Help Center/ Anti-DDoS Service/ FAQs/ AAD FAQs/ Product/ Does AAD Support IPv6 Protection?
Updated on 2024-10-10 GMT+08:00

Does AAD Support IPv6 Protection?

AAD supports only some service access points using the IPv6 protocol. You can use CNAD Basic and CNAD Advanced to protect IPv6 addresses.

When a network request passes through the AAD proxy, the IP address shown on the origin server is the AAD back-to-origin IP address. To retrieve the real source IP address, you can use the TOA protocol, which extracts it from the TCP option field in the packet. This method also allows you to obtain the real IPv6 access source.

However, if AAD basic web protection is enabled or the origin server is configured with Huawei Cloud WAF, the actual IPv6 access source cannot be retrieved.