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Creating a Cluster

Updated on 2023-02-28 GMT+08:00

To use Huawei Cloud GaussDB(DWS), create a cluster first.

This section describes how to create a data warehouse cluster on the GaussDB(DWS) management console.

Preparations Before Creating a Cluster

  • You have evaluated the flavor of cluster nodes.

    You can select the number of nodes by data volume, service load, and performance. More nodes bring you stronger storage and compute capabilities. In a GaussDB(DWS) cluster, the number of DNs on each node varies depending on the cluster flavor. Generally, the number ranges from 1 to 4. A DN stores service data by column or row or in hybrid mode, executes data query tasks, and returns execution results.

    When first using GaussDB(DWS), you can create a cluster with a smaller flavor. Then, you can adjust the cluster scale and node flavor based on the data volume and service load changes without interrupting services. For details, see Cluster Scale-out.

  • A network access topology has been designed.

    Plan an appropriate AZ and configure the network to isolate the GaussDB(DWS) cluster from other cloud services.

  • Ensure that the number of available nodes meets the following conditions. Otherwise, the cluster cannot be created.
    • At least three nodes are required for creating a cluster. You can view the number of available nodes on the Clusters page.
    • The number of nodes in the cluster to be created must be less than or equal to the number of available nodes.

Creating a Cluster

  1. Log in to the GaussDB(DWS) management console.
  2. Choose Clusters in the navigation pane on the left.
  3. On the Clusters page, click Create Cluster.
  4. Select Region.

    Table 1 Region parameters



    Example Value


    Select the actual region where the cluster nodes run.

    For more information about regions, visit Regions and Endpoints.



    Select an AZ associated with the cluster region.


  5. Configure Resource, CPU Architecture, and Node Flavor.

    Table 2 Node configuration parameters



    Example Value

    Cluster Type

    GaussDB(DWS) cluster types include:

    • Standard: It is an enterprise-grade data warehouse featuring high performance, high scalability, high availability, and easy O&M. A cluster can have up to 2048 nodes and process 20 PB data. A company can migrate its large-scale data warehouse to the cloud and without performance deterioration.


    CPU Architecture

    The CPU architecture includes:

    • x86

    The only difference between the x86 and Kunpeng architectures lies in the underlying architecture, of which the application layer is unaware. The same SQL syntax is used. If x86 servers are sold out when you create a cluster, select the Kunpeng architecture.


    Node Flavor

    Select the desired node flavor based on service requirements. Each node flavor displays the vCPU, memory, and recommended application scenario.



    Specify the number of nodes in the cluster.

    The number of nodes ranges from 3 to 256.


    Total Capacity (GB)

    Displays the total capacity of a cluster.

    The storage capacity of each flavor is the actual database space used for storing data. The displayed storage capacity has deducted the disk space consumed by backups and RAIDs.


  6. Configure cluster parameters.

    Figure 1 Cluster parameters
    Table 3 Cluster parameters



    Example Value

    Cluster Name

    Set the name of the data warehouse cluster.

    Enter 4 to 64 characters. Only case-insensitive letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_) are allowed. The value must start with a letter.


    After a cluster is created, its name cannot be changed.


    Cluster Version

    Displays the version of the database instance installed in the cluster. The figure is for reference only.

    Default Database

    The default database name of the cluster is gaussdb.


    This name cannot be changed.


    Administrator Account

    Set the database administrator name.

    The administrator username must:

    • Consist of lowercase letters, digits, or underscores.
    • Start with a lowercase letter or an underscore.
    • Contain 6 to 64 characters.
    • Cannot be a keyword of the GaussDB(DWS) database. For details about the keywords of the GaussDB(DWS) database, see "SQL Reference > Keyword" in the Data Warehouse Service (DWS) Developer Guide.


    Administrator Password

    Set the password of the database administrator account.

    The password complexity requirements are as follows:
    • Contains 8 to 32 characters.
    • Cannot be the username or the username spelled backwards.
    • Must contain at least three of the following character types: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters (~!`?,.:;-_'"(){}[]/<>@#%^&*+|\=)
    • Passes the weak password check.

    Change the password regularly and keep it secure.


    Confirm Password

    Enter the database administrator password again.


    Database Port

    Specify the port used when the client or application connects to the database in the cluster.

    The port number ranges from 8000 to 30000.


  7. Configure network parameters.

    Table 4 Network parameters



    Example Value


    Specify a virtual private network for nodes in a cluster to isolate networks of different services.

    If you create a data warehouse cluster for the first time and have not configured the VPC, click View VPC. On the VPC management console that is displayed, create a VPC that satisfies your needs.

    For details about how to create a VPC, see "VPC and Subnet > Creating a VPC" in the Virtual Private Cloud User Guide.

    After selecting a VPC from the drop-down list, click View VPC to enter the VPC management console and view the detailed information about the VPC.

    You can click to refresh the options in the VPC drop-down list.



    Specify a VPC subnet.

    A subnet provides dedicated network resources that are isolated from other networks, improving network security.


    Security Group

    Specify a VPC security group.

    A security group restricts access rules to enhance security when GaussDB(DWS) and other services access each other.

    • Automatic creation

      If Automatic creation is selected, the system automatically creates a default security group. This option is selected by default.

      The rule of the default security group is as follows: The outbound allows all access requests, while the inbound is open only to the database port that you set to connect to the GaussDB(DWS) cluster.

      The format of the default security group name is dws-<Cluster_name>-<Cluster_database_port>, for example, dws-dws-demo-8000.


      If the quotas of the security group and the security group rule are insufficient, an error message will be displayed after you submit the cluster creation application. Select an existing group and retry.

    • Manual creation

      You can also log in to the VPC management console to manually create a security group. Then, go back to the page for creating data warehouse clusters, click the button next to the Security Group drop-down list to refresh the page, and select the new security group.

      To enable the GaussDB(DWS) client to connect to the cluster, you need to add an inbound rule to the new security group to grant the access permission to the database port of the data warehouse cluster. The following is an example of an inbound rule..

      • Protocol: TCP
      • Port: 8000. Use the database port number when you create the cluster for receiving GaussDB(DWS) client connections.
      • Source: Select IP address and use the host IP address of the client host, for example,

      The security group of a cluster cannot be changed but can be modified. For details, see .

    Automatic creation

    Public Network Access

    Specify whether users can use a client to connect to a cluster's database over the Internet. The following methods are supported:

    • Do not use: The EIP is not required.
    • Automatically assign: Specify the EIP bandwidth, and an EIP with dedicated bandwidth will be bound to the cluster. The EIP can be used to access the cluster over the Internet. The name of an automatically assigned EIP starts with the cluster name.
    • Specify: A specified EIP is bound to the cluster. If no available EIPs are displayed in the drop-down list, click Create EIP to go to the Elastic IP page and create an EIP that satisfies your needs. You can set the bandwidth as needed.
    • If you use the EIP binding function for the first time in each project of each region, the system prompts you to create the DWSAccessVPC agency to authorize GaussDB(DWS) to access VPC. After the authorization is successful, GaussDB(DWS) can switch to a healthy VM when the VM bound with the EIP becomes faulty.
    • Only Huawei Cloud accounts or users with Security Administrator permissions can create agencies by default. IAM users under an account do not have the permission for creating agencies by default. Contact a user with the permission and complete the authorization on the current page.
    • Do not use indicates disabling access to the cluster over the public network. After a cluster is created, if you want to access it over the public network, bind an EIP to the cluster and create a public network domain name. For details, see Creating a Public Network Domain Name.

    Automatically assign


    When EIP is set to Automatically assign, you need to specify the bandwidth of the EIP, which ranges from 1 Mbit/s to 100 Mbit/s.

    50 Mbit/s

  8. Configure advanced settings. Select Default to keep the default values of the advanced parameters. You can also select Custom to modify the values.

    Figure 2 Custom advanced parameters
    • Automated Snapshot

      indicates that the policy is enabled. It is enabled by default. When the automated snapshot policy is enabled, the system automatically creates snapshots based on the preset time and period. Configure the following parameters as required.

      Table 5 Snapshot policy parameters



      Retention Days

      Retention days of the snapshots that are automatically created. The value ranges from 1 to 31 days.


      Snapshots that are automatically created cannot be deleted manually. The system automatically deletes these snapshots when their retention duration exceeds the threshold.

      Execution Period

      Interval for creating automated snapshots. You can specify the weekly and daily frequency.

    • CNs

      CNs receive access requests from the clients and return the execution results. In addition, a CN splits and distributes tasks to the DNs for parallel execution.

      The value ranges from 2 to the number of cluster nodes minus 1. The maximum value is 20 and the default value is 3. In a large-scale cluster, you are advised to deploy multiple CNs.

    • Parameter Template

      A parameter template is a set of parameters for data warehouses. You need to select a parameter template from the drop-down list of Parameter Template and associate it with the cluster during cluster creation. You can select the default parameter template or a customized parameter template. By default, the cluster is associated with the default database parameter template.

      For details about parameter templates, see Managing Parameter Templates.

    • Tag

      A tag is a key-value pair used to identify a cluster. For details about the keys and values, see Table 6. By default, no tag is added to the cluster.

      For more information about tags, see Overview.

      Table 6 Tag parameters



      Example Value

      Tag key

      You can perform the following operations:

      • Select a predefined tag key or an existing resource tag key from the drop-down list of the text box.

        To add a predefined tag, you need to create one on TMS and select it from the drop-down list of Tag key. You can click View predefined tags to enter the Predefined Tags page of TMS. Then, click Create Tag to create a predefined tag. For more information, see Management > Predefined Tags > Creating Predefined Tags in the Tag Management Service User Guide.

      • Enter a tag key in the text box. The tag key can contain a maximum of 36 characters and cannot be an empty string.

        Only digits, letters, underscores (_), and hyphens (-) are allowed.


        A key must be unique in a given cluster.


      Tag value

      You can perform the following operations:

      • Select a predefined tag value or resource tag value from the drop-down list of the text box.
      • Enter a tag value in the text box. The tag key can contain a maximum of 43 characters and cannot be an empty string.

        Only digits, letters, underscores (_), periods (.), and hyphens (-) are allowed.


    • Encrypt DataStore

      indicates that database encryption is disabled. This is the default setting.

      indicates that database encryption is enabled. After this function is enabled, Key Management Service (KMS) encrypts the cluster and the cluster's snapshot data.

      When you enable database encryption for each project in each region for the first time, the system displays a Create Agency dialog box. Click Yes to create a DWSAccessKMS agency so that GaussDB(DWS) can access KMS. If you click No, the encryption function is not enabled. Select the created KMS key from the KMS Key Name drop-down list.

      Only Huawei Cloud accounts or users with Security Administrator permissions can create agencies by default. IAM users under an account do not have the permission for creating agencies by default. Contact a user with the permission and complete the authorization on the current page.

      • The database encryption function cannot be disabled once it is enabled.
      • After Encrypt DataStore is enabled, the key cannot be disabled, deleted, or frozen when being used. Otherwise, the cluster becomes abnormal and the database becomes unavailable.
      • Snapshots created after the database encryption function is enabled cannot be restored using open APIs.

  9. Click Create Now. The Confirm page is displayed.
  10. Click Submit.

    After the submission is successful, the creation starts. Click Back to Cluster List to go back to the Clusters page. The initial status of the cluster is Creating. Cluster creation takes some time. Clusters in the Available state are ready for use.

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