Help Center/ Host Security Service/ FAQs/ Agent/ Do I Need to Install the HSS Agent After Purchasing HSS?
Updated on 2024-08-30 GMT+08:00

Do I Need to Install the HSS Agent After Purchasing HSS?

After you purchase HSS, you need to manually install the agent. However, if you choose to enable HSS when purchasing a Huawei Cloud ECS, the agent will be automatically installed and protection will be enabled after the ECS is created.

Automatic Installation During Server Purchase

When purchasing a Huawei Cloud ECS, if you enable HSS, HSS will install its agent on the ECS and protect the ECS.
  • If you select Yearly/Monthly for Billing Mode, you can select the basic, enterprise, or web tamper protection (WTP) edition.
  • If you select Pay-per-use for Billing Mode, you can select the professional, enterprise, or premium edition. HSS will automatically enable that edition for the ECS.

If the purchased HSS edition does not meet your requirements, you can purchase another edition. You do not need to reinstall the agent. For details about the differences between HSS editions, see Features.

Manual Installation After Server Purchasing

If you purchase HSS separately, HSS will not automatically install the agent on your servers. In this case, use the installation command suitable for your server OS on the HSS console, log in to the server, and manually install the agent. For details, see Installing the Agent.