Updated on 2023-06-13 GMT+08:00

Checking the Physical Standby Database

Oracle Synchronization

Table 1 Physical standby database check

Check Item

Physical standby database check


When the source Oracle database is in the incremental phase, check whether the source database is a physical standby database.

Item to Be Confirmed and Handling Suggestion

Item to be confirmed:

  1. The physical standby database does not generate logs. It replicates them from the primary database. Check whether supplemental logging of the primary database meets the incremental synchronization requirements.

    Handling suggestion: Check Oracle supplemental logging.

  2. The physical standby database does not generate logs, resulting in synchronization task delay. You can shorten the interval for archiving logs from the primary database to the physical standby database. However, extremely low values can result in a large number of logs, so you are advised to synchronize data from the logical standby database. Run the following statement on the primary database to specify the log archive interval:
    alter system set archive_lag_target=seconds;

Item to be confirmed: The source database is a physical standby database, where data of the LOB type cannot be parsed.

Handling suggestion: Change the Oracle startup mode and restart the Oracle database.