Updated on 2025-01-23 GMT+08:00

Viewing Bidirectional Call Records


The one-click bidirectional call feature has been enabled for the tenant space.


  1. Sign in to the AICC as a tenant administrator and choose Contact History > ITA Call.
  2. Set search criteria to search for bidirectional call records based on the criteria.

    Figure 1 ITA Call page
    Table 1 GUI elements on the ITA Call page





    Drop-down list

    The options are as follows:

    • 1 Day
    • 3 Days
    • 7 Days
    • Customization

    Caller Number

    Text box

    Agent number dialed after a one-click bidirectional call. Advanced search criterion.

    Called Number

    Text box

    Customer number dialed after a one-click bidirectional call. Advanced search criterion.



    Reset search criteria.



    Search for bidirectional call records.


    Search for data based on search criteria again and refresh data on the page.


    Add a task for exporting bidirectional call records.


    View export tasks.

    Caller Number


    Agent-side number of a one-click bidirectional call.

    The calling number can be displayed anonymously. If the User numbers are displayed in plaintext permission is available, the number is displayed in plaintext. Otherwise, the number is displayed anonymously. By default, a tenant administrator has the User numbers are displayed in plaintext permission. If anonymous display is required, you are advised to create a tenant administrator role, deselect the User numbers are displayed in plaintext permission for the role, and assign it to the tenant administrator.

    Called Number


    Customer-side number of a one-click bidirectional call.

    The called number can be displayed anonymously. If the User numbers are displayed in plaintext permission is available, the number is displayed in plaintext. Otherwise, the number is displayed anonymously. By default, a tenant administrator has the User numbers are displayed in plaintext permission. If anonymous display is required, you are advised to create a tenant administrator role, deselect the User numbers are displayed in plaintext permission for the role, and assign it to the tenant administrator.

    Time when a call is initiated


    Time when a bidirectional call is initiated, that is, time when the calling party is called.

    Call End Time


    Time when the last party of a bidirectional call releases the call.

    Calling Party Answer Time


    Time when the calling party answers a call after the call is set up.

    Called Answer Time


    Time when the called party answers a call after the calling party answers the call.

    Call Duration (s)


    Call duration, in seconds. The call duration is calculated from the time when the call is set up.

    Release Reason


    Call release reason.



    • Play
    • Download

    Success Rate


    Bidirectional call success rate.

    • Number of Successful Records: Number of successful calls in the list.
    • Number of Failed Records: Number of failed calls in the list.

  3. Export bidirectional call records (excluding voice and video files) to the local PC in batches.

    1. Click and enter a compression password.
      • For details about the complexity requirements of the compression password, see the prompt on the page. The compression password is used to open the downloaded package.
      • The exported data contains personal data. Exercise caution when processing the exported data to prevent personal data leakage and abuse.
    2. Click to view the export tasks in the last seven days. To open a file, you need to enter the compression password set during export task creation.

  4. Play a bidirectional call recording. You can perform the following operations:

    • : Play or pause the recording.
    • : Fast forward or rewind the recording.
    • : Adjust the playback volume.
    • : Select a playback speed. The options are 0.5X, 0.75X, 1.0X, 1.25X, 1.5X, and 2.0X.

  5. Download a bidirectional call recording.

    1. Select the bidirectional call recording to be downloaded and click Download.

      The downloaded bidirectional call recording contains personal data. Exercise caution when processing the exported recording to prevent personal data leakage and abuse.

    2. In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes.