Help Center/ GaussDB(DWS)/ More Documents/ User Guide/ Monitoring and Alarms/ Monitoring Clusters Using Cloud Eye
Updated on 2023-01-09 GMT+08:00

Monitoring Clusters Using Cloud Eye


This section describes how to check cluster metrics on Cloud Eye. By monitoring cluster running metrics, you can identify the time when the database cluster is abnormal and analyze potential activity problems based on the database logs, improving database performance. This section describes the metrics that can be monitored by Cloud Eye as well as their namespaces and dimensions. You can use the management console or APIs provided by Cloud Eye to query the monitoring metrics and alarms generated by GaussDB(DWS). For details, see the User Guide and API Reference of Cloud Eye.

This section is organized as follows:



Cluster Monitoring Metrics

With the GaussDB(DWS) monitoring metrics provided by Cloud Eye, you can obtain information about the cluster running status and performance. This information will provide a better understanding of the node-level information.

Table 1 describes GaussDB(DWS) monitoring metrics.

Table 1 GaussDB(DWS) monitoring metrics

Metric ID



Value Range

Monitored Object

Monitoring Period (Raw Data)


Cache Hit Ratio

Percentage of data volume obtained from memory, expressed in percentage

0% to 100%

Data warehouse cluster

4 minutes


In-memory Sort Ratio

Percentage of data volume that is sorted in memory, expressed in percentage

0% to 100%

Data warehouse cluster

4 minutes


File Reads

Total number of database file reads

> 0

Data warehouse cluster

4 minutes


File Writes

Total number of database file writes

> 0

Data warehouse cluster

4 minutes


File Reads per Second

Number of database file reads per second

≥ 0

Data warehouse cluster

4 minutes


File Writes per Second

Number of database file writes per second

≥ 0

Data warehouse cluster

4 minutes


Data Volume

Total size of data in the database, in MB

≥ 0 MB

Data warehouse cluster

4 minutes


Active SQL Count

Number of active SQLs in the database

≥ 0

Data warehouse cluster

4 minutes


Session Count

Number of sessions that access the database

≥ 0

Data warehouse cluster

4 minutes


CPU Usage

CPU usage of each node in a cluster, in percentage

0% to 100%

Data warehouse node

1 minute


Memory Usage

Memory usage of each node in a cluster, in percentage

0% to 100%

Data warehouse node

1 minute



Number of I/O requests processed by each node in the cluster per second

≥ 0

Data warehouse node

1 minute


Network Input Throughput

Data input to each node in the cluster per second over the network

Unit: byte/s

≥ 0 bytes/s

Data warehouse node

1 minute


Network Output Throughput

Data sent to the network per second from each node in the cluster

Unit: byte/s

≥ 0 bytes/s

Data warehouse node

1 minute


Disk Usage

Disk usage of each node in a cluster, in percentage

0% to 100%

Data warehouse node

1 minute


Total Disk Size

Total disk space of each node in the cluster

Unit: GB

100 to 2000 GB

Data warehouse node

1 minute


Used Disk Space

Used disk space of each node in the cluster

Unit: GB

0 to 3600 GB

Data warehouse node

1 minute


Disk Read Throughput

Data volume read from each disk in the cluster per second

Unit: byte/s

≥ 0 bytes/s

Data warehouse node

1 minute


Disk Write Throughput

Data volume written to each disk in the cluster per second

Unit: byte/s

≥ 0 bytes/s

Data warehouse node

1 minute


Average Time per Disk Read

Average time used each time when a disk reads data

Unit: second

> 0s

Data warehouse node

1 minute


Average Time per Disk Write

Average time used each time when data is written to a disk

Unit: second

> 0s

Data warehouse node

1 minute


Average Disk Queue Length

Average I/O queue length of a disk

≥ 0

Data warehouse node

1 minute





Data warehouse cluster ID


Data warehouse node ID

Cluster and Node Monitoring Information

  1. Log in to the GaussDB(DWS) management console.
  2. View the cluster information. In the cluster list, click View Metric in the Operation column where a specific cluster resides. The Cloud Eye management console is displayed. By default, the cluster monitoring information on the Cloud Eye management console is displayed.

    Additionally, you can specify a specific monitoring metric and the time range to view the performance curve.

  3. View the node information. Click to return to the Cloud Eye management console. On the Data Warehouse Nodes tab page, you can view metrics of each node in the cluster.

    Additionally, you can specify a specific monitoring metric and the time range to view the performance curve.

    Cloud Eye also supports the ability to compare the monitoring metrics of multiple nodes. For details, see Comparing the Monitoring Metrics of Multiple Nodes.

Comparing the Monitoring Metrics of Multiple Nodes

  1. In the left navigation pane of the Cloud Eye management console, choose Dashboard > Panels.
  2. On the page that is displayed, click Create Panel. In the displayed dialog box, enter the name and click OK.
  3. Click Add Graph in the upper right corner.
  4. In the displayed dialog box, configure the title and monitoring metrics.

    You can add multiple monitoring metrics by clicking Add Metric.

    The following describes how to set parameters if you want to compare CPU usage of two nodes.

    Table 2 Configuration example


    Example Value

    Resource Type



    Data Warehouse Node

    Monitored Object





    CPU Usage

  5. Click OK.

    Then you can view the corresponding monitoring graph on the Panels page. Move the cursor to the graph and click in the upper right corner to zoom in the graph and view detailed metric comparison data.

Creating Alarm Rules

Setting GaussDB(DWS) alarm rules allows you to customize the monitored objects and notification policies and determine the running status of your GaussDB(DWS) at any time.

A GaussDB(DWS) alarm rule includes the alarm rule name, monitored object, metric, threshold, monitoring interval, and whether to send a notification. This section describes how to set GaussDB(DWS) alarm rules.

  1. Log in to the GaussDB(DWS) management console.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Clusters.
  3. Locate the row containing the target cluster, click More > View Metric in the Operation column to enter the Cloud Eye management console and view the GaussDB(DWS) monitoring information.

    The status of the target cluster must be Available. Otherwise, you cannot create alarm rules.

  4. In the left navigation pane of the Cloud Eye management console, choose Alarm Management > Alarm Rules.
  5. On the Alarm Rules page, click Create Alarm Rule in the upper right corner.

  6. On the Create Alarm Rule page, set parameters as prompted.

    1. Configure the rule name and description.

    2. Configure the alarm parameters as prompted.

      Table 3 Configuring alarm parameters



      Example Value

      Resource Type

      Name of the cloud service resource for which the alarm rule is configured.

      Data Warehouse Service


      Metric dimension of the alarm rule. You can select Data Warehouse Nodes or Data Warehouses.

      Data Warehouse Node

      Monitoring Scope

      Resource scope to which an alarm rule applies. Select Specific resources and select one or more monitoring objects. Select the ID of the cluster instance or node you have created. Click to synchronize the monitoring objects to the right pane.

      Specific resources


      Select Use template or Create manually as required.

      • If no alarm template is available, set Method to Create manually and configure related parameters to create an alarm rule.
      • If you have available alarm rule templates, set Method to Use template, so that you can use a template to quickly create alarm rules.

      Create manually


      This parameter is valid only when Use template is selected.

      Select the template to be imported. If no alarm template is available, click Create Custom Template to create one that meets your requirements.


      Alarm Policy

      This parameter is valid only when Create manually is selected.

      Set the policy that triggers an alarm. For example, trigger an alarm if the CPU usage equals to or is greater than 80% for 3 consecutive periods.

      Table 1 describes the GaussDB(DWS) monitoring metrics.


      Alarm Severity

      Severity of an alarm. Valid values are Critical, Major, Minor, and Informational.


    3. Configure the alarm notification parameters as prompted.
      Table 4 Configuring alarm notifications



      Example Value

      Alarm Notification

      Whether to notify users when alarms are triggered. Notifications can be sent as emails or text messages, or HTTP/HTTPS requests sent to the servers.

      You can enable (recommended) or disable Alarm Notification.


      Validity Period

      Cloud Eye sends notifications only within the validity period specified in the alarm rule.

      For example, if Validity Period is set to 00:00-8:00, Cloud Eye sends notifications only within 00:00-8:00.


      Notification Object

      Name of the topic to which the alarm notification is sent.

      If you enable Alarm Notification, you need to select a topic. If no desired topics are available, create one first, whereupon the SMN service is invoked. For details about how to create a topic, see the Simple Message Notification User Guide.


      Trigger Condition

      Condition for triggering the alarm. You can select Generated alarm, Cleared alarm, or both.


    4. After the configuration is complete, click Next.

      After the alarm rule is created, if the metric data reaches the specified threshold, Cloud Eye will immediately inform you that an exception has occurred.