Updated on 2024-01-12 GMT+08:00

BMS Hardware Monitoring Plug-in

Agent and later versions integrates the BMS hardware monitoring plug-in. The plug-in detects the sub-health status of hardware through real-time inspection, prevents fault risks, and provides comprehensive hardware fault monitoring capabilities for BMSs.

The physical machine hardware monitoring plug-in takes effect only for BMSs.

If the BMS does not have the hardware monitoring plug-in, Huawei Cloud cannot detect the hardware fault in a timely manner, which may affect service availability. In addition, you need to contact technical support to rectify the fault.

After the hardware monitoring plug-in is installed, you will be notified of hardware fault risks in the form of events. You need to authorize Huawei Cloud to repair or replace the risky hardware in a timely manner.

  • The monitoring plug-in only collect some necessary OS metrics to identify the hardware fault risk. For details, see Hardware Metric Collection.
  • Only some Linux OSs are supported. For details, see What OSs Does the Agent Support?
  • Supported flavors: BMSs of all flavors
  • If your BMS uses a private image as the OS, ensure that the image have the following software installed: dmidecode, lscpu, dmesg, lspci, modinfo, ifconfig, ethtool, hinicadm, smartctl, lsscsi, and uname.