Updated on 2024-07-05 GMT+08:00


Cost Insights uses in-house cost profile algorithms to split costs by department, cluster, namespace, or application, based on your bills and cluster resource usages. Cost Insights helps cost management personnel analyze cluster costs and resource usages and identify resource waste for cost optimization.

Cost Insights displays container costs by region or cluster.

  • Cost Insights for a region provides enterprise management personnel with an overall analysis report of container costs in that region. Enterprise management personnel can divide departments by cluster or namespace and obtain the cost analysis report of each department. By checking reports, enterprise management personnel can identify cost increase changes and compare department costs to design better cost management solutions.
  • Cost Insights for a cluster helps cost O&M personnel analyze cluster costs and resource usages from multiple dimensions, such as namespace, application, and node pool, to identify applications that can be optimized.

Key Capabilities

  • Diverse cost types: Both the management costs of CCE clusters and the costs of ECS and EVS resources associated with each CCE cluster are analyzed and displayed.
  • Precise cost calculation: Your bills are used to collect statistics on cluster costs for accurate cost allocation.
  • Flexible cost allocation policies: Costs are displayed and allocated by multiple dimensions, such as cluster, namespace, node pool, and application.
  • Long-term cost data storage and retrieval: Costs of up to two years can be analyzed.
  • Per-minute workload billing: Workload discovery in minutes and per-minute billing are available for rapid scaling of applications. All costs will be billed.


  • Currently, only EVS disk storage costs are collected.
  • Node costs can be split by CPU and memory. However, if heterogeneous resources are used, such as GPUs and NPUs, the costs cannot be split. For example, when the costs of a GPU node are split, the core-hour unit price is higher.
  • After Cost Insights is enabled, analysis results can be displayed two days later.
  • Cost Insights displays cost analysis results by day.