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API Reference
- Before You Start
- Calling APIs
- Listing Events of a Stack
- Obtaining Stack Metadata
- Listing Stacks
- Creating a Stack
- Obtaining a Stack Template
- Listing Stack Resources
- Listing Stack Outputs
- Continuing to Deploy a Stack
- Deploying a Stack
- Deleting a Stack
- Updating a Stack
- Deleting a Stack with Conditions
- Continuing to Roll Back a Stack
- Execution Plans
- Template Analysis
- Template Management
Stack Sets
- Listing Stack Sets
- Creating a Stack Set
- Obtaining a Stack Set Template
- Listing Stack Set Operations
- Obtaining Metadata of a Stack Set
- Listing Stack Instances
- Creating Stack Instances
- Deleting Stack Instance Deprecated
- Updating Stack Instances
- Deleting Stack Instances
- Deploying a Stack Set
- Deleting a Stack Set
- Updating a Stack Set
- Obtaining Metadata of a Stack Set Operation
- Obtaining a Stack Instance
- Customized Providers
- Resource Formation - Hook
- Resource Formation - Module Management
- Permissions and Supported Actions
- Appendix
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User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
- Stack Management
Template Reference
- Template Introduction
List of Elements
- Resource Indexes
- AOS.Stack
- CCE.Addon.AutoScaler
- CCE.Cluster
- CCE.HelmRelease
- CCE.NodePool
- CCE.Pod
- CCE.Storage.OBS
- CCE.Storage.SFS
- DCS.Redis
- ECS.CloudServer
- ECS.KeyPair
- NAT.Instance
- NAT.SNatRule
- OBS.Bucket
- SFS.FileSystem
- ULB.Healthmonitor
- ULB.Listener
- ULB.LoadBalancer
- ULB.Member
- ULB.Pool
- VPC.SecurityGroup
- VPC.SecurityGroupRule
- VPC.Subnet
Data Structure
- AOS.BatchItem
- Basic.KeyValuePair
- Basic.Label
- Basic.LabelSelector
- Basic.NameAndSecretValue
- Basic.NameKeyPair
- Basic.NameValuePair
- CCE.Addon.AutoScaler.Node
- CCE.DataVolume
- CCE.HelmChart
- CCE.Labels
- CCE.NodePool
- CCE.PublicIP
- DCS.InstanceBackupPolicy
- DCS.PeriodicalBackupPlan
- ECS.DataVolume
- ECS.ExtendParam
- ECS.MountedVolumes
- ECS.Personality
- ECS.PublicIP
- ECS.RootVolume
- ECS.SecurityGroup
- ECS.ServerTags
- ECS.VolumeExtendParam
- K8S.PodSecurityContext
- K8S.SecurityContext.SeLinuxOptions
- MySQL.DBUser
- MySQL.DataBase
- MySQL.DataStore
- RDS.BackupStrategy
- RDS.HA.Mysql
- RDS.Volume
- ULB.StickySession
- VPC.BandWidth
- VPC.PublicIP
- Appendix
- FAQs
- Change History
API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Creating a Template
- Querying a Template List
- Updating a Template
- Deleting a Template
- Downloading a Template
- Querying a Template
- Querying the Input Parameters of a Template
- Creating a Stack
- Deleting a Stack
- Executing a Stack Lifecycle
- Querying a Stack List
- Querying a Stack
- Querying a Stack Element List
- Querying a Stack Element
- Querying a Stack Output
- Querying Stack Input
- Querying the Execution Record of a Stack
- Querying a Stack Execution Record List
- Appendix
- Change History
API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Before You Start
- Calling APIs
- Listing Events of a Stack
- Obtaining Stack Metadata
- Listing Stacks
- Creating a Stack
- Obtaining a Stack Template
- Listing Stack Resources
- Listing Stack Outputs
- Continuing to Deploy a Stack
- Deploying a Stack
- Deleting a Stack
- Updating a Stack
- Deleting a Stack with Conditions
- Continuing to Roll Back a Stack
- Execution Plans
- Template Analysis
- Template Management
Stack Sets
- Listing Stack Sets
- Creating a Stack Set
- Obtaining a Stack Set Template
- Listing Stack Set Operations
- Obtaining Metadata of a Stack Set
- Listing Stack Instances
- Creating Stack Instances
- Deleting Stack Instance Deprecated
- Updating Stack Instances
- Deploying a Stack Set
- Deleting Stack Instances
- Deleting a Stack Set
- Updating a Stack Set
- Obtaining Metadata of a Stack Set Operation
- Obtaining a Stack Instance
- Appendix
- Change History
- User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- General Reference
Input Variables
Input variables are like arguments for a module. They are declared using the keyword variable. By defining input variables, you can flexibly modify the configuration without altering the source code of the module. You can use default values, CLI options, or environment variables to set the input variables' values.
Defining Input Variables
By convention, input variables are defined in a file named variables.tf. The input variable is declared using the keyword variable:
variable "iamge_id" { type = string description = "image id of Ubuntu 1804" } variable "availability_zone_name" { type = string default = }
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A variable block contains the following arguments:
- type: specifies the type of a variable. The default value is string.
- description: describes the usage of a variable.
- default: specifies the default value of a variable. A variable with a default value can be regarded as an optional variable.
- validation block: specifies the customized validation rules of a variable.
If no variable type is specified, the default value string is used. You are advised to explicitly specify variable types; they can serve as helpful reminders for users of the module, and they allow Terraform to return a helpful error message if the wrong type is used. Terraform input variables support the following types:
- Basic types: string, number, and bool
- Compound types: list(<TYPE>), set(<TYPE>), map(<TYPE>)
The following example defines a variable of the compound type:
variable "availability_zone_names" { type = list(string) default = [] } variable "docker_ports" { type = list(object({ internal = number external = number protocol = string })) default = [{ internal = 8300 external = 8300 protocol = "tcp" }] }
Custom Validation Rules
You can use the validation nested block to specify custom validation rules for an input variable. This feature is supported in Terraform 0.13.0 and later versions. Example:
variable "iam_user_password" { type = string description = "The password for iam user to log in." validation { condition = length(var.iam_user_password)>=8 error_message = "The password is too short." } }
The condition argument is a Boolean expression. You can use a can function to check whether an error will be caused by the expression. Example:
variable "iam_user_name" { type = string description = "This name is used for iam user to log in." validation { # regex(...) If the variable fails to match the following condition, an error is returned. condition = can(regex("([a-zA-Z])", var.iam_user_name)) error_message = "Incorrect user name. Please check whether it contains upper and lower case letters." } }
If the result of condition is false, Terraform generates an error message that contains the character string defined by error_message. The value of error_message must include at least a complete sentence that starts with an uppercase letter and ends with a period (.) or question mark (?).
Referencing Input Variables
An input variable can be accessed as var.<Variable name> and only in the module that declares it.
# variables.tf variable "vpc_cidr" { type = string description = "the CIDR of VPC" } # main.tf
Setting Variables
You can set input variables in either of the following ways:
- With the -var command line option.
- In variable definitions (.tfvars) files, either specified on the command line or automatically loaded.
- As environment variables.
Variable Definitions (.tfvars) Files
If many variables are used in the configuration, you are advised to set their values in a variable definitions file, and then use the -var-file option to specify that file.
terraform apply -var-file="testing.tfvars"
A variable definitions (.tfvars) file uses the same basic syntax as the configuration files, but consists only of variable name assignments:
vpc_name = "my_vpc" vpc_cidr = "" availability_zone_names = [ ]
Terraform also automatically loads variable definitions files if they are present:
- Files named exactly terraform.tfvars or terraform.tfvars.json
- Any files with names ending in .auto.tfvars or .auto.tfvars.json
Files whose names end with .json are parsed instead as JSON objects.
{ "vpc_name": "my_vpc" }
Variable Definition Precedence
The above mechanisms for setting variables can be used together in any combination. For variables of the compound type, you are advised to use the variable definitions file to improve readability and avoid problems caused by escape. If you assign multiple values to the same variable, Terraform uses the last value it finds, overriding any previous values. Terraform loads variables in the following order, with later sources taking precedence over earlier ones:
- Environment variables
- terraform.tfvars or terraform.tfvars.json file
- *.auto.tfvars or *.auto.tfvars.json file
- -var and -var-file options in the command line
Note that the same variable cannot be assigned multiple values within a single source.
For more information about variables, see Input Variables in the Terraform documentation.
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