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Updated on 2023-03-17 GMT+08:00
  1. What do I need to check if my connection fails?

    Answer: Check the following items:

    • Check whether Connection Properties are properly configured.
    • Check whether the server version is compatible with the client version.
    • Check whether the database\pg_hba.conf file is correctly configured. For details, see the server manual.
    • Check whether the Data Studio.ini file is correctly configured.
  2. Why does the connection succeed when I try connecting to another server using an SSL certificate?

    Answer: If the same SSL certificates are used by different servers, then the second connection will succeed because the certificates are cached.

    When you establish a connection with a different server using different SSL certificates, the connection will fail due to certificate mismatch.

  3. When I right-click on a function/procedure and refresh it in Object Browser, why the does function/procedure disappear?

    Answer: This problem may occur if you drop a function/procedure and recreate it. In this case, refresh the parent folder to view the function/procedure in Object Browser.

  4. What do I do if a critical error occurs in a database session and operations cannot proceed?

    Answer: Critical error may occur in some of the following cases. Check whether:

    • The connection is left idle for a long time and has timed out.
    • The server is running.
    • The server has sufficient memory and whether the Out Of Memory (OOM) error is reported to the server.
  5. What is a constraint?

    Answer: Constraints are used to deny the insertion of unwanted data in columns. You can create restrictions on one or more columns in any table. It maintains the data integrity of the table.

    The following constraints are supported:

    • Primary Key constraint
    • Unique Key constraint
    • Check constraint
  6. What is an index?

    Answer: An index is a copy of the selected column of a table that can be searched very efficiently. It also includes a low level disk block address or a direct link to the complete row of data it was copied from.

  7. What is the default encoding for Data Studio's files?

    Answer: Exported, imported, and system files are encoded with the system's default encoding as configured in Settings > Preferences. The default encoding is UTF-8.

  8. When I try to open Data Studio, the system displays a message indicating that Data Studio does not support opening multiple instances. Why do I get this error message?

    Answer: A user cannot open multiple instances in Data Studio.

  9. What do I do if a DDL statement running indefinitely and cannot be canceled?

    Answer: This problem may occur if other DML/DDL operations are being performed on the same object. In this case, stop all the DML/DDL operations on the object and try again. If the problem persists, there may be another user performing DML/DDL operations on the object. Try again later. You can customize table data and check the operations in a transaction by following the instructions provided in Data Studio GUI.

  10. Why is the exported query result different from the data available on the Results tab?

    Answer: When a result set data is exported, a new connection is used to execute the query again. The exported results may be different from the data on the Result tab.

  11. Why does last login information show "Last login details not available"?

    Answer: This message is displayed when you connect to the database server of an earlier version or log in to the database for the first time after it is created.

  12. Why is the error marked incorrectly in SQL Terminal?

    Answer: This problem occurs when the server returns an incorrect line number. You can view the error message on the Message tab and locate the correct row to rectify the fault.

  13. Will deleted columns be displayed after "Show DDL" or "Export DDL" operations?

    Answer: Yes.

  14. Why can't Data Studio be started after the -Xmx parameter is modified?

    Answer: The value of -Xmx may be invalid. For details, see Installing and Configuring Data Studio.

  15. How do I quickly switch to the desired tab if there are multiple tabs open?

    Answer: If the number of opened tabs reaches a certain limit (depending on your screen resolution), the icon will be displayed at the end of the tab list. Click this icon and select the required tab from the drop-down list. If this icon is not available, use the tooltip to identify the tabs. You also search for a SQL Terminal tab by its name. For example:

    • *s, this displays all Terminal names that start with s.
    • test, this displays all Terminal names that start with test.
    • *2, this displays all Terminal names that contain 2 in them.
  16. Why does the language not change after I change the language setting and restart Data Studio?

    Answer: Sometimes the language may not reflect the selected change post restart. Manually restart DS to open the tool in selected language.

  17. Why does the last login details information not display?

    Answer: At times the server returns an error while trying to fetch last login details. In such scenarios the last login pop-up message does not display.

  18. When viewing/exporting DDL, why does the Chinese text not show properly?

    Answer: This happens if the SQL, DDL, object names or data contains Chinese text and the Data Studio file encoding is not set to GBK. To solve this, go to Settings > Preferences > Environment > File Encoding and set the encoding to GBK. The supported combinations of Database and Data Studio encoding for export operation are shown in Table1 Supported combinations of file encoding.

    To open/view the exported files in Windows Explorer: Files exported with UTF-8 encoding can be opened/viewed by double-clicking it or by right-clicking on the file and selecting Open. Files exported with GBK encoding must be opened in Excel using the import external data feature (Data > Get External Data > From Text).

    Table 1 Supported combinations of file encoding

    Database Encoding

    Data Studio File Encoding

    Support for Chinese Text in Table Names

    Support for English Text in Table Names







    No - Incorrect details

    No - Incorrect details



    No - Export Fails

    No - Incorrect details







    No - Export Fails








    No - Incorrect details

    No - Incorrect details

  19. Why do I get the error message "Conversion between GBK and LATIN1 is not supported"?

    Answer: This message occurs if the Data Studio and Database encoding selected are incompatible. To solve this, select the compatible encoding. Compatible encoding is shown in Table 2.

    Table 2 Compatible encoding formats

    Data Studio File Encoding

    Database Encoding

    Compatible or Not






















  20. Why is the PL/SQL procedure I compiled and executed is saved as PL/SQL function?

    Answer: The database does not differentiate between PL/SQL function and procedure. All procedures in databases are functions. Hence PL/SQL procedure is saved as PL/SQL function.

  21. Why is that I am not able to edit the distribution key?

    Answer: The database allows you to edit the distribution key only for the first insert operation.

  22. While editing table data if I do not enter a value for default value column, will the value be added by the database server?

    Answer: Yes, the database server will add the value but the value will not be visible after save in the Edit Table Data tab. Use the refresh option from the Edit Table Data tab or re-open the table again to view the added default value(s).

  23. While modifying/deleting table data why do I get a pop-up stating that more than one matching row found?

    Answer: This happens because there are additional rows detected for modification/deletion based on Custom Unique Key or All Columns selection. If Custom Unique Key is selected, then it will delete/modify the rows that have exact match of the data in the column selected for deletion/modification. If All Columns is selected, then it will delete/modify the rows that match data in all columns. Hence the duplicate records matching the Custom Unique Key or All Columns will be deleted/modified if Yes is selected. If No is selected, the row that is not saved will be marked for correction.

  24. When I right-click on a text box I see additional context menu options. Why does this happen?

    Answer: The additional context menu options like Right to left Reading order, Show Unicode control characters and so on are provided by Windows 7 in case the keyboard you are using supports right to left and left to right input.

  25. What are the objects that are not supported for batch export DDL & DDL and Data operations?

    Answer: Following objects are not supported for DDL & DDL and Data operations.

    Export DDL:

    Connection, database, foreign table, sequence, column, index, constraint, partition, function/procedure group, regular tables group, views group, schemas group, and system catalog group.

    Export DDL and Data

    Connection, database, namespace, foreign table, sequence, column, index, constraint, partition, function/procedure, view, regular tables group, schemas group, and system catalog group.

  26. Will the queries in SQL Terminal be committed if the resultset is modified and saved with Reuse Connection on and Auto Commit off?

    Answer: No. Queries will only be committed when COMMIT command is executed in the Terminal.

    Auto Commit

    Reuse Connection

    Resultset Save









    Does not commit



    Not supported

  27. When I query a temp table from a new SQL Terminal the resultset displays incorrect table details. Why does this happen?

    Answer: When you query a temp table from a new SQL Terminal or with the Reuse Connection off, the resultset displays information of a regular/partition/foreign table, if a table with the same name as the temp table exists.


    If the Reuse Connection is On, the resultset displays information of the temp table even if another table with the same name exists.

  28. Which are the operations that are performed on a locked object does not run in the background but needs to be manually closed?

    Answer: Following are the operations that do not run in background while the object is locked in another operation:


    Renaming a table

    Creating a constraint

    Setting schema on table

    Creating an index

    Setting description in table

    Adding a column

    Renaming a partition


  29. Do we have a limit on the column and row size while exporting table data to excel?

    Answer: Yes. The .xlsx format supports a maximum of 1 million rows and 16,384 columns. The .xls format supports a maximum of 64,000 rows and 256 columns.

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