Help Center/ Cloud Certificate Manager/ FAQs/ SSL Certificate Approval/ What Can I Do When I Fail to Pass the Security Review?
Updated on 2024-09-18 GMT+08:00

What Can I Do When I Fail to Pass the Security Review?

Problem Description

You may receive the following message if your application for a DV certificate fails to pass the order approval:

This domain name has not passed the security review by the CA and you cannot apply for the free testing DV certificate. Please use another domain name or purchase an OV or EV certificate.

Possible Causes

Your domain name contains immoderate words.

Known immoderate words that may lead to approval failure include:

  • live (excluding top-level domain names ending with .live)
  • bank
  • banc
  • ban.c
  • alpha
  • example
  • credit
  • pw (including top-level domain names ending with .pw)
  • apple
  • ebay
  • trust
  • root
  • amazon
  • android
  • visa
  • google
  • discover
  • financial
  • wordpress
  • pal
  • hp
  • lv
  • free
  • SCP
  • edu
  • iran
  • gov
  • onion


Based on the suggestions from the CA, you can:

  • Purchase an OV or EV certificate for the domain name.
  • Associate your DV certificate with other domain names that do not contain any special words described earlier.