Help Center/ KooGallery/ Seller Guide/ FAQs/ Why Is No Bill Generated for an Order? What Are the Prerequisites for Bill Run?
Updated on 2025-02-11 GMT+08:00

Why Is No Bill Generated for an Order? What Are the Prerequisites for Bill Run?

Bill Run Conditions

  1. You have completed business information certification. If the information is incomplete or inaccurate, Huawei Cloud cannot generate bills for settlement.
  2. The payment status of the transaction is Completed.

    When a customer pays an order using credit balances, the payment status will change to Completed only when the customer pays off all credit balances used in the billing cycle when the order was generated.

  3. The service supervision status of the order is N/A or Completed.
  4. The order has taken effect.

Checking Whether Bill Run Conditions Are Met

1. Check the customer payment and service supervision status.

In the navigation pane of the Seller Console, choose Settlement > Transaction Details to check the payment status and service supervision status.

2. Check the order effective time.

In the navigation pane of the Seller Console, choose Settlement > Transaction Details and click the down arrow on the left of the target order to view the effective time.