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DRS Pre-Check Items
A DRS synchronization process consists of four phases: task startup, full migration, incremental migration, and task completion. A single full migration task contains three phases. To ensure smooth synchronization, DRS automatically scans and checks parameters and objects in the source and destination databases before starting a synchronization task.
View pre-check itmes based on the source database type of your synchronization task.
- The following lists the pre-check items for synchronization tasks with MySQL serving as the source.
- The following lists the pre-check items for synchronization tasks with PostgreSQL serving as the source.
- The following lists the pre-check items for synchronization tasks with Oracle serving as the source.
- The following lists the pre-check items for synchronization tasks with DDM serving as the source.
- The following lists the pre-check items for synchronization tasks with DB2 for LUW serving as the source.
- The following lists the pre-check items for synchronization tasks with TiDB serving as the source.
- The following lists the pre-check items for synchronization tasks with Microsoft SQL Server serving as the source.
- The following lists the pre-check items for synchronization tasks with MongoDB serving as the source.
- The following lists the pre-check items for synchronization tasks with MariaDB serving as the source.
- The following lists the pre-check items for synchronization tasks with TaurusDB serving as the source.
- The following lists the pre-check items for synchronization tasks with GaussDB serving as the source.
GaussDB Centralized -> GaussDB Centralized
GaussDB Centralized -> GaussDB Distributed
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
For details, see Which MySQL Permissions Are Required for DRS? |
Destination database permissions |
For details, see Which MySQL Permissions Are Required for DRS? |
Versions |
Source database versions |
Versions 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
Versions 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Synchronization version |
The destination database version must be the same as or later than the source database version. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Migration Is from an Earlier Database Version to the Same or a Later Version. |
Parameters |
GTID status |
Enable GTID for the source database. If GTID is not enabled for the source database, primary/standby switchover is not supported. DRS tasks will be interrupted and cannot be restored during a switchover. |
For details, see Checking Whether GTID Is Enabled for the Source Database. |
Performance parameters |
The log_slave_updates parameter of the source database must be enabled. Otherwise, the synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the log_slave_updates Value of the Source Database Is Correctly Configured. |
The binlog_row_image parameter of the source database must be set to FULL. Otherwise, the synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the binlog_row_image Value is FULL. |
Maximum size of a packet that can be transmitted |
If there is a lot of data to be synchronized or there are too many fields to be synchronized, and the max_allowed_packet value of the source database is too small, the synchronization task may fail. |
For details, see Whether the max_allowed_packet Value of the Source Database Is Too Small. |
If there is a lot of data to be synchronized or there are too many fields to be synchronized, and the max_allowed_packet value of the destination database is too small, data cannot be written to the destination database and the full synchronization fails. |
For details, see Checking Whether the max_allowed_packet Value of the Destination Database Is too Small. |
sql_mode value |
If the MyISAM tables are included in the synchronization objects, the sql_mode parameter in the destination database cannot contain the no_engine_substitution parameter. Otherwise, the synchronization fails. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Contains Invalid sql_mode Values. |
Incremental synchronization |
Index column length |
The index column length of the source database must meet requirements. |
For details, see Checking the Length of the Index Column in the Source Database. |
Binlog status |
During the incremental synchronization, the binlog of the source database must be enabled. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Enabled. |
Binlog format |
The source database binlog must be row-based. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Row-Based. |
Binlog retention period |
If the storage space is sufficient, store the source database binlog files as long as possible. The recommended retention period is three days. If you set the period to 0, the synchronization may fail.
For details, see Checking Whether the Binlog Retention Period Is Set on the Source Database. |
server_id value |
During an incremental synchronization, the server_id value of the MySQL source database must be set.
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database server_id Meets the Incremental Migration Requirements. |
Table fields |
If there is a table containing fields of the longtext or longblob type in the synchronization object, you are advised to create a DRS task with large specifications. Otherwise, capture OOM may occur. |
- |
Additional columns |
In an incremental synchronization task, if no additional column is added to the destination database, the task fails. |
For details, see Checking the Additional Column of the Destination Database. |
Destination database |
Storage space |
The destination DB instance must have sufficient storage space. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Has Sufficient Storage Space. |
Status |
The destination DB instance is running properly. |
- |
Consistency |
Character set |
The character set of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Database Character Sets Are Consistent. |
Collation |
The collation_server value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the COLLATION_SERVER Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Clock |
The clock of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
- |
Time zone |
The time_zone value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the TIME_ZONE Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Case sensitive |
The lower_case_table_names value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Database Table Names Are Consistent in Case Sensitivity. |
Maximum length of the calculation result of the group_concat function |
The group_concat_max_len value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Values of group_concat_max_len Are Consistent. |
InnoDB check mode |
The innodb_strict_mode value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the innodb_strict_mode Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Data block encryption parameter |
The block_encryption_mode value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
- |
SQL mode |
The sql_mode value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the sql_mode Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
During database name mapping, if the objects to be synchronized contain stored procedures, views, and functions, these objects cannot be synchronized in the full synchronization phase, or it will result in inconsistent objects. |
For details, see Checking Database Mapping Objects. |
Tables without primary keys |
Create primary keys for tables as the performance of a table without a primary key is lower than that of a table with a primary key. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Tables Contain Primary Keys. |
Associated objects |
Objects that have dependencies must be synchronized at the same time to avoid synchronization failure. Common dependencies: tables referenced by views, views referenced by views, views and tables referenced by stored procedures/functions/triggers, and tables referenced by primary and foreign keys |
For details, see Checking Whether Referenced Tables Are Selected for Migration. |
Foreign key reference operations |
Cascade operations cannot be performed on tables with foreign keys. If the foreign key index of a table is a common index, the table structure may fail to be created. You are advised to use a unique index. |
For details, see Whether There Are Foreign Keys Containing Unsupported Reference Operations in the Source Database. |
Duplicate names |
If the destination database (excluding MySQL system database) has the same name as the source database, the table structures in the destination database must be consistent with those in the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Names of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Database table naming rules |
- |
SSL configuration |
If you enable SSL, the SSL connections for both the source and destination databases are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the SSL Connection Is Correctly Configured. |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
For details, see Which MySQL Permissions Are Required for DRS? |
Destination database permissions |
The account of the RDS for PostgreSQL instance has the permissions by default. |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
Versions 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
Versions 9.5, 9.6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Parameters |
GTID status |
Enable GTID for the source database. If GTID is not enabled for the source database, primary/standby switchover is not supported. DRS tasks will be interrupted and cannot be restored during a switchover. |
For details, see Checking Whether GTID Is Enabled for the Source Database. |
Performance parameters |
The binlog_row_image parameter of the source database must be set to FULL. Otherwise, the synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the binlog_row_image Value is FULL. |
Maximum size of a packet that can be transmitted |
If there is a lot of data to be synchronized or there are too many fields to be synchronized, and the max_allowed_packet value of the source database is too small, the synchronization task may fail. |
For details, see Whether the max_allowed_packet Value of the Source Database Is Too Small. |
Incremental synchronization |
Binlog status |
During the incremental synchronization, the binlog of the source database must be enabled. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Enabled. |
Binlog format |
The source database binlog must be row-based. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Row-Based. |
server_id value |
During an incremental synchronization, the server_id value of the MySQL source database must be set.
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database server_id Meets the Incremental Migration Requirements. |
Table fields |
- |
Destination database |
Storage space |
The destination DB instance must have sufficient storage space. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Has Sufficient Storage Space. |
Status |
The destination DB instance is running properly. |
- |
Consistency |
Character set |
The character set of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Database Character Sets Are Consistent. |
Time zone |
The time_zone value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the TIME_ZONE Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Table structures |
The table structure of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether Tables Structures Are Consistent. |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
Tables without primary keys |
Create primary keys for tables as the performance of a table without a primary key is lower than that of a table with a primary key. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Tables Contain Primary Keys. |
Primary keys |
Do not use an imprecise value type as the primary key in the database. This feature affects the synchronization of UPDATE and DELETE statements in the DRS incremental scenario. |
- |
Foreign key reference operations |
Cascade operations cannot be performed on tables with foreign keys. If the foreign key index of a table is a common index, the table structure may fail to be created. You are advised to use a unique index. |
For details, see Whether There Are Foreign Keys Containing Unsupported Reference Operations in the Source Database. |
Duplicate names |
The destination DB instance cannot contain databases with the same name as the source databases (except the MySQL system database). |
For details, see Checking Whether the Names of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Database table naming rules |
The names of the source databases and tables cannot contain non-ASCII characters, or the following characters: '<`>/\" |
- |
Object name length |
The destination database object name can contain a maximum of 63 characters. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Length of the Source Database Object Names Exceeds the Limit. |
Source database |
The source database is properly connected during the synchronization object check in the pre-check phase. |
For details, see Checking the Synchronization Objects. |
SSL configuration |
If you enable SSL, the SSL connections for both the source and destination databases are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the SSL Connection Is Correctly Configured. |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
MySQL -> GaussDB Centralized
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
For details, see Which MySQL Permissions Are Required for DRS? |
Destination database permissions |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
Versions 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
1.0.0 and later versions are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Parameters |
GTID status |
Enable GTID for the source database. If GTID is not enabled for the source database, primary/standby switchover is not supported. DRS tasks will be interrupted and cannot be restored during a switchover. |
For details, see Checking Whether GTID Is Enabled for the Source Database. |
Performance parameters |
The binlog_row_image parameter of the source database must be set to FULL. Otherwise, the synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the binlog_row_image Value is FULL. |
Maximum size of a packet that can be transmitted |
If there is a lot of data to be synchronized or there are too many fields to be synchronized, and the max_allowed_packet value of the source database is too small, the synchronization task may fail. |
For details, see Whether the max_allowed_packet Value of the Source Database Is Too Small. |
Incremental synchronization |
Binlog status |
During the incremental synchronization, the binlog of the source database must be enabled. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Enabled. |
Binlog format |
The source database binlog must be row-based. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Row-Based. |
Binlog retention period |
If the storage space is sufficient, store the source database binlog files as long as possible. The recommended retention period is three days. If you set the period to 0, the synchronization may fail.
For details, see Checking Whether the Binlog Retention Period Is Set on the Source Database. |
server_id value |
During an incremental synchronization, the server_id value of the MySQL source database must be set.
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database server_id Meets the Incremental Migration Requirements. |
Table fields |
The following data types are not supported: XML, JSON containing the bit type, geometry, point, lineString, polygon, geometrycollection, multipoint, multilinestring, and multipolygon. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Contains Unsupported Table Field Types. |
Database compatibility type |
The compatibility mode of the destination database must be consistent with that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking the Database Compatibility Type. |
Destination database |
Storage space |
The destination DB instance must have sufficient storage space. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Has Sufficient Storage Space. |
Status |
The destination DB instance is running properly. |
- |
Consistency |
Character set |
The character set of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Database Character Sets Are Consistent. |
Time zone |
The time_zone value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the TIME_ZONE Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Table structures |
The table structure of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether Tables Structures Are Consistent. |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
Foreign key reference operations |
Cascade operations cannot be performed on tables with foreign keys. If the foreign key index of a table is a common index, the table structure may fail to be created. You are advised to use a unique index. |
For details, see Whether There Are Foreign Keys Containing Unsupported Reference Operations in the Source Database. |
Duplicate names |
The destination DB instance cannot contain databases with the same name as the source databases (except the MySQL system database). |
For details, see Checking Whether the Names of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Database table naming rules |
- |
Object name length |
The destination database object name can contain a maximum of 63 characters. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Length of the Source Database Object Names Exceeds the Limit. |
Source database |
The selected synchronization object must exist in the source database. |
For details, see Checking the Synchronization Objects. |
Destination database |
The mapped database configured for the task must exist in the destination database. |
- |
SSL configuration |
If you enable SSL, the SSL connections for both the source and destination databases are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the SSL Connection Is Correctly Configured. |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
For details, see Which MySQL Permissions Are Required for DRS? |
Destination database permissions |
The destination database user must have the following permissions: INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, CONNECT, and CREATE. |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
Versions 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
Versions 8.1.3 and 8.2.0 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Parameters |
GTID status |
Enable GTID for the source database. If GTID is not enabled for the source database, primary/standby switchover is not supported. DRS tasks will be interrupted and cannot be restored during a switchover. |
For details, see Checking Whether GTID Is Enabled for the Source Database. |
Performance parameters |
The binlog_row_image parameter of the source database must be set to FULL. Otherwise, the synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the binlog_row_image Value is FULL. |
Maximum size of a packet that can be transmitted |
If there is a lot of data to be synchronized or there are too many fields to be synchronized, and the max_allowed_packet value of the source database is too small, the synchronization task may fail. |
For details, see Whether the max_allowed_packet Value of the Source Database Is Too Small. |
Incremental synchronization |
Binlog status |
During the incremental synchronization, the binlog of the source database must be enabled. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Enabled. |
Binlog format |
The source database binlog must be row-based. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Row-Based. |
Binlog retention period |
If the storage space is sufficient, store the source database binlog files as long as possible. The recommended retention period is three days. If you set the period to 0, the synchronization may fail.
For details, see Checking Whether the Binlog Retention Period Is Set on the Source Database. |
server_id value |
During an incremental synchronization, the server_id value of the MySQL source database must be set.
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database server_id Meets the Incremental Migration Requirements. |
Table fields |
The following data types are not supported: XML, JSON containing the bit type, geometry, point, lineString, polygon, geometrycollection, multipoint, multilinestring, and multipolygon. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Contains Unsupported Table Field Types. |
If there is a table containing fields of the longtext or longblob type in the synchronization object, you are advised to create a DRS task with large specifications. Otherwise, capture OOM may occur. |
- |
Database compatibility type |
The compatibility mode of the destination database must be consistent with that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking the Database Compatibility Type. |
Destination database |
Storage space |
The destination DB instance must have sufficient storage space. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Has Sufficient Storage Space. |
Status |
The destination DB instance is running properly. |
- |
Consistency |
Character set |
The character set of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Database Character Sets Are Consistent. |
Time zone |
The time_zone value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the TIME_ZONE Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Table structures |
The table structure of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether Tables Structures Are Consistent. |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
Foreign key reference operations |
Cascade operations cannot be performed on tables with foreign keys. If the foreign key index of a table is a common index, the table structure may fail to be created. You are advised to use a unique index. |
For details, see Whether There Are Foreign Keys Containing Unsupported Reference Operations in the Source Database. |
Duplicate names |
The destination DB instance cannot contain databases with the same name as the source databases (except the MySQL system database). |
For details, see Checking Whether the Names of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Database table naming rules |
- |
Object name length |
The destination database object name can contain a maximum of 63 characters. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Length of the Source Database Object Names Exceeds the Limit. |
Source database |
The selected synchronization object must exist in the source database. |
For details, see Checking the Synchronization Objects. |
SSL configuration |
If you enable SSL, the SSL connections for both the source and destination databases are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the SSL Connection Is Correctly Configured. |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
The user must have the following permissions: SELECT, SHOW VIEW, EVENT, LOCK TABLES, REPLICATION SLAVE, and REPLICATION CLIENT |
For details, see Which MySQL Permissions Are Required for DRS? |
Destination database permissions |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
Versions 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
Version 8.0 is supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Synchronization version |
The destination database version must be the same as or later than the source database version. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Migration Is from an Earlier Database Version to the Same or a Later Version. |
Parameters |
GTID status |
Enable GTID for the source database. If GTID is not enabled for the source database, primary/standby switchover is not supported. DRS tasks will be interrupted and cannot be restored during a switchover. |
For details, see Checking Whether GTID Is Enabled for the Source Database. |
Performance parameters |
The log_slave_updates parameter of the source database must be enabled. Otherwise, the synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the log_slave_updates Value of the Source Database Is Correctly Configured. |
The binlog_row_image parameter of the source database must be set to FULL. Otherwise, the synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the binlog_row_image Value is FULL. |
Maximum size of a packet that can be transmitted |
If there is a lot of data to be synchronized or there are too many fields to be synchronized, and the max_allowed_packet value of the source database is too small, the synchronization task may fail. |
For details, see Whether the max_allowed_packet Value of the Source Database Is Too Small. |
If there is a lot of data to be synchronized or there are too many fields to be synchronized, and the max_allowed_packet value of the destination database is too small, data cannot be written to the destination database and the full synchronization fails. |
For details, see Checking Whether the max_allowed_packet Value of the Destination Database Is too Small. |
sql_mode value |
If the MyISAM tables are included in the synchronization objects, the sql_mode parameter in the destination database cannot contain the no_engine_substitution parameter. Otherwise, the synchronization fails. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Contains Invalid sql_mode Values. |
Incremental synchronization |
Index column length |
The index column length of the source database must meet requirements. |
For details, see Checking the Length of the Index Column in the Source Database. |
Binlog status |
During the incremental synchronization, the binlog of the source database must be enabled. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Enabled. |
Binlog format |
The source database binlog must be row-based. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Row-Based. |
Binlog retention period |
If the storage space is sufficient, store the source database binlog files as long as possible. The recommended retention period is three days. If you set the period to 0, the synchronization may fail.
For details, see Checking Whether the Binlog Retention Period Is Set on the Source Database. |
server_id value |
During an incremental synchronization, the server_id value of the MySQL source database must be set.
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database server_id Meets the Incremental Migration Requirements. |
Table fields |
If there is a table containing fields of the longtext or longblob type in the synchronization object, you are advised to create a DRS task with large specifications. Otherwise, capture OOM may occur. |
- |
Additional columns |
Check whether you need to add the missing additional columns to the destination database tables. |
For details, see Checking the Additional Column of the Destination Database. |
Destination database |
Status |
The destination DB instance is running properly. |
- |
Consistency |
Character set |
The character set of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Database Character Sets Are Consistent. |
Collation |
The collation_server value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the COLLATION_SERVER Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Clock |
The clock of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
- |
Time zone |
The time_zone value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the TIME_ZONE Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Case sensitive |
The lower_case_table_names value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Database Table Names Are Consistent in Case Sensitivity. |
Maximum length of the calculation result of the group_concat function |
The group_concat_max_len value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Values of group_concat_max_len Are Consistent. |
InnoDB check mode |
The innodb_strict_mode value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the innodb_strict_mode Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Data block encryption parameter |
The block_encryption_mode value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
- |
SQL mode |
The sql_mode value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the sql_mode Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
During database name mapping, if the objects to be synchronized contain stored procedures, views, and functions, these objects cannot be synchronized in the full synchronization phase, or it will result in inconsistent objects. |
For details, see Checking Database Mapping Objects. |
Tables without primary keys |
Create primary keys for tables as the performance of a table without a primary key is lower than that of a table with a primary key. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Tables Contain Primary Keys. |
Associated objects |
Objects that have dependencies must be synchronized at the same time to avoid synchronization failure. Common dependencies: tables referenced by views, views referenced by views, views and tables referenced by stored procedures/functions/triggers, and tables referenced by primary and foreign keys |
For details, see Checking Whether Referenced Tables Are Selected for Migration. |
Foreign key reference operations |
Cascade operations cannot be performed on tables with foreign keys. If the foreign key index of a table is a common index, the table structure may fail to be created. You are advised to use a unique index. |
For details, see Whether There Are Foreign Keys Containing Unsupported Reference Operations in the Source Database. |
Duplicate names |
If the destination database (excluding MySQL system database) has the same name as the source database, the table structures in the destination database must be consistent with those in the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Names of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Database table naming rules |
- |
SSL configuration |
If you enable SSL, the SSL connections for both the source and destination databases are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the SSL Connection Is Correctly Configured. |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
For details, see Which MySQL Permissions Are Required for DRS? |
Destination database permissions |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
Versions 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
Version 10.5 is supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Parameters |
GTID status |
Enable GTID for the source database. If GTID is not enabled for the source database, primary/standby switchover is not supported. DRS tasks will be interrupted and cannot be restored during a switchover. |
For details, see Checking Whether GTID Is Enabled for the Source Database. |
Performance parameters |
The log_slave_updates parameter of the source database must be enabled. Otherwise, the synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the log_slave_updates Value of the Source Database Is Correctly Configured. |
The binlog_row_image parameter of the source database must be set to FULL. Otherwise, the synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the binlog_row_image Value is FULL. |
sql_mode value |
If the MyISAM tables are included in the synchronization objects, the sql_mode parameter in the destination database cannot contain the no_engine_substitution parameter. Otherwise, the synchronization fails. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Contains Invalid sql_mode Values. |
Incremental synchronization |
Index column length |
The index column length of the source database must meet requirements. |
For details, see Checking the Length of the Index Column in the Source Database. |
Binlog status |
During the incremental synchronization, the binlog of the source database must be enabled. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Enabled. |
Binlog format |
The source database binlog must be row-based. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Row-Based. |
Binlog retention period |
If the storage space is sufficient, store the source database binlog files as long as possible. The recommended retention period is three days. If you set the period to 0, the synchronization may fail.
For details, see Checking Whether the Binlog Retention Period Is Set on the Source Database. |
server_id value |
During an incremental synchronization, the server_id value of the MySQL source database must be set.
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database server_id Meets the Incremental Migration Requirements. |
Table fields |
If there is a table containing fields of the longtext or longblob type in the synchronization object, you are advised to create a DRS task with large specifications. Otherwise, capture OOM may occur. |
- |
Additional columns |
In an incremental synchronization task, if no additional column is added to the destination database, the task fails. |
For details, see Checking the Additional Column of the Destination Database. |
Destination database |
Storage space |
The destination DB instance must have sufficient storage space. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Has Sufficient Storage Space. |
Status |
The destination DB instance is running properly. |
- |
Consistency |
Character set |
The character set of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Database Character Sets Are Consistent. |
Collation |
The collation_server value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the COLLATION_SERVER Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Clock |
The clock of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
- |
Case sensitive |
The lower_case_table_names value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Database Table Names Are Consistent in Case Sensitivity. |
Maximum length of the calculation result of the group_concat function |
The group_concat_max_len value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Values of group_concat_max_len Are Consistent. |
InnoDB check mode |
The innodb_strict_mode value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the innodb_strict_mode Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
SQL mode |
The sql_mode value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the sql_mode Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
During database name mapping, if the objects to be synchronized contain stored procedures, views, and functions, these objects cannot be synchronized in the full synchronization phase, or it will result in inconsistent objects. |
For details, see Checking Database Mapping Objects. |
Tables without primary keys |
Create primary keys for tables as the performance of a table without a primary key is lower than that of a table with a primary key. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Tables Contain Primary Keys. |
Associated objects |
Objects that have dependencies must be synchronized at the same time to avoid synchronization failure. Common dependencies: tables referenced by views, views referenced by views, views and tables referenced by stored procedures/functions/triggers, and tables referenced by primary and foreign keys |
For details, see Checking Whether Referenced Tables Are Selected for Migration. |
Foreign key reference operations |
Cascade operations cannot be performed on tables with foreign keys. If the foreign key index of a table is a common index, the table structure may fail to be created. You are advised to use a unique index. |
For details, see Whether There Are Foreign Keys Containing Unsupported Reference Operations in the Source Database. |
Duplicate names |
If the destination database (excluding MySQL system database) has the same name as the source database, the table structures in the destination database must be consistent with those in the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Names of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Database table naming rules |
- |
SSL configuration |
If you enable SSL, the SSL connections for both the source and destination databases are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the SSL Connection Is Correctly Configured. |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
MySQL -> GaussDB Distributed
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
For details, see Which MySQL Permissions Are Required for DRS? |
Destination database permissions |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
Versions 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
1.0.0 and later versions are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Parameters |
GTID status |
Enable GTID for the source database. If GTID is not enabled for the source database, primary/standby switchover is not supported. DRS tasks will be interrupted and cannot be restored during a switchover. |
For details, see Checking Whether GTID Is Enabled for the Source Database. |
Performance parameters |
The binlog_row_image parameter of the source database must be set to FULL. Otherwise, the synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the binlog_row_image Value is FULL. |
Maximum size of a packet that can be transmitted |
If there is a lot of data to be synchronized or there are too many fields to be synchronized, and the max_allowed_packet value of the source database is too small, the synchronization task may fail. |
For details, see Whether the max_allowed_packet Value of the Source Database Is Too Small. |
Incremental synchronization |
Binlog status |
During the incremental synchronization, the binlog of the source database must be enabled. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Enabled. |
Binlog format |
The source database binlog must be row-based. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Row-Based. |
Binlog retention period |
If the storage space is sufficient, store the source database binlog files as long as possible. The recommended retention period is three days. If you set the period to 0, the synchronization may fail.
For details, see Checking Whether the Binlog Retention Period Is Set on the Source Database. |
server_id value |
During an incremental synchronization, the server_id value of the MySQL source database must be set.
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database server_id Meets the Incremental Migration Requirements. |
Table fields |
The following data types are not supported: XML, JSON containing the bit type, geometry, point, lineString, polygon, geometrycollection, multipoint, multilinestring, multipolygon, and interval. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Contains Unsupported Table Field Types. |
Database compatibility type |
The compatibility mode of the destination database must be consistent with that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking the Database Compatibility Type. |
Destination database |
Storage space |
The destination DB instance must have sufficient storage space. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Has Sufficient Storage Space. |
Status |
The destination DB instance is running properly. |
- |
Consistency |
Character set |
The character set of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Database Character Sets Are Consistent. |
Time zone |
The time_zone value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the TIME_ZONE Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Table structures |
The table structure of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether Tables Structures Are Consistent. |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
Foreign key reference operations |
Cascade operations cannot be performed on tables with foreign keys. If the foreign key index of a table is a common index, the table structure may fail to be created. You are advised to use a unique index. |
For details, see Whether There Are Foreign Keys Containing Unsupported Reference Operations in the Source Database. |
Duplicate names |
The destination DB instance cannot contain databases with the same name as the source databases (except the MySQL system database). |
For details, see Checking Whether the Names of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Database table naming rules |
- |
Object name length |
The destination database object name can contain a maximum of 63 characters. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Length of the Source Database Object Names Exceeds the Limit. |
Source database |
The selected synchronization object must exist in the source database. |
For details, see Checking the Synchronization Objects. |
Destination database |
The mapped database configured for the task must exist in the destination database. |
- |
SSL configuration |
If you enable SSL, the SSL connections for both the source and destination databases are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the SSL Connection Is Correctly Configured. |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
- |
Destination database permissions |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
Versions 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
Versions 9.5, 9.6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Synchronization version |
The destination database version must be the same as or later than the source database version. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Migration Is from an Earlier Database Version to the Same or a Later Version. |
Parameters |
Performance parameters |
The BLOCK_SIZE value of the destination database must be greater than or equal to that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the BLOCK_SIZE Value of the Source Database Is the Same as That of the Destination Database. |
The PASSWORD_ENCRYPTION values of the source and destination databases must be the same. |
- |
The max_replication_slots value of the source database must be greater than the number of used replication slots. |
For details, see Checking Whether the MAX_REPLICATION_SLOTS Value in the Source Database Is Correct. |
The max_wal_senders value of the source database must be greater than or equal to the max_replication_slots value. |
For details, see Checking Whether the max_wal_senders Value of the Source Database Is Correctly Configured. |
The replica identity attribute of tables that do not have primary keys in the source database must be full. |
- |
If the toast attribute of the primary key column in the source database is main, external, or extended, the replica identity attribute must be full. |
For details, see Checking Replication Attribute of Primary Key Columns. |
The wal_level value of the source database must be logical. |
For details, see Checking Whether the WAL_LEVEL Value in the Source Database Is Correct. |
Incremental synchronization |
Table fields |
- |
Unlogged tables |
During database-level synchronization, DMLs of unlogged tables cannot be synchronized. |
- |
Parameters |
To perform incremental synchronization, if the synchronization object contains foreign keys, triggers, or event triggers, set session_replication_role of the destination database to replica. After the synchronization is complete, change the value to origin. |
For details, see Checking Whether session_replication_role of the Destination Database Is Correctly Set. |
Destination database |
Storage space |
The destination DB instance must have sufficient storage space. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Has Sufficient Storage Space. |
Status |
The destination DB instance is running properly. |
- |
Character type and sorting rule |
The destination database does not support the value of lc_ctype or lc_collate in the database to be synchronized. |
For details, see Character Type and Sorting Rule Check in the Destination Database. |
Currency format |
The currency format of the source and destination databases must be the same. |
For details, see Checking Whether the lc_monetary Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
The selected table cannot contain delay constraints. |
For details, see Whether the Selected Table Contains Delay Constraints. |
The objects that have dependencies must be synchronized at the same time. |
- |
Naming rules of databases, tables, and columns |
- |
Source database |
The source database is properly connected during the synchronization object check in the pre-check phase. |
For details, see Checking the Synchronization Objects. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is on Standby. |
Before starting a task, ensure that the source database does not contain transactions that have been there for a long time without being submitted. |
- |
The SSL status of the source database is normal. |
- |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
Full+incremental synchronization requires the following permissions: The CONNECT permission for databases, the USAGE permission for schemas, the SELECT permission for tables, the SELECT permission for sequences, the UPDATE, DELETE, and TRUNCATE permissions for tables that do not have primary keys, and the permission to create replication connections |
- |
Destination database permissions |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
Versions 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
Versions 8.1.3 and 8.2.0 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Parameters |
Performance parameters |
The max_replication_slots value of the source database must be greater than the number of used replication slots. |
For details, see Checking Whether the MAX_REPLICATION_SLOTS Value in the Source Database Is Correct. |
The max_wal_senders value of the source database must be greater than or equal to the max_replication_slots value. |
For details, see Checking Whether the max_wal_senders Value of the Source Database Is Correctly Configured. |
The replica identity attribute of tables that do not have primary keys in the source database must be full. |
- |
If the toast attribute of the primary key column in the source database is main, external, or extended, the replica identity attribute must be full. |
For details, see Checking Replication Attribute of Primary Key Columns. |
The wal_level value of the source database must be logical. |
For details, see Checking Whether the WAL_LEVEL Value in the Source Database Is Correct. |
Incremental synchronization |
Table fields |
- |
Unlogged tables |
During database-level synchronization, DMLs of unlogged tables cannot be synchronized. |
- |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
The selected table cannot contain delay constraints. |
For details, see Whether the Selected Table Contains Delay Constraints. |
The objects that have dependencies must be synchronized at the same time. Common dependencies are as follows: tables referenced by primary and foreign keys, parent tables referenced by child tables, partitioned tables referenced by sub-partitioned tables, and sequences referenced by auto-increment columns. |
- |
Naming rules of databases, tables, and columns |
- |
Source database |
The source database is properly connected during the synchronization object check in the pre-check phase. |
For details, see Checking the Synchronization Objects. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is on Standby. |
Before starting a task, ensure that the source database does not contain transactions that have been there for a long time without being submitted. |
- |
The SSL status of the source database is normal. |
- |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
PostgreSQL -> GaussDB Centralized
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
- |
Destination database permissions |
The user has the sysadmin role or the following minimum permissions: The CONNECT and CREATE permissions for databases, the USAGE and CREATE permissions for schemas, and the INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT, ALTER, INDEX, and COMMENT permissions for tables. |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
Versions 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
1.0.0 and later versions are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Parameters |
Performance parameters |
The max_replication_slots value of the source database must be greater than the number of used replication slots. |
For details, see Checking Whether the MAX_REPLICATION_SLOTS Value in the Source Database Is Correct. |
The max_wal_senders value of the source database must be greater than or equal to the max_replication_slots value. |
For details, see Checking Whether the max_wal_senders Value of the Source Database Is Correctly Configured. |
The replica identity attribute of tables that do not have primary keys in the source database must be full. |
- |
If the toast attribute of the primary key column in the source database is main, external, or extended, the replica identity attribute must be full. |
For details, see Checking Replication Attribute of Primary Key Columns. |
The wal_level value of the source database must be logical. |
For details, see Checking Whether the WAL_LEVEL Value in the Source Database Is Correct. |
Incremental synchronization |
Table fields |
- |
Unlogged tables |
During database-level synchronization, DMLs of unlogged tables cannot be synchronized. |
- |
Consistency |
Schemas and tables |
The schemas and tables of the destination database must be the same as those of the source database. |
- |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
The selected table cannot contain delay constraints. |
For details, see Whether the Selected Table Contains Delay Constraints. |
The objects that have dependencies must be synchronized at the same time. Common dependencies are as follows: tables referenced by views, views referenced by views, tables referenced by primary and foreign keys, parent tables referenced by child tables, partitioned tables referenced by sub-partitioned tables, and sequences referenced by auto-increment columns. |
- |
Naming rules of databases, tables, and columns |
- |
Source database |
The source database is properly connected during the synchronization object check in the pre-check phase. |
For details, see Checking the Synchronization Objects. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is on Standby. |
Before starting a task, ensure that the source database does not contain transactions that have been there for a long time without being submitted. |
- |
The SSL status of the source database is normal. |
- |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
PostgreSQL -> GaussDB Distributed
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
- |
Destination database permissions |
The user has the sysadmin role or the following minimum permissions: The CONNECT and CREATE permissions for databases, the USAGE and CREATE permissions for schemas, and the INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT, ALTER, INDEX, and COMMENT permissions for tables. |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
Versions 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
1.0.0 and later versions are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Parameters |
Performance parameters |
The max_replication_slots value of the source database must be greater than the number of used replication slots. |
For details, see Checking Whether the MAX_REPLICATION_SLOTS Value in the Source Database Is Correct. |
The max_wal_senders value of the source database must be greater than or equal to the max_replication_slots value. |
For details, see Checking Whether the max_wal_senders Value of the Source Database Is Correctly Configured. |
The replica identity attribute of tables that do not have primary keys in the source database must be full. |
- |
If the toast attribute of the primary key column in the source database is main, external, or extended, the replica identity attribute must be full. |
For details, see Checking Replication Attribute of Primary Key Columns. |
The wal_level value of the source database must be logical. |
For details, see Checking Whether the WAL_LEVEL Value in the Source Database Is Correct. |
Incremental synchronization |
Table fields |
- |
Unlogged tables |
During database-level synchronization, DMLs of unlogged tables cannot be synchronized. |
- |
Consistency |
Schemas and tables |
The schemas and tables of the destination database must be the same as those of the source database. |
- |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
The selected table cannot contain delay constraints. |
For details, see Whether the Selected Table Contains Delay Constraints. |
The objects that have dependencies must be synchronized at the same time. Common dependencies are as follows: tables referenced by primary and foreign keys, parent tables referenced by child tables, partitioned tables referenced by sub-partitioned tables, and sequences referenced by auto-increment columns. |
- |
Naming rules of databases, tables, and columns |
- |
Source database |
The source database is properly connected during the synchronization object check in the pre-check phase. |
For details, see Checking the Synchronization Objects. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is on Standby. |
Before starting a task, ensure that the source database does not contain transactions that have been there for a long time without being submitted. |
- |
The SSL status of the source database is normal. |
- |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
Full synchronization: The user must have the following permissions: CREATE SESSION, SELECT ANY DICTIONARY, and SELECT for a single table (GRANT SELECT ON <userName.tbName> to drsUser) Full+incremental synchronization and incremental synchronization:
- |
Destination database permissions |
The user must have the SELECT, INSERT, CREATE, DROP, UPDATE, ALTER, DELETE and INDEX permissions. |
- |
MAINTAINED check of the source Oracle database user |
Oracle 12c or later does not support incremental synchronization using accounts whose ORACLE_MAINTAINED is Y (except system/sys), because accounts with this attribute do not have the permissions to parse logs. |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
Versions 10g, 11g, 12c, 18c, 19c, and 21c are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
Versions 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Incremental synchronization |
Index column length |
The index column length of the source database must meet requirements. |
For details, see Checking the Length of the Index Column in the Source Database. |
Compatibility with heterogeneous databases |
For details, see Checking Whether the Values in the Source Oracle Database Are Out of the Ranges of the MySQL Database. |
Virtual columns |
The source database cannot contain virtual columns. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Table Structure Contains Virtual Columns. |
Character set compatibility check |
The character set of the destination database must be fully compatible with that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Character Sets Are Compatible. |
Archive logs and supplementary logs |
During incremental synchronization, enable PK, UI, or ALL supplemental logging for the source Oracle database at the database level or table level. If supplemental logging is enabled at table level, enable supplemental logging again after you rebuild or rename tables. During the synchronization, ensure that the preceding settings are always enabled. |
- |
Destination database |
Status |
The destination DB instance is running properly. |
- |
Source database |
Physical standby database check |
During the incremental synchronization, if the source database is a physical standby Oracle database, data of the LOB type cannot be parsed (the data dictionary cannot be generated). If the table to be synchronized contains data of the LOB type, the incremental synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking the Physical Standby Database. |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
Table structures |
The table structure of the source database must be the same as that of the destination database. |
- |
Table field types |
Check whether the source database contains unsupported table field types. The following table field types are supported: VARCHAR, VARCHAR2, NVARCHAR2, NUMBER, FLOAT, LONG, DATE, BINARY_FLOAT, BINARY_DOUBLE, RAW, LONG RAW, CHAR, NCHAR, CLOB, NCLOB, BLOB, ROWID, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE and TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Contains Unsupported Table Field Types. |
Collation check |
The primary key or unique key in the destination database contains a collation ending with _ci. The collation ending with _ci is case insensitive, so an error indicating duplicate keys may be reported during synchronization. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Collation of the Destination Database Is Correct. |
Tables without primary keys |
The table without a primary key lacks a unique identifier for rows. When the network is unstable, you may need to retry the task several times, or data inconsistency may occur. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Tables Contain Primary Keys. |
Data constraints |
During data transmission, data written to the destination database may fail or be lost because the data fails the constraint check. |
For details, see Checking Whether Existing Data Meets the Constraints. |
Character sets |
Only the following character sets are supported for the source database: ZHS16GBK, AL32UTF8, UTF8, US7ASCII, WE8MSWIN1252, WE8ISO8859P1, WE8ISO8859P2, WE8ISO8859P4, WE8ISO8859P5, WE8ISO8859P7, WE8ISO8859P9, WE8ISO8859P13, WE8ISO8859P15. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Character Set Is Supported. |
Duplicate names |
Object names will be converted to lowercase letters after being synchronized to the destination database. To avoid synchronization failures, ensure that the selected source database tables do not contain tables with the same name but different letter cases. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Names of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Database table naming rules |
- |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
Full synchronization: The user must have the following permissions: CREATE SESSION, SELECT ANY DICTIONARY, and SELECT for a single table (GRANT SELECT ON <userName.tbName> to drsUser) Full+Incremental synchronization:
- |
Destination database permissions |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
Versions 10g, 11g, 12c, 18c, 19c, and 21c are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
Version 8.0 is supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Incremental synchronization |
Index column length |
The index column length of the source database must meet requirements. |
For details, see Checking the Length of the Index Column in the Source Database. |
Compatibility with heterogeneous databases |
For details, see Checking Whether the Values in the Source Oracle Database Are Out of the Ranges of the MySQL Database. |
Virtual columns |
The source database cannot contain virtual columns. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Table Structure Contains Virtual Columns. |
Archive logs and supplementary logs |
During incremental synchronization, enable PK, UI, or ALL supplemental logging for the source Oracle database at the database level or table level. If supplemental logging is enabled at table level, enable supplemental logging again after you rebuild or rename tables. During the synchronization, ensure that the preceding settings are always enabled. |
- |
Destination database |
Status |
The destination DB instance is running properly. |
- |
Source database |
Physical standby database check |
During the incremental synchronization, if the source database is a physical standby Oracle database, data of the LOB type cannot be parsed (the data dictionary cannot be generated). If the table to be synchronized contains data of the LOB type, the incremental synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking the Physical Standby Database. |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
Databases, table structures, primary keys, unique keys, normal indexes, and table data can be synchronized. Other database objects, such as stored procedures, triggers, functions, sequences, packages, synonyms, and users, cannot be synchronized. |
- |
Table field types |
Check whether the source database contains unsupported table field types. The following table field types are supported: VARCHAR, VARCHAR2, NVARCHAR2, NUMBER, FLOAT, LONG, DATE, BINARY_FLOAT, BINARY_DOUBLE, RAW, LONG RAW, CHAR, NCHAR, CLOB, NCLOB, BLOB, ROWID, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE and TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Contains Unsupported Table Field Types. |
Collation check |
The primary key or unique key in the destination database contains a collation ending with _ci. The collation ending with _ci is case insensitive, so an error indicating duplicate keys may be reported during synchronization. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Collation of the Destination Database Is Correct. |
Tables without primary keys |
The table without a primary key lacks a unique identifier for rows. When the network is unstable, you may need to retry the task several times, or data inconsistency may occur. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Tables Contain Primary Keys. |
Data constraints |
During data transmission, data written to the destination database may fail or be lost because the data fails the constraint check. |
For details, see Checking Whether Existing Data Meets the Constraints. |
Character sets |
Only the following character sets are supported for the source database: ZHS16GBK, AL32UTF8, UTF8, US7ASCII, WE8MSWIN1252, WE8ISO8859P1, WE8ISO8859P2, WE8ISO8859P4, WE8ISO8859P5, WE8ISO8859P7, WE8ISO8859P9, WE8ISO8859P13, WE8ISO8859P15. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Character Set Is Supported. |
Duplicate names |
Object names will be converted to lowercase letters after being synchronized to the destination database. To avoid synchronization failures, ensure that the selected source database tables do not contain tables with the same name but different letter cases. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Names of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Database table naming rules |
- |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
Oracle -> GaussDB Centralized
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
Full synchronization: The user must have the following permissions: CREATE SESSION, SELECT ANY DICTIONARY, and SELECT for a single table (GRANT SELECT ON <userName.tbName> to drsUser) Full+incremental synchronization and incremental synchronization:
- |
Destination database permissions |
- |
MAINTAINED check of the source Oracle database user |
Oracle 12c or later does not support incremental synchronization using accounts whose ORACLE_MAINTAINED is Y (except system/sys), because accounts with this attribute do not have the permissions to parse logs. |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
Versions 10g, 11g, 12c, 18c, 19c, and 21c are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
1.0.0 and later versions are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Incremental synchronization |
Character set compatibility check |
The character set of the destination database must be fully compatible with that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Character Sets Are Compatible. |
Virtual columns |
The source database cannot contain virtual columns. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Table Structure Contains Virtual Columns. |
Archive logs and supplementary logs |
During incremental synchronization, enable PK, UI, or ALL supplemental logging for the source Oracle database at the database level or table level. If supplemental logging is enabled at table level, enable supplemental logging again after you rebuild or rename tables. During the synchronization, ensure that the preceding settings are always enabled. |
- |
Source database |
Physical standby database check |
During the incremental synchronization, if the source database is a physical standby Oracle database, data of the LOB type cannot be parsed (the data dictionary cannot be generated). If the table to be synchronized contains data of the LOB type, the incremental synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking the Physical Standby Database. |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
Whether the selected objects exist in the destination database |
Check whether the destination database objects meet the synchronization requirements. |
For details, see Whether the Selected Objects Exist in the Destination Database. |
Foreign keys |
Do not use foreign keys for tables during synchronization. Otherwise, the sequence of writing data to different tables may be inconsistent with that in the source database, which may trigger foreign key constraints and cause synchronization failures. |
For details, see Whether Foreign Keys Are Disabled or Tables to Be Synchronized Have Foreign Keys in the Destination Database. |
Table field types |
Check whether the source database contains unsupported table field types. The following table field types are supported: VARCHAR, VARCHAR2, NVARCHAR2, NUMBER, FLOAT, LONG, DATE, BINARY_FLOAT, BINARY_DOUBLE, RAW, LONG RAW, CHAR, NCHAR, CLOB, NCLOB, BLOB, ROWID, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE and TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Contains Unsupported Table Field Types. |
Tables without primary keys |
The table without a primary key lacks a unique identifier for rows. When the network is unstable, you may need to retry the task several times, or data inconsistency may occur. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Tables Contain Primary Keys. |
Data constraints |
During data transmission, data written to the destination database may fail or be lost because the data fails the constraint check. |
For details, see Checking Whether Existing Data Meets the Constraints. |
Character sets |
Only the following character sets are supported for the source database: ZHS16GBK, AL32UTF8, UTF8, US7ASCII, WE8MSWIN1252, WE8ISO8859P1, WE8ISO8859P2, WE8ISO8859P4, WE8ISO8859P5, WE8ISO8859P7, WE8ISO8859P9, WE8ISO8859P13, WE8ISO8859P15. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Character Set Is Supported. |
Database table naming rules |
Database object names, such as the database name and table name, support English characters and symbols such as #, $, and _. DRS does not support non-ASCII characters or the following special characters: .>`<'\,|?!" Object names will be converted to lowercase letters after being synchronized to the destination database. To avoid synchronization failures, ensure that the selected source database tables do not contain tables with the same name but different letter cases. |
- |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
Oracle -> GaussDB Distributed
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
Full synchronization: The user must have the following permissions: CREATE SESSION, SELECT ANY DICTIONARY, and SELECT for a single table (GRANT SELECT ON <userName.tbName> to drsUser) Full+incremental synchronization and incremental synchronization:
- |
Destination database permissions |
- |
MAINTAINED check of the source Oracle database user |
Oracle 12c or later does not support incremental synchronization using accounts whose ORACLE_MAINTAINED is Y (except system/sys), because accounts with this attribute do not have the permissions to parse logs. |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
Versions 10g, 11g, 12c, 18c, 19c, and 21c are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
1.0.0 and later versions are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Incremental synchronization |
Character set compatibility check |
The character set of the destination database must be fully compatible with that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Character Sets Are Compatible. |
Virtual columns |
The source database cannot contain virtual columns. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Table Structure Contains Virtual Columns. |
Archive logs and supplementary logs |
During incremental synchronization, enable PK, UI, or ALL supplemental logging for the source Oracle database at the database level or table level. If supplemental logging is enabled at table level, enable supplemental logging again after you rebuild or rename tables. During the synchronization, ensure that the preceding settings are always enabled. |
- |
Source database |
Physical standby database check |
During the incremental synchronization, if the source database is a physical standby Oracle database, data of the LOB type cannot be parsed (the data dictionary cannot be generated). If the table to be synchronized contains data of the LOB type, the incremental synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking the Physical Standby Database. |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
Whether the selected objects exist in the destination database |
Check whether the destination database objects meet the synchronization requirements. |
For details, see Whether the Selected Objects Exist in the Destination Database. |
Foreign keys |
Do not use foreign keys for tables during synchronization. Otherwise, the sequence of writing data to different tables may be inconsistent with that in the source database, which may trigger foreign key constraints and cause synchronization failures. |
For details, see Whether Foreign Keys Are Disabled or Tables to Be Synchronized Have Foreign Keys in the Destination Database. |
Table field types |
Check whether the source database contains unsupported table field types. The following table field types are supported: VARCHAR, VARCHAR2, NVARCHAR2, NUMBER, FLOAT, LONG, DATE, BINARY_FLOAT, BINARY_DOUBLE, RAW, LONG RAW, CHAR, NCHAR, CLOB, NCLOB, BLOB, ROWID, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE and TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Contains Unsupported Table Field Types. |
Tables without primary keys |
The table without a primary key lacks a unique identifier for rows. When the network is unstable, you may need to retry the task several times, or data inconsistency may occur. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Tables Contain Primary Keys. |
Data constraints |
During data transmission, data written to the destination database may fail or be lost because the data fails the constraint check. |
For details, see Checking Whether Existing Data Meets the Constraints. |
Character sets |
Only the following character sets are supported for the source database: ZHS16GBK, AL32UTF8, UTF8, US7ASCII, WE8MSWIN1252, WE8ISO8859P1, WE8ISO8859P2, WE8ISO8859P4, WE8ISO8859P5, WE8ISO8859P7, WE8ISO8859P9, WE8ISO8859P13, WE8ISO8859P15. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Character Set Is Supported. |
Database table naming rules |
Database object names, such as the database name and table name, support English characters and symbols such as #, $, and _. DRS does not support non-ASCII characters or the following special characters: .>`<'\,|?!" Object names will be converted to lowercase letters after being synchronized to the destination database. To avoid synchronization failures, ensure that the selected source database tables do not contain tables with the same name but different letter cases. |
- |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
Full synchronization: The user must have the following permissions: CREATE SESSION, SELECT ANY DICTIONARY, and SELECT for a single table (GRANT SELECT ON <userName.tbName> to drsUser) Full+incremental synchronization and incremental synchronization:
- |
Destination database permissions |
- |
MAINTAINED check of the source Oracle database user |
Oracle 12c or later does not support incremental synchronization using accounts whose ORACLE_MAINTAINED is Y (except system/sys), because accounts with this attribute do not have the permissions to parse logs. |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
Versions 10g, 11g, 12c, 18c, 19c, and 21c are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
Versions 8.1.3 and 8.2.0 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Incremental synchronization |
Character set compatibility check |
The character set of the destination database must be fully compatible with that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Character Sets Are Compatible. |
Virtual columns |
The source database cannot contain virtual columns. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Table Structure Contains Virtual Columns. |
Archive logs and supplementary logs |
During incremental synchronization, enable PK, UI, or ALL supplemental logging for the source Oracle database at the database level or table level. If supplemental logging is enabled at table level, enable supplemental logging again after you rebuild or rename tables. During the synchronization, ensure that the preceding settings are always enabled. |
- |
Destination database |
Status |
The destination DB instance is running properly. |
- |
Source database |
Physical standby database check |
During the incremental synchronization, if the source database is a physical standby Oracle database, data of the LOB type cannot be parsed (the data dictionary cannot be generated). If the table to be synchronized contains data of the LOB type, the incremental synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking the Physical Standby Database. |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
Table field types |
Check whether the source database contains unsupported table field types. The following table field types are supported: VARCHAR, VARCHAR2, NVARCHAR2, NUMBER, FLOAT, LONG, DATE, BINARY_FLOAT, BINARY_DOUBLE, RAW, LONG RAW, CHAR, NCHAR, CLOB, NCLOB, BLOB, ROWID, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE and TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Contains Unsupported Table Field Types. |
Tables without primary keys |
The table without a primary key lacks a unique identifier for rows. When the network is unstable, you may need to retry the task several times, or data inconsistency may occur. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Tables Contain Primary Keys. |
Duplicate names |
During table structure synchronization, if the destination database has a constraint with the same name as the source database, the table fails to be created. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Names of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Data constraints |
During data transmission, data written to the destination database may fail or be lost because the data fails the constraint check. |
For details, see Checking Whether Existing Data Meets the Constraints. |
Character sets |
Only the following character sets are supported for the source database: ZHS16GBK, AL32UTF8, UTF8, US7ASCII, WE8MSWIN1252, WE8ISO8859P1, WE8ISO8859P2, WE8ISO8859P4, WE8ISO8859P5, WE8ISO8859P7, WE8ISO8859P9, WE8ISO8859P13, WE8ISO8859P15. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Character Set Is Supported. |
Database table naming rules |
- |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
Full synchronization: The user must have the following permissions: CREATE SESSION, SELECT ANY DICTIONARY, and SELECT for a single table (GRANT SELECT ON <userName.tbName> to drsUser) Full+Incremental synchronization:
- |
Destination database permissions |
The destination database user must have the following permissions: SELECT, CREATE, DROP, DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE, ALTER, INDEX, EVENT, RELOAD and CREATE VIEW |
- |
MAINTAINED check of the source Oracle database user |
Oracle 12c or later does not support incremental synchronization using accounts whose ORACLE_MAINTAINED is Y (except system/sys), because accounts with this attribute do not have the permissions to parse logs. |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
Versions 10g, 11g, 12c, 18c, 19c, and 21c are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Incremental synchronization |
Character set compatibility check |
The character set of the destination database must be fully compatible with that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Character Sets Are Compatible. |
Virtual columns |
The source database cannot contain virtual columns. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Table Structure Contains Virtual Columns. |
Archive logs and supplementary logs |
During incremental synchronization, enable PK, UI, or ALL supplemental logging for the source Oracle database at the database level or table level. If supplemental logging is enabled at table level, enable supplemental logging again after you rebuild or rename tables. During the synchronization, ensure that the preceding settings are always enabled. |
- |
Source database |
Physical standby database check |
During the incremental synchronization, if the source database is a physical standby Oracle database, data of the LOB type cannot be parsed (the data dictionary cannot be generated). If the table to be synchronized contains data of the LOB type, the incremental synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking the Physical Standby Database. |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
The source database data can be synchronized, but the source table structure and other objects cannot be synchronized. |
- |
Table structures |
The redundant columns (columns that do not exist in the source database) of the destination database cannot contain not-null constraints. The not-null constraints will cause the migration to fail. |
Table field types |
Check whether the source database contains unsupported table field types. The following table field types are supported: VARCHAR, VARCHAR2, NVARCHAR2, NUMBER, FLOAT, LONG, DATE, BINARY_FLOAT, BINARY_DOUBLE, RAW, LONG RAW, CHAR, NCHAR, CLOB, NCLOB, BLOB, ROWID, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE and TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Contains Unsupported Table Field Types. |
Tables without primary keys |
The table without a primary key lacks a unique identifier for rows. When the network is unstable, you may need to retry the task several times, or data inconsistency may occur. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Tables Contain Primary Keys. |
Data constraints |
During data transmission, data written to the destination database may fail or be lost because the data fails the constraint check. |
For details, see Checking Whether Existing Data Meets the Constraints. |
Character sets |
Only the following character sets are supported for the source database: ZHS16GBK, AL32UTF8, UTF8, US7ASCII, WE8MSWIN1252, WE8ISO8859P1, WE8ISO8859P2, WE8ISO8859P4, WE8ISO8859P5, WE8ISO8859P7, WE8ISO8859P9, WE8ISO8859P13, WE8ISO8859P15. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Character Set Is Supported. |
Database table naming rules |
- |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
Full synchronization: The user must have the following permissions: CREATE SESSION, SELECT ANY DICTIONARY, and SELECT for a single table (GRANT SELECT ON <userName.tbName> to drsUser) Full+Incremental synchronization:
- |
Destination database permissions |
The user must have the following permissions for a table: INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, CONNECT, CREATE, and REFERENCES. |
- |
MAINTAINED check of the source Oracle database user |
Oracle 12c or later does not support incremental synchronization using accounts whose ORACLE_MAINTAINED is Y (except system/sys), because accounts with this attribute do not have the permissions to parse logs. |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
Versions 10g, 11g, 12c, 18c, 19c, and 21c are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
Versions 9.5, 9.6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Incremental synchronization |
Compatibility with heterogeneous databases |
Ensure that the columns that use character strings as primary keys or unique keys in the table to be migrated do not contain spaces. Otherwise, data may be inconsistent or the migration may fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Values in the Source Oracle Database Are Out of the Ranges of the MySQL Database. |
Virtual columns |
The source database cannot contain virtual columns. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Table Structure Contains Virtual Columns. |
Character set compatibility check |
The character set of the destination database must be fully compatible with that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Character Sets Are Compatible. |
Archive logs and supplementary logs |
During incremental synchronization, enable PK, UI, or ALL supplemental logging for the source Oracle database at the database level or table level. If supplemental logging is enabled at table level, enable supplemental logging again after you rebuild or rename tables. During the synchronization, ensure that the preceding settings are always enabled. |
- |
Destination database |
Status |
The destination DB instance is running properly. |
- |
Storage space |
The destination DB instance must have sufficient storage space. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Has Sufficient Storage Space. |
Source database |
Physical standby database check |
During the incremental synchronization, if the source database is a physical standby Oracle database, data of the LOB type cannot be parsed (the data dictionary cannot be generated). If the table to be synchronized contains data of the LOB type, the incremental synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking the Physical Standby Database. |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
Table field types |
Check whether the source database contains unsupported table field types. The following table field types are supported: VARCHAR, VARCHAR2, NVARCHAR2, NUMBER, FLOAT, LONG, DATE, BINARY_FLOAT, BINARY_DOUBLE, RAW, LONG RAW, CHAR, NCHAR, CLOB, NCLOB, BLOB, ROWID, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE and TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Contains Unsupported Table Field Types. |
Tables without primary keys |
The table without a primary key lacks a unique identifier for rows. When the network is unstable, you may need to retry the task several times, or data inconsistency may occur. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Tables Contain Primary Keys. |
Data constraints |
During data transmission, data written to the destination database may fail or be lost because the data fails the constraint check. |
For details, see Checking Whether Existing Data Meets the Constraints. |
Character sets |
Only the following character sets are supported for the source database: ZHS16GBK, AL32UTF8, UTF8, US7ASCII, WE8MSWIN1252, WE8ISO8859P1, WE8ISO8859P2, WE8ISO8859P4, WE8ISO8859P5, WE8ISO8859P7, WE8ISO8859P9, WE8ISO8859P13, WE8ISO8859P15. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Character Set Is Supported. |
Log parsing permissions |
If the source database user does not have the log parsing permission, the incremental migration will fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database User Has the Permission to Parse Logs. |
Duplicate names |
Object names will be converted to lowercase letters after being synchronized to the destination database. To avoid synchronization failures, ensure that the selected source database tables do not contain tables with the same name but different letter cases. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Names of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Database table naming rules |
The names of databases and tables cannot contain non-ASCII characters or the following special characters: .><\`|,?'!" |
- |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
- |
Destination database permissions |
The user must have the SELECT, CREATE, ALTER, DROP, DELETE, INSERT and UPDATE permissions. The root account of the RDS for MySQL DB instance has the preceding permissions by default. |
For details, see Which MySQL Permissions Are Required for DRS? |
Parameters |
GTID status |
Enable GTID for the source sharded database. If GTID is not enabled for the source sharded database, primary/standby switchover is not supported. DRS tasks will be interrupted and cannot be restored during a switchover. |
- |
Performance parameters |
The binlog_row_image parameter of the source sharded database must be set to FULL. Otherwise, the synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the binlog_row_image Value is FULL. |
Incremental synchronization |
Binlog status |
During the incremental synchronization, the binlog of the source sharded database must be enabled. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Enabled. |
Binlog format |
The source sharded database binlog must be row-based. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Row-Based. |
server_id value |
During an incremental synchronization, the server_id value of the source sharded database must be specified.
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database server_id Meets the Incremental Migration Requirements. |
Destination database |
Storage space |
The destination DB instance must have sufficient storage space. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Has Sufficient Storage Space. |
Consistency |
Character set |
The character set of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Database Character Sets Are Consistent. |
Case sensitive |
The lower_case_table_names value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Database Table Names Are Consistent in Case Sensitivity. |
Maximum length of the calculation result of the group_concat function |
The group_concat_max_len value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Values of group_concat_max_len Are Consistent. |
Data block encryption parameter |
The block_encryption_mode value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
- |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
During database name mapping, if the objects to be synchronized contain stored procedures, views, and functions, these objects cannot be synchronized in the full synchronization phase, or it will result in inconsistent objects. |
For details, see Checking Database Mapping Objects. |
Tables without primary keys |
Create primary keys for tables as the performance of a table without a primary key is lower than that of a table with a primary key. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Tables Contain Primary Keys. |
Database table naming rules |
The database names and table names of the source sharding middleware cannot contain non-ASCII characters and the following characters: '<>/\ |
- |
SSL configuration |
If you enable SSL, the SSL connections for both the source and destination databases are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the SSL Connection Is Correctly Configured. |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
- |
Destination database permissions |
The destination database user must have the following permissions: INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, CONNECT, and CREATE. |
- |
Parameters |
GTID status |
Enable GTID for the source sharded database. If GTID is not enabled for the source sharded database, primary/standby switchover is not supported. DRS tasks will be interrupted and cannot be restored during a switchover. |
- |
Performance parameters |
The binlog_row_image parameter of the source sharded database must be set to FULL. Otherwise, the synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the binlog_row_image Value is FULL. |
Incremental synchronization |
Binlog status |
During the incremental synchronization, the binlog of the source sharded database must be enabled. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Enabled. |
Binlog format |
The source sharded database binlog must be row-based. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Row-Based. |
server_id value |
During an incremental synchronization, the server_id value of the source sharded database must be specified.
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database server_id Meets the Incremental Migration Requirements. |
Destination database |
Storage space |
The destination DB instance must have sufficient storage space. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Has Sufficient Storage Space. |
Consistency |
Character set |
The character set of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Database Character Sets Are Consistent. |
Case sensitive |
The lower_case_table_names value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Database Table Names Are Consistent in Case Sensitivity. |
Maximum length of the calculation result of the group_concat function |
The group_concat_max_len value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Values of group_concat_max_len Are Consistent. |
Data block encryption parameter |
The block_encryption_mode value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
- |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
During database name mapping, if the objects to be synchronized contain stored procedures, views, and functions, these objects cannot be synchronized in the full synchronization phase, or it will result in inconsistent objects. |
For details, see Checking Database Mapping Objects. |
Tables without primary keys |
Create primary keys for tables as the performance of a table without a primary key is lower than that of a table with a primary key. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Tables Contain Primary Keys. |
Database table naming rules |
The database names and table names of the source sharding middleware cannot contain non-ASCII characters and the following characters: '<>/\ |
- |
SSL configuration |
If you enable SSL, the SSL connections for both the source and destination databases are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the SSL Connection Is Correctly Configured. |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
- |
Destination database permissions |
The user must have the following permissions: CREATE, DROP, ALTER, INDEX, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, and SELECT. In addition, grant the SELECT permission on all tables. The DDM destination database user must have permissions on the database to be synchronized. |
- |
Parameters |
GTID status |
Enable GTID for the source sharded database. If GTID is not enabled for the source sharded database, primary/standby switchover is not supported. DRS tasks will be interrupted and cannot be restored during a switchover. |
- |
Performance parameters |
The binlog_row_image parameter of the source sharded database must be set to FULL. Otherwise, the synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the binlog_row_image Value is FULL. |
Incremental synchronization |
Binlog status |
During the incremental synchronization, the binlog of the source sharded database must be enabled. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Enabled. |
Binlog format |
The source sharded database binlog must be row-based. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Row-Based. |
server_id value |
During an incremental synchronization, the server_id value of the source sharded database must be specified.
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database server_id Meets the Incremental Migration Requirements. |
Destination database |
Storage space |
The destination DB instance must have sufficient storage space. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Has Sufficient Storage Space. |
Consistency |
Character set |
The character set of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Database Character Sets Are Consistent. |
Case sensitive |
The lower_case_table_names value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Database Table Names Are Consistent in Case Sensitivity. |
Maximum length of the calculation result of the group_concat function |
The group_concat_max_len value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Values of group_concat_max_len Are Consistent. |
Data block encryption parameter |
The block_encryption_mode value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
- |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
During database name mapping, if the objects to be synchronized contain stored procedures, views, and functions, these objects cannot be synchronized in the full synchronization phase, or it will result in inconsistent objects. |
For details, see Checking Database Mapping Objects. |
Tables without primary keys |
Create primary keys for tables as the performance of a table without a primary key is lower than that of a table with a primary key. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Tables Contain Primary Keys. |
Database table naming rules |
The database names and table names of the source sharding middleware cannot contain non-ASCII characters and the following characters: '<>/\ |
- |
SSL configuration |
If you enable SSL, the SSL connections for both the source and destination databases are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the SSL Connection Is Correctly Configured. |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
DB2 for LUW -> GaussDB Centralized
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
- |
Destination database permissions |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
Versions 9.7, 10.1, 10.5, 11.1, and 11.5 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
1.0.0 and later versions are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Parameters |
DataCapture |
If you select full+incremental synchronization, ensure that the archive log of the source database is enabled and the DataCapture attribute of the table to be synchronized is Y. |
- |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
Whether the selected objects exist in the destination database |
Check whether the destination database objects meet the synchronization requirements. |
For details, see Whether the Selected Objects Exist in the Destination Database. |
Table field types |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Contains Unsupported Table Field Types. |
Tables without primary keys |
Create primary keys for tables as the performance of a table without a primary key is lower than that of a table with a primary key. |
For details, see Whether the Source Database Tables Contain Primary Keys. |
Character sets |
The source database supports only the GBK and UTF8 character sets. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Character Set Is Supported. |
Source database |
The source database is properly connected during the synchronization object check in the pre-check phase. |
For details, see Checking the Synchronization Objects. |
Database table naming rules |
- |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
DB2 for LUW -> GaussDB Distributed
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
- |
Destination database permissions |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
Versions 9.7, 10.1, 10.5, 11.1, and 11.5 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
1.0.0 and later versions are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Parameters |
DataCapture |
If you select full+incremental synchronization, ensure that the archive log of the source database is enabled and the DataCapture attribute of the table to be synchronized is Y. |
- |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
Whether the selected objects exist in the destination database |
Check whether the destination database objects meet the synchronization requirements. |
For details, see Whether the Selected Objects Exist in the Destination Database. |
Table field types |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Contains Unsupported Table Field Types. |
Tables without primary keys |
Create primary keys for tables as the performance of a table without a primary key is lower than that of a table with a primary key. |
For details, see Whether the Source Database Tables Contain Primary Keys. |
Character sets |
The source database supports only the GBK and UTF8 character sets. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Character Set Is Supported. |
Source database |
The source database is properly connected during the synchronization object check in the pre-check phase. |
For details, see Checking the Synchronization Objects. |
Database table naming rules |
- |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
DB2 for LUW->GaussDB(DWS)
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
- |
Destination database permissions |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
Versions 9.7, 10.1, 10.5, 11.1, and 11.5 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
Versions 8.1.3 and 8.2.0 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Parameters |
DataCapture |
If you select full+incremental synchronization, ensure that the archive log of the source database is enabled and the DataCapture attribute of the table to be synchronized is Y. |
- |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
Whether the selected objects exist in the destination database |
Check whether the destination database objects meet the synchronization requirements. |
For details, see Whether the Selected Objects Exist in the Destination Database. |
Table field types |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Contains Unsupported Table Field Types. |
Tables without primary keys |
Create primary keys for tables as the performance of a table without a primary key is lower than that of a table with a primary key. |
For details, see Whether the Source Database Tables Contain Primary Keys. |
Character sets |
The source database supports only the GBK and UTF8 character sets. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Character Set Is Supported. |
Source database |
The source database is properly connected during the synchronization object check in the pre-check phase. |
For details, see Checking the Synchronization Objects. |
Database table naming rules |
Database object names, such as the database name and table name, support English characters and symbols such as #, $, and _. DRS does not support non-ASCII characters or the following special characters: .>`<'\,|?!" Object names will be converted to lowercase letters after being synchronized to the destination database. To avoid synchronization failures, ensure that the selected source database tables do not contain tables with the same name but different letter cases. |
- |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
The user must have the SELECT and CONFIG permissions. |
- |
Destination database permissions |
The user must have the SELECT, CREATE, DROP, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, ALTER, REFERENCES and INDEX permissions. |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
Version 4.0.0 and later (excluding the development version) |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
Version 8.0 |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Incremental synchronization |
Binlog status |
During the incremental synchronization, the binlog of the source database must be enabled. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Enabled. |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
Database table naming rules |
- |
Tables without primary keys |
Create primary keys for tables as the performance of a table without a primary key is lower than that of a table with a primary key. |
For details, see Whether the Source Database Tables Contain Primary Keys. |
Duplicate names |
The destination database cannot contain tables with the same names as those in the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether Destination Database Contains the Same Table Names As the Synchronization Objects. |
Source database |
The selected synchronization object must exist in the source database. |
For details, see Checking the Synchronization Objects. |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
Microsoft SQL Server->GaussDB(DWS)
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
Sysadmin or view server state and db_datareader or db_owner permissions for databases to be synchronized |
- |
Destination database permissions |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
Versions 8.1.3 and 8.2.0 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Incremental synchronization |
CDC enabling |
Incremental synchronization of the source SQL Server database is based on the CDC capability provided by the SQL Server database. If CDC of the source SQL Server database is abnormal (for example, CDC is disabled or the transaction log is full), incremental synchronization will be affected. |
For details, see Checking Whether CDC is Enabled for Tables in the Source Database. |
CDC data retention |
If the CDC data is retained less than one day in the source database, incremental synchronization will be abnormal. Change the retention period to 1440 minutes (one day) or longer. The recommended value is 4320 minutes (three days). |
For details, see Checking Whether the CDC Retention Period in the Source Database Is Long Enough. |
Consistency |
Computer names |
The computer names of the source and destination databases must be different. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Databases Have Different Computer Names. |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
Database table naming rules |
- |
Tables without primary keys |
Create primary keys for tables as the performance of a table without a primary key is lower than that of a table with a primary key. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Tables Contain Primary Keys. |
Duplicate names |
The destination database cannot contain objects with the same name as those in the source database (except SQL Server system databases). |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Contains Objects with the Same Name As Those in the Source Database. |
Source database |
The selected synchronization object must exist in the source database. |
For details, see Checking the Synchronization Objects. |
The source database cannot be empty. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Empty. |
The recovery model of the source database must be set to FULL. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Uses the Full Recovery Model. |
SQL Server Agent must be enabled for the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the SQL Server Agent of the Source Database Is Enabled. |
If the source database contains disabled clustered indexes of tables, the synchronization fails. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Contains Disabled Clustered Indexes. |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
Microsoft SQL Server -> GaussDB Centralized
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
- |
Destination database permissions |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
Version 1.1.0 or later |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Incremental synchronization |
CDC enabling |
Incremental synchronization of the source SQL Server database is based on the CDC capability provided by the SQL Server database. If CDC of the source SQL Server database is abnormal (for example, CDC is disabled or the transaction log is full), incremental synchronization will be affected. |
For details, see Checking Whether CDC is Enabled for Tables in the Source Database. |
CDC data retention |
If the CDC data is retained less than one day in the source database, incremental synchronization will be abnormal. Change the retention period to 1440 minutes (one day) or longer. The recommended value is 4320 minutes (three days). |
For details, see Checking Whether the CDC Retention Period in the Source Database Is Long Enough. |
Consistency |
Computer names |
The computer names of the source and destination databases must be different. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Databases Have Different Computer Names. |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
Database table naming rules |
- |
Tables without primary keys |
Create primary keys for tables as the performance of a table without a primary key is lower than that of a table with a primary key. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Tables Contain Primary Keys. |
Duplicate names |
The destination database cannot contain objects with the same name as those in the source database (except SQL Server system databases). |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Contains Objects with the Same Name As Those in the Source Database. |
Source database |
The selected synchronization object must exist in the source database. |
For details, see Checking the Synchronization Objects. |
The source database cannot be empty. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Empty. |
The recovery model of the source database must be set to FULL. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Uses the Full Recovery Model. |
SQL Server Agent must be enabled for the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the SQL Server Agent of the Source Database Is Enabled. |
If the source database contains disabled clustered indexes of tables, the synchronization fails. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Contains Disabled Clustered Indexes. |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
Microsoft SQL Server -> GaussDB Distributed
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
- |
Destination database permissions |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
Version 1.1.0 or later |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Incremental synchronization |
CDC enabling |
Incremental synchronization of the source SQL Server database is based on the CDC capability provided by the SQL Server database. If CDC of the source SQL Server database is abnormal (for example, CDC is disabled or the transaction log is full), incremental synchronization will be affected. |
For details, see Checking Whether CDC is Enabled for Tables in the Source Database. |
CDC data retention |
If the CDC data is retained less than one day in the source database, incremental synchronization will be abnormal. Change the retention period to 1440 minutes (one day) or longer. The recommended value is 4320 minutes (three days). |
For details, see Checking Whether the CDC Retention Period in the Source Database Is Long Enough. |
Consistency |
Computer names |
The computer names of the source and destination databases must be different. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Databases Have Different Computer Names. |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
Database table naming rules |
- |
Tables without primary keys |
Create primary keys for tables as the performance of a table without a primary key is lower than that of a table with a primary key. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Tables Contain Primary Keys. |
Duplicate names |
The destination database cannot contain objects with the same name as those in the source database (except SQL Server system databases). |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Contains Objects with the Same Name As Those in the Source Database. |
Source database |
The selected synchronization object must exist in the source database. |
For details, see Checking the Synchronization Objects. |
The source database cannot be empty. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Empty. |
The recovery model of the source database must be set to FULL. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Uses the Full Recovery Model. |
SQL Server Agent must be enabled for the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the SQL Server Agent of the Source Database Is Enabled. |
If the source database contains disabled clustered indexes of tables, the synchronization fails. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Contains Disabled Clustered Indexes. |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
Microsoft SQL Server->Microsoft SQL Server
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
At least the sysadmin or view server state and db_datareader or db_owner permissions for databases to be synchronized |
- |
Destination database permissions |
If the destination end does not contain databases, the destination database user must have the create any database permission. If the destination end contains databases, the destination database user must have the connect, create table, alter any schema, and select permissions for the databases. |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
RDS for SQL Server (Enterprise Edition 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017 and 2019 and Standard Edition 2016 SP2 or later, 2017, and 2019) |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Synchronization version |
The destination database version must be the same as or later than the source database version. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Migration Is from an Earlier Database Version to the Same or a Later Version. |
Destination database |
Status |
The destination DB instance is running properly. |
- |
Incremental synchronization |
CDC enabling |
Incremental synchronization of the source SQL Server database is based on the CDC capability provided by the SQL Server database. If CDC of the source SQL Server database is abnormal (for example, CDC is disabled or the transaction log is full), incremental synchronization will be affected. |
For details, see Checking Whether CDC is Enabled for Tables in the Source Database. |
CDC data retention |
If the CDC data is retained less than one day in the source database, incremental synchronization will be abnormal. Change the retention period to 1440 minutes (one day) or longer. The recommended value is 4320 minutes (three days). |
For details, see Checking Whether the CDC Retention Period in the Source Database Is Long Enough. |
Consistency |
Computer names |
The computer names of the source and destination databases must be different. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Databases Have Different Computer Names. |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
Database table naming rules |
- |
Duplicate names |
The destination database cannot contain objects with the same name as those in the source database (except SQL Server system databases). |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Contains Objects with the Same Name As Those in the Source Database. |
Source database |
The selected synchronization object must exist in the source database. |
For details, see Checking the Synchronization Objects. |
The source database cannot be empty. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Empty. |
The recovery model of the source database must be set to FULL. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Uses the Full Recovery Model. |
SQL Server Agent must be enabled for the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the SQL Server Agent of the Source Database Is Enabled. |
Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) encrypted databases in the source instance cannot be synchronized. If you do not need to synchronize TDE encrypted databases, deselect them from the synchronization objects. If you need to synchronize TDE encrypted databases, disable TDE first. |
For details, see Whether the Source Database Contains Encrypted Objects. |
If the source database contains disabled clustered indexes of tables, the synchronization fails. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Contains Disabled Clustered Indexes. |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
Replica set: The source database user must have the readAnyDatabase permission for the admin database and the read permission for the local database. |
- |
Destination database permissions |
The destination database user must have the dbAdminAnyDatabase permission for the admin database and the readWrite permission for the destination database. |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
DDS (versions 3.4, 4.0, 4.2 and 4.4) |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Synchronization version |
The destination database version must be the same as or later than the source database version. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Migration Is from an Earlier Database Version to the Same or a Later Version. |
Destination database |
Storage space |
The destination DB instance must have sufficient storage space. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Has Sufficient Storage Space. |
Status |
The destination DB instance is running properly. If the destination DB instance type is primary/standby, the replication status must also be normal. |
- |
Maximum number of chunks |
Check whether the maximum number of chunks in the destination database is sufficient to support sharding and splitting of the source database. If the maximum number of chunks is reached, chunks are not split and the write performance is negatively affected. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Maximum Number of Chunks in the Destination Database Is Sufficient. |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
Object dependencies |
If the roles referenced by accounts to be migrated are not migrated to the destination database, the migration may fail. |
- |
Associated objects |
Associated objects must be synchronized at the same time to avoid synchronization failure due to missing associated objects. Common dependencies: collections referenced by views, and views referenced by views |
For details, see Checking Whether Referenced Tables Are Selected for Migration. |
Database table naming rules |
- |
Source database |
The source database is properly connected during the synchronization object check in the pre-check phase. |
For details, see Checking the Synchronization Objects. |
If a Time-to-Live (TTL) index already exists in the collection of the source database or is created during an incremental synchronization, data consistency cannot be ensured when source and destination databases are in different time zones or clocks. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Collections Contain TTL Indexes. |
The source database cannot be empty. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Empty. |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
SELECT, SHOW VIEW, EVENT, LOCK TABLES, RELOAD, REPLICATION SLAVE, REPLICATION CLIENT (or BINLOG MONIOTOR, changed to this permission in MariaDB 10.5 and later versions) |
- |
Destination database permissions |
The root account of RDS for MariaDB has the following permissions by default: SELECT, CREATE, DROP, DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE, ALTER, CREATE VIEW, CREATE ROUTINE, REFERENCES, and INDEX |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
Versions 10.3, 10.4, and 10.5 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
Version 10.5 is supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Synchronization version |
The destination database version must be the same as or later than the source database version. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Migration Is from an Earlier Database Version to the Same or a Later Version. |
Parameters |
Performance parameters |
The log_slave_updates parameter of the source database must be enabled. Otherwise, the synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the log_slave_updates Value of the Source Database Is Correctly Configured. |
The binlog_row_image parameter of the source database must be set to FULL. Otherwise, the synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the binlog_row_image Value is FULL. |
Maximum size of a packet that can be transmitted |
During synchronization, a large amount of data is written to the destination database. If the value of the max_allowed_packet parameter of the destination database is too small, data cannot be written. You are advised to set the max_allowed_packet parameter to a value greater than 100 MB. |
For details, see Checking Whether the max_allowed_packet Value of the Destination Database Is too Small. |
sql_mode value |
If the MyISAM tables are included in the synchronization objects, the sql_mode parameter in the destination database cannot contain the no_engine_substitution parameter. Otherwise, the synchronization fails. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Contains Invalid sql_mode Values. |
Incremental synchronization |
Binlog status |
During the incremental synchronization, the binlog of the source database must be enabled. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Enabled. |
Binlog format |
The source database binlog must be row-based. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Row-Based. |
Binlog retention period |
If the storage space is sufficient, store the source database binlog files as long as possible. The recommended retention period is three days. If you set the period to 0, the synchronization may fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Binlog Retention Period Is Set on the Source Database. |
server_id value |
During an incremental synchronization, the server_id parameter of the source MariaDB database must be set to a value ranging from 1 to 4294967296. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database server_id Meets the Incremental Migration Requirements. |
Table fields |
If there is a table containing fields of the longtext or longblob type in the synchronization object, you are advised to create a DRS task with large specifications. Otherwise, capture OOM may occur. |
- |
Index column length |
The index column length of the source database must meet requirements. |
For details, see Checking the Length of the Index Column in the Source Database. |
Destination database |
Storage space |
The destination DB instance must have sufficient storage space. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Has Sufficient Storage Space. |
Status |
The destination DB instance is running properly. If the destination DB instance type is primary/standby, the replication status must also be normal. |
- |
Consistency |
Character set |
The character set of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Database Character Sets Are Consistent. |
Collation |
The collation_server value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the COLLATION_SERVER Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Case sensitive |
The lower_case_table_names value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Database Table Names Are Consistent in Case Sensitivity. |
Maximum length of the calculation result of the group_concat function |
The group_concat_max_len value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Values of group_concat_max_len Are Consistent. |
InnoDB check mode |
The innodb_strict_mode value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the innodb_strict_mode Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
SQL mode |
The sql_mode value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the sql_mode Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
For details, see Checking Database Mapping Objects. |
Tables without primary keys |
Create primary keys for tables as the performance of a table without a primary key is lower than that of a table with a primary key. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Tables Contain Primary Keys. |
Associated objects |
Objects that have dependencies must be synchronized at the same time to avoid synchronization failure. Common dependencies: tables referenced by views, views referenced by views, views and tables referenced by stored procedures/functions/triggers, and tables referenced by primary and foreign keys |
For details, see Checking Whether Referenced Tables Are Selected for Migration. |
Encrypted table check |
Whether the source database contains encrypted tables. |
For details, see Source Encrypted Table Check. |
Duplicate names |
If the destination database (excluding the system database) has the same name as the source database, the table structures in the destination database must be consistent with those in the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether Destination Database Contains the Same Table Names As the Synchronization Objects. |
Database table naming rules |
- |
Source database |
The source database is properly connected during the synchronization object check in the pre-check phase. |
For details, see Checking the Synchronization Objects. |
SSL configuration |
If you enable SSL, the SSL connections for both the source and destination databases are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the SSL Connection Is Correctly Configured. |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
SELECT, SHOW VIEW, EVENT, LOCK TABLES, RELOAD, REPLICATION SLAVE, REPLICATION CLIENT (or BINLOG MONIOTOR, changed to this permission in MariaDB 10.5 and later versions) |
- |
Destination database permissions |
The root account of RDS for MySQL has the following permissions by default: SELECT, CREATE, DROP, DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE, ALTER, CREATE VIEW, CREATE ROUTINE, and REFERENCES If the destination database version is in the range 8.0.14 to 8.0.18, the SESSION_VARIABLES_ADMIN permission is required. |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
Versions 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, and 10.5 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
Versions 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Parameters |
Performance parameters |
The log_slave_updates parameter of the source database must be enabled. Otherwise, the synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the log_slave_updates Value of the Source Database Is Correctly Configured. |
The binlog_row_image parameter of the source database must be set to FULL. Otherwise, the synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the binlog_row_image Value is FULL. |
Maximum size of a packet that can be transmitted |
During synchronization, a large amount of data is written to the destination database. If the value of the max_allowed_packet parameter of the destination database is too small, data cannot be written. You are advised to set the max_allowed_packet parameter to a value greater than 100 MB. |
For details, see Checking Whether the max_allowed_packet Value of the Destination Database Is too Small. |
sql_mode value |
If the MyISAM tables are included in the synchronization objects, the sql_mode parameter in the destination database cannot contain the no_engine_substitution parameter. Otherwise, the synchronization fails. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Contains Invalid sql_mode Values. |
Incremental synchronization |
Binlog status |
During the incremental synchronization, the binlog of the source database must be enabled. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Enabled. |
Binlog format |
The source database binlog must be row-based. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Row-Based. |
Binlog retention period |
If the storage space is sufficient, store the source database binlog files as long as possible. The recommended retention period is three days. If you set the period to 0, the synchronization may fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Binlog Retention Period Is Set on the Source Database. |
server_id value |
During an incremental synchronization, the server_id parameter of the source MariaDB database must be set to a value ranging from 1 to 4294967296. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database server_id Meets the Incremental Migration Requirements. |
Table fields |
If there is a table containing fields of the longtext or longblob type in the synchronization object, you are advised to create a DRS task with large specifications. Otherwise, capture OOM may occur. |
- |
Index column length |
The index column length of the source database must meet requirements. |
For details, see Checking the Length of the Index Column in the Source Database. |
Destination database |
Storage space |
The destination DB instance must have sufficient storage space. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Has Sufficient Storage Space. |
Status |
The destination DB instance is running properly. If the destination DB instance type is primary/standby, the replication status must also be normal. |
- |
Consistency |
Character set |
The character set of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Database Character Sets Are Consistent. |
Collation |
The collation_server value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the COLLATION_SERVER Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Clock |
The clock of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
- |
Case sensitive |
The lower_case_table_names value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Database Table Names Are Consistent in Case Sensitivity. |
Maximum length of the calculation result of the group_concat function |
The group_concat_max_len value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Values of group_concat_max_len Are Consistent. |
InnoDB check mode |
The innodb_strict_mode value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the innodb_strict_mode Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
SQL mode |
The sql_mode value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the sql_mode Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
For details, see Checking Database Mapping Objects. |
Tables without primary keys |
Create primary keys for tables as the performance of a table without a primary key is lower than that of a table with a primary key. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Tables Contain Primary Keys. |
Associated objects |
Objects that have dependencies must be synchronized at the same time to avoid synchronization failure. Common dependencies: tables referenced by views, views referenced by views, views and tables referenced by stored procedures/functions/triggers, and tables referenced by primary and foreign keys |
For details, see Checking Whether Referenced Tables Are Selected for Migration. |
Encrypted table check |
Whether the source database contains encrypted tables. |
For details, see Source Encrypted Table Check. |
Duplicate names |
If the destination database (excluding the system database) has the same name as the source database, the table structures in the destination database must be consistent with those in the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether Destination Database Contains the Same Table Names As the Synchronization Objects. |
Database table naming rules |
- |
Source database |
The source database is properly connected during the synchronization object check in the pre-check phase. |
For details, see Checking the Synchronization Objects. |
SSL configuration |
If you enable SSL, the SSL connections for both the source and destination databases are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the SSL Connection Is Correctly Configured. |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
SELECT, SHOW VIEW, EVENT, LOCK TABLES, RELOAD, REPLICATION SLAVE, REPLICATION CLIENT (or BINLOG MONIOTOR, changed to this permission in MariaDB 10.5 and later versions) |
- |
Destination database permissions |
The root account of TaurusDB has the following permissions by default: SELECT, CREATE, DROP, DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE, ALTER, CREATE VIEW, CREATE ROUTINE, and REFERENCES. If the destination database version is in the range 8.0.14 to 8.0.18, the SESSION_VARIABLES_ADMIN permission is required. |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
Versions 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, and 10.5 are supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
Version 8.0 is supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Parameters |
Performance parameters |
The log_slave_updates parameter of the source database must be enabled. Otherwise, the synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the log_slave_updates Value of the Source Database Is Correctly Configured. |
The binlog_row_image parameter of the source database must be set to FULL. Otherwise, the synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the binlog_row_image Value is FULL. |
Maximum size of a packet that can be transmitted |
During synchronization, a large amount of data is written to the destination database. If the value of the max_allowed_packet parameter of the destination database is too small, data cannot be written. You are advised to set the max_allowed_packet parameter to a value greater than 100 MB. |
For details, see Checking Whether the max_allowed_packet Value of the Destination Database Is too Small. |
sql_mode value |
If the MyISAM tables are included in the synchronization objects, the sql_mode parameter in the destination database cannot contain the no_engine_substitution parameter. Otherwise, the synchronization fails. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Contains Invalid sql_mode Values. |
Incremental synchronization |
Binlog status |
During the incremental synchronization, the binlog of the source database must be enabled. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Enabled. |
Binlog format |
The source database binlog must be row-based. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Row-Based. |
Binlog retention period |
If the storage space is sufficient, store the source database binlog files as long as possible. The recommended retention period is three days. If you set the period to 0, the synchronization may fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Binlog Retention Period Is Set on the Source Database. |
server_id value |
During an incremental synchronization, the server_id parameter of the source MariaDB database must be set to a value ranging from 1 to 4294967296. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database server_id Meets the Incremental Migration Requirements. |
Table fields |
If there is a table containing fields of the longtext or longblob type in the synchronization object, you are advised to create a DRS task with large specifications. Otherwise, capture OOM may occur. |
- |
Index column length |
The index column length of the source database must meet requirements. |
For details, see Checking the Length of the Index Column in the Source Database. |
Destination database |
Storage space |
The destination DB instance must have sufficient storage space. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Has Sufficient Storage Space. |
Status |
The destination DB instance is running properly. If the destination DB instance type is primary/standby, the replication status must also be normal. |
- |
Consistency |
Character set |
The character set of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Database Character Sets Are Consistent. |
Collation |
The collation_server value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the COLLATION_SERVER Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Clock |
The clock of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
- |
Case sensitive |
The lower_case_table_names value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Database Table Names Are Consistent in Case Sensitivity. |
Maximum length of the calculation result of the group_concat function |
The group_concat_max_len value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Values of group_concat_max_len Are Consistent. |
InnoDB check mode |
The innodb_strict_mode value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the innodb_strict_mode Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
SQL mode |
The sql_mode value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the sql_mode Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
For details, see Checking Database Mapping Objects. |
Tables without primary keys |
Create primary keys for tables as the performance of a table without a primary key is lower than that of a table with a primary key. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Tables Contain Primary Keys. |
Associated objects |
Objects that have dependencies must be synchronized at the same time to avoid synchronization failure. Common dependencies: tables referenced by views, views referenced by views, views and tables referenced by stored procedures/functions/triggers, and tables referenced by primary and foreign keys |
For details, see Checking Whether Referenced Tables Are Selected for Migration. |
Encrypted table check |
Whether the source database contains encrypted tables. |
For details, see Source Encrypted Table Check. |
Duplicate names |
If the destination database (excluding the system database) has the same name as the source database, the table structures in the destination database must be consistent with those in the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether Destination Database Contains the Same Table Names As the Synchronization Objects. |
Database table naming rules |
- |
Source database |
The source database is properly connected during the synchronization object check in the pre-check phase. |
For details, see Checking the Synchronization Objects. |
SSL configuration |
If you enable SSL, the SSL connections for both the source and destination databases are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the SSL Connection Is Correctly Configured. |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
- |
Destination database permissions |
The root account of TaurusDB has the following permissions by default: SELECT, CREATE, DROP, DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE, ALTER, CREATE VIEW, CREATE ROUTINE, and REFERENCES. If the destination database version is in the range 8.0.14 to 8.0.18, the SESSION_VARIABLES_ADMIN permission is required. |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
Version 8.0 is supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
Version 8.0 is supported. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Synchronization version |
The destination database version must be the same as or later than the source database version. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Migration Is from an Earlier Database Version to the Same or a Later Version. |
Parameters |
GTID status |
Enable GTID for the source database. If GTID is not enabled for the source database, primary/standby switchover is not supported. DRS tasks will be interrupted and cannot be restored during a switchover. |
For details, see Checking Whether GTID Is Enabled for the Source Database. |
Performance parameters |
The log_slave_updates parameter of the source database must be enabled. Otherwise, the synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the log_slave_updates Value of the Source Database Is Correctly Configured. |
The binlog_row_image parameter of the source database must be set to FULL. Otherwise, the synchronization will fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the binlog_row_image Value is FULL. |
Maximum size of a packet that can be transmitted |
During synchronization, a large amount of data is written to the destination database. If the value of the max_allowed_packet parameter of the destination database is too small, data cannot be written. You are advised to set the max_allowed_packet parameter to a value greater than 100 MB. |
For details, see Checking Whether the max_allowed_packet Value of the Destination Database Is too Small. |
If there is a lot of data to be synchronized or there are too many fields to be synchronized, and the max_allowed_packet value of the source database is too small, the synchronization task may fail. |
For details, see Whether the max_allowed_packet Value of the Source Database Is Too Small. |
sql_mode value |
If the MyISAM tables are included in the synchronization objects, the sql_mode parameter in the destination database cannot contain the no_engine_substitution parameter. Otherwise, the synchronization fails. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Contains Invalid sql_mode Values. |
Incremental synchronization |
Binlog status |
During the incremental synchronization, the binlog of the source database must be enabled. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Enabled. |
Binlog format |
The source database binlog must be row-based. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Binlog Is Row-Based. |
Binlog retention period |
If the storage space is sufficient, store the source database binlog files as long as possible. The recommended retention period is three days. If you set the period to 0, the synchronization may fail. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Binlog Retention Period Is Set on the Source Database. |
server_id value |
During an incremental synchronization, the server_id parameter of the source database must be set to a value ranging from 1 to 4294967296. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database server_id Meets the Incremental Migration Requirements. |
Table fields |
If there is a table containing fields of the longtext or longblob type in the synchronization object, you are advised to create a DRS task with large specifications. Otherwise, capture OOM may occur. |
- |
Index column length |
The index column length of the source database must meet requirements. |
For details, see Checking the Length of the Index Column in the Source Database. |
Destination database |
Status |
The destination DB instance is running properly. If the destination DB instance type is primary/standby, the replication status must also be normal. |
- |
Consistency |
Character set |
The character set of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Database Character Sets Are Consistent. |
Collation |
The collation_server value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the COLLATION_SERVER Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Clock |
The clock of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
- |
Time zone |
The time_zone value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the TIME_ZONE Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Case sensitive |
The lower_case_table_names value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source and Destination Database Table Names Are Consistent in Case Sensitivity. |
Maximum length of the calculation result of the group_concat function |
The group_concat_max_len value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Values of group_concat_max_len Are Consistent. |
InnoDB check mode |
The innodb_strict_mode value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the innodb_strict_mode Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
SQL mode |
The sql_mode value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether the sql_mode Values of the Source and Destination Databases Are the Same. |
Data block encryption parameter |
The block_encryption_mode value of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
- |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
For details, see Checking Database Mapping Objects. |
Tables without primary keys |
Create primary keys for tables as the performance of a table without a primary key is lower than that of a table with a primary key. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Tables Contain Primary Keys. |
Associated objects |
Objects that have dependencies must be synchronized at the same time to avoid synchronization failure. Common dependencies: tables referenced by views, views referenced by views, views and tables referenced by stored procedures/functions/triggers, and tables referenced by primary and foreign keys |
For details, see Checking Whether Referenced Tables Are Selected for Migration. |
Foreign key reference operations |
Cascade operations cannot be performed on tables with foreign keys. If the foreign key index of a table is a common index, the table structure may fail to be created. You are advised to use a unique index. |
For details, see Whether There Are Foreign Keys Containing Unsupported Reference Operations in the Source Database. |
Encrypted table check |
Whether the source database contains encrypted tables. |
For details, see Source Encrypted Table Check. |
Duplicate names |
If the destination database (excluding the system database) has the same name as the source database, the table structures in the destination database must be consistent with those in the source database. |
For details, see Checking Whether Destination Database Contains the Same Table Names As the Synchronization Objects. |
Database table naming rules |
- |
Source database |
The source database is properly connected during the synchronization object check in the pre-check phase. |
For details, see Checking the Synchronization Objects. |
SSL configuration |
If you enable SSL, the SSL connections for both the source and destination databases are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the SSL Connection Is Correctly Configured. |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
GaussDB Centralized -> GaussDB Centralized
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
- Grant required permissions to the synchronization user. |
Destination database permissions |
The user has the sysadmin role or the following minimum permissions: The CONNECT and CREATE permissions for databases, the USAGE and CREATE permissions for schemas, and the INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT, ALTER, INDEX, and COMMENT permissions for tables. |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
1.0.0 and later versions are supported. To query the version, run select version (). The following are version restrictions for specific features. To query the version for a specific feature, run select working_version_num (). The earliest version that supports parallel decoding is 92556. The earliest version that supports standby node read is 93088. The earliest version that supports cascading replication is 93042. The earliest version that supports the M-compatible mode is 94301. The earliest version that supports CN decoding is 93024. The earliest version that supports specifying the start point of a replication slot is 94472. The earliest version that supports DDL logical decoding is 93782, and the earliest version that supports TRUNCATE is 94382. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
1.0.0 and later versions are supported. To query the version, run select version (). The destination database version cannot be earlier than the source database version. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Parameters |
Performance parameters |
The max_replication_slots value of the source database must be greater than the number of used replication slots. |
- |
The replica identity attribute of tables that do not have primary keys in the source database must be full. Set the REPLICA IDENTITY attribute of the table that has a primary key to FULL. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Table Replication Attribute Is Correct. |
The enable_slot_log parameter of the source database must be set to on. |
For details, see Checking Whether the ENABLE_SLOT_LOG Value of the Source Database Is Correct. |
The wal_level value of the source database must be logical. |
For details, see Checking Whether the WAL_LEVEL Value in the Source Database Is Correct. |
Data synchronization |
Table fields |
The following data types are supported: bigint, bit, bit varying, blob, boolean, box, bytea, character, character varying, cidr, circle, clob, date, double precision, inet, integer, interval, mediumint, tinyint unsigned, smallint unsigned, mediumint unsigned, integer unsigned, bigint unsigned, json, jsonb, lseg, macaddr, money, number, numeric, varchar2, path, point, polygon, raw, real, smalldatetime, smallint, text, time with time zone, time without time zone, timestamp with time zone, timestamp without time zone, tinyint, tsquery, tsvector, refcursor, uuid, array, float4, decimal, float, double, char, varchar, tinytext, mediumtext, longtext, datetime, timestamp, time, year, binary, varbinary, tinyblob, mediumblob and longblob. |
- |
Long transactions |
The source database has transactions that have been there for a long time without being submitted. As a result, replication slots cannot be created, and incremental synchronization may fail. |
For details, see Long Transaction Check in the Source Database. |
Unlogged tables |
During incremental synchronization, unlogged tables cannot be synchronized. |
- |
Consistency |
Schemas and tables |
The schemas and table structures of the destination database must be the same as those of the source database. |
- |
Database compatibility type |
The compatibility type of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
Run the following command to query the compatibility type of a database: select datname, datcompatibility from pg_database; |
Character sets of the source and destination databases |
The character sets of the source and destination databases must be the same. |
- |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
Object selection constraints |
The tables selected in the source database cannot contain delay constraints. |
For details, see Whether the Selected Table Contains Delay Constraints. |
Naming rules of databases, tables, and columns |
The database names, schema names, and table names cannot contain slashes (/) and angle brackets (<). > \ ' ` | , ? ! |
- |
Source database |
The source database is properly connected during the synchronization object check in the pre-check phase. |
For details, see Checking the Synchronization Objects. |
- |
Before starting a task, ensure that the source database does not contain transactions that have been there for a long time without being submitted. |
For details, see Long Transaction Check in the Source Database. |
The SSL status of the source database must be normal, and the remote connection and replication connection can be established. |
For details, see Configuring Remote Connection to a GaussDB Database. |
Destination database objects |
The destination database table cannot contain foreign key constraints or triggers. |
For details, see Checking Whether There Are Foreign Keys that Are Not Disabled in the Destination Database Table. For details, see Checking Whether There Are Enabled Triggers in an Existing Destination Database Table. |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
GaussDB Centralized -> GaussDB Distributed
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
- Grant required permissions to the synchronization user. |
Destination database permissions |
The user has the sysadmin role or the following minimum permissions: The CONNECT and CREATE permissions for databases, the USAGE and CREATE permissions for schemas, and the INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT, ALTER, INDEX, and COMMENT permissions for tables. |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
1.0.0 and later versions are supported. To query the version, run select version (). The following are version restrictions for specific features. To query the version for a specific feature, run select working_version_num (). The earliest version that supports parallel decoding is 92556. The earliest version that supports standby node read is 93088. The earliest version that supports cascading replication is 93042. The earliest version that supports the M-compatible mode is 94301. The earliest version that supports CN decoding is 93024. The earliest version that supports specifying the start point of a replication slot is 94472. The earliest version that supports DDL logical decoding is 93782, and the earliest version that supports TRUNCATE is 94382. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
1.0.0 and later versions are supported. To query the version, run select version (). The destination database version cannot be earlier than the source database version. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Parameters |
Performance parameters |
The max_replication_slots value of the source database must be greater than the number of used replication slots. |
- |
The replica identity attribute of tables that do not have primary keys in the source database must be full. Set the REPLICA IDENTITY attribute of the table that has a primary key to FULL. |
. For details, see Checking Whether the Source Table Replication Attribute Is Correct. |
The enable_slot_log parameter of the source database must be set to on. |
For details, see Checking Whether the ENABLE_SLOT_LOG Value of the Source Database Is Correct. |
The wal_level value of the source database must be logical. |
For details, see Checking Whether the WAL_LEVEL Value in the Source Database Is Correct. |
Data synchronization |
Table fields |
The following data types are supported: bigint, bit, bit varying, blob, boolean, box, bytea, character, character varying, cidr, circle, clob, date, double precision, inet, integer, interval, mediumint, tinyint unsigned, smallint unsigned, mediumint unsigned, integer unsigned, bigint unsigned, json, jsonb, lseg, macaddr, money, number, numeric, varchar2, path, point, polygon, raw, real, smalldatetime, smallint, text, time with time zone, time without time zone, timestamp with time zone, timestamp without time zone, tinyint, tsquery, tsvector, refcursor, uuid, array, float4, decimal, float, double, char, varchar, tinytext, mediumtext, longtext, datetime, timestamp, time, year, binary, varbinary, tinyblob, mediumblob and longblob. |
- |
Long transactions |
The source database has transactions that have been there for a long time without being submitted. As a result, replication slots cannot be created, and incremental synchronization may fail. |
For details, see Long Transaction Check in the Source Database. |
Unlogged tables |
During incremental synchronization, unlogged tables cannot be synchronized. |
- |
Partitioned tables without primary keys |
During incremental synchronization, the partitioned tables without primary keys cannot be synchronized. |
- |
Consistency |
Schemas and tables |
The schemas and table structures of the destination database must be the same as those of the source database. |
- |
Database compatibility type |
The compatibility type of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
Run the following command to query the compatibility type of a database: select datname, datcompatibility from pg_database; |
Character sets of the source and destination databases |
The character sets of the source and destination databases must be the same. |
- |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
Object selection constraints |
For details, see Whether the Selected Table Contains Delay Constraints. |
Naming rules of databases, tables, and columns |
- |
Source database |
The source database is properly connected during the synchronization object check in the pre-check phase. |
For details, see Checking the Synchronization Objects. |
- |
Before starting a task, ensure that the source database does not contain transactions that have been there for a long time without being submitted. |
For details, see Long Transaction Check in the Source Database. |
The SSL status of the source database must be normal, and the remote connection and replication connection can be established. |
For details, see Configuring Remote Connection to a GaussDB Database. |
Destination database objects |
The destination database table cannot contain foreign key constraints or triggers. |
For details, see Checking Whether There Are Foreign Keys that Are Not Disabled in the Destination Database Table. For details, see Checking Whether There Are Enabled Triggers in an Existing Destination Database Table. |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
GaussDB Distributed -> GaussDB Centralized
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
- Grant required permissions to the synchronization user. |
Destination database permissions |
The user has the sysadmin role or the following minimum permissions: The CONNECT and CREATE permissions for databases, the USAGE and CREATE permissions for schemas, and the INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT, ALTER, INDEX, and COMMENT permissions for tables. |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
1.0.0 and later versions are supported. To query the version, run select version (). The following are version restrictions for specific features. To query the version for a specific feature, run select working_version_num (). The earliest version that supports parallel decoding is 92556. The earliest version that supports standby node read is 93088. The earliest version that supports cascading replication is 93042. The earliest version that supports the M-compatible mode is 94301. The earliest version that supports CN decoding is 93024. The earliest version that supports specifying the start point of a replication slot is 94472. The earliest version that supports DDL logical decoding is 93782, and the earliest version that supports TRUNCATE is 94382. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
1.0.0 and later versions are supported. To query the version, run select version (). The destination database version cannot be earlier than the source database version. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Parameters |
Performance parameters |
The max_replication_slots value of the source database must be greater than the number of used replication slots. |
- |
The replica identity attribute of tables that do not have primary keys in the source database must be full. Set the REPLICA IDENTITY attribute of the table that has a primary key to FULL. |
. For details, see Checking Whether the Source Table Replication Attribute Is Correct. |
The enable_slot_log parameter of the source database must be set to on. |
For details, see Checking Whether the ENABLE_SLOT_LOG Value of the Source Database Is Correct. |
The wal_level value of the source database must be logical. |
For details, see Checking Whether the WAL_LEVEL Value in the Source Database Is Correct. |
Data synchronization |
Table fields |
The following data types are supported: bigint, bit, bit varying, blob, boolean, box, bytea, character, character varying, cidr, circle, clob, date, double precision, inet, integer, interval, mediumint, tinyint unsigned, smallint unsigned, mediumint unsigned, integer unsigned, bigint unsigned, json, jsonb, lseg, macaddr, money, number, numeric, varchar2, path, point, polygon, raw, real, smalldatetime, smallint, text, time with time zone, time without time zone, timestamp with time zone, timestamp without time zone, tinyint, tsquery, tsvector, refcursor, uuid, array, float4, decimal, float, double, char, varchar, tinytext, mediumtext, longtext, datetime, timestamp, time, year, binary, varbinary, tinyblob, mediumblob and longblob. |
- |
Long transactions |
The source database has transactions that have been there for a long time without being submitted. As a result, replication slots cannot be created, and incremental synchronization may fail. |
For details, see Long Transaction Check in the Source Database. |
Unlogged tables |
During incremental synchronization, unlogged tables cannot be synchronized. |
- |
Consistency |
Schemas and tables |
The schemas and table structures of the destination database must be the same as those of the source database. |
- |
Character sets of the source and destination databases |
The character sets of the source and destination databases must be the same. |
- |
Database compatibility type |
The compatibility type of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
Run the following command to query the compatibility type of a database: select datname, datcompatibility from pg_database; |
DNs in multi-task mode |
The number of subtasks you entered must be the same as the number of DNs in the source database. |
- |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
Object selection constraints |
For details, see Whether the Selected Table Contains Delay Constraints. |
Naming rules of databases, tables, and columns |
- |
Source database |
The source database is properly connected during the synchronization object check in the pre-check phase. |
For details, see Checking the Synchronization Objects. |
- |
Before starting a task, ensure that the source database does not contain transactions that have been there for a long time without being submitted. |
For details, see Long Transaction Check in the Source Database. |
The SSL status of the source database must be normal, and the remote connection and replication connection can be established. |
For details, see Configuring Remote Connection to a GaussDB Database. |
Destination database objects |
The destination database table cannot contain foreign key constraints or triggers. |
For details, see Checking Whether There Are Foreign Keys that Are Not Disabled in the Destination Database Table. For details, see Checking Whether There Are Enabled Triggers in an Existing Destination Database Table. |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
GaussDB Distributed -> GaussDB Distributed
Category |
Check Item |
Check Item Details |
Solution to Failure |
Permissions |
Source database permissions |
- Grant required permissions to the synchronization user. |
Destination database permissions |
The user has the sysadmin role or the following minimum permissions: The CONNECT and CREATE permissions for databases, the USAGE and CREATE permissions for schemas, and the INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT, ALTER, INDEX, and COMMENT permissions for tables. |
- |
Versions |
Source database versions |
1.0.0 and later versions are supported. To query the version, run select version (). The following are version restrictions for specific features. To query the version for a specific feature, run select working_version_num (). The earliest version that supports parallel decoding is 92556. The earliest version that supports standby node read is 93088. The earliest version that supports cascading replication is 93042. The earliest version that supports the M-compatible mode is 94301. The earliest version that supports CN decoding is 93024. The earliest version that supports specifying the start point of a replication slot is 94472. The earliest version that supports DDL logical decoding is 93782, and the earliest version that supports TRUNCATE is 94382. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Destination database versions |
1.0.0 and later versions are supported. To query the version, run select version (). The destination database version cannot be earlier than the source database version. |
For details, see Supported Databases. |
Parameters |
Performance parameters |
The max_replication_slots value of the source database must be greater than the number of used replication slots. |
- |
The replica identity attribute of tables that do not have primary keys in the source database must be full. Set the REPLICA IDENTITY attribute of the table that has a primary key to FULL. |
. For details, see Checking Whether the Source Table Replication Attribute Is Correct. |
The enable_slot_log parameter of the source database must be set to on. |
For details, see Checking Whether the ENABLE_SLOT_LOG Value of the Source Database Is Correct. |
The wal_level value of the source database must be logical. |
For details, see Checking Whether the WAL_LEVEL Value in the Source Database Is Correct. |
Data synchronization |
Table fields |
The following data types are supported: bigint, bit, bit varying, blob, boolean, box, bytea, character, character varying, cidr, circle, clob, date, double precision, inet, integer, interval, mediumint, tinyint unsigned, smallint unsigned, mediumint unsigned, integer unsigned, bigint unsigned, json, jsonb, lseg, macaddr, money, number, numeric, varchar2, path, point, polygon, raw, real, smalldatetime, smallint, text, time with time zone, time without time zone, timestamp with time zone, timestamp without time zone, tinyint, tsquery, tsvector, refcursor, uuid, array, float4, decimal, float, double, char, varchar, tinytext, mediumtext, longtext, datetime, timestamp, time, year, binary, varbinary, tinyblob, mediumblob and longblob. |
- |
Long transactions |
The source database has transactions that have been there for a long time without being submitted. As a result, replication slots cannot be created, and incremental synchronization may fail. |
For details, see Long Transaction Check in the Source Database. |
Unlogged tables |
During incremental synchronization, unlogged tables cannot be synchronized. |
- |
Partitioned tables without primary keys |
During incremental synchronization, the partitioned tables without primary keys cannot be synchronized. |
- |
Consistency |
Schemas and tables |
The schemas and table structures of the destination database must be the same as those of the source database. |
- |
Character sets of the source and destination databases |
The character sets of the source and destination databases must be the same. |
- |
Database compatibility type |
The compatibility type of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. |
Run the following command to query the compatibility type of a database: select datname, datcompatibility from pg_database; |
DNs in multi-task mode |
The number of subtasks you entered must be the same as the number of DNs in the source database. |
- |
Synchronization objects |
Selected objects |
- |
Object selection constraints |
For details, see Whether the Selected Table Contains Delay Constraints. |
Naming rules of databases, tables, and columns |
- |
Source database |
The source database is properly connected during the synchronization object check in the pre-check phase. |
For details, see Checking the Synchronization Objects. |
- |
Before starting a task, ensure that the source database does not contain transactions that have been there for a long time without being submitted. |
For details, see Long Transaction Check in the Source Database. |
The SSL status of the source database must be normal, and the remote connection and replication connection can be established. |
For details, see Configuring Remote Connection to a GaussDB Database. |
Destination database objects |
The destination database table cannot contain foreign key constraints or triggers. |
For details, see Checking Whether There Are Foreign Keys that Are Not Disabled in the Destination Database Table. For details, see Checking Whether There Are Enabled Triggers in an Existing Destination Database Table. |
Network conditions |
Network conditions |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the destination database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Destination Database Is Connected. |
The IP address, port, username, and password of the source database are correctly configured. |
For details, see Checking Whether the Source Database Is Connected. |
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