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Centro de ayuda> Virtual Private Cloud> Guía del usuario> Dirección IP virtual> Lanzamiento de una dirección IP virtual
Actualización más reciente 2023-01-11 GMT+08:00

Lanzamiento de una dirección IP virtual


If you no longer need a virtual IP address or a reserved virtual IP address, you can release it to avoid wasting resources.


Before deleting a virtual IP address, ensure that the virtual IP address has been unbound from the following resources:

  • ECS
  • EIP


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Haga clic en en la esquina superior izquierda y seleccione la región y el proyecto deseados.
  3. On the console homepage, under Networking, click Virtual Private Cloud.
  4. In the navigation pane on the left, click Subnets.
  5. In the subnet list, click the name of the subnet that the virtual IP address belongs to.
  6. Click the IP Addresses tab, locate the row that contains the virtual IP address to be released, click More in the Operation column, and select Release.
    Figura 1 Releasing a virtual IP address
  7. Click Yes in the displayed dialog box.