Updated on 2024-07-22 GMT+08:00

Managing Members

On the member management page, an administrator can check member details, add or remove members, change member departments, and invite users with personal HUAWEI IDs to organizations.


By default, an organization can have up to 200 members, including those invited.

Adding a Member

  1. Sign in to the KooPhone console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Organizations and Users.
  3. In the upper left corner, select an organization.
  4. Choose Manage Member > Create Member. Enter member information by referring to Table 1, and click Next.

    Table 1 Parameters for creating a member



    Member Name

    Name of a member. Enter up to 20 characters.

    Member Account

    Account set by the administrator for a member. The account is automatically suffixed with the organization domain name.

    Example: zhansan01@international.orgid.top

    Mobile Number

    Mobile number of the member. This parameter is required when the email address of the member is not specified.

    Email Address

    Email address of the member. This parameter is required when the mobile number of the member is not specified.

    Set Password

    Password set by the administrator for the member. You can select Auto generated or Set now.

    A custom password must:

    • Contain at least eight characters.
    • Contain both letters and digits, and does not contain spaces.

      The member needs to change the password upon the first sign-in.


    Department and sub-department to which the member belongs.

    More information (optional)

    Employee ID, Position, User Group, and Expired (account expiration time)

Inviting a Member

  1. In the upper left corner of the Organizations and Users page, select an organization.
  2. Choose Manage Member > Invite Member.

  3. Enter the information about the member and click OK. Table 2 describes the parameters.

    Table 2 Parameters for inviting a member




    Name of a member. Enter up to 20 characters.

    Mobile Number

    Personal mobile number of the member.


    Enter a mobile number containing the country code. Example: 008613812345678


    Personal email address of the member.

    Member Type

    Organization member or Organization admin.

    Valid for

    Three days.

  4. Complete member information by referring to Table 3. Then click Save or Save and Continue.

    Table 3 Parameters for completing member information




    (Mandatory) Department to which the member belongs.


    Position held by the member.


    Role of the member.

    User Group

    User group to which the member belongs. The member information will be displayed in the user group list.

    Expiration Time

    Expiration time of the member account. When the time arrives, the system automatically disables the account. If this parameter is left blank, the account is always valid.

Importing Members

  1. In the upper left corner of the Organizations and Users page, select an organization.
  2. Choose Manage Member > Bulk Import Members.

  3. Select the department to which the members are to be imported and click OK.
  4. Click Download CSV File Template to download the template, complete member information, upload the edited file, and click OK to import members in batches.

    On the Manage Member page, click Import History to check the historical information about the imported members.

Checking Member Details

  1. In the upper left corner of the Organizations and Users page, select an organization.
  2. Choose Manage Member.
  3. Select the target department. You can search for a department name and select the department in the search result.
  4. Locate the row that contains the target member and click View Details in the Operation column. The Member Details page is displayed.
  5. Edit the member information or remove the member.

Resetting a Password

You can reset passwords of managed HUAWEI IDs of members added to your organization.

  1. In the upper left corner of the Organizations and Users page, select an organization.
  2. Choose Manage Member.
  3. Select the target department. You can search for a department name and select the department in the search result.
  4. Locate the row that contains the target member and click Reset Password in the Operation column.
  5. On the Reset Password page, select Generate automatically or Set manually. If you select Set manually, enter a password. After setting the password, click OK.

Changing the Department

  1. In the upper left corner of the Organizations and Users page, select an organization.
  2. Choose Manage Member.
  3. Select a department. You can search for a department name and select the department in the search result.
  4. Locate the row that contains the target member, choose More > Change Dept in the Operation column, select the destination department, and click OK.

Renewing an Account

  1. In the upper left corner of the Organizations and Users page, select an organization.
  2. Choose Manage Member.
  3. Select the target department. You can search for a department name and select the department in the search result.
  4. Locate the row that contains the target member, choose More > Renew in the Operation column, select the new expiration time, and click OK.

Freezing or Unfreezing a Member

  1. In the upper left corner of the Organizations and Users page, select an organization.
  2. Choose Manage Member.
  3. Select the target department. You can search for a department name and select the department in the search result.
  4. Locate the row that contains the target member and choose More > Freeze in the Operation column.

    • Only accounts in the Normal state can be frozen.
    • Frozen accounts cannot be used.
    • You can choose More > Unfreeze to unfreeze an account.

Removing a Member

  1. In the upper left corner of the Organizations and Users page, select an organization.
  2. Choose Manage Member.
  3. Select the target department. You can search for a department name and select the department in the search result.
  4. Locate the row that contains the target member, choose More > Remove in the Operation column, and click OK.

    • Accounts in the Normal state cannot be removed. Only accounts in the Frozen state can be removed.
    • Removed members can no longer use their accounts.