Updated on 2024-07-04 GMT+08:00

Installing Agents on Applications Deployed Using CodeArts Deploy


The network between your host and APM is normal.

You can run the Telnet command to check the network.

Java supports enhanced Agents.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click on the left and choose Management & Deployment > Application Performance Management.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Application Monitoring > Applications.
  4. On the displayed page, click Connect Application.
  5. Select a region and application.
  6. Select Java for Backend Language.
  7. Select Enhanced Agent for Code Source.
  8. Select an access mode based on the application type and access data by following the instructions.

    Table 1 Parameter description





    Path where the apm-javaagent.jar package is located.



    Component name, which must start with a letter. A component can contain multiple environments. The names of components under an application must be unique. If there are duplicate names, use instanceName to distinguish them.



    Name of an environment where an application is deployed. A program can be deployed in different environments (such as the test or live network environment). Each environment is deployed in one region and has a unique region attribute. If this parameter is blank, the default environment will be used.



    Environment tag for filtering environments. Different environments may have the same tag. This parameter can be left blank.



    Name of an application that already exists (a global concept). If this parameter is left blank, the automatically created application will be used.



    Name of a sub-application (a global concept), which is similar to a folder. If it is left blank, resources will be mounted to the root application. There can be up to three layers of sub-applications. For example, for a/b/c, a, b, and c respectively represents a layer.



    Name of an instance, which is left blank by default. If an application has multiple instances deployed on a host, use this parameter to distinguish them. Generally, Java instances deployed on a host belong to different applications. An application rarely has identical instances.


  9. Access the CodeArts Deploy deployment task, edit the deployment action, add the step of running the shell command, and then add the copied command.
  10. Modify the deployment procedure, copy the startup parameter, and add the parameter to the Java command of the service startup script.
  11. Redeploy the application.