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Statistics Information Functions

Updated on 2022-06-11 GMT+08:00

Statistics information functions are divided into the following two categories: functions that access databases, using the OID of each table or index in a database to mark the database for which statistics are generated; functions that access servers, identified by the server process ID, whose value ranges from 1 to the number of currently active servers.

  • pg_stat_get_db_numbackends(oid)

    Description: Obtains the number of active server threads of a specified database on the current instance.

    Return type: integer

  • pg_stat_get_db_total_numbackends(oid)

    Description: Obtains the total number of active server threads of a specified database on all CNs in a cluster (if this function is executed on a CN), or obtains the number of active server threads of a specified database on the current instance (if this function is executed on a DN).

    Return type: integer

  • pg_stat_get_db_xact_commit(oid)

    Description: Obtains the number of committed transactions in a specified database on the current instance.

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_total_xact_commit(oid)

    Description: Obtains the total number of committed transactions in a specified database on all CNs in a cluster (if this function is executed on a CN), or obtains the number of committed transactions in a specified database on the current instance (if this function is executed on a DN).

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_xact_rollback(oid)

    Description: Obtains the number of rollback transactions in a specified database on the current instance.

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_total_xact_rollback(oid)

    Description: Obtains the total number of rollback transactions in a specified database on all CNs in a cluster (if this function is executed on a CN), or obtains the number of rollback transactions in a specified database on the current instance (if this function is executed on a DN).

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_blocks_fetched(oid)

    Description: Obtains the number of disk block fetch requests in a specified database on the current instance.

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_total_blocks_fetched(oid)

    Description: Obtains the total number of disk block fetch requests in a specified database on all DNs in a cluster (if this function is executed on a CN), or obtains the number of disk block fetch requests in a specified database on the current instance (if this function is executed on a DN).

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_blocks_hit(oid)

    Description: Obtains the number of requested disk blocks found in the cache in a specified database on the current instance.

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_total_blocks_hit(oid)

    Description: Obtains the total number of requested disk blocks found in the cache in a specified database on all DNs in a cluster (if this function is executed on a CN), or obtains the number of requested disk blocks found in the cache in a specified database on the current instance (if this function is executed on a DN).

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_tuples_returned(oid)

    Description: Obtains the number of tuples returned for a specified database on the current instance.

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_total_tuples_returned(oid)

    Description: Obtains the total number of tuples returned for a specified database on all DNs in a cluster (if this function is executed on a CN), or obtains the number of tuples returned for a specified database on the current instance (if this function is executed on a DN).

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_tuples_fetched(oid)

    Description: Obtains the number of tuples read from a specified database on the current instance.

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_total_tuples_fetched(oid)

    Description: Obtains the total number of tuples read from a specified database on all DNs in a cluster (if this function is executed on a CN), or obtains the number of tuples read from a specified database on the current instance (if this function is executed on a DN).

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_tuples_inserted(oid)

    Description: Obtains the number of tuples inserted into a specified database on the current instance.

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_total_tuples_inserted(oid)

    Description: Obtains the total number of tuples inserted into a specified database on all DNs in a cluster (if this function is executed on a CN), or obtains the number of tuples inserted into a specified database on the current instance (if this function is executed on a DN).

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_tuples_updated(oid)

    Description: Obtains the number of updated tuples in a specified database on the current instance.

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_total_tuples_updated(oid)

    Description: Obtains the total number of updated tuples in a specified database on all DNs in a cluster (if this function is executed on a CN), or obtains the number of updated tuples in a specified database on the current instance (if this function is executed on a DN).

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_tuples_deleted(oid)

    Description: Obtains the number of tuples deleted from a specified database on the current instance.

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_total_tuples_deleted(oid)

    Description: Obtains the total number of tuples deleted from a specified database on all DNs in a cluster (if this function is executed on a CN), or obtains the number of tuples deleted from a specified database on the current instance (if this function is executed on a DN).

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_conflict_lock(oid)

    Description: Obtains the total number of conflicting locks in a specified database on all CNs and DNs in a cluster (if this function is executed on a CN), or obtains the number of conflicting locks in a specified database on the current instance (if this function is executed on a DN).

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_deadlocks(oid)

    Description: Obtains the number of deadlocks in a specified database on the current instance.

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_total_deadlocks(oid)

    Description: Obtains the total number of deadlocks in a specified database on all CNs and DNs in a cluster (if this function is executed on a CN), or obtains the number of deadlocks in a specified database on the current instance (if this function is executed on a DN).

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_conflict_all(oid)

    Description: Obtains the number of conflict recoveries in a specified database on the current instance.

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_total_conflict_all(oid)

    Description: Obtains the total number of conflict recoveries in a specified database on all CNs and DNs in a cluster (if this function is executed on a CN), or obtains the number of conflict recoveries in a specified database on the current instance (if this function is executed on a DN).

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_temp_files(oid)

    Description: Obtains the number of temporary files created in a specified database on the current instance.

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_total_temp_files(oid)

    Description: Obtains the total number of temporary files created in a specified database on all DNs in a cluster (if this function is executed on a CN), or obtains the number of temporary files created in a specified database on the current instance (if this function is executed on a DN).

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_temp_bytes(oid)

    Description: Obtains the number of bytes of the temporary files created in a specified database on the current instance.

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_total_temp_bytes(oid)

    Description: Obtains the total number of bytes of the temporary files created in a specified database on all DNs in a cluster (if this function is executed on a CN), or obtains the number of bytes of the temporary files created in a specified database on the current instance (if this function is executed on a DN).

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_blk_read_time(oid)

    Description: Obtains the time required for reading data blocks from a specified database on the current instance.

    Return type: double

  • pg_stat_get_db_total_blk_read_time(oid)

    Description: Obtains the total time required for reading data blocks from a specified database on all DNs in a cluster (if this function is executed on a CN), or obtains the time required for reading data blocks from a specified database on the current instance (if this function is executed on a DN).

    Return type: double

  • pg_stat_get_db_blk_write_time(oid)

    Description: Obtains the time required for writing data blocks to a specified database on the current instance.

    Return type: double

  • pg_stat_get_db_total_blk_write_time(oid)

    Description: Obtains the total time required for writing data blocks to a specified database on all DNs in a cluster (if this function is executed on a CN), or obtains the time required for writing data blocks to a specified database on the current instance (if this function is executed on a DN).

    Return type: double

  • pg_stat_get_numscans(oid)

    Description: Number of sequential row scans done if parameters are in a table

    or number of index scans done if parameters are in an index

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_tuples_returned(oid)

    Description: Number of sequential row scans done if parameters are in a table

    or number of index entries returned if parameters are in an index

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_tuples_fetched(oid)

    Description: Number of table rows fetched by bitmap scans if parameters are in a table,

    or table rows fetched by simple index scans using the index if parameters are in an index

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_tuples_inserted(oid)

    Description: Number of rows inserted into table

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_tuples_updated(oid)

    Description: Number of rows updated in table

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_tuples_deleted(oid)

    Description: Number of rows deleted from table

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_tuples_changed(oid)

    Description: Total number of inserted, updated, and deleted rows after the table was last analyzed or autoanalyzed

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_tuples_hot_updated(oid)

    Description: Number of rows HOT-updated in table

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_live_tuples(oid)

    Description: Number of live rows in table

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_dead_tuples(oid)

    Description: Number of dead rows in table

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_blocks_fetched(oid)

    Description: Number of disk block fetch requests for table or index

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(oid)

    Description: Number of disk block requests found in cache for table or index

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_partition_tuples_inserted(oid)

    Description: Number of rows in the corresponding table partition

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_partition_tuples_updated(oid)

    Description: Number of rows that have been updated in the corresponding table partition

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_partition_tuples_deleted(oid)

    Description: Number of rows deleted from the corresponding table partition

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_partition_tuples_changed(oid)

    Description: Total number of inserted, updated, and deleted rows after the table partition was last analyzed or autoanalyzed

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_partition_live_tuples(oid)

    Description: Number of live rows in a table partition

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_partition_dead_tuples(oid)

    Description: Number of dead rows in a table partition

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted(oid)

    Description: Number of tuple inserted into the active subtransactions related to the table.

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_deleted(oid)

    Description: Number of deleted tuples in the active subtransactions related to a table

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_hot_updated(oid)

    Description: Number of hot updated tuples in the active subtransactions related to a table

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_updated(oid)

    Description: Number of updated tuples in the active subtransactions related to a table

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_xact_partition_tuples_inserted(oid)

    Description: Number of inserted tuples in the active subtransactions related to a table partition

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_xact_partition_tuples_deleted(oid)

    Description: Number of deleted tuples in the active subtransactions related to a table partition

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_xact_partition_tuples_hot_updated(oid)

    Description: Number of hot updated tuples in the active subtransactions related to a table partition

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_xact_partition_tuples_updated(oid)

    Description: Number of updated tuples in the active subtransactions related to a table partition

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_last_vacuum_time(oid)

    Description: Last time when the autovacuum thread is manually started to clear a table

    Return type: timestamptz

  • pg_stat_get_last_autovacuum_time(oid)

    Description: Time of the last vacuum initiated by the autovacuum daemon on this table

    Return type: timestamptz

  • pg_stat_get_vacuum_count(oid)

    Description: Number of times a table is manually cleared

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_autovacuum_count(oid)

    Description: Number of times the autovacuum daemon is started to clear a table

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_last_analyze_time(oid)

    Description: Last time when a table starts to be analyzed manually or by the autovacuum thread

    Return type: timestamptz

  • pg_stat_get_last_autoanalyze_time(oid)

    Description: Time of the last analysis initiated by the autovacuum daemon on this table

    Return type: timestamptz

  • pg_stat_get_analyze_count(oid)

    Description: Number of times a table is manually analyzed

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_autoanalyze_count(oid)

    Description: Number of times the autovacuum daemon analyzes a table

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_total_autovac_tuples(bool)

    Description: Gets the tuple records related to total autovac, such as nodename, nspname, relname, and the IUD information of tuples.

    Return type: SETOF record

  • pg_autovac_status(oid)

    Description: Returns autovac information, such as nodename, nspname, relname, analyze, vacuum, thresholds of analyze and vacuum, and the number of analyzed or vacuumed tuples.

    Return type: SETOF record

  • pg_autovac_timeout(oid)

    Description: Returns the number of consecutive timeouts during the autovac operation on a table. If the table information is invalid or the node information is abnormal, NULL will be returned.

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_autovac_coordinator(oid)

    Description: Returns the name of the CN performing the autovac operation on a table. If the table information is invalid or the node information is abnormal, NULL will be returned.

    Return type: text

  • pgxc_get_wlm_session_info_bytime(text, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone, int)

    Description: The query performance of the PGXC_WLM_SESSION_INFO view is poor if the view contains a large number of records. In this case, you are advised to use this function to filter the query. The input parameters are time column (start_time or finish_time), start time, end time, and maximum number of records returned for each CN. The return result is a subset of records in the GS_WLM_SESSION_HISTORY view.

    Return type: SETOF record

  • pgxc_get_wlm_current_instance_info(text, int default null)

    Description: Queries the current resource usage of each node in the cluster on the CN and reads the data that is not stored in the GS_WLM_INSTANCE_HISTORY system catalog in the memory. The input parameters are the node name (ALL, C, D, or instance name) and the maximum number of records returned by each node. The returned value is GS_WLM_INSTANCE_HISTORY.

    Return type: SETOF record

  • pgxc_get_wlm_history_instance_info(text, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP, int default null)

    Description: Queries the historical resource usage of each cluster node on the CN node and reads data from the GS_WLM_INSTANCE_HISTORY system catalog. The input parameters are as follows: node name (ALL, C, D, or instance name), start time, end time, and maximum number of records returned for each instance. The returned value is GS_WLM_INSTANCE_HISTORY.

    Return type: SETOF record

  • pg_stat_get_last_data_changed_time(oid)

    Description: Returns the time when INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or EXCHANGE/TRUNCATE/DROP PARTITION was performed last time on a table. The data in the last_data_changed column of the PG_STAT_ALL_TABLES view is calculated by using this function. The performance of obtaining the last modification time by using the view is poor when the table has a large amount of data. In this case, you are advised to use the function.

    Return type: timestamptz

  • pg_stat_set_last_data_changed_time(oid)

    Description: Manually changes the time when INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or EXCHANGE/TRUNCATE/DROP PARTITION was performed last time.

    Return type: void

  • pv_session_time()

    Description: Collects statistics on the running time of each session thread on the current node and the time consumed in each execution phase.

    Return type: record

  • pv_instance_time()

    Description: Collects statistics on the running time of the current node and the time consumed in each execution phase.

    Return type: record

  • pg_stat_get_activity(integer)

    Description: Returns a record about the backend with the specified PID. A record for each active backend in the system is returned if NULL is specified. The return result is a subset of records (excluding the connection_info column) in the PG_STAT_ACTIVITY view.

    Return type: SETOF record

  • pg_stat_get_activity_with_conninfo(integer)

    Description: Returns a record about the backend with the specified PID. A record for each active backend in the system is returned if NULL is specified. The return result is a subset of records in the PG_STAT_ACTIVITY view.

    Return type: SETOF record

  • pg_user_iostat(text)

    Description: Displays the I/O load management information about the job currently executed by the user.

    Return type: record

    The following table describes return fields.






    User ID



    Minimum I/O of the current user across DNs. The IOPS is counted by ones for column storage and by thousands for row storage.



    Maximum I/O of the current user across DNs. The IOPS is counted by ones for column storage and by thousands for row storage.



    Minimum peak I/O of the current user across DNs. The IOPS is counted by ones for column storage and by thousands for row storage.



    Maximum peak I/O of the current user across DNs. The IOPS is counted by ones for column storage and by thousands for row storage.



    io_limits set for the resource pool specified by the user. The IOPS is counted by ones for column storage and by thousands for row storage.



    io_priority set for the user. The IOPS is counted by ones for column storage and by thousands for row storage.

  • pg_stat_get_function_calls(oid)

    Description: Number of times the function has been called

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_function_total_time(oid)

    Description: Gets the total wall-clock time spent on a function, in microseconds. The time spent on calling this function is included.

    Return type: double precision

  • pg_stat_get_function_self_time(oid)

    Description: Gets the time spent only on this function in the current transaction. The time spent on calling this function is not included.

    Return type: double precision

  • pg_stat_get_backend_idset()

    Description: Set of currently active server process numbers (from 1 to the number of active server processes)

    Return type: SETOF integer

  • pg_stat_get_backend_pid(integer)

    Description: Thread ID of the given server thread

    Return type: bigint

    SELECT pg_stat_get_backend_pid(1);
    (1 row)
  • pg_stat_get_backend_dbid(integer)

    Description: ID of the database connected to the given server process

    Return type: OID

  • pg_stat_get_backend_userid(integer)

    Description: User ID of the given server process

    Return type: OID

  • pg_stat_get_backend_activity(integer)

    Description: Active command of the given server process, but only if the current user is a system administrator or the same user as that of the session being queried and track_activities is on

    Return type: text

  • pg_stat_get_backend_waiting(integer)

    Description: True if the given server process is waiting for a lock, but only if the current user is a system administrator or the same user as that of the session being queried and track_activities is on

    Return type: boolean

  • pg_stat_get_backend_activity_start(integer)

    Description: The time at which the given server process's currently executing query was started, but only if the current user is a system administrator or the same user as that of the session being queried and track_activities is on

    Return type: timestamp with time zone

  • pg_stat_get_backend_xact_start(integer)

    Description: The time at which the given server process's currently executing transaction was started, but only if the current user is a system administrator or the same user as that of the session being queried and track_activities is on

    Return type: timestamp with time zone

  • pg_stat_get_backend_start(integer)

    Description: The time at which the given server process was started, or NULL if the current user is neither a system administrator nor the same user as that of the session being queried

    Return type: timestamp with time zone

  • pg_stat_get_backend_client_addr(integer)

    Description: IP address of the client connected to the given server process.

    If the connection is over a Unix domain socket, or if the current user is neither a system administrator nor the same user as that of the session being queried, NULL will be returned.

    Return type: inet

    Note: An IP address used as an input parameter of this function cannot contain periods (.). For example, should be written as 192168100128.

  • pg_stat_get_backend_client_port(integer)

    Description: TCP port number of the client connected to the given server process

    If the connection is over a Unix domain socket, -1 will be returned. If the current user is neither a system administrator nor the same user as that of the session being queried, NULL will be returned.

    Return type: integer

  • pg_stat_get_bgwriter_timed_checkpoints()

    Description: The number of times the background writer has started timed checkpoints (because the checkpoint_timeout time has expired)

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_bgwriter_requested_checkpoints()

    Description: The number of times the background writer has started checkpoints based on requests from the backend because checkpoint_segments has been exceeded or the CHECKPOINT command has been executed

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_bgwriter_buf_written_checkpoints()

    Description: The number of buffers written by the background writer during checkpoints

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_bgwriter_buf_written_clean()

    Description: The number of buffers written by the background writer for routine cleaning of dirty pages

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_bgwriter_maxwritten_clean()

    Description: The number of times the background writer has stopped its cleaning scan because it has written more buffers than specified in the bgwriter_lru_maxpages parameter

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_buf_written_backend()

    Description: The number of buffers written by the backend because they needed to allocate a new buffer

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_buf_alloc()

    Description: The total number of buffer allocations

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_clear_snapshot()

    Description: Discards the current statistics snapshot.

    Return type: void

  • pg_stat_reset()

    Description: Resets all statistics counters for the current database to zero (requires system administrator permissions).

    Return type: void

  • pg_stat_reset_shared(text)

    Description: Resets all statistics counters for the current database in each node in a shared cluster to zero (requires system administrator permissions).

    Return type: void

  • pg_stat_reset_single_table_counters(oid)

    Description: Resets statistics for a single table or index in the current database to zero (requires system administrator permissions).

    Return type: void

  • pg_stat_reset_single_function_counters(oid)

    Description: Resets statistics for a single function in the current database to zero (requires system administrator permissions).

    Return type: void

  • pg_stat_session_cu(int, int, int)

    Description: Obtains the compression unit (CU) hit statistics of sessions running on the current node.

    Return type: record

  • gs_get_stat_session_cu(text, int, int, int)

    Description: Obtains the CU hit statistics of all sessions running in a cluster.

    Return type: record

  • gs_get_stat_db_cu(text, text, int, int, int)

    Description: Obtains the CU hit statistics of a database in a cluster.

    Return type: record

  • pg_stat_get_cu_mem_hit(oid)

    Description: Obtains the number of CU memory hits of a column storage table in the current database of the current node.

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_cu_hdd_sync(oid)

    Description: Obtains the times CU is synchronously read from a disk by a column storage table in the current database of the current node.

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_cu_hdd_asyn(oid)

    Description: Obtains the times CU is asynchronously read from a disk by a column storage table in the current database of the current node.

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_cu_mem_hit(oid)

    Description: Obtains the CU memory hit in a database of the current node.

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_cu_hdd_sync(oid)

    Description: Obtains the times CU is synchronously read from a disk by a database of the current node.

    Return type: bigint

  • pg_stat_get_db_cu_hdd_asyn(oid)

    Description: Obtains the times CU is asynchronously read from a disk by a database of the current node.

    Return type: bigint

  • pgxc_fenced_udf_process()

    Description: Shows the number of UDF Master and Work processes.

    Return type: record

  • pgxc_terminate_all_fenced_udf_process()

    Description: Kills all UDF Work processes.

    Return type: bool

    Description: Provides Cgroup information for all logical clusters. Before invoking this function, you need to specify the name of a logical cluster to be queried. For example, to query the Cgroup information for the installation logical cluster, run the following command:

    Return type: record

    The following table describes return fields.






    Name of a Cgroup



    Type of the Cgroup



    Cgroup ID



    ID of the Class Cgroup where a Workload Cgroup belongs



    Class Cgroup



    Workload Cgroup



    CPU quota allocated to a Cgroup



    Limit of CPUs allocated to a Cgroup



    Workload Cgroup level



    Usage of CPU cores in a Cgroup

  • gs_get_nodegroup_tablecount(name)

    Description: Total number of user tables in all the databases in a logical cluster

    Return type: integer

  • pgxc_max_datanode_size(name)

    Description: Maximum disk space occupied by database files in all the DNs of a logical cluster. The unit is byte.

    Return type: bigint

  • gs_check_logic_cluster_consistency()

    Description: Checks whether the system information of all logical clusters in the system is consistent. If no record is returned, the information is consistent. Otherwise, the Node Group information on CNs and DNs in the logical cluster is inconsistent. This function cannot be invoked during redistribution in a scale-in or scale-out.

    Return type: record

  • gs_check_tables_distribution()

    Description: Checks whether the user table distribution in the system is consistent. If no record is returned, table distribution is consistent. This function cannot be invoked during redistribution in a scale-in or scale-out.

    Return type: record

  • pg_stat_bad_block(text, int, int, int, int, int, timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone)

    Description: Obtains damage information about pages or CUs after the current node is started.

    Return type: record

  • pgxc_stat_bad_block(text, int, int, int, int, int, timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone)

    Description: Obtains damage information about pages or CUs after all the nodes in the cluster are started.

    Return type: record

  • pg_stat_bad_block_clear()

    Description: Deletes the page and CU damage information that is read and recorded on the node. (System administrator rights are required.)

    Return type: void

  • pgxc_stat_bad_block_clear()

    Description: Deletes the page and CU damage information that is read and recorded on all the nodes in the cluster. (System administrator rights are required.)

    Return type: void

  • gs_respool_exception_info(pool text)

    Description: Queries for the query rule of a specified resource pool.

    Return type: record

  • gs_control_group_info(pool text)

    Description: Queries for information about Cgroups associated with a resource pool.

    Return type: record

    The following information is displayed:






    Class name and workload name



    Class Cgroup name



    Workload Cgroup name



    Cgroup type (Top, CLASS, BAKWD, DEFWD, and TSWD)



    Cgroup ID



    Percentage of CPU resources to those on the parent node



    Percentage of CPU cores to those on the parent node



    Allocation ratio in Timeshare



    Number of CPU cores

  • gs_wlm_user_resource_info(name text)

    Description: Queries for a user's resource quota and resource usage.

    Return type: record

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