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- What's New
- Function Overview
- Service Overview
- Billing
Getting Started
- Using a Public NAT Gateway to Enable Servers to Share One or More EIPs to Access the Internet
- Using a Public NAT Gateway to Enable Servers to Be Accessed by the Internet
- Using a Private NAT Gateway to Connect Cloud and On-premises Networks
- Using Multiple Public NAT Gateways Together in Performance-Demanding Scenarios
User Guide
- Public NAT Gateways
- Private NAT Gateways
- Permissions Management
- Tag Management
- Managing Quotas
- Monitoring
- Auditing
Best Practices
- Enabling Private Networks to Access the Internet Using a Cloud Connection and SNAT
- Using a Public NAT Gateway and Direct Connect to Accelerate Internet Access
- Using a Private NAT Gateway and Direct Connect to Enable Communications Between a VPC and an On-premises Data Center
- Using a Public NAT Gateway and VPC Peering to Enable Communications Between VPCs and the Internet
- Preserving Your Network with NAT Gateways During Cloud Migration
API Reference
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- APIs of Public NAT Gateways
- APIs for Private NAT Gateways
- Application Examples
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Appendixes
- Out-of-Date APIs
- SDK Reference
Public NAT Gateways
- What Is the Relationship Between a VPC, Public NAT Gateway, EIP Bandwidth, and ECS?
- How Does a Public NAT Gateway Offer High Availability?
- Which Ports Cannot Be Accessed?
- What Are the Differences Between Using a Public NAT Gateway and Using an EIP for an ECS?
- What Should I Do If I Fail to Access the Internet Through a Public NAT Gateway?
- Can I Change the VPC for a Public NAT Gateway?
- Does Public NAT Gateway Support IPv6 Addresses?
- What Security Policies Can I Configure to Implement Access Control If I Use a Public NAT Gateway?
- What Can I Do If Connection Between My Servers and the Internet Fails After I Add SNAT and DNAT Rules?
- Can a Public NAT Gateway Limit the Bandwidth of a Server?
- What Can I Do If the Number of Lost Packets of a Public NAT Gateway Exceeds the Threshold (or EIP Port Allocation Exceeds the Threshold)?
Private NAT Gateways
- How Do I Troubleshoot a Network Failure After a Private NAT Gateway Is Configured?
- How Many Private NAT Gateways Can I Buy in a VPC?
- Can I Increase the Numbers of SNAT and DNAT Rules Supported by a Private NAT Gateway?
- Can Private NAT Gateways Translate On-premises IP Addresses Connected to the Cloud Through Direct Connect?
- What Are the Differences Between Private NAT Gateways and Public NAT Gateways?
- Can a Private NAT Gateway Be Used Across Accounts?
SNAT Rules
- Why Do I Need SNAT?
- What Are SNAT Connections?
- What Is the Bandwidth of a Public NAT Gateway That Is Used by Servers to Access the Internet? How Do I Configure the Bandwidth?
- How Do I Resolve Packet Loss or Connection Failure Issues When Using a NAT Gateway?
- What Should I Do If My ECS Fails to Access a Server on the Public Network Through a Public NAT Gateway?
- What Are the Relationships and Differences Between the CIDR Blocks in a NAT Gateway and in an SNAT Rule?
- DNAT Rules
Public NAT Gateways
- Videos
- Glossary
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Overview
- Getting Started
- Managing NAT Gateways
- Managing SNAT Rules
- Managing DNAT Rules
- Monitoring Management
NAT Gateway
- What Is the Relationship Between VPC, NAT Gateway, EIP Bandwidth, and ECS?
- How Does A NAT Gateway Offer High Availability?
- Which Ports Cannot Be Accessed?
- What Can I Do If I Fail to Access the Internet Through the NAT Gateway?
- Can I Change the VPC for a NAT Gateway After It Is Created?
- What Is the Quota of the NAT Gateway?
- Why SNAT Is Used?
- What Are SNAT Connections?
- What Is the Bandwidth of the NAT Gateway When a Server Accesses the Internet Through the NAT Gateway? Where Can I Configure the Bandwidth?
- How Do I Resolve Packet Loss or Connection Failure Issues When Using a NAT Gateway?
- What Are the Relationships and Differences Between the CIDR Blocks in a NAT Gateway and in an SNAT Rule?
NAT Gateway
- Change History
- API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
User Guide (Paris Region)
- Overview
Getting Started
- Allowing a Private Network to Access the Internet Using SNAT
- Allowing Internet Users to Access a Service in a Private Network Using DNAT
- Allowing On-Premises Servers to Communicate with the Internet
- Using Private NAT Gateways to Enable Communications Between Cloud and On-premises Networks
- Using Multiple Public NAT Gateways Together in Performance-Demanding Scenarios
- Public NAT Gateways
- Private NAT Gateways
- Permissions Management
- Monitoring
Public NAT Gateways
- What Is the Relationship Between a VPC, Public NAT Gateway, EIP Bandwidth, and ECS?
- How Does a Public NAT Gateway Offer High Availability?
- Which Ports Cannot Be Accessed?
- What Are the Differences Between Using a NAT Gateway and Using an EIP for an ECS?
- What Should I Do If I Fail to Access the Internet Through a NAT Gateway?
- Can I Change the VPC for a NAT Gateway?
- What Is the Quota of the NAT Gateway?
- Can I Update NAT Gateways and SNAT Rules?
- Does NAT Gateway Support IPv6 Addresses?
- What Security Policies Can I Configure to Implement Access Control If I Use a NAT Gateway?
- What Can I Do If Connection Between My Servers and the Internet Fails After I Add SNAT and DNAT Rules?
Private NAT Gateways
- How Do I Troubleshoot a Network Failure After a Private NAT Gateway Is Configured?
- How Many Private NAT Gateways Can I Create in a VPC?
- Can I Increase the Numbers of SNAT and DNAT Rules Supported by a Private NAT Gateway?
- Can an SNAT Rule and a DNAT Rule of a Private NAT Gateway Share the Same Transit IP Address?
- Can Private NAT Gateways Translate On-premises IP Addresses Connected to the Cloud Through Direct Connect?
- What Are the Differences Between Private NAT Gateways and Public NAT Gateways?
- Can a Private NAT Gateway Be Used Across ?
SNAT Rules
- Why Do I Need SNAT?
- What Are SNAT Connections?
- What Is the Bandwidth of a NAT Gateway That Is Used by Servers to Access the Internet? How Do I Configure the Bandwidth?
- How Do I Resolve Packet Loss or Connection Failure Issues When Using a NAT Gateway?
- What Should I Do If My ECS Fails to Access a Server on the Public Network Through a NAT Gateway?
- What Are the Relationships and Differences Between the CIDR Blocks in a NAT Gateway and in an SNAT Rule?
- DNAT Rules
Public NAT Gateways
- Change History
- API Reference (Paris Region)
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Overview
- Getting Started
- Managing NAT Gateways
- Managing SNAT Rules
- Managing DNAT Rules
- Permissions Management
- Monitoring Management
- NAT Gateway
- Why Is SNAT Used?
- What Are SNAT Connections?
- What Is the Bandwidth of the NAT Gateway When a Server Accesses the Internet Through the NAT Gateway? Where Can I Configure the Bandwidth?
- How Do I Resolve Packet Loss or Connection Failure Issues When Using a NAT Gateway?
- What Are the Relationships and Differences Between the CIDR Blocks in a NAT Gateway and in an SNAT Rule?
- Change History
- API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
User Guide (Ankara Region)
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
- Public NAT Gateways
- Private NAT Gateways
- Permissions Management
- Monitoring
- Public NAT Gateways
Private NAT Gateways
- How Do I Troubleshoot a Network Failure After a Private NAT Gateway Is Configured?
- How Many Private NAT Gateways Can I Create in a VPC?
- Can Private NAT Gateways Translate On-premises IP Addresses Connected to the Cloud Through Direct Connect?
- What Are the Differences Between Private NAT Gateways and Public NAT Gateways?
- Can a Private NAT Gateway Be Used Across Accounts?
- SNAT Rules
- DNAT Rules
- Change History
API Reference (Ankara Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- APIs for Public NAT Gateways
- Private Nat API
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Common Parameters
- Change History
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- General Reference
- Scenarios
- Solution Architecture
- Solution Advantages
- Resource and Cost Planning
- Prerequisites
- Procedures
- Creating a VPC
- Creating a Security Group
- Creating an ECS
- Configuring Private NAT Gateways
- Configuring a VPC Peering Connection
- Configuring Routes
- Verifying that Department A Can Access the Regulatory Agency
Show all
Using a Specified IP Address to Access Hosts Outside a VPC
The existing network architecture of the on-premises data center needs to be migrated to the cloud without any changes. In addition, servers can access external resources with a specified IP address.
In this best practice, department A needs to use a specified IP address ( to access servers in a regulatory agency to upload required data after migrating its workloads to the cloud.
Solution Architecture
- The regulatory agency allows requests only from specified IP address (
- The server ( in department A uses a private NAT gateway to translate to the specified IP address ( to periodically access the industry regulatory agency (

Solution Advantages
You can flexibly assign a transit IP address. All servers in the VPC can then use the transit IP address to access hosts outside the VPC.
Resource and Cost Planning
Resource |
Parameter |
CIDR Block/IP Address |
Subnet Name |
Description |
VPC (CN-Hong Kong) |
vpc-departmentA | |
subnet-A |
VPC that workloads of department A are migrated to |
vpc-transit1 | |
ext_sub_T1 |
Transit VPC required by private NAT gateways |
vpc-regulation | |
subnet-W |
Simulated VPC of the regulatory agency |
ECS (CN-Hong Kong) |
ecs-departmentA | |
N/A |
Server in department A, which can access servers in the industry regulatory agency |
ecs-regulation | |
N/A |
Simulated host of the regulatory agency |
Transit IP address (vpc-transit1) |
Transit IP address of department A | |
N/A |
IP address assigned by the regulatory agency. Servers in department A use this IP address to access the regulatory agency. |
- A Huawei Cloud account is available.
- Your account is not in arrears and the account balance is sufficient to pay for the resources involved in this best practice.
- A private NAT gateway is available.
- You have performed operations in Enabling Mutual Access Between Servers in Overlapping Subnets on the Cloud.
Creating a VPC
- Log in to the Huawei Cloud management console and select the CN-Hong Kong region.
- Under Networking, select Virtual Private Cloud. On the Virtual Private Cloud page displayed, click Create VPC.
- Configure a VPC for the regulatory agency based on Table 1 and click Create Now.
- Region: Select CN-Hong Kong.
- Name: Set it to vpc-regulation.
- IPv4 CIDR Block: Set it to
- AZ: Select AZ1.
- Name: Set it to subnet-W.
- IPv4 CIDR Block: Retain the default value.
- For parameters not mentioned, retain their default values or configure them as prompted.
Creating a Security Group
- Under Networking, select Virtual Private Cloud. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Access Control > Security Groups and click Create Security Group in the upper right corner.
- Configure the security group parameters and click OK.
- Name: Set it to sg-regulation.
- Template: Select General-purpose web server.
- For parameters not mentioned, retain their default values or configure them as prompted.
- Locate sg-regulation and click Manage Rule in the Operation column. On the sg-regulation details page, click the Inbound Rules tab and delete all rules displayed.
- Click Add Rule to allow only the IP address to access the regulatory agency. Configure the following parameters and click OK.
- Priority: Set it to 1.
- Action: Select Allow.
- Protocol & Port: Select All.
- Type: Select IPv4.
- Source: Enter
Creating an ECS
- Under Compute, select Elastic Cloud Server. On the Elastic Cloud Server page displayed, click Buy ECS.
- Based on Table 1, configure basic information about the ECS of the regulatory agency and click Next: Configure Network.
- Billing Mode: Select Pay-per-use.
- Region: Select CN-Hong Kong.
- Specifications: You can select ECS specifications based on your project requirements. This example uses c6.large.2 as an example.
- Image: Select Public image. This example uses a CentOS 8.0 image as an example.
- For parameters not mentioned, retain their default values or configure them as prompted.
- Configure the ECS network information and click Next: Configure Advanced Settings.
- Network: Select VPC vpc-regulation, select Manually specify IP address, and set the IP address to planned in Table 1.
- Security Group: Select sg-regulation.
- EIP: Select Not required.
- For parameters not mentioned, retain their default values or configure them as prompted.
- Set the ECS name and password and click Next: Confirm.
- ECS Name: Set it to ecs-regulation.
- Login Mode: Select Password and enter a password.
- For parameters not mentioned, retain their default values or configure them as prompted.
- Confirm the ECS information, read the agreement and select the Agreement option, and click Submit to finish the ECS creation for the regulatory agency.
- In the ECS list, locate the ECS for the regulatory agency and click Remote Login in the Operation column. In the displayed dialog box, click Log In under Other Login Modes.
- Log in to the ECS as user root and check whether the private IP address of the ECS is the one you planned.
Configuring Private NAT Gateways
To assign a transit IP address
- On the management console, under Networking, select NAT Gateway. In the left navigation pane, choose Private NAT Gateways. Click the Transit IP Addresses tab.
- Click Assign Transit IP Address and configure the parameters as follows:
- Transit VPC: Select vpc-transit1.
- Transit Subnet: Select ext_sub_T1.
- Transit IP Address: Select Manual.
- IP Address: Enter
- Click the Private NAT Gateways tab and click private-nat-A.
- On the SNAT Rules tab, click Add SNAT Rule.
- Subnet: Select Existing. The system automatically displays the subnet of department A.
- Transit Subnet: Select ext_sub_T1.
- Transit IP Address: Enter
- After the SNAT rule parameters are configured, click OK.
- Go back to Network Console. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Route Tables and click rtb-vpc-departmentA. Confirm that the route from department A to private NAT gateway private-nat A has been added.
Configuring a VPC Peering Connection
- Under Networking, select Virtual Private Cloud. In the navigation pane on the left, choose VPC Peering Connections.
- Configure the following parameters and click OK.
- Name: Set it to peering-TtoW.
- Local VPC: Select vpc-transit1.
- Peer VPC: Select vpc-regulation.
- For parameters not mentioned, retain their default values or configure them as prompted.
Configuring Routes
- Choose Networking > Virtual Private Cloud. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Route Tables.
- Click rtb-vpc-transit1 to delete the existing routing rule.
- Click Add Route, configure required parameters, and click OK.
- Destination: Set it to
- Next Hop Type: Select VPC peering connection.
- Next Hop: The system automatically displays the VPC peering connection.
- Go back to the Route Tables page, click rtb-vpc-regulation, and click Add Route.
- Configure route information and click OK.
- Destination: Set it to
- Next Hop Type: Select VPC peering connection.
- Next Hop: The system automatically displays the VPC peering connection.
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