Updated on 2025-01-23 GMT+08:00

Creating a Customized Extended Field


The tenant has provided the AICC with the API for querying extended customer information, the AICC has provided the secondary development API for connecting to the customer query API, and the connection has been completed.


  1. Sign in to the AICC as a tenant administrator and choose Configuration Center > Expansion and Integration > Contact Data Item.
  2. Create a contact record dataset.

    1. Click the Extended Contact Information Dataset tab and click New.
    2. Set parameters based on Table 1.
      Table 1 Dataset parameters



      Dataset Name

      Dataset name, which is customized. The value can contain a maximum of 1024 characters. Multiple datasets can be created, but their names must be unique.

      Dataset Source Interface

      API path developed by the AICC, which is used to connect to the API provided by the customer for querying extended customer information. Contact O&M personnel to obtain the value.

    3. Click Save.

  3. Create a customized extended field.

    A maximum of 10 extended data items can be added.

    1. Click the Contact Record Data Item tab and click New.
    2. Set parameters based on Table 2.
      Table 2 Parameters for creating a customized extended field



      Data Type

      Select User-defined extended field.

      Field Name

      Name of a customized extended field. The value can contain a maximum of 1024 characters.

      Data Item ID

      The value can contain a maximum of 128 characters.

      Visible Contact Record

      Whether an extended field is visible in the contact record list. The options are as follows:

      • : yes
      • : no

      Field Order

      Display sequence of a field in contact records. A field with a smaller No. is displayed in the front. Fields with the same No. are displayed based on their sequence in the list. The value is a number ranging from 1 to 100.

      Source Dataset

      The options are all extended contact information datasets added to the tenant space.

      Dataset Mapping Field

      Dataset mapping field. The value can contain a maximum of 32 characters.

      Extended Writeback Field

      Extended writeback field. The options are as follows:


      Data Type

      Data type. The options are as follows:

      • String
      • Data dictionary

      Data Dictionary Value

      This parameter is mandatory when Data Type is set to Data dictionary.

      The format is Key 1:Value 1,Key 2:Value 2.

    3. Click Save.

  4. After the configuration is complete, choose Contact History > Contact to view the display effect of the customized extended field.