Updated on 2024-04-18 GMT+08:00


Table 1 lists the common functions of EIP.

Table 1 Common EIP functions




EIP and Bandwidth


The EIP service enables your cloud resources to communicate with the Internet using static public IP addresses and scalable bandwidths.

You can assign EIPs, bind them to or unbind them from cloud resources, release EIPs, and modify EIP bandwidth.

For details, see section "EIP Overview" in the Elastic IP User Guide.

Shared Bandwidth

All ECSs, BMSs, and load balancers can share the same bandwidth if they reside in the same region and have EIPs bound.

You can assign, modify, delete a shared bandwidth, add EIPs to a shared bandwidth, and remove EIPs from a shared bandwidth.

For details, see section "Shared Bandwidth Overview" in the Elastic IP User Guide.


Viewing Metrics

If you have subscribed to the VPC service, you can view bandwidth and EIP usage through Cloud Eye without adding plug-ins. On Cloud Eye, you can also create alarm rules, and customize monitored resources and notification policies.

For details, see section "Supported Metrics" in the Elastic IP User Guide.