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Updated on 2024-05-07 GMT+08:00


Modifies tables, including modifying table definitions, renaming tables, renaming specified columns in tables, renaming table constraints, setting table schemas, enabling or disabling row-level security policies, and adding or updating multiple columns.


  • The owner of a table, users granted with the ALTER permission on the table, or users granted with the ALTER ANY TABLE permission can run the ALTER TABLE statement. The system administrator has the permission to run the command by default. To modify the owner or schema of a table, you must be the table owner or system administrator and a member of the new owner role.
  • The tablespace of a partitioned table cannot be modified, but the tablespace of the partition can be modified.
  • The storage parameter ORIENTATION cannot be modified.
  • Currently, SET SCHEMA can only set schemas to user schemas. It cannot set a schema to a system internal schema.
  • A column whose DEFAULT value contains the nextval() expression cannot be added.
  • Row-level security cannot be enabled for foreign tables and temporary tables.
  • When you delete a PRIMARY KEY constraint by constraint name, the NOT NULL constraint is not deleted. If necessary, manually delete the NOT NULL constraint.
  • When JDBC is used, the DEFAULT value can be set through PrepareStatement.
  • If you add a column using ADD COLUMN, all existing rows in the table are initialized to the column's default value (NULL if no DEFAULT value is specified).

    If no DEFAULT value is specified for the new column, NULL is used, and no full table update is triggered.

    If the new column has the DEFAULT value, the column must meet all the following requirements. Otherwise, the entire table is updated, leading to additional overheads and affecting online services.


    2. The length of the DEFAULT value of the added column cannot exceed 128 bytes.

    3. The DEFAULT value of the added column does not contain the volatile function.

    4. The DEFAULT value is required and cannot be NULL.

    If you are not sure whether condition 3 is met, check whether the provolatile attribute of the function in the PG_RPOC system catalog is v.

    5. If the PostgreSQL compatibility mode is enabled, the data type of the new column can be SERIAL, BIGSERIAL, or SMALLSERIAL. Only ordinary tables are supported, and partitioned tables, temporary tables, unlogged permanent tables are not supported. The Astore and Ustore storage engines are supported.

  • If FIRST | AFTER column_name is used to modify the character set of a column, add or modify a column, the update overhead of entire table is generated and affects online services.
  • The number of table constraints cannot exceed 32,767.


  • Modify the definition of a table.
    ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] { table_name [*] | ONLY table_name | ONLY ( table_name ) }
        action [, ... ];
    ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] table_name
        ADD ( { column_name data_type [ compress_mode ] [ COLLATE collation ] [ column_constraint [ ... ] ]} [, ...] );
    ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] table_name
        MODIFY ( { column_name data_type | column_name [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] NOT NULL [ ENABLE ] | column_name [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] NULL } [, ...] );
    ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] table_name
        RENAME TO new_table_name;
    ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] { table_name  [*] | ONLY table_name | ONLY ( table_name  )}
        RENAME [ COLUMN ] column_name TO new_column_name;
    ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] { table_name  [*] | ONLY table_name | ONLY ( table_name  )}
        RENAME CONSTRAINT constraint_name TO new_constraint_name;
    ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] table_name
        SET SCHEMA new_schema;
    There are several clauses of action:
        | ADD table_constraint [ NOT VALID ]
        | ADD table_constraint_using_index
        | VALIDATE CONSTRAINT constraint_name
        | DROP CONSTRAINT [ IF EXISTS ]  constraint_name [ RESTRICT | CASCADE ]
        | CLUSTER ON index_name
        | SET ( {storage_parameter = value} [, ... ] )
        | RESET ( storage_parameter [, ... ] )
        | OWNER TO new_owner
        | SET TABLESPACE new_tablespace
        | TO { GROUP groupname | NODE ( nodename [, ... ] ) }
        | ADD NODE ( nodename [, ... ] )
        | DELETE NODE ( nodename [, ... ] )
        | UPDATE SLICE LIKE table_name
        | DISABLE TRIGGER [ trigger_name | ALL | USER ]
        | ENABLE TRIGGER [ trigger_name | ALL | USER ]
        | ENABLE REPLICA TRIGGER trigger_name
        | ENABLE ALWAYS TRIGGER trigger_name
        | AUTO_INCREMENT [ = ] value
        | [ [ DEFAULT ] CHARACTER SET | CHARSET [ = ] default_charset ] [ [ DEFAULT ] COLLATE [ = ] default_collation ]
        | CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET | CHARSET charset | DEFAULT [ COLLATE collation ]
    • ADD table_constraint [ NOT VALID ]

      Adds a table constraint.

    • ADD table_constraint_using_index

      Adds a primary key constraint or unique constraint to a table based on the existing unique index.

    • VALIDATE CONSTRAINT constraint_name

      Validates a check-class constraint created with the NOT VALID option, and scans the entire table to ensure that all rows meet the constraint. Nothing happens if the constraint is already marked valid.

    • DROP CONSTRAINT [ IF EXISTS ] constraint_name [ RESTRICT | CASCADE ]

      Deletes a table constraint.

    • CLUSTER ON index_name

      Selects the default index for future CLUSTER operations. Actually, the table is not re-clustered.


      Deletes the most recently used CLUSTER index from the table. This affects future CLUSTER operations that do not specify an index.

    • SET ( {storage_parameter = value} [, ... ] )

      Changes one or more storage parameters for the table. If the value of table_name is an index name, ACTIVE_PAGES specifies the number of index pages, which may be less than the actual number of physical file pages and can be used for optimizer optimization. Currently, this parameter is valid only for the local index of the Ustore partitioned table and will be updated by VACUUM and ANALYZE (including AUTOVACUUM). You are advised not to manually set this parameter.

    • RESET ( storage_parameter [, ... ] )

      Resets one or more storage parameters to their defaults. As with SET, a table rewrite might be needed to update the table entirely.

    • OWNER TO new_owner

      Changes the owner of a table, sequence, or view to the specified user.

    • SET TABLESPACE new_tablespace

      Changes the table's tablespace to the specified tablespace and moves the data files associated with the table to the new tablespace. Indexes on the table, if any, are not moved; but they can be moved separately with additional SET TABLESPACE option in ALTER INDEX.


      Sets the compression feature of a table. The table compression feature affects only the storage mode of data inserted in a batch subsequently and does not affect storage of existing data. Setting the table compression feature will result in the fact that there are both compressed and uncompressed data in the table. Row-store tables do not support compression.

    • TO { GROUP groupname | NODE ( nodename [, ... ] ) }

      The syntax is only available in extended mode (when GUC parameter support_extended_features is on). Exercise caution when enabling the mode. It is mainly used for tools like internal dilatation tools. Common users should not use the mode.

    • ADD NODE ( nodename [, ... ] )

      It is only available for internal scale-out tools. Common users should not use the syntax.

    • DELETE NODE ( nodename [, ... ] )

      It is only available for internal scale-in tools. Common users should not use the syntax.

    • UPDATE SLICE LIKE table_name

      This syntax is used by internal scaling tools and cannot be used by common users.

    • DISABLE TRIGGER [ trigger_name | ALL | USER ]

      Disables a single trigger specified by trigger_name, disables all triggers, or disables only user triggers (excluding internally generated constraint triggers, for example, deferrable unique constraint triggers and exclusion constraints triggers).

      Exercise caution when using this function because data integrity cannot be ensured as expected if the triggers are not executed.

    • | ENABLE TRIGGER [ trigger_name | ALL | USER ]

      Enables a single trigger specified by trigger_name, enables all triggers, or enables only user triggers.

    • | ENABLE REPLICA TRIGGER trigger_name

      Determines that the trigger firing mechanism is affected by the GUC variable session_replication_role. When the replication role is origin (default value) or local, a simple trigger is fired.

      When ENABLE REPLICA is configured for a trigger, it is triggered only when the session is in replica mode.

    • | ENABLE ALWAYS TRIGGER trigger_name

      Determines that all triggers are fired regardless of the current replica mode.


      Enables or disables row-level security for a table.

      If row-level security is enabled for a data table but no row-level security policy is defined, the row-level access to the data table is not affected. If row-level security for a table is disabled, the row-level access to the table is not affected even if a row-level security policy has been defined. For details, see CREATE ROW LEVEL SECURITY POLICY.


      Forcibly enables or disables row-level security for a table.

      By default, the table owner is not affected by the row-level security feature. However, if row-level security is forcibly enabled, the table owner (excluding system administrators) will be affected. System administrators are not affected by any row-level security policies.


      Rotation of the transparent data encryption key.

      The data encryption key rotation of a table can be performed only when the TDE function is enabled for the database and enable_tde of the table is set to on. After the key rotation operation is performed, the system automatically applies for a new KMS key. After the key rotation, the data encrypted using the old key is decrypted using the old key, and the newly written data is encrypted using the new key. To ensure the security of encrypted data, you can periodically update the key based on the amount of new data in the encrypted table. It is recommended that the key be updated every two to three years.


      Specifies the record level of old tuples in UPDATE and DELETE statements on a table in logical replication scenarios.

      • DEFAULT records the old value of the primary key column. If there is no primary key, DEFAULT does not record the old value.
      • USING INDEX records the old values of columns covered by the named indexes. These values must be unique, non-local, and non-deferrable, and contain the values of columns marked NOT NULL.
      • FULL records the old values of all columns in the row.
      • NOTHING does not record information in old rows.

      In logical replication scenarios, when the UPDATE and DELETE statements of a table are parsed, the parsed old tuples consist of the information recorded in this method. For tables with primary keys, this option can be set to DEFAULT or FULL. For a table without a primary key, set this parameter to FULL. Otherwise, the old tuple will be parsed as empty during decoding. You are advised not to set this parameter to NOTHING in common scenarios because old tuples are always parsed as empty.

      Even if DEFAULT or USING INDEX is specified, the old values of the columns in the current Ustore table may contain the old values of all columns in the row. This configuration option takes effect only when the old values involve TOAST values. For the ustore table, the NOTHING option is invalid, and the actual effect is the same as that of FULL.

    • AUTO_INCREMENT [ = ] value

      Sets the next auto-increment value of the auto-increment column. The configured value takes effect only when it is greater than the current auto-increment counter.

      The value must be a non-negative integer and cannot be greater than 2127 – 1.

      This clause takes effect only when sql_compatibility is set to B.

    • [ [ DEFAULT ] CHARACTER SET | CHARSET [ = ] default_charset ] [ [ DEFAULT ] COLLATE [ = ] default_collation ]

      Modifies the default character set and default collation of a table to the specified values. The modification does not affect the existing columns in the table.

      This clause takes effect only when sql_compatibility is set to B.

    • CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET | CHARSET charset [ COLLATE collation ]

      Modifies the default character set and default collation of a table to the specified values, sets the character set and collation of all columns with character type to the specified value and converts the data in the column to new character set encoding.

    • The column_clause can be one of the following clauses:
      ADD [ COLUMN ] column_name data_type [ CHARACTER SET | CHARSET  charset ] [ compress_mode ] [ COLLATE collation ] [ column_constraint [ ... ] ] [ FIRST | AFTER column_name ]    
      | MODIFY column_name data_type     
      | MODIFY column_name [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] NOT NULL [ ENABLE ]
      | MODIFY column_name [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] NULL
      | MODIFY [ COLUMN ] column_name data_type [ CHARACTER SET | CHARSET charset ] [{[ COLLATE collation ] | [ column_constraint ]} [ ... ] ] [FIRST | AFTER column_name]
      | CHANGE [ COLUMN ] column_name new_column_name data_type [ CHARACTER SET | CHARSET charset ] [{[ COLLATE collation ] | [ column_constraint ]} [ ... ] ] [FIRST | AFTER column_name]
      | DROP [ COLUMN ] [ IF EXISTS ] column_name [ RESTRICT | CASCADE ]    
      | ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name [ SET DATA ] TYPE data_type [ COLLATE collation ] [ USING expression ]    
      | ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name { SET DEFAULT expression | DROP DEFAULT }    
      | ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name { SET | DROP } NOT NULL    
      | ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name SET STATISTICS [PERCENT] integer    
      | ADD STATISTICS (( column_1_name, column_2_name [, ...] ))    
      | DELETE STATISTICS (( column_1_name, column_2_name [, ...] ))
      | ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name SET ( {attribute_option = value} [, ... ] )    
      | ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name RESET ( attribute_option [, ... ] )    
      • ADD [ COLUMN ] column_name data_type [ CHARACTER SET | CHARSET [ = ] charset ] [ compress_mode ] [ COLLATE collation ] [ column_constraint [ ... ] ] [ FIRST | AFTER column_name]

        Adds a column to a table. If a column is added using ADD COLUMN, all existing rows in the table are initialized with the column's default value (NULL if no DEFAULT clause is specified). FIRST | AFTER column_name indicates that a column is added to a certain position.

      • ADD ( { column_name data_type [ compress_mode ] } [, ...] )

        Adds columns in the table.

      • MODIFY ( { column_name data_type | column_name [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] NOT NULL [ ENABLE ] | column_name [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] NULL } [, ...] )

        Modifies the data type of an existing column in the table. Running this command will clear the statistics of this column. You are advised to collect the statistics of this column again after the modification.

      • MODIFY [ COLUMN ] column_name data_type [ CHARACTER SET | CHARSET charset ] [{[ COLLATE collation ] | [ column_constraint ]} [ ... ] ] [FIRST | AFTER column_name]

        Replaces the definition of existing field in a table with a new definition. The indexes and independent object constraints, such as primary keys, unique key and CHECK constraints in the previous field are not deleted. The [FIRST | AFTER column_name] syntax indicates that the position of a column in a table is changed when the column definition is modified.

        This syntax can be used only when sql_compatibility is set to 'B'. Foreign tables are not supported. Encrypted columns cannot be modified. The data type and collation rule of partition key columns cannot be modified. The data type and collation rule of columns referenced by rules and materialized views cannot be modified.

        If a column whose data type or collation rule is modified is referenced by a generated column, the data in the generated column is regenerated.

        If some objects (such as indexes, independent object constraints, views, triggers, and row-level security policies) depend on a modified column, these objects are re-created during column modification. If the definition of the modified column violates the constraints of this type of object, the modification fails. For example, the data type of the column that is used as the view result column cannot be modified. Pay attention on the failure impact before modification.

        If a modified column is called by some objects (such as user-defined functions and stored procedures), the modified column does not process these objects. After the columns are modified, these objects may be unavailable. Please evaluate the impact before modification.

        Changing the character set or collation of a column converts the data in the column to the new character set for encoding.

        The syntax of this clause is the same as that of MODIFY column_name data_type in the previous clause, but the semantic function is different. When the GUC parameter b_format_behavior_compat_options contains the 'enable_modify_column' option, the function of this clause is used.

        Running this command will clear the statistics of this column. You are advised to collect the statistics of this column again after the modification.

      • CHANGE [ COLUMN ] old_column_name new_column_name data_type [ CHARACTER SET | CHARSET charset ] [{[ COLLATE collation ] | [ column_constraint ]} [ ... ] ] [FIRST | AFTER column_name]

        Replaces the definition and name of existing column in a table with a new definition and name. The new column name must be different from the previous. The indexes and independent object constraints, such as primary keys, unique key and CHECK constraints in the previous column are not deleted. The [FIRST | AFTER column_name] syntax indicates that the position of a column in a table is changed when the name and definition of the column are modified.

        This syntax can be used only when sql_compatibility is set to 'B'. Foreign tables are not supported. Encrypted columns cannot be modified. The data type and collation rule of partition key columns cannot be modified. The data type and collation rule of columns referenced by rules and materialized views cannot be modified.

        If a column whose data type or collation rule is modified is referenced by a generated column, the data in the generated column is regenerated.

        If some objects (such as indexes, independent object constraints, views, triggers, and row-level security policies) depend on a modified column, these objects are re-created during column modification. If the definition of the modified column violates the constraints of this type of object, the modification fails. For example, the data type of the column that is used as the view result column cannot be modified. Pay attention on the failure impact before modification.

        If a modified column is called by some objects (such as user-defined functions and stored procedures), the modified column does not process these objects. After the column names are modified, these objects may be unavailable. Please evaluate the impact before modification.

        Modifying the character set or collation of a column converts the data in the column to the new character set for encoding.

      • DROP [ COLUMN ] [ IF EXISTS ] column_name [ RESTRICT | CASCADE ]

        Drops a column from a table. Indexes and constraints related to the column are automatically dropped. If an object not belonging to the table depends on the column, CASCADE must be specified, such as a view.

        The DROP COLUMN statement does not physically remove the column, but simply makes it invisible to SQL operations. Subsequent INSERT and UPDATE operations in the table will store a NULL value for the column. Therefore, column deletion takes a short period of time but does not immediately release the tablespace on the disks, because the space occupied by the deleted column is not recycled. The space will be recycled when VACUUM is executed.

      • ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name [ SET DATA ] TYPE data_type [ COLLATE collation ] [ USING expression ]

        Modifies the type of a column in a table. Indexes and simple table constraints on the column will automatically use the new data type by reparsing the originally supplied expression.

        If the original data type of a column and the modified data type are binary compatible, you do not need to rewrite the entire table when running this statement. In other scenarios, the entire table is rewritten. You can check whether the original type and target type are binary compatible in the PG_CAST system catalog. If castmethod is 'b', they are binary compatible. For example, if the data type of the source table is text and is converted to int, table rewriting is triggered. If it is converted to clob, table rewriting is not triggered. If table rewriting is triggered, the deleted space on the table is recycled immediately.

        Running this command will clear the statistics of this column. You are advised to collect the statistics of this column again after the modification.

      • ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name { SET DEFAULT expression | DROP DEFAULT }

        Sets or removes the default value for a column. The default values only apply to subsequent INSERT operations; they do not cause rows already in the table to change. Defaults can also be created for views, in which case they are inserted into INSERT statements on the view before the view's ON INSERT rule is applied.

      • ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name { SET | DROP } NOT NULL

        Changes whether a column is marked to allow null values or to reject null values. You can only use SET NOT NULL when the column contains no null values.

      • ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name SET STATISTICS [PERCENT] integer

        Specifies the per-column statistics-gathering target for subsequent ANALYZE operations. The target can be set in the range from 0 to 10000. Set it to –1 to revert to using the default system statistics target.

      • {ADD | DELETE} STATISTICS ((column_1_name, column_2_name [, ...]))

        Adds or deletes the declaration of collecting multi-column statistics to collect multi-column statistics as needed when ANALYZE is performed for a table or a database. If the GUC parameter enable_functional_dependency is disabled, the statistics about a maximum of 32 columns can be collected at a time. If the GUC parameter enable_functional_dependency is enabled, the statistics about a maximum of 4 columns can be collected at a time. You are not allowed to add or delete such declaration for system catalogs or foreign tables.

      • {ENABLE | DISABLE } STATISTICS ((column_1_name, column_2_name [, ...]))

        Enables or disables multi-column statistics. When automatic statistics creation is enabled (the GUC parameter auto_statistic_ext_columns is required), you can disable specific multi-column combinations to prevent them from being automatically created and used.

      • ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name SET ( {attribute_option = value} [, ... ] )

        ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name RESET ( attribute_option [, ... ] )

        Sets or resets per-attribute options.

        Currently, the only defined attribute options are n_distinct and n_distinct_inherited. n_distinct affects statistics of a table, while n_distinct_inherited affects the statistics of the table and its subtables. Currently, only SET/RESET n_distinct is supported, and SET/RESET n_distinct_inherited is forbidden.


        Sets the storage mode for a column. It specifies whether this column is held inline or in an attached table, and whether the data should be compressed. SET STORAGE itself does not change anything in the table. It sets the strategy to be pursued during future table updates.

      • column_constraint is as follows:
        [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ]
            { NOT NULL |
              NULL |
              CHECK ( expression ) |
              DEFAULT default_expr  |
              GENERATED ALWAYS AS ( generation_expr ) [STORED] |
              AUTO_INCREMENT |
              UNIQUE [KEY] index_parameters |
              PRIMARY KEY index_parameters |
              ENCRYPTED WITH ( COLUMN_ENCRYPTION_KEY = column_encryption_key, ENCRYPTION_TYPE = encryption_type_value ) |                                                                                  
              REFERENCES reftable [ ( refcolumn ) ] [ MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL | MATCH SIMPLE ]
      • compress_mode of a column is as follows:
    • table_constraint_using_index used to add the primary key constraint or unique constraint based on the unique index is as follows:
      [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ]
          { UNIQUE | PRIMARY KEY } USING INDEX index_name
    • table_constraint is as follows:
      [ CONSTRAINT [ constraint_name ] ]
          { CHECK ( expression ) |
            UNIQUE [ idx_name ][ USING method ] ( { { column_name | ( expression ) } [ ASC | DESC ] } [, ... ] ) index_parameters |
            PRIMARY KEY [ USING method ] ( { column_name [ ASC | DESC ] }[, ... ] ) index_parameters 
            ) |
            FOREIGN KEY [ idx_name ] ( column_name [, ... ] ) REFERENCES reftable [ ( refcolumn [, ... ] ) ]
               [ MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL | MATCH SIMPLE ] [ ON DELETE action ] [ ON UPDATE action ] }
      index_parameters is as follows:
      [ WITH ( {storage_parameter = value} [, ... ] ) ]
          [ USING INDEX TABLESPACE tablespace_name ] [BY GLOBAL INDEX]
  • Rename a table. The renaming does not affect stored data.
    ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] table_name 
        RENAME TO new_table_name;
  • Rename the specified column in the table.
    ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] { table_name [*] | ONLY table_name | ONLY ( table_name )}
        RENAME [ COLUMN ] column_name TO new_column_name;
  • Rename the constraint of the table.
    ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] { table_name [*] | ONLY table_name | ONLY ( table_name ) }
        RENAME CONSTRAINT constraint_name TO new_constraint_name;
  • Set the schema of the table.
    ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] table_name 
        SET SCHEMA new_schema;
    • The schema setting moves the table into another schema. Associated indexes and constraints owned by table columns are migrated as well. Currently, the schema for sequences cannot be changed. If the table has sequences, delete the sequences, and create them again or delete the ownership between the table and sequences. In this way, the table schema can be changed.
    • To change the schema of a table, you must also have the CREATE permission on the new schema. To add the table as a new child of a parent table, you must own the parent table as well. To alter the owner, you must also be a direct or indirect member of the new owning role, and that role must have the CREATE permission on the table's schema. These restrictions enforce that the user can only re-create and delete the table. However, a system administrator can alter the ownership of any table anyway.
    • All the actions except for RENAME and SET SCHEMA can be combined into a list of multiple alterations to apply in parallel. For example, it is possible to add several columns or alter the type of several columns in a single command. This is useful with large tables, since only one pass over the tables need be made.
    • Adding a CHECK or NOT NULL constraint will scan the table to validate that existing rows meet the constraint.
    • Adding a column with a non-NULL default or changing the type of an existing column will rewrite the entire table. Rewriting a large table may take much time and temporarily needs doubled disk space.
  • Add columns.
    ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] table_name
        ADD ( { column_name data_type [ compress_mode ] [ COLLATE collation ] [ column_constraint [ ... ] ]} [, ...] );
  • Update columns.
    ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] table_name 
        MODIFY ( { column_name data_type | column_name [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] NOT NULL [ ENABLE ] | column_name [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] NULL } [, ...] );



    Sends a notice instead of an error if no tables have identical names. The notice prompts that the table you are querying does not exist.

  • table_name [*] | ONLY table_name | ONLY ( table_name )

    table_name is the name of the table that you need to modify.

    If ONLY is specified, only the table is modified. If ONLY is not specified, the table and all subtables are modified. You can add the asterisk (*) option following the table name to specify that all subtables are scanned, which is the default operation.

  • constraint_name
    • Specifies the name of an existing constraint to drop in the DROP CONSTRAINT operation.
    • Specifies the name of a new constraint in the ADD CONSTRAINT operation.

      For a new constraint, constraint_name is optional in B-compatible mode (that is, sql_compatibility set to 'B'). For other modes, constraint_name is required.

  • index_name

    Specifies the index name.

  • idx_name

    Index name


    In the ADD CONSTRAINT operation:

    • index_name is supported only in B-compatible databases (that is, sql_compatibility set to 'B').
    • For foreign key constraints, if constraint_name and index_name are specified at the same time, constraint_name is used as the index name.
    • For a unique key constraint, if both constraint_name and index_name are specified, index_name is used as the index name.
  • USING method

    Specifies the name of the index method to be used.

    For details about the value range, see USING method in Parameters.


    In the ADD CONSTRAINT operation:

    • The USING method is supported only in B-compatible databases (that is, sql_compatibility set to 'B').
    • In B-compatible mode, if USING method is not specified, the default index method is B-tree for Astore or UB-tree for Ustore.
  • ASC | DESC

    ASC specifies an ascending (default) sort order. DESC specifies a descending sort order.


    In ADD CONSTRAINT, ASC|DESC is supported only in B-compatible databases (that is, sql_compatibility set to 'B').

  • expression

    Specifies an expression index constraint based on one or more columns of the table. It must be written in parentheses.


    Expression indexes in the UNIQUE constraint are supported only in B-compatible databases (that is, sql_compatibility set to 'B').

  • storage_parameter

    Specifies the name of a storage parameter.

    TDE options:

    • enable_tde (Boolean type)

      Specifies whether transparent data encryption is enabled for a table. Before enabling this function, ensure that the GUC parameter enable_tde has been enabled, the KMS has been enabled, and the database instance master key ID in the GUC parameter tde_cmk_id has been correctly configured.

      This parameter supports only row-store tables. Temporary tables are not supported. The Ustore storage engine is not supported. The Ustore storage engine is not supported. This parameter can be modified only when enable_tde is specified during table creation. Switching the encryption switch status does not change the encryption algorithm and key information.

      Value range: on and off. on indicates that transparent data encryption is enabled. After the value is switched from off to on, new data is automatically encrypted when being written to the data page, and old data is automatically encrypted when the data page is updated. off indicates that transparent data encryption is disabled. After the value is switched from on to off, newly written data is not encrypted, old encrypted data can be automatically decrypted when being read, and data is not encrypted when being written back to the data page.

      Default value: off

    The following option is added for creating an index:

    • parallel_workers (int type)

      Number of bgworker threads started when an index is created. For example, value 2 indicates that two bgworker threads are started to create indexes concurrently.

      Value range: [0,32]. The value 0 indicates that concurrent index creation is disabled.

      Default value: If this parameter is not set, the concurrent index creation function is disabled.

    • hasuids (Boolean type)

      Default value: off

      If this parameter is set to on, a unique table-level ID is allocated to a tuple when the tuple is updated.

  • new_owner

    Specifies the name of the new table owner.

  • new_tablespace

    Specifies the new name of the tablespace to which the table belongs.

  • column_name, column_1_name, column_2_name

    Specifies the name of a new or existing column.

  • data_type

    Specifies the type of a new column or a new type of an existing column.

  • compress_mode

    Specifies whether to compress a table column. The clause specifies the compression algorithm preferentially used by the column. Row-store tables do not support compression.

  • charset

    This syntax is supported only in B-compatible databases (that is, sql_compatibility set to 'B'). It specifies the character set of a table column. If this parameter is specified separately, the collation of the table column is set to the default collation of the specified character set.

  • collation

    Specifies the collation rule name of a column. The optional COLLATE clause specifies a collation for the new column; if omitted, the collation is the default for the new column. You can run the select * from pg_collation; command to query collation rules from the pg_collation system catalog. The default collation rule is the row starting with default in the query result.

    In a B-compatible database (that is, sql_compatibility set to 'B'), the utf8mb4_bin, utf8mb4_general_ci, utf8mb4_unicode_ci, and binary collations are also supported. For details, see Table 1.

    • Only the character type supports the specified character set. If the binary character set or collation is specified, the character type is converted to the corresponding binary type. If the type mapping does not exist, an error is reported. Currently, only the mapping from the TEXT type to the BLOB type is available.
    • Except the binary character set and collation, only the character set that is the same as the database encoding can be specified.
    • If the character set or collation of a column is not explicitly specified and the default character set or collation of the table is specified, the character set or collation of the column is inherited from the table. If the default character set or collation of a table does not exist, the character set and collation of table columns inherit the character set and collation of the current database when b_format_behavior_compat_options is set to 'default_collation'.
    • If the character set corresponding to the modified character set or collation is different from the character set of current column, the data in the column is converted to the specified character set for encoding.
  • USING expression

    Specifies how to compute the new column value from the old; if omitted, the default conversion is an assignment cast from old data type to new. A USING clause must be provided if there is no implicit or assignment cast from the old to new type.


    USING in ALTER TYPE can specify any expression involving the old values of the row; that is, it can refer to any columns other than the one being cast. This allows general casting to be done with the ALTER TYPE syntax. Because of this flexibility, the USING expression is not applied to the column's default value (if any); the result might not be a constant expression as required for a default. This means that when there is no implicit or assignment cast from old to new type, ALTER TYPE might fail to convert the default even though a USING clause is supplied. In such cases, drop the default with DROP DEFAULT, perform ALTER TYPE, and then use SET DEFAULT to add a suitable new default. Similar considerations apply to indexes and constraints involving the column.


    Sets whether the column allows null values.


    Specifies that the constraint is enabled. By default, the constraint is enabled.

  • integer

    Specifies the constant value of a signed integer. When using PERCENT, the range of integer is from 0 to 100.

  • attribute_option

    Specifies an attribute option.


    Specifies a column-store mode.

    • PLAIN must be used for fixed-length values (such as integers). It must be inline and uncompressed.
    • MAIN is for inline, compressible data.
    • EXTERNAL is for external, uncompressed data. Use of EXTERNAL will make substring operations on text and bytea values run faster, at the penalty of increased storage space.
    • EXTENDED is for external, compressed data. EXTENDED is the default for most data types that support non-PLAIN storage.
  • CHECK ( expression )

    New rows or rows to be updated must satisfy for an expression to be true. If any row produces a false result, an error is raised and the database is not modified.

    A check constraint specified as a column constraint should reference only the column's values, while an expression in a table constraint can reference multiple columns.

    Currently, CHECK ( expression ) does not include subqueries and cannot use variables apart from the current column.

  • DEFAULT default_expr

    Assigns a default data value to a column.

    The data type of the default expression must match the data type of the column.

    The default expression will be used in any insert operation that does not specify a value for the column. If there is no default value for a column, then the default value is NULL.

  • COLUMN_ENCRYPTION_KEY = column_encryption_key

    Specifies the name of the column encryption key in the ENCRYPTED WITH constraint.

    Value range: a string. It must comply with the naming convention.

  • ENCRYPTION_TYPE = encryption_type_value

    For the encryption type in the ENCRYPTED WITH constraint, the value of encryption_type_value is DETERMINISTIC or RANDOMIZED.

  • GENERATED ALWAYS AS ( generation_expr ) [STORED]

    This clause creates a column as a generated column. The value of the generated column is calculated by generation_expr when data is written (inserted or updated). STORED indicates that the value of the generated column is stored as a common column.

    • The STORED keyword can be omitted, which has the same semantics as not omitting STORED.
    • The generation expression cannot refer to data other than the current row in any way. The generation expression cannot reference other generation columns or system columns. The generation expression cannot return a result set. No subquery, aggregate function, or window function can be used. The function called by the generation expression can only be an immutable function.
    • Default values cannot be specified for generated columns.
    • The generated column cannot be used as a part of the partition key.
    • Do not specify the generated column and the CASCADE, SET NULL, and SET DEFAULT actions of the ON UPDATE constraint clause together. Do not specify the generated column and the SET NULL, and SET DEFAULT actions of the ON DELETE constraint clause together.
    • The method of modifying and deleting generated columns is the same as that of common columns. If you delete a common column that a generated column depends on, the generated column is automatically deleted. The type of the column on which the generated column depends cannot be changed.
    • The generated column cannot be directly written. In the INSERT or UPDATE statement, values cannot be specified for generated columns, but the keyword DEFAULT can be specified.
    • The permission control for generated columns is the same as that for common columns.
    • Only postgres_fdw in the foreign table can generate columns.

    Specifies an auto-increment column.

    For details, see AUTO_INCREMENT.

  • UNIQUE [KEY] index_parameters

    UNIQUE ( column_name [, ... ] ) index_parameters

    UNIQUE specifies that a group of one or more columns of a table can contain only unique values.

    UNIQUE KEY can be used only when sql_compatibility is set to 'B', which has the same semantics as UNIQUE.

  • PRIMARY KEY index_parameters

    PRIMARY KEY ( column_name [, ... ] ) index_parameters

    Specifies that a column or columns of a table can contain only unique (non-duplicate) and non-null values.

  • REFERENCES reftable [ ( refcolumn ) ] [ MATCH matchtype ] [ ON DELETE action ] [ ON UPDATE action ] (column constraint)

    FOREIGN KEY ( column_name [, ... ] ) REFERENCES reftable [ ( refcolumn [, ... ] ) ] [ MATCH matchtype ] [ ON DELETE action ] [ ON UPDATE action ] (table constraint)

    The foreign key constraint requires that the group consisting of one or more columns in the new table should contain and match only the referenced column values in the referenced table. If refcolumn is omitted, the primary key of reftable is used. The referenced column should be the only column or primary key in the referenced table. A foreign key constraint cannot be defined between a temporary table and a permanent table.

    There are three types of matching between a reference column and a referenced column:

    • MATCH FULL: A column with multiple foreign keys cannot be NULL unless all foreign key columns are NULL.
    • MATCH SIMPLE (default): Any unexpected foreign key column can be NULL.
    • MATCH PARTIAL: This option is not supported currently.

    In addition, when certain operations are performed on the data in the referenced table, the operations are performed on the corresponding columns in the new table. ON DELETE: specifies the operations to be executed after a referenced row in the referenced table is deleted. ON UPDATE: specifies the operation to be performed when the referenced column data in the referenced table is updated. Possible responses to the ON DELETE and ON UPDATE clauses are as follows:

    • NO ACTION (default): When a foreign key is deleted or updated, an error indicating that the foreign key constraint is violated is created. If the constraint is deferrable and there are still any referenced rows, this error will occur when the constraint is checked.
    • RESTRICT: When a foreign key is deleted or updated, an error indicating that the foreign key constraint is violated is created. It is the same as NO ACTION except that the constraint is not deferrable.
    • CASCADE: deletes any row that references the deleted row from the new table, or update the field value of the referenced row in the new table to the new value of the referenced column.
    • SET NULL: sets the referenced columns to NULL.
    • SET DEFAULT: sets the referenced columns to their default values.

    Sets whether the constraint can be deferrable.

    • DEFERRABLE: deferrable to the end of the transaction and checked using SET CONSTRAINTS.
    • NOT DEFERRABLE: checks immediately after the execution of each command.
    • INITIALLY IMMEDIATE: checks immediately after the execution of each statement.
    • INITIALLY DEFERRED: checks when the transaction ends.
  • WITH ( {storage_parameter = value} [, ... ] )

    Specifies an optional storage parameter for a table or an index.

  • tablespace_name

    Specifies the name of the tablespace where the index locates.

    • NOCOMPRESS: If the NOCOMPRESS keyword is specified, the existing compression feature of the table will not be changed.
    • COMPRESS: If the COMPRESS keyword is specified, the table compression feature will be triggered by batch tuple insertion. Row-store tables do not support compression.
  • new_table_name

    Specifies the new table name.

  • new_column_name

    Specifies the new name of a specific column in a table.

  • new_constraint_name

    Specifies the new name of a table constraint.

  • new_schema

    Specifies the new schema name.


    Automatically drops objects that depend on the dropped column or constraint (for example, views referencing the column).

    Refuses to drop the column if the column is referenced by other columns or constraints. RESTRICT is the default option. If CASCADE is not specified, the value is RESTRICT. An example of the statement is as follows:
    alter table <Table name>[drop [column] <Column name> [cascade | restrict]];

    Adds or changes the column to the first place.

  • AFTER column_name

    Adds or changes the column after the column specified by column_name.

    • It is supported only in B-compatible databases (that is, sql_compatibility = 'B').
    • FIRST | AFTER column_name cannot be used in the encrypted column.
    • The position of a column in a table that depends on rules cannot be changed (including the addition and change of the column position).
    • FIRST | AFTER column_name cannot be used in the foreign table.
    • Columns of the SET type cannot be changed to the specified position.
  • schema_name

    Specifies the schema name of a table.

  • [DEFAULT] CHARACTER SET | CHARSET [ = ] default_charset

    This syntax is supported only when sql_compatibility is set to 'B'. It modifies the default character set of a table. If you specify a character set separately, the default collation of the table is set to the default collation of the specified character set.

  • [DEFAULT] COLLATE [ = ] default_collation

    This syntax is supported only when sql_compatibility is set to 'B'. It modifies the default collation of a table. If you specify a collation separately, the default character set of the table is set to the character set corresponding to the specified collation. For details about the collation, see Table 1.


    If the character set or collation of a table is not explicitly specified and the default character set or collation of the schema is specified, the character set or collation of the table is inherited from the schema. If the default character set or collation of a schema does not exist, the character set and collation of the table inherit the character set and collation of the current database when b_format_behavior_compat_options is set to "default_collation".

Examples of Modifying a Table

  • Rename a table.
    gaussdb=# CREATE TABLE aa(c1 int, c2 int);
    gaussdb=# ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS aa RENAME TO test_alt1;
  • Modify the schema of a table.
    -- Create the test_schema schema.
    gaussdb=# CREATE SCHEMA test_schema;
    -- Change the schema of the test_alt1 table to test_schema.
    gaussdb=# ALTER TABLE test_alt1 SET SCHEMA test_schema;
    -- Query table information.
    gaussdb=# SELECT schemaname,tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename = 'test_alt1';
     schemaname  | tablename 
     test_schema | test_alt1
    (1 row)
  • Change the owner of a table.
    -- Create user test_user.
    gaussdb=# CREATE USER test_user PASSWORD 'XXXXXXXXXX';
    -- Change the owner of the test_alt1 table to test_user.
    gaussdb=# ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS test_schema.test_alt1 OWNER TO test_user;
    -- Query.
    gaussdb=# SELECT tablename, schemaname, tableowner FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename = 'test_alt1';
     tablename | schemaname  | tableowner 
     test_alt1 | test_schema | test_user
    (1 row)
  • Modify the tablespace of a table.
    -- Create the tbs_data1 tablespace.
    gaussdb=# CREATE TABLESPACE tbs_data1 RELATIVE LOCATION 'tablespace1/tbs_data1';
    -- Change the tablespace of the test_alt1 table to tbs_data1.
    gaussdb=# ALTER TABLE test_schema.test_alt1 SET TABLESPACE tbs_data1;
    -- Query.
    gaussdb=# SELECT tablename, tablespace FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename = 'test_alt1';
     tablename | tablespace 
     test_alt1 | tbs_data1
    (1 row)
    -- Delete.
    gaussdb=# DROP TABLE test_schema.test_alt1; 
    gaussdb=# DROP TABLESPACE tbs_data1; 
    gaussdb=# DROP SCHEMA test_schema; 
    gaussdb=# DROP USER test_user;

Examples of Modifying a Column

  • Change column names.
    -- Create a table.
    gaussdb=# CREATE TABLE test_alt2(c1 INT,c2 INT);
    -- Change column names.
    gaussdb=# ALTER TABLE test_alt2 RENAME c1 TO id;
    gaussdb=# ALTER TABLE test_alt2 RENAME COLUMN c2 to areaid; 
    -- Query.
    gaussdb=# \d test_alt1
       Table "public.test_alt1"
     Column |  Type   | Modifiers 
     id     | integer | 
     areaid | integer | 
  • Add columns.
    -- Add a column to the test_alt1 table.
    gaussdb=# ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS test_alt2 ADD COLUMN name VARCHAR(20);
    -- Query.
    gaussdb=# \d test_alt2
               Table "public.test_alt1"
      Column  |         Type          | Modifiers 
     id       | integer               | 
     areacode | integer               | 
     name     | character varying(20) |
  • Modify the data type of a column.
    -- Change the type of the name column in the test_alt1 table.
    gaussdb=# ALTER TABLE test_alt1 MODIFY name VARCHAR(50);
    -- Query.
    gaussdb=# \d test_alt1
              Table "public.test_alt2"
     Column |         Type          | Modifiers 
     id     | integer               | 
     areaid | integer               | 
     name   | character varying(50) | 
    -- Change the type of the name column in the test_alt1 table.
    gaussdb=# ALTER TABLE test_alt2 ALTER COLUMN name TYPE VARCHAR(25);
    -- Query.
    gaussdb=# \d test_alt2
              Table "public.test_alt2"
     Column |         Type          | Modifiers 
     id     | integer               | 
     areaid | integer               | 
     name   | character varying(25) | 
  • Delete a column.
    -- Delete the areaid column from test_alt1.
    gaussdb=# ALTER TABLE test_alt2 DROP COLUMN areaid;
    -- Query.
    gaussdb=# \d test_alt2
              Table "public.test_alt2"
     Column |         Type          | Modifiers 
     id     | integer               | 
     name   | character varying(25) | 
  • Modify the column-store mode.
    -- View table details.
    gaussdb=# \d+ test_alt2
                                  Table "public.test_alt2"
     Column |         Type          | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
     id     | integer               |           | plain    |              | 
     name   | character varying(25) |           | extended |              | 
    Has OIDs: no
    Options: orientation=row, compression=no, storage_type=USTORE
    -- Change the storage mode of the name column in the test_alt2 table.
    gaussdb=# ALTER TABLE test_alt2 ALTER COLUMN name SET STORAGE PLAIN;
    -- Query.
    gaussdb=# \d+ test_alt2
                                 Table "public.test_alt2"
     Column |         Type          | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description 
     id     | integer               |           | plain   |              | 
     name   | character varying(25) |           | plain   |              | 
    Has OIDs: no
    Options: orientation=row, compression=no, storage_type=USTORE
    -- Delete.
    gaussdb=# DROP TABLE test_alt2;
  • Move a column to a specified position.
    -- Create a B-compatible database.
    -- Connect to the test database and create the tbl_test table.
    gaussdb=# \c test
    gaussdb=# CREATE TABLE tbl_test(id int, name varchar(20));
    -- Change the type of the name column in the tbl_test table and move it to the beginning.
    gaussdb=# ALTER TABLE tbl_test MODIFY COLUMN name varchar(25) FIRST;
    -- Query.
    gaussdb=# \d tbl_test;
              Table "public.tbl_test"
     Column |         Type          | Modifiers 
     name   | character varying(25) | 
     id     | integer               | 
    -- Change the type of the name column in the tbl_test table and move it after the id column.
    gaussdb=# ALTER TABLE tbl_test MODIFY COLUMN name varchar(10) AFTER id;
    -- Query.
    gaussdb=# \d tbl_test;
              Table "public.tbl_test"
     Column |         Type          | Modifiers 
     id     | integer               | 
     name   | character varying(10) | 
    -- Delete the tbl_test table.
    gaussdb=# DROP TABLE tbl_test;
    -- Switch to the default database and delete the test database. (Switch to the corresponding database as required.)
    gaussdb=# \c postgres
    gaussdb=# DROP DATABASE test;

Examples of Modifying a Constraint

  • Add a not-null constraint to a column.
    -- Create a table.
    gaussdb=# CREATE TABLE test_alt3(pid INT, areaid CHAR(5), name VARCHAR(20));
    Add a not-null constraint to pid.
    gaussdb=# ALTER TABLE test_alt3 MODIFY pid NOT NULL;
    -- Query.
    gaussdb=# \d test_alt3
              Table "public.test_alt3"
     Column |         Type          | Modifiers 
     pid    | integer               | not null
     areaid | character(5)          | 
     name   | character varying(20) |
  • Cancel the not-null constraint on a column.
    gaussdb=# ALTER TABLE test_alt3 MODIFY pid NULL;
    -- Query.
    gaussdb=# \d test_alt3
              Table "public.test_alt3"
     Column |         Type          | Modifiers 
     pid    | integer               | 
     areaid | character(5)          | 
     name   | character varying(20) | 
  • Modify the default value of a column.
    -- Modify the default value of id in the test_alt1 table.
    gaussdb=# ALTER TABLE test_alt3 ALTER COLUMN areaid SET DEFAULT '00000';
    -- Query.
    gaussdb=# \d test_alt3
                     Table "public.test_alt3"
     Column |         Type          |        Modifiers        
     pid    | integer               | 
     areaid | character(5)          | default '00000'::bpchar
     name   | character varying(20) |
    -- Delete the default value of id.
    gaussdb=# ALTER TABLE test_alt3 ALTER COLUMN areaid DROP DEFAULT;
    -- Query.
    gaussdb=# \d test_alt3
              Table "public.test_alt3"
     Column |         Type          | Modifiers 
     pid    | integer               | 
     areaid | character(5)          | 
     name   | character varying(20) |
  • Add a table-level constraint.
    • Directly add a constraint.
      -- Add a primary key constraint to the table.
      gaussdb=# ALTER TABLE test_alt3 ADD CONSTRAINT pk_test3_pid PRIMARY KEY (pid);
      -- Query.
      gaussdb=# \d test_alt3
                Table "public.test_alt3"
       Column |         Type          | Modifiers 
       pid    | integer               | not null
       areaid | integer               | 
       name   | character varying(20) | 
          "pk_test3_pid" PRIMARY KEY, btree (pid) TABLESPACE pg_default
    • Create an index and then add constraints.
      -- Create a table.
      gaussdb=# CREATE TABLE test_alt4(c1 INT, c2 INT);
      -- Create an index.
      gaussdb=# CREATE UNIQUE INDEX pk_test4_c1 ON test_alt4(c1);
      -- Associate the created index when adding a constraint.
      gaussdb=# ALTER TABLE test_alt4 ADD CONSTRAINT pk_test4_c1 PRIMARY KEY USING INDEX pk_test4_c1;
      -- Query.
      gaussdb=# \d test_alt4
         Table "public.test_alt4"
       Column |  Type   | Modifiers 
       c1     | integer | not null
       c2     | integer | 
          "pk_test4_c1" PRIMARY KEY, btree (c1) TABLESPACE pg_default
      -- Delete.
      gaussdb=# DROP TABLE test_alt4;
  • Delete a table-level constraint.
    -- Delete a constraint.
    gaussdb=# ALTER TABLE test_alt3 DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS pk_test3_pid;
    -- Query.
    gaussdb=# \d test_alt3
              Table "public.test_alt3"
     Column |         Type          | Modifiers 
     pid    | integer               | not null
     areaid | integer               | 
     name   | character varying(20) | 
    -- Delete.
    gaussdb=# DROP TABLE test_alt3;

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