Updated on 2024-07-30 GMT+08:00

Space Management

A system administrator and department administrator can allocate space to departments or individuals, and modify or delete department space or individual space. A system administrator can also manage group space, including modifying the space size, managing group members, and disabling or dismissing group space.

Managing Team Space

A system administrator can manage space of all teams. A department administrator can manage space of only their department.

  1. Sign in to the KooDrive service plane as an administrator.

    Only a HUAWEI ID can be used to log in to the KooDrive service plane.

  2. Click Console on the top of the page.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Space Management. On the displayed page, click the Dept Space tab. The department space list is displayed.
  4. Manage department space by referring to Table 1.

    Table 1 Managing department space



    Allocating department space

    Allocate Space is displayed only for departments without space.

    1. Enter a department name in the search box of the department space list. Fuzzy search is supported.
    2. In the search result list, click Allocate Space in the Operation column.
    3. In the Allocate Space dialog box, set the department space size and click OK.
      • The default size of the department space is set during cloud space instance configuration. You can change the size.
      • The department space size cannot be 0 GB.
      • You can also select a department (only one department can be selected) and click Allocate Space above the list.

    Modifying department space

    1. Enter a department name in the search box of the department space list. Fuzzy search is supported.
    2. In the search result list, click Modify Storage in the Operation column.
    3. In the Modify Space Storage dialog box, change the department space size and click OK.
      • You can set the team space size.
      • The new department space size cannot be smaller than the used department space size.
      • You can also select a department (only one department can be selected) and click Modify Storage above the list.

    Disabling department space

    1. Enter a department name in the search box of the department space list. Fuzzy search is supported.
    2. In the search result list, click Disable Space in the Operation column.
    3. In the Disable Space dialog box, read the impact of disabling space and click OK to disable it.
      • After the department space is disabled, resources in it are temporarily frozen and cannot be accessed.
      • You can also select multiple departments and click Disable Space above the list.

    Enabling department space

    1. Enter a department name in the search box of the department space list. Fuzzy search is supported.
    2. In the search result list, click Enable Space in the Operation column.

    You can also select multiple departments and click Enable Space above the list.

    Deleting department space

    1. Enter a department name in the search box of the department space list. Fuzzy search is supported.
    2. In the search result list, click Delete Space in the Operation column.
    3. In the Delete Space dialog box, read the impact of space deletion.
      • If files exist in the selected space, enter DELETE in the displayed dialog box, select I have read and accept the terms above, and click OK.
      • If no space has not been allocated to the department or no file exists in the space, click OK.
    • You can also select multiple departments and click Delete Space above the list.

    • All resources under the deleted space will be deleted. You are advised to migrate resources before space deletion.

Managing Individual Space

A system administrator can manage the individual space of all users. A department administrator can manage the individual space of users only under their department.

  1. Sign in to the KooDrive service plane as an administrator.

    Only a HUAWEI ID can be used to log in to the KooDrive service plane.

  2. Click Console on the top of the page.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Space Management. On the displayed page, click the Individual Space tab. The individual space list is displayed.
  4. Manage individual space by referring to Table 2.

    Table 2 Managing individual space



    Allocating individual space to a user

    Allocate Space is displayed only for users without space.

    1. Select the department to which the target user belongs from the drop-down list box above the individual space list, and enter the username in the search box. Fuzzy search is supported.
    2. In the search result list, click Allocate Space in the Operation column.
    3. In the Allocate Space dialog box, set the individual space size and click OK.
      • The default size of the individual space is set during cloud space instance configuration. You can change the size.
      • The individual space size cannot be 0 GB.
      • You can also select a user (only one user can be selected) and click Allocate Space above the list.

    Modifying individual space

    1. Select the department to which the target user belongs from the drop-down list box above the individual space list, and enter the username in the search box. Fuzzy search is supported.
    2. In the search result list, click Modify Storage in the Operation column.
    3. In the Modify Space Storage dialog box, change the individual space size and click OK.

      • You can set the individual space size.
      • The new individual space size cannot be smaller than the used individual space size.
      • You can also select a user (only one user can be selected) and click Modify Storage above the list.

    Disabling individual space

    1. Select the department to which the target user belongs from the drop-down list box above the individual space list, and enter the username in the search box. Fuzzy search is supported.
    2. In the search result list, click Disable Space in the Operation column.
    3. In the Disable Space dialog box, read the impact of disabling space and click OK to disable it.


    You can also select multiple users and click Disable Space above the list.

    Enabling individual space

    1. Select the department to which the target user belongs from the drop-down list box above the individual space list, and enter the username in the search box. Fuzzy search is supported.
    2. In the search result list, click Enable Space in the Operation column.

    You can also select multiple users and click Enable Space above the list.

    Deleting individual space

    1. Select the department to which the target user belongs from the drop-down list box above the individual space list, and enter the username in the search box. Fuzzy search is supported.
    2. In the search result list, click Delete Space in the Operation column.
    3. In the Delete Space dialog box, read the impact of space deletion.
      • If files exist in the selected space, enter DELETE in the displayed dialog box, select I have read and accept the terms above, and click OK.
      • If no space has not been allocated to the user or no file exists in the space, click OK.
    • You can also select multiple users and click Delete Space above the list.

    • All resources under the deleted space will be deleted. You are advised to migrate resources before space deletion.

Managing group space

A system administrator can query and manage all groups in their enterprise.

  1. Sign in to the KooDrive service plane as a system administrator.

    Only a HUAWEI ID can be used to log in to the KooDrive service plane.

  2. Click Console on the top of the page.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Space Management. On the displayed page, click the Group Space tab. The group space list is displayed.
  4. Manage group space by referring to Table 3.

    Table 3 Managing group space



    Adding a group member

    1. Enter a group name in the search box of the group space list. Fuzzy search is supported.
    2. In the search result list, click Manage Member in the Operation column.
    3. Click Add Member.
    4. On the Users, Depts, or User Groups tab, search for and select the target members to be added, and click .
      • Fuzzy search by name is supported for users, departments, and user groups.
      • A group can have up to 200 members.
      • If no user group is available, create one by referring to User Group Management.
      • The default role of the added user is common member.
    5. Click OK.

    Modifying the role of a member

    1. Enter a group name in the search box of the group space list. Fuzzy search is supported.
    2. In the search result list, click Manage Member in the Operation column.
    3. Change the role of a member in the drop-down list box next to the member. Role options:
      • Owner
      • Administrator
      • Common member

    By default, the group creator is the group owner. Only the group owner can change the role of group members. If the group owner assigns a member as the new owner, the original owner becomes a common member.

    Deleting a member

    1. Enter a group name in the search box of the group space list. Fuzzy search is supported.
    2. In the search result list, click Manage Member in the Operation column.
    3. Select members in the member list and click Delete Member. The Delete Member dialog box is displayed.
    4. Click OK to delete the members.

    Modifying the space storage

    1. Enter a group name in the search box of the group space list. Fuzzy search is supported.
    2. In the search result list, click Modify Storage in the Operation column.
    3. In the displayed dialog box, change the group space size and click OK.
      • You can set the group space size.
      • The new group space size cannot be smaller than the used group space size.

    Disabling group space

    1. Enter a group name in the search box of the group space list. Fuzzy search is supported.
    2. In the search result list, choose More > Disable Space in the Operation column.
    3. In the Disable Space dialog box, read the impact of disabling space and click OK to disable it.
      • After the group space is disabled, resources in it are temporarily frozen and cannot be accessed.
      • You can also select multiple groups and click Disable Space above the list.
      • To enable the group space again, choose More > Enable Space in the Operation column of the disabled group space.

    Dismissing group space

    1. Enter a group name in the search box of the group space list. Fuzzy search is supported.
    2. In the search result list, choose More > Dismiss Space in the Operation column.
    3. In the Dismiss Group Space dialog box, read the impact of the dismissal, enter DISMISS in the dialog box, select I have read and accept the terms above, and click OK to dismiss the group space.