Help Center/ CloudTable Service/ Billing/ Billing Overview
Updated on 2024-05-13 GMT+08:00

Billing Overview

This topic introduces how CloudTable is billed along with details about billing modes, billing items, renewals, and accounts in arrears.

  • Billing modes
    • You can create HBase and ClickHouse clusters in CloudTable. These clusters support two billing modes: pay-per-use and yearly/monthly. Yearly/Monthly is a prepaid mode. You need to pay first, and will be billed based on the required duration in your order. Ensure that your account balance is sufficient. Pay-per-use is a postpaid billing mode. You pay as you go and pay for what you use. The cluster usage is calculated by the second but billed every hour.

      For details about billing modes, see Overview.

      You can also change the billing mode later if it no longer meets your needs. For details, see Introduction.

  • Billed items

    CloudTable billing items consist of cluster specifications, data storage, and public network bandwidth. For details about the billing factors and formulas for each billing item, see Billing Item.

    For details about billing examples in actual scenarios and the fee calculation process of each billing item in different billing modes, see Billing Examples.

  • Renewals
    • CloudTable HBase clusters support yearly/monthly and pay-per-use billing. In pay-per-use billing, fees are deducted every hour. If the account balance is insufficient, you can renew the package on the Renewals page. If your subscription is not renewed, your services will keep running, but enter into a grace period. If you do not renew the subscription after the grace period expires, CloudTable clusters will stop running but data is retained during a retention period.
    • CloudTable ClickHouse clusters support two billing modes: the yearly/monthly billing and the pay-per-use billing. An upfront payment is required when you purchase resources. No additional fees are incurred as you use the resources. In pay-per-use mode, fees are deducted every hour. If your account balance is insufficient, you will be in arrears. You can renew your account on the Renewals page. If your subscription is not renewed, your services will keep running, but enter into a grace period. If you do not renew the subscription after the grace period expires, CloudTable clusters will stop running but data is retained during a retention period.

    For more details, see Overview.

  • Bills

    You can choose Billing > Bills to check the transactions and bills. For details, see Viewing Bills.

  • Arrears
    • Yearly/Monthly clusters do not cause arrears.
    • A pay-per-use cluster is billed by hour. If the account balance is insufficient for you to use the cluster for one more hour, the cluster is in arrears and the cluster enters the grace period. If you do not bring your account balance current before the grace period expires, the cluster will be frozen and enter the retention period. You cannot perform any operations on resources in the retention period. If you do not bring your account balance current before the retention period ends, services in the cluster will be terminated and the data in the system will be permanently deleted. If the clusters are renewed within the retention period, they will be available and charged from the original expiration date. For details, see Arrears.
  • Billing termination

    If your no longer need CloudTable, you can unsubscribe from or delete it to stop the billing. For details, see Billing Termination.