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Elastic Cloud Server
Huawei Cloud Flexus
Bare Metal Server
Auto Scaling
Image Management Service
Dedicated Host
Cloud Phone Host
Huawei Cloud EulerOS
Virtual Private Cloud
Elastic IP
Elastic Load Balance
NAT Gateway
Direct Connect
Virtual Private Network
VPC Endpoint
Cloud Connect
Enterprise Router
Enterprise Switch
Global Accelerator
Management & Governance
Cloud Eye
Identity and Access Management
Cloud Trace Service
Resource Formation Service
Tag Management Service
Log Tank Service
Resource Access Manager
Simple Message Notification
Application Performance Management
Application Operations Management
Optimization Advisor
IAM Identity Center
Cloud Operations Center
Resource Governance Center
Server Migration Service
Object Storage Migration Service
Cloud Data Migration
Migration Center
Cloud Ecosystem
Partner Center
User Support
My Account
Billing Center
Cost Center
Resource Center
Enterprise Management
Service Tickets
HUAWEI CLOUD (International) FAQs
ICP Filing
Support Plans
My Credentials
Customer Operation Capabilities
Partner Support Plans
Professional Services
MapReduce Service
Data Lake Insight
CloudTable Service
Cloud Search Service
Data Lake Visualization
Data Ingestion Service
DataArts Studio
Data Lake Factory
DataArts Lake Formation
IoT Device Access
Product Pricing Details
System Permissions
Console Quick Start
Common FAQs
Instructions for Associating with a HUAWEI CLOUD Partner
Message Center
Security & Compliance
Security Technologies and Applications
Web Application Firewall
Host Security Service
Cloud Firewall
Anti-DDoS Service
Data Encryption Workshop
Database Security Service
Cloud Bastion Host
Data Security Center
Cloud Certificate Manager
Edge Security
Managed Threat Detection
Blockchain Service
Web3 Node Engine Service
Media Services
Media Processing Center
Video On Demand
Object Storage Service
Elastic Volume Service
Cloud Backup and Recovery
Storage Disaster Recovery Service
Scalable File Service Turbo
Scalable File Service
Volume Backup Service
Cloud Server Backup Service
Data Express Service
Dedicated Distributed Storage Service
Cloud Container Engine
SoftWare Repository for Container
Application Service Mesh
Ubiquitous Cloud Native Service
Cloud Container Instance
Relational Database Service
Document Database Service
Data Admin Service
Data Replication Service
Distributed Database Middleware
Database and Application Migration UGO
Distributed Cache Service
API Gateway
Distributed Message Service for Kafka
Distributed Message Service for RabbitMQ
Distributed Message Service for RocketMQ
Cloud Service Engine
Multi-Site High Availability Service
Dedicated Cloud
Dedicated Computing Cluster
Business Applications
ROMA Connect
Message & SMS
Domain Name Service
Edge Data Center Management
Face Recognition Service
Graph Engine Service
Content Moderation
Image Recognition
Optical Character Recognition
Conversational Bot Service
Speech Interaction Service
Huawei HiLens
Video Intelligent Analysis Service
Developer Tools
SDK Developer Guide
API Request Signing Guide
Koo Command Line Interface
Content Delivery & Edge Computing
Content Delivery Network
Intelligent EdgeFabric
Intelligent EdgeCloud
SAP Cloud
High Performance Computing
Developer Services
CodeArts PerfTest
CodeArts Req
CodeArts Pipeline
CodeArts Build
CodeArts Deploy
CodeArts Artifact
CodeArts TestPlan
CodeArts Check
CodeArts Repo
Cloud Application Engine
MacroVerse aPaaS

Statement of Work (SOW)

Updated on 2024-11-25 GMT+08:00

Service Overview

Customers have to use professional capabilities to ensure data security, due to stricter laws and regulations, increasing data leakage, and the urgent need for professional security of cloud services. Moreover, cloud security capabilities are becoming increasingly intricate, posing challenges for enterprise users to properly configure security policies.

To address these issues, Huawei Cloud launches Storage Security Optimization Service (SSOS). It evaluates customers' storage service statuses, provides key capabilities to identify and handle data security risks, and helps customers reduce costs of handling audits as well as minimize the risks of business suspension, criminal punishment, economic loss, and reputational loss caused by data leakage.

Service Content

  • Storage Security Diagnosis



    Application Scenario

    Storage Security Diagnosis - Basic Package

    Huawei Cloud evaluates customers' cloud storage service content, summarizes the customers' cloud storage services from static data assets and dynamic access behaviors, and delivers survey reports to them.

    Huawei Cloud evaluates the customers' cloud storage service systems based on Data Security Capability Maturity Mode (DSMM) and the survey of their service data. The evaluation includes analyzing the customers' access control policies, transmission security, storage security, and data compliance processing. By analyzing the customers' cloud service data security capabilities, potential risks are identified and reported to the customers.

    These packages are intended for medium- and large-sized enterprises with complex service data usage. They help customers evaluate security capability maturity, identify potential risks, and handle related security reviews.

    Storage Security Diagnosis - Incremental Package

  • Storage Security Planning and Design



    Application Scenario

    Storage Security Planning and Design - Basic Package

    Huawei Cloud provides customers with solutions for complex service scenarios, including account classification, permission policy configuration, data encryption, data compliance processing, data retention, data deletion, backup, disaster recovery, and ransomware protection.

    Huawei Cloud designs optimization and improvement solutions to minimize data security risks identified in Storage Security Diagnosis.

    These packages are intended for customers who have complex service data usage and have purchased Storage Security Diagnosis packages. They help customers optimize system design and recommend configurations based on the identified risks.

    Storage Security Planning and Design - Incremental Package

    Storage Security Planning and Design - Technical Support Package

    Huawei Cloud guides customers to complete complex policy configuration and implement best security practices such as storage data transmission, storage, and deletion based on the solutions provided by Storage Security Planning and Design.

    This package is intended for customers who have complex service data usage and have purchased Storage Security Diagnosis and Storage Security Planning and Design packages. It helps customers implement the solution.


  • The customer has migrated data to the cloud and is using storage products.
  • The customer is highly cooperative. The owner takes the lead and assigns personnel to make surveys, analysis, and plans.
  • Before implementing the service and providing a data security diagnosis report, Huawei Cloud must first obtain authorization from the customer to learn about the customer's data access behaviors.
  • Both parties shall agree on the service objectives and the customer shall pay for the service.

Applicable Scope

  1. Service Content Covered

    During the entire process, Huawei Cloud provides the following services:

    • Storage Security Diagnosis: Huawei Cloud evaluates customers' cloud storage services by conducting surveys on their static data assets and dynamic access behaviors. The survey reports are delivered to the customers. In addition, Huawei Cloud evaluates the customers' cloud storage service systems based on DSMM and the survey of their service data. The evaluation includes analyzing the customers' access control policies, transmission security, storage security, and data compliance processing. By analyzing the customers' cloud service data security capabilities, potential risks are identified and reported to the customers.
    • Storage Security Planning and Design: Huawei Cloud develops storage security solutions for complex service scenarios. These solutions include account classification, permission policy configuration, data encryption, data compliance processing, data retention, data deletion, backup, disaster recovery, and ransomware protection. Additionally, Huawei Cloud designs optimization and improvement solutions to help customers minimize security risks that have been diagnosed and identified.
    • Storage Security Technical Support: Huawei Cloud guides customers to implement the security optimization solutions formulated in the Storage Security Planning and Design service.
  2. Service Content Not Covered

    Services implemented by customers, including but not limited to:

    Integrating different systems.

  3. Service Regions


Service Process

  • Storage Security Diagnosis



    Requirement survey

    Clarifying service objectives: Huawei Cloud conducts surveys on customers' storage service statuses and basic requirements, aligns with the customers' data security development goals and scope, clarifies data access authorization, conducts interviews, and agrees on the service objectives with the customers.

    Formulating solutions: Huawei Cloud aligns detailed solutions with customers, including the service content, process, schedule, and expense, to ensure that the solutions meet the customers' requirements and are feasible.

    Diagnosis and evaluation

    Evaluating static data assets: Huawei Cloud analyzes and evaluates the data assets in customers' cloud storage, including the types of stored data, existing data distribution, and encrypted data proportion.

    Evaluating dynamic access behaviors: Huawei Cloud analyzes customers' access patterns and behaviors to the cloud storage, including the access frequency, access IP address location, and access peak and off-peak hours.

    Evaluating the security of the cloud storage service systems: Huawei Cloud conducts surveys on customers' cloud storage features and evaluates the access control policies, transmission security, storage security, and data compliance processing of their systems based on DSMM and the dynamic and static models of the customers' services to identify potential security risks.

    Determining security risk level: Huawei Cloud analyzes potential risks based on their severity and likelihood of occurrence, determines the level of data security risk, and provides preliminary measures to minimize risks.

    Exporting reports: Huawei Cloud presents the items mentioned above in reports.

    Service acceptance

    Customers accept the solutions. Huawei Cloud hands over related documents and delivers the data security diagnosis report with interpretation.

  • Storage Security Planning and Design



    Requirement survey

    Clarifying service objectives: Huawei Cloud aligns with customers' data security development goals and project budgets, designs the application scope, conducts interviews, and agrees on the service objectives with customers.

    Formulating solutions: Huawei Cloud aligns detailed solutions with customers, including the service content, process, schedule, and expense, to ensure that the solutions meet the customers' requirements and are feasible.

    Solution design

    Evaluating customers' cloud and on-premises environments: Based on the security diagnosis report, Huawei Cloud conducts surveys on customers' on-premises infrastructure and personnel organization for proper security design.

    Formulating security planning and design solutions: Huawei Cloud creates security planning and design solutions based on customers' requirements, their existing environments and resources, industry standards, and Huawei Cloud best practices. These solutions comprise security objectives, policies, and measures, as well as security-related feature selection and configuration guidance and are designed to enhance the customers' cloud storage service security capabilities.

    Communication and confirmation: Huawei Cloud communicates with customers about the solutions, explains the key points and contents of the solutions, and ensures that the customers understand and accept the solutions. If necessary, Huawei Cloud will adjust and modify the solutions until a consensus is reach.

    Service acceptance

    Customers accept the solutions. Huawei Cloud hands over related documents and guides customers to implement the solutions.

Service Deliverables

  • Storage Security Diagnosis



    Acceptance Report

    Storage Security Diagnosis - Basic Package

    Huawei Cloud Storage Security Diagnosis Report

    Huawei Cloud Storage Security Optimization Service Acceptance Report for XX Project

    Storage Security Diagnosis - Incremental Package

  • Storage Security Planning and Design



    Acceptance Report

    Storage Security Planning and Design - Basic Package

    Huawei Cloud Storage Security Planning and Design Proposal

    Huawei Cloud Storage Security Optimization Service Acceptance Report for XX Project

    Storage Security Planning and Design - Incremental Package

    Storage Security Planning and Design - Technical Support Package



Responsibility Division

  1. Huawei Cloud and Customer
    • Negotiate and confirm specific requirements and objectives.
    • Negotiate and confirm project management plans.
    • Negotiate, confirm, and review solutions.
    • Sign contracts.
  2. Huawei Cloud
    • Receives customer requirements and designates experts to help implement and guarantee the service delivery onsite or remotely.
    • Develops a service plan and quotation based on the service items for customers to review and confirm.
    • Provides services based on the service plan and creates the deliverables needed.
    • Provides the list of deliverables based on the selected service items after services are all complete.
    • Specifies a project owner and notifies customers of any personnel changes three working days in advance.
    • Uses the authorized data only for this service and not for any other purposes.
  3. Customer
    • Assigns a project owner to assist Huawei Cloud in implementing the service. The project owner is responsible for arrangement and coordination between the two parties, and reviewing and accepting the services provided by Huawei Cloud.
    • Assists Huawei Cloud in the requirement survey, provides accurate service requirements, and provides service system information (including but not limited to the application architecture, deployment architecture, resource quantity, and performance).
    • Provides necessary authorization to assist Huawei Cloud in reading and analyzing the service data.
  4. Responsibility Matrices

    The following table provides responsibility matrix examples and can be modified as needed.

    R: responsible; S: supportive.

    • Storage Security Diagnosis







      Requirement survey

      Specify service objectives and required data authorization.




      Formulate solutions.




      Diagnosis and evaluation

      Evaluate the static data assets.




      Evaluate the dynamic access behaviors.




      Evaluate the security of the cloud storage service systems.




      Evaluate the level of the security risk.




      Output and review reports.




      Service acceptance

      Accept the solutions.




      Deliver the data security diagnosis report with interpretation.



    • Storage Security Planning and Design







      Requirement survey

      Specify service objectives.




      Formulate solutions.




      Solution design

      Evaluate customers' cloud and on-premises service environments.




      Formulate the security planning and design solutions.




      Communicate with the other party and confirm the solutions.




      Service acceptance

      Accept the solutions and related documents provided by Huawei Cloud.




      Guide customers to implement the solution.



Acceptance Criteria

  • Storage Security Diagnosis

    Huawei Cloud submits standard deliverables based on service sub-items. Customers confirm the acceptance on the Huawei Cloud official website console, or signs and seals the Huawei Cloud Storage Security Optimization Service Acceptance Report for XX Project onsite as the basis for service acceptance.

  • Storage Security Planning and Design
    • For the Storage Security Planning and Design packages, Huawei Cloud submits standard deliverables based on service sub-items. Customers confirm the acceptance on the Huawei Cloud official website console, or signs and seals the Huawei Cloud Storage Security Optimization Service Acceptance Report for XX Project onsite as the basis for service acceptance.
    • For the Storage Security Planning and Design - Technical Support Package, customers confirm the acceptance on the Huawei Cloud official website console, or signs and seals the Huawei Cloud Storage Security Optimization Service Acceptance Report for XX Project onsite as the basis for service acceptance.

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