Updated on 2024-10-10 GMT+08:00

Managing Log Streams

LTS manages logs by log stream. Collected logs of different types are classified and stored in different log streams for easier log management. If there are a large number of logs, you can create multiple log streams and name them for quick log search. For example, you can sort operation logs and access logs into different log streams, making it easier to find specific logs when you need them. You can add tags to log streams to help O&M personnel manage services.

Up to 100 log streams can be created in a log group. The upper limit cannot be increased. If you cannot create a log stream because the upper limit is reached, you are advised to delete log streams that are no longer needed and try again, or create log streams in a new log group.


You have created a log group.

Creating a Log Stream

  1. Log in to the LTS console. The Log Management page is displayed by default.
  2. Click on the left of the target log group.
  3. Click Create Log Stream. On the displayed page, set log stream parameters by referring to Table 1.

    If your organization has configured tag policies for LTS, add tags to log groups, log streams, log ingestion rules, and host groups based on the tag policies. If a tag does not comply with the tag policies, the log group, log stream, ingestion rule, and host group creation may fail. Contact your administrator to learn more about tag policies. For details about tag policies, see Overview of a Tag Policy. For details about tag management, see Managing Tags.

    Table 1 Log stream parameters



    Log Group Name

    The name of the target log group is displayed by default.

    Log Stream Name

    A log stream name can contain 1 to 64 characters, including only letters, digits, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and periods (.). It cannot start with a period or underscore or end with a period.

    Enterprise Project Name

    Select the required enterprise project. The default value is default. You can click View Enterprise Projects to view all enterprise projects.

    Log Storage

    If this function is disabled, Log Retention Duration cannot be enabled.

    • If enabled, logs will be stored in the search engine and all log functions are available.
    • If disabled, logs will not be stored to LTS. This saves on index traffic and storage costs, but disables log search, analysis, alarm, consumption, and processing. You will only be allowed to use metric generation and log transfer functions.

    Log Retention Duration

    Specify the log retention duration for the log stream, that is, how many days the logs will be stored in LTS after being reported to LTS.

    By default, logs are retained for 30 days (customizable for 1 to 365 days).

    • If you enable Log Retention Duration for the log stream, logs are retained for the duration set for the log stream.
    • If you disable Log Retention Duration for the log stream, logs are retained for the duration set for the log group.


    You can tag log streams as required. Click Add Tags and enter a tag key and tag value.

    • To add more tags, repeat this step. A maximum of 20 tags can be added.
    • To delete a tag, click in the row of the tag.
    • A tag key can contain up to 128 characters, and a tag value can contain up to 255 characters.
    • A tag key must be unique.
    • If a tag is used by a transfer task, you need to modify the task configuration after deleting the tag.

    Anonymous Write

    Anonymous write is disabled by default and applies to log reporting on Android, iOS, applets, and browsers. If anonymous write is enabled, the anonymous write permission is granted to the log stream, and no valid authentication is performed, which may generate dirty data.


    Enter remarks. The value contains up to 1,024 characters.

  4. Click OK. In the log stream list, you can view information such as the log stream name and operations.

    • You can view the log stream billing status. For details, see Price Calculator.
    • The function of reporting SDRs by log stream is in Friendly User Test (FUT). You can submit a service ticket to enable it.

Modifying a Log Stream

By default, a log stream inherits the log retention setting from the log group it belongs to.

  1. In the log stream list, locate the target log stream and click Modify in the Operation column.
  2. In the dialog box displayed, modify the log stream name and log retention duration.

    • If you disable Log Retention Duration, the log stream will inherit the log retention setting of the log group.
    • If you enable Log Retention Duration, you can set the log retention duration specifically for the log stream.
    • The logs that exceed the retention period will be automatically deleted. You can transfer logs to OBS buckets for long-term storage.
    • Currently, logs of whitelisted users can be retained for 1,095 days. If necessary, submit a service ticket.

  3. Click OK.
  4. After the modification is successful, move the cursor over the log stream name. The new and original log stream names are displayed.

Deleting a Log Stream

You can delete a log stream that is no longer needed. Deleting a log stream will also delete the log data in the log stream. Deleted log streams cannot be recovered. Exercise caution when performing the deletion.

  • Before deleting a log stream, check whether any log collection task is configured for it. If there is a log collection task, deleting the log stream may affect log reporting.
  • If you want to delete a log stream that is associated with a log transfer task, delete the task first.
  1. In the log stream list, locate the target log stream and click Delete in the Operation column.
  2. Enter DELETE and click OK.

    Figure 1 Deleting a log stream

Other Operations

  • Adding a log stream to favorites

    Click More > Edit in the Operation column of a log stream. On the displayed dialog box, enable My Favorites and/or My Favorites(Local Cache). The stream is then displayed in the My Favorites/My Favorites(Local Cache) list.

  • Viewing details

    Click More > Details in the Operation column of a log stream to view its details, including its name, ID, and creation time.

  • Collection diagnosis: If you have enabled ICAgent diagnosis by referring to Setting ICAgent Collection, you can click More > ICAgent Collect Diagnosis in the Operation column of the target log stream to check its ICAgent's exceptions, overall status, and collection monitoring.
  • To view a log stream's resource usage details and most used resources, click More > Monitor Traffic. This function is available only to whitelisted users who have enabled the observability function.