Updated on 2024-06-03 GMT+08:00



Modifies the definition of an operator.


To use ALTER OPERATOR, you must be the owner of the operator. To modify the owner, you must also be a direct or indirect member of the new owning role, and that member must have CREATE permission on the operator's schema. (These restrict that the owner cannot be changed by doing anything other than deleting or rebuilding the operator. However, a user with the SYSADMIN permission can modify the ownership of any operator in any way.)


  • Change the owner of the operator.
    ALTER OPERATOR name ( { left_type | NONE } , { right_type | NONE } ) OWNER TO new_owner;
  • Change the schema of the operator.
    ALTER OPERATOR name ( { left_type | NONE } , { right_type | NONE } ) SET SCHEMA new_schema;


  • name

    Name of an existing operator.

  • left_type

    Data type of the left operand for the operator; if there is no left operand, write NONE.

  • right_type

    Data type of the right operand for the operator; if there is no right operand, write NONE.

  • new_owner

    New owner of the operator.

  • new_schema

    New schema name of the operator.


-- Create a function.
gaussdb=# CREATE FUNCTION func_add(num1 integer, num2 integer) RETURN INTEGER AS
  RETURN num1+num2;

-- Create an operator.
gaussdb=# CREATE OPERATOR @@@ (PROCEDURE = func_add,LEFTARG = int,RIGHTARG = int);

-- Create a user.
gaussdb=# CREATE USER user1 PASSWORD '********';

-- Modify the operator.
gaussdb=# ALTER OPERATOR @@@ (int,int) OWNER to user1;

-- Create a schema.
gaussdb=# CREATE SCHEMA oper_sch;

-- Modify the operator.
gaussdb=# ALTER OPERATOR @@@ (int,int) SET SCHEMA oper_sch;

-- Delete.
gaussdb=# DROP OPERATOR oper_sch.@@@(int,int);
gaussdb=# DROP SCHEMA oper_sch;
gaussdb=# DROP USER user1;


The SQL standard does not contain the ALTER OPERATOR statement.