paas.elb           cfe/secure-opaque                        1      2d22h
    test-secret      3      25m

    Generate a kubeconfig file using test-secret.

    # API_SERVER=""
    # CA_CERT=$(kubectl -n dev get secret test-secret -o yaml | awk '/ca.crt:/{print $2}')
    # cat <<EOF > test0304.conf
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Config
    - cluster:
        certificate-authority-data: $CA_CERT
        server: $API_SERVER
      name: cluster
    # TOKEN=$(kubectl -n dev get secret test-secret -o go-template='{{.data.token}}')
    # kubectl config set-credentials test0304-user \
        --token=`echo ${TOKEN} | base64 -d` \
    # kubectl config set-context default \
        --cluster=cluster \
        --user=test0304-user \
    # kubectl config use-context default \

  3. Verify that Jenkins is running as expected.

    In the pipeline script, update the Deployments of tomcat03, tomcat04, and tomcat05 in sequence.

           try { 
                 kubeconfigId: "test0304",
                 configs: "test03.yaml")
             println "hooray, success"
            } catch (e) {
                println "oh no! Deployment failed! "
                println e
            echo "test04"
            try { 
                 kubeconfigId: "test0304",
                 configs: "test04.yaml")
             println "hooray, success"
            } catch (e) {
                println "oh no! Deployment failed! "
                println e
            echo "test05"
            try { 
                 kubeconfigId: "test0304",
                 configs: "test05.yaml")
             println "hooray, success"
            } catch (e) {
                println "oh no! Deployment failed! "
                println e

    The following shows examples of the running results.

    Figure 1 test03
    Figure 2 test04