Updated on 2025-01-08 GMT+08:00

Migrating Resources Outside a Cluster

If your migration does not involve resources outside a cluster listed in Table 1 or you do not need to use other services to update resources after the migration, skip this section.

Migrating Container Images

To ensure that container images can be properly pulled after cluster migration and improve container deployment efficiency, you are advised to migrate private images to SoftWare Repository for Container (SWR). CCE works with SWR to provide a pipeline for automated container delivery. Images are pulled in parallel, which greatly improves container delivery efficiency.

Manually migrate container images.

  1. Remotely log in to any node in the source cluster and run the docker pull command to pull all images to the local host.
  2. Log in to the SWR console, click Login Command in the upper right corner of the page, and copy the command.
  3. Run the copied login command on the node.

    The message "Login Succeeded" will be displayed upon a successful login.

  4. Add tags to all local images.

    docker tag [Image name 1:tag 1] [Image repository address]/[Organization name]/[Image name 2:tag 2]
    • [Image name 1:tag 1]: name and tag of the local image to be pulled.
    • [Image repository address]: You can obtain the image repository address on the SWR console.
    • [Organization name]: Enter the name of the organization you created on the SWR console.
    • {Image name 2:Tag 2}: image name and tag displayed on the SWR console.

    The following is an example:

    docker tag nginx:v1 swr.ap-southeast-1.myhuaweicloud.com/cloud-develop/mynginx:v1

  5. Run the docker push command to upload all local container image files to SWR.

    docker push [Image repository address]/[Organization name]/[Image name 2:tag 2]

    The following is an example:

    docker push swr.ap-southeast-1.myhuaweicloud.com/cloud-develop/mynginx:v1

Migrating Databases and Storage (On-Demand)

You can determine whether to use Relational Database Service (RDS) and Object Storage Service (OBS) based on your production requirements. After the migration is complete, reconfigure the database and storage for applications in the target CCE cluster.

Database migration

If your database is deployed without using containers and needs to be migrated to the cloud, Data Replication Service (DRS) can help you do this. DRS provides multiple capabilities, including online migration, backup migration, real-time disaster recovery, data synchronization, and data subscription. Contact O&M or development personnel to migrate the database. For details, see Migrating Databases Across Cloud Platforms. After the migration is complete, interconnect with the database by following the procedure described in Updating Databases.

Storage migration

If your cluster has connected to an object storage service and needs to be migrated to the cloud, Object Storage Migration Service (OMS) can help you migrate data to OBS. Other storage classes are not supported by official tools.

Contact O&M or development personnel to migrate object storage data. For details, see Creating a Migration Task. After the migration is complete, attach the object storage to the application by referring to Using an Existing OBS Bucket Through a Static PV.

Currently, you can use OMS to migrate object storage data from AWS China, Alibaba Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Baidu Cloud, Kingsoft Cloud, Ucloud, QingCloud, Qiniu Cloud, and Tencent Cloud to Huawei Cloud OBS.