Updated on 2023-11-13 GMT+08:00


If there is not a sufficient account balance to pay for your bill and there is no other payment method configured, your account will go into arrears. To continue using your cloud services, top up your account in a timely manner.

Arrears Reason

  • Your account balance is insufficient to pay for the used resources on the pay-per-use basis.

Impact of Arrears

  • Pay per use

    If your account is insufficient to pay your amount, your account goes into arrears. However, your resources will not be stopped immediately; instead, they enter the grace period. You will need to pay for the fees incurred during the grace period, which you can see on the Billing & Costs > Billing Center > Overview page of the Huawei Cloud console. Huawei Cloud will automatically deduct this amount when you top up.

    If you do not pay the arrears within the grace period, your resources will enter the retention period and become frozen. You cannot perform any operations on the pay-per-use resources during this period.

    If you do not bring your account balance current before the retention period ends, your resource will be released and the data cannot be restored.

    Figure 1 IoTDA instance lifecycle

Avoiding and Handling Arrears

Top up your account in a timely manner after your account is in arrears.

Configure the Balance Alert function on the Billing Center > Overview page. When the total amount of the available quota, general cash coupons, and cash coupons is lower than the threshold, the system automatically notifies you by SMS or email.

If your account is in arrears, top up your account in a timely manner.