Updated on 2023-09-27 GMT+08:00

Interface Overview

The section describes open interfaces provided by the CEC for external use. For details about the types and basic functions of main interfaces, see Table 1.

Some interfaces contain distributed locks to ensure that only one modification or addition request from an agent can be processed at a time in concurrent scenarios, preventing the atomicity and consistency of businesses from being damaged. A distributed lock is triggered when an interface is invoked. It is automatically released after the interface invocation is complete (whether the invocation succeeds or not) so that the interface can be invoked again.

Table 1 Interfaces

Interface Type


Call center configuration interfaces

Interfaces related to agent management, skill queue management, number management, and IVR management.

These interfaces can be used to create agents and skill queues, query information about agents, skill queues, access codes, and IVR flows, and upload IVR voice files.

Agent workbench interfaces

Interfaces of the agent control, agent bidirectional call (used in the mobile app scenario), voice recognition result subscription, and app personal settings (used in the mobile app scenario).

These interfaces can be used for agent sign-in and sign-out, call control, call data query, agent bidirectional call, and voice recognition result subscription to the CTI platform of the call center.

To use the interfaces related to the agent workbench, you also need to consider to use the phone. For details, see Development Guide.

Telemarketing outbound call interfaces

Interfaces of the CC-iSales (telemarketing outbound calls).

These interfaces can be used for businesses such as adding outbound call campaigns, adding outbound numbers, and querying outbound call results.

Survey interfaces

Interfaces of the CC-Survey.

These interfaces can be used for businesses such as creating surveys, creating answers to questions, and updating surveys.

Knowledge base interfaces

Interfaces of the CC-iKBS.

These interfaces can be used for businesses such as querying knowledge details and the knowledge list.

Chatbot management interfaces

Interfaces of the Online Intelligent Assistant Platform (OIAP).

These interfaces can be used for businesses such as domain query, dialog query, Q&A management, and FAQ group management.

Web client access interfaces

Interfaces for accessing the web client.

These interfaces can be used for users to send online messages, send and receive files, and initiate click-to-dial businesses.

Inspection, monitoring, and statistics collection interfaces

Interfaces of real-time inspection, real-time data query, historical data query, and configuration data query.

These interfaces can be used for inspectors to perform real-time inspection operations such as insertion, listening, and interception on agents, and query real-time and historical monitoring indicators in different dimensions such as agents and skill queues of tenant space.


For monitoring and statistics interfaces, the following structure is used to be compatible with earlier versions. In this version, resultCode instead of result is used as the result code, and resultDesc instead of resultDatas is used as the data returned by the interface.

  • result: Query result. The data type is string.

    The options are as follows:

    • 0: success
    • Other values: failure
  • resultDatas: JSON object array in the returned result after a successful query.

Recording/CDR interfaces

Interfaces related to recording playback, recording download, video download, and CDR download.

These interfaces can be used to play recordings to agents after agents sign-in, download voice and video files from agents, download CDRs from third parties, and play recordings.

Voice notification interfaces

Interfaces for querying voice notification recording files and creating voice notifications.

These interfaces can be used to initiate voice notifications and play specified voice files to specified customers.

OMA interfaces

Interfaces for customer information query, subscription information query, and more.

These interfaces can be used to invoke the business software mall to query related information. Currently, these interfaces are for trial use only.

DataProcess interfaces

Interfaces for querying call result data.

Other interfaces

Interfaces for token information authentication, one-click trial use, and more.