Help Center/ Cloud Certificate Manager/ FAQs/ SSL Certificate Application and Purchase/ About Required Domain Name Details/ How Do I Enter a Domain Name for a Certificate When Applying for an SSL Certificate?
Updated on 2024-09-18 GMT+08:00

How Do I Enter a Domain Name for a Certificate When Applying for an SSL Certificate?

SSL certificates are associated with domains. When you purchase the certificate, you need to select a domain type based on site requirements.

To learn more about domain name, see Domain-related Concepts.

After you purchase a certificate, provide certificate details for approval on the SCM console to bind the domain name to the certificate. The first step for applying for a certificate is to enter a domain name and associate the domain name with the purchased certificate.

Enter the domain type as prompted by the SCM console based on the purchased certificate.

If the domain name associated with your DV certificate contains special words, such as edu, gov, bank, and live, the certificate may fail to pass the security review. In this case, select an OV or EV certificate. For details about known special words, see Immoderate Words.

Table 1 describes the domain types. For more information, see the examples.

Table 1 Domain Name



Single domain

Only one common domain name can be associated.

When associating a domain name, you only need to associate a common domain name with a certificate.

Multiple domains

  • You can associate multiple domain names with a certificate. The number of domain names that can be associated depends on how many domain names you purchase under a multi-domain certificate.
  • When applying for a certificate, set one of the domain names to the primary domain name and configure the rest as additional domain names. Configure the settings based on site requirements.

    For example, if you purchase three domain names, set one domain name as the primary domain name and the other two as additional domain names.

    • A primary domain and additional domains can be equally protected.

Wildcard domain

Only one wildcard domain name can be associated.

When associating a domain name, you can associate a wildcard domain name, which includes an asterisk (*).


  • Single-domain certificate

    If you purchase a single-domain certificate, only one common domain name can be associated.


    Enter in the text box next to Domain Name when applying for a certificate. Figure 1 shows an example.

    Figure 1 Associating a single domain name
  • Multi-domain certificate

    If you purchase a multi-domain certificate, you can associate multiple domain names with the certificate. The number of domain names you can associate depends on the domain quantity you selected when purchasing the certificate.

    When applying for a certificate, set one of the domain names to the primary domain name and configure the rest as additional domain names. Configure the settings based on site requirements. You can add additional domain names in batches. For details, see Adding an Additional Domain Name.

    • A primary domain and additional domains can be equally protected.

    Example: The domain quantity is set to 3 and your domain names are,, and

    Set Primary Domain Name to, and Additional Domain Name to and when applying for a certificate. Enter one additional domain name per line. Figure 2 shows an example.

    Figure 2 Associating multiple domain names
  • Wildcard-domain certificate

    If you purchase a wildcard-domain certificate, only one wildcard domain name can be associated.

    Example: Your domain names are,,, and, which are at the same level.

    Enter * in the text box next to Domain Name when applying for a certificate. Figure 3 shows an example.

    Figure 3 Associating a wildcard domain name