Help Center/ GaussDB(for MySQL)/ User Guide/ Instance Management/ Viewing the Overall Status of DB Instances
Updated on 2024-09-24 GMT+08:00

Viewing the Overall Status of DB Instances

The Overview page gives you a bird's eye view of GaussDB(for MySQL) instances, including instances by status, alarms, and intelligent diagnosis.


Table 1 lists the functions of the Overview page.

Table 1 Function description



Related Operation

Instances by Status

Shows the number of instances in different states.

For details, see Instances by Status.


Shows the active alarms of all instances, including alarms in the Alarm (metric) and Triggered (event) states.

For details, see Alarms.

Intelligent Diagnosis

Diagnoses instance health using operational data analytics and intelligent algorithms.

For details, see Intelligent Diagnosis.

Instances by Status

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and select a region and project.
  3. Click in the upper left corner of the page and choose Databases > GaussDB(for MySQL).
  4. In the navigation pane, click Overview.
  5. In the Instances by Status area, check the status of all GaussDB(for MySQL) instances under the current account.

    Figure 1 Checking instances by status

    Table 2 Status description



    Handling Suggestion

    Total instances

    Total number of GaussDB(for MySQL) instances in all states



    Total number of GaussDB(for MySQL) instances in the Abnormal state

    Contact customer service.


    Total number of GaussDB(for MySQL) instances in the Frozen state

    For details, see Resource Freezing, Unfreezing, Release, Deletion, and Unsubscription.

    Pending reboot

    Total number of GaussDB(for MySQL) instances in the Pending reboot state


    Modifications to some parameters require an instance reboot before they can be applied.

    Reboot instances.


    Total number of GaussDB(for MySQL) instances in the Available state



Based on the configured alarm rules, you can view active alarms of all GaussDB(for MySQL) instances under the current account, including alarms in the Alarm (metric) and Triggered (event) states.

  1. In the upper right corner of the Alarms area, click Create Alarm Rule to switch to the Cloud Eye console.
    • By default, the system has a built-in alarm rule, which can be modified, disabled, and deleted. For details, see Modifying an Alarm Rule.
    • Click Create Alarm Rule to create an alarm rule to monitor a metric or event for instances. For details, see Creating an Alarm Rule.
  2. In the upper right corner of the Alarms area, select a time window to view alarm details.
    • The time window can be Last 1 hour, Last 6 hours, Last 12 hours, Last day, Last week, or Last month.

    • The Alarm Severity area displays the total number of alarms and the number of alarms of each severity. Alarm severities include Critical, Major, Minor, and Warning.
    • The Top 5 Instances by Total Number of Alarms area displays alarm statistics of the top 5 instances with the largest number of alarms. You can hover over an instance to view the number of alarms of each severity.
    • You can view critical alarm details. For details about critical alarms, see Table 3.
      Table 3 Critical alarm description



      Instance Name

      Name of the instance for which the alarm is reported. After the page is refreshed, the latest alarm details will be displayed in real time.


      You can view active alarms of all instances in the current region, including alarms in the Alarm (metric) and Triggered (event) states.

      • Alarm: The metric value reached the alarm threshold, and an alarm has been triggered but not cleared for the resource.
      • Triggered: An event configured in the alarm policy triggered an alarm.

      Alarm Type

      Alarm type to which the alarm rule applies.

      • Alarm (metric)
      • Triggered (event)

      Alarm Policy

      Policy for triggering an alarm.

      • If you set Alarm Type to Metric, whether to trigger an alarm depends on whether the data in consecutive periods reaches the threshold. For example, Cloud Eye triggers an alarm if the average CPU usage of the monitored object is 80% or more for three consecutive 5-minute periods.

        For handling suggestions for high CPU usage, see What Should I Do If the CPU Usage of My GaussDB(for MySQL) Instance Is High?

      • If you set Alarm Type to Event, the event that triggers the alarm is an instant operation. For example, if an instance fails to be created, an alarm is triggered.

        For details about supported events and handling suggestions for exceptions, see Events Supported by Event Monitoring.

      Alarm Rule

      Name or ID of the alarm rule

      Last Updated

      Latest time when the alarm is triggered


      Click Metrics. In the displayed dialog box, check the metric monitoring view in the selected time window.

Intelligent Diagnosis

Intelligent Diagnosis checks instance health using operational data analytics and intelligent algorithms and provides diagnosis results and suggestions.

Figure 2 Health diagnosis

Click an abnormal diagnosis item to view the abnormal instances and related metric data.

For example, if the vCPU utilization is high, you can click High vCPU utilization to view the abnormal instances, CPU usage, and CPU usage trend. You can also click Diagnosis Details in the Operation column to view the detailed diagnosis results.

For details about supported diagnosis items and their handling suggestions, see Table 4.

Table 4 Intelligent diagnosis details

Diagnosis Item


Metric Description

Handling Suggestion


High vCPU utilization

CPU Usage

CPU usage of the monitored object

  • Evaluate the SQL execution plan and add indexes to avoid full table scanning.
  • Upgrade vCPU specifications for compute-intensive workloads.

What Should I Do If the CPU Usage of My GaussDB(for MySQL) Instance Is High?

Memory bottleneck

Memory Usage

Memory usage of the monitored object

  • Upgrade instance specifications.
  • Optimize SQL statements to reduce the use of temporary tables.
  • Reconnect sessions at a specific interval to release memory of the sessions.

How Do I Handle a Large Number of Temporary Tables Being Generated for Long Transactions and High Memory Usage?

High-frequency slow SQL

Slow Query Logs(Count/min)

Number of GaussDB(for MySQL) slow query logs generated per minute

  • Optimize slow SQL statements based on the execution plan.
  • Upgrade vCPU specifications.

How Do I Handle Slow SQL Statements Caused by Inappropriate Composite Index Settings?

Too many connections

Total Connections(Count)

Total number of connections that connect to the GaussDB(for MySQL) server

  • Check whether applications are connected, optimize the connections, and release unnecessary connections.
  • Check the instance specifications and upgrade them if needed.

What Do I Do If the Number of GaussDB(for MySQL) Database Connections Reaches the Upper Limit?

Current Active Connections(Count)

Number of active connections

Connection Usage

Percent of used GaussDB(for MySQL) connections to the total number of connections