Updated on 2025-01-23 GMT+08:00

How Do I Enable Connection to the Intelligent Robot?


For the email and SMS channels, only the following parameters are available: Avatar, Name, Gender, and Robot.


  1. Click to enable Connecting to the Intelligent Robot.
  2. Set the avatar. Click Update to change the avatar. Seven system avatars are available.
  3. Set the robot name and gender.
  4. Select a robot. The robot is configured in the intelligent IVR. For details, see Configuring an Intelligent Robot.

    When configuring the intelligent IVR, you need to configure the call transfer diagram element. The call transfer type cannot be 31, 32, or 33.

  5. Customize the default reply, timeout reply, and prompt for transferring calls to the manual service.
  6. Configure a silent agent skill queue. After the configuration, when the robot encounters a problem that cannot be resolved during the conversation with a customer, the robot can seek help from an agent in the skill queue.
  7. Click The next step or Saved to complete the configuration.