Help Center/ Elastic Load Balance/ User Guide/ Self-service Troubleshooting/ Troubleshooting an Unhealthy Backend Server
Updated on 2025-01-20 GMT+08:00

Troubleshooting an Unhealthy Backend Server


This section describes how you can use ELB self-service troubleshooting to detect and fix unhealthy backend servers in a timely manner.


Before troubleshooting an unhealthy backend server, make sure you have completed the following:

Notes and Constraints

  • You can only troubleshoot an unhealthy backend server.
  • The backend server must be associated with a listener.
  • IP as backend servers does not support self-service troubleshooting.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. In the upper left corner of the page, click and select the desired region and project.
  3. Click in the upper left corner to display Service List and choose Networking > Elastic Load Balance.
  4. In the navigation pane on the left, click Self-service Troubleshooting.
  5. On the Elastic Load Balance tab, click Unhealthy backend servers.
  6. Select the load balancer that has unhealthy backend servers.
  7. Select the unhealthy backend server you want to troubleshoot.
  8. Click Troubleshoot. On the displayed page, view the troubleshooting progress and details.

    View and rectify the faults in a timely manner as described in Table 1.

    Table 1 Health check items

    Health Check Category

    Health Check Item



    Security group rule configurations

    The protocol configured for the inbound rule

    The inbound rules of the security group do not allow traffic over the health check protocol.

    Change the security group rules by referring to the following:

    The source configured for the inbound rule

    The inbound rules of the security group do not allow traffic from the health check IP address to the backend server.

    The port configured for the inbound rule

    The inbound rules of the security group do not allow traffic over the health check port.

    The protocol configured for the outbound rule

    The outbound rules of the security group do not allow traffic over the health check protocol.

    The destination configured for the outbound rule

    The outbound rules of the security group do not allow traffic from the backend server to the health check IP address.

    The port configured for the outbound rule

    The outbound rules of the security group do not allow traffic over the health check port.

    Network ACL rule configurations

    The protocol configured for the inbound rule

    The inbound rules of the network ACL do not allow traffic over the health check protocol.

    Change the network ACL rules by referring to the following:

    The source configured for the inbound rule

    The inbound rules of the network ACL do not allow traffic from the health check IP address to the backend server.

    The source port configured for the inbound rule

    The inbound rules of the network ACL do not allow traffic over all source ports.

    The destination address configured for the inbound rule

    The inbound rules of the network ACL do not allow traffic to the destination address.

    The destination port configured for the inbound rule

    The inbound rules of the network ACL do not allow traffic over the destination port.

    The protocol configured for the outbound rule

    The outbound rules of the network ACL do not allow traffic over the health check protocol.

    The destination configured for the outbound rule

    The outbound rules of the network ACL do not allow traffic from the health check IP address to the backend server.

    The source port configured for the outbound rule

    The outbound rules of the network ACL do not allow traffic over the health check port.

    The destination address configured for the outbound rule

    The outbound rules of the network ACL do not allow traffic to the destination address.

    The destination port configured for the outbound rule

    The outbound rules of the network ACL do not allow traffic over all destination ports.

    Health check configurations

    The port configured for the health check

    The specified health check port is different from that used by the backend server.

    Use the backend port as the health check port by referring to Configuring a Health Check.