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Change History
Issue 12 (2023-05-13)
This issue is released with MicroService The following interfaces are modified.
No. |
Interface |
Type |
Remarks |
1 |
Interface for the Huawei IMC to call back data (https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/oma/v1/imcopenapi/callback) |
New |
This interface is invoked by the Huawei IMC to call back data. |
2 |
Interface for the business software mall to query basic trial tenant information (https://Domain name/rest/oma/softwareconsole/trialtenant/querytenantinfo) |
New |
This interface is invoked by the business software mall to query basic trial tenant information. |
3 |
Interface for the business software mall to query system parameters |
New |
This interface is invoked to query system parameters. It is open to the business software mall official website. |
4 |
Interface for querying customer information |
Modified |
The vdn, createDate, tenantSpaceStatus, and portalUrl parameters are added to the response body. |
Issue 11 (2023-04-07)
This issue is released with MicroService The following interfaces are modified.
No. |
Interface |
Type |
Remarks |
1 |
https://Domain name/rest/oma/softwareconsole/tenant/queryresource |
New |
This interface is invoked by the business software mall to query business software mall subscription information stored on the OMA. |
Issue 10 (2023-03-07)
This issue is released with MicroService The following interfaces are modified.
No. |
Interface |
Type |
Remarks |
Issue 09 (2022-12-05)
This issue is released with MicroService 1.11.0 The following interfaces are modified.
No. |
Interface |
Type |
Remarks |
16 |
https://Domain name/oifde/rest/crs/process |
Modified |
The interface invoked after dialog interaction (inaction=9) (V1) is modified. |
17 |
https://Domain name/oifde/rest/crs/process |
Modified |
The interface invoked after dialog interaction (inaction=9) (V2) is modified. |
18 |
Release event callback interface |
Modified |
The releaseReason parameter is added to the request body. |
Issue 08 (2022-10-20)
This issue is released with MicroService 1.10.0. The following interfaces are modified.
No. |
Interface |
Type |
Remarks |
1 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/agentAccount/create |
Modified |
The maximum length of the request body parameter phone is changed to 25 characters. |
2 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/agentAccount/update |
New |
The maximum length of the request body parameter phone is changed to 25 characters. |
3 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/ccmessaging/queryHistoryChatMessage |
New |
The interface for querying historical messages is added. |
4 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/ccmessaging/send (For example, the domain name is https://service.besclouds.com.) |
Modified |
The value LOCATE (location message) is added to the mediaType request parameter. |
Issue 07 (2022-08-31)
This issue is released with MicroService 1.0.9. The following interfaces are modified.
No. |
Interface |
Type |
Remarks |
1 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/CC-Management/v1/mobileAgent/createCall |
Modified |
The agentWorkNo request parameter is added to the interface for creating a bidirectional call (V1.0.0). |
2 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/CC-Management/v1/openapp/agentsettings/create |
New |
The interface for creating app personal settings is added. |
3 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/CC-Management/v1/openapp/agentsettings/update |
New |
The interface for updating app personal settings is added. |
4 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/CC-Management/v1/openapp/agentsettings/query |
New |
The interface for querying app personal settings is added. |
5 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/CC-Management/v1/openapp/agentsettings/delete |
New |
The interface for deleting app personal settings is added. |
6 |
https://Domain name/service-cloud/rest/isales/v1/openapi/campaigns/{vdnId}/callresult/{campaignId} |
Modified |
The beginTime and endTime request parameters are added to the interface for querying outbound call results. |
Issue 06 (2022-07-31)
This issue is released with MicroService 1.0.8. The following interfaces are modified.
No. |
Interface |
Type |
Remarks |
1 |
https://ip:port/oifde/rest/api/queryRecordHistory |
Modified |
For the interface for querying session records, the locationId field (node ID) is added to the JSON string of the response parameter businessInfoStr. |
2 |
https://ip:port/CCFS/resource/ccfs/downloadOiapRecord?locationId=xx |
Modified |
For the interface for downloading an intelligent IVR recording file, the locationId field in the request URL is changed from mandatory in CTI pool mode to optional. |
3 |
https://ip:port/CCFS/resource/ccfs/downloadIVRRecordFile?locationId=xx |
Modified |
For the interface for downloading IVR voice messages, the locationId field in the request URL is changed from mandatory in CTI pool mode to optional. |
4 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/ita/twopartiescall/statusnotify |
New |
The interface for sending an ITA bidirectional call result notification is added. |
Issue 05 (2022-05-30)
This issue is released with MicroService 1.0.7. The following interfaces are modified.
No. |
Interface |
Type |
Remarks |
1 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/voiceNotification/v2/createVoiceNotification |
Modified |
The following optional request parameter is added to the interface for creating a voice notification (V2): voiceFileName (IVR voice name) |
2 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/importVoiceFile/upload |
Modified |
The following optional request parameter is added to the interface for uploading IVR voice files: voiceFileName (IVR voice name) |
3 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/createVoiceTemplate |
New |
The interface for uploading TTS template files of voice notifications is added. |
4 |
https://ip:port/rest/isales/v1/openapi/campaigns/{vdnId}/callRecord |
New |
The interface for querying call records of automatic and intelligent outbound calls is added. |
Issue 04 (2022-04-30)
This issue is released with MicroService 1.0.6. The following interfaces are modified.
No. |
Interface |
Type |
Remarks |
1 |
https://ip:port/rest/isales/v1/openapi/campaigns/{vdnId}/blocklist/add |
Modified |
The following optional request parameters are added to the interface for adding outbound numbers to the blocklist: restrictTimes (maximum number of calls) restrictPeriod (restriction period) |
2 |
https://ip:port/oifde/rest/api/tts/texttovoice |
New |
The interface for generating TTS voices based on texts is added. |
3 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/voiceNotification/v2/createVoiceNotification |
New |
The interface for creating a voice notification (V2) is added. |
4 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/satisfactionconfig/querySatisfactionConfig |
Modified |
The following optional parameter is added to the response parameters of the interface for querying the IVR flows for satisfaction surveys: accessCode (flow access code) |
5 |
https://ip:port/rest/cmsapp/v1/openapi/hisindex/skill https://ip:port/rest/cmsapp/v1/openapi/hisindex/skillforday https://ip:port/rest/cmsapp/v1/openapi/hisindex/skillformonth |
Modified |
Interface for obtaining historical monitoring indicators by skill Interface for obtaining historical monitoring indicators by skill on a specified date Interface for obtaining historical monitoring indicators by skill in a specified month The calculation logic of the IDX_COUNT_SKILL_INCOMING_CALL (number of manual inbound call requests) parameter of the preceding three interfaces is modified. |
Issue 03 (2022-03-31)
This issue is released with MicroService 1.0.5. The following interfaces are modified.
No. |
Interface |
Type |
Remarks |
1 |
https://ip:port/CCFS/resource/ccfs/queryBillData https://ip:port/CCFS/resource/ccfs/downloadBillFile |
Modified |
The following parameters are added to the CDR and recording index files downloaded using the interface for generating CDRs and recording indexes and the interface for downloading CDRs and recording indexes. Parameters added to CDR index files:
Parameters added to recording index files:
2 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/importVoiceFile/upload |
Modified |
The MP3 voice file type is added to the request parameter fileType of the interface for uploading IVR voice files. |
3 |
https://ip:port/rest/cmsapp/v1/openapi/agent/agentoprinfo |
Modified |
For the interface for obtaining agent operation details, the request parameter operateType is changed from mandatory to optional. |
4 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/ccmessaging/send |
Modified |
WEBCARD (web card) is added to the request parameter mediaType (message media type) of the interface for sending messages from a web client. |
5 |
https://ip:port/rest/cmsapp/v1/openapi/hisindex/skill https://ip:port/rest/cmsapp/v1/openapi/hisindex/skillforday https://ip:port/rest/cmsapp/v1/openapi/hisindex/skillformonth |
Modified |
Interface for obtaining historical monitoring indicators by skill Interface for obtaining historical monitoring indicators by skill on a specified date Interface for obtaining historical monitoring indicators by skill in a specified month The following monitoring indicator is added for the preceding three interfaces: IDX_COUNT_SKILL_INCOMING_CALL (number of manual inbound call requests) |
6 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/satisfaction/query |
New |
The interface for querying satisfaction survey results is added. |
7 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/service-pub/authentication |
New |
The interface for authenticating token information is added. |
Issue 02 (2022-02-11)
This issue is released with MicroService 1.0.4. The following interfaces are modified.
No. |
Interface |
Type |
Remarks |
1 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/agentAccount/query |
Modified |
The transparentDisplayFlag parameter is added to the request and response parameters of the interface for querying agent account information. |
2 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/importVoiceFile/upload |
New |
The interface for uploading IVR voice files is added. |
3 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/voiceNotification/v1/queryVoiceNotificationRecording |
New |
The interface for querying recording files of voice notifications is added. |
4 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/voiceNotification/v1/createVoiceNotification |
New |
The interface for creating a voice notification is added. |
5 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/CC-Management/v1/mobileAgent/createCall |
Modified |
The request parameter callBackUrl is added to the interface for creating a bidirectional call (V1.0.0). |
6 |
https://ip:port/rest/isales/v1/openapi/campaigns/{vdnId}/callresultdetail/{callId} |
New |
The interface for querying details about a single outbound call result is added. |
7 |
https://ip:port/CCFS/resource/ccfs/getRecordFileUrlFromObs |
Modified |
The response parameter url of the interface for obtaining the recording download and playback URL is modified. If a call ID corresponds to multiple recording files, the download and playback URLs of multiple recording files are returned. |
Issue 01 (2021-12-15)
This issue is released with Service Cloud 8.21.0. The following interfaces are modified.
No. |
Interface |
Type |
Remarks |
1 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/agentAccount/create |
New |
The interface for creating an agent account is added. |
2 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/agentAccount/delete |
New |
The interface for deleting a specified agent account is added. |
3 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/agentAccount/update |
New |
The interface for modifying agent account information is added. |
4 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/agentAccount/query |
New |
The interface for querying agent account information is added. |
5 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/agentAccount/addSkillsToAgent |
New |
The interface for binding an agent to a skill queue is added. |
6 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/agentAccount/releaseAgentBySkillId |
New |
The interface for unbinding an agent from a skill queue is added. |
7 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/sipPhone/updateSipPhonePassword |
New |
The interface for changing the softphone number login password of an agent is added. |
8 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/agentAccount/queryAgentInfoBySkillId |
New |
The interface for querying agent information by skill queue ID is added. |
9 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/skill/createSkill |
New |
The interface for creating a skill queue is added. |
10 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/skill/deleteSkill |
New |
The interface for deleting a skill queue is added. |
11 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/skill/modifySkill |
New |
The interface for modifying a skill queue is added. |
12 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/skill/querySkills |
New |
The interface for querying skill queues is added. |
13 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/accessCodeInfo/queryAccessCodeList |
New |
The interface for querying access codes of a specified tenant space is added. |
14 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/calledRoute/createCalledRoute |
New |
The interface for creating a binding relationship between an access code, skill queue, and IVR is added. |
15 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/calledRoute/deleteCalledRoute |
New |
The interface for deleting the binding relationships between access codes, skill queues, and IVRs is added. |
16 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/calledRoute/modifyCalledRoute |
New |
The interface for modifying a binding relationship between an access code, skill queue, and IVR is added. |
17 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/calledRoute/queryCalledRoute |
New |
The interface for querying the binding relationships between access codes, skill queues, and IVRs is added. |
18 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/phonearea/getPhoneNoRegionInfo |
New |
The interface for querying the home region of a phone number is added. |
19 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/ivrFlow/queryIVRFlowList |
New |
The interface for querying all IVR flows of a specified tenant space is added. |
20 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/satisfactionconfig/querySatifyConfig |
New |
The interface for querying the IVR flows for satisfaction surveys is added. |
21 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/offline/agent/login |
New |
The interface for answering calls on a mobile phone is added. |
22 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/offline/agent/logout |
New |
The interface for exiting the function of answering calls on a mobile phone is added. |
23 |
https://Domain name/apiaccess/rest/cc-management/v1/offline/agent/isOfflineAgent |
New |
The interface for querying whether a specified agent answers calls on a mobile phone is added. |
24 |
https://ip:port/rest/cmsapp/v2/openapi/vdn/querycalls |
New |
The interface for querying call information of a specified VDN (V2) is added. |
25 |
https://ip:port/rest/cmsapp/v1/openapi/vdn/queryAgentByStatus |
New |
The interface for querying agent information by agent status in pagination mode is added. |
26 |
https://ip:port/CCFS/resource/ccfs/getRecordFileUrlFromObs |
New |
The interface for obtaining the recording download and playback URL is added. |
27 |
https://ip:port/rest/cmsapp/v1/openapi/hisindex/agent |
Modified |
The following two monitoring indicators are added: IDX_COUNT_TOTAL_AGENT_CALL_OUT (total number of outbound calls) IDX_RATE_AGENT_SUCC_CALL_OUT (success rate of outbound calls) |
28 |
https://ip:port/rest/cmsapp/v1/openapi/hisindex/agentforday |
Modified |
The following two monitoring indicators are added: IDX_COUNT_TOTAL_AGENT_CALL_OUT (total number of outbound calls) IDX_RATE_AGENT_SUCC_CALL_OUT (success rate of outbound calls) |
29 |
https://ip:port/rest/cmsapp/v1/openapi/hisindex/agentformonth |
Modified |
The following two monitoring indicators are added: IDX_COUNT_TOTAL_AGENT_CALL_OUT (total number of outbound calls) IDX_RATE_AGENT_SUCC_CALL_OUT (success rate of outbound calls) |
30 |
https://ip:port/rest/cmsapp/v1/callinday/querymanualindexesbycondition |
Modified |
The following response parameter is added: inCallAllCostMinute (total charging duration of each call, in minutes) |
31 |
https://ip:port/rest/cmsapp/v1/calloutday/querymanualindexesbycondition |
Modified |
The following response parameter is added: outCallAllCostMinute (total charging duration of each call, in minutes) |
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