Help Center/ Meeting/ Client SDK Reference/ Electron SDK/ APIs/ Meeting Management Objects/ Subscribing to Incoming Call Notifications
Updated on 2024-09-13 GMT+08:00

Subscribing to Incoming Call Notifications


A notification is sent when you received an incoming meeting call.

Function Prototype

setOnConfIncomingNotifyCB(onConfIncomingNotify: (confIncomingInfo: ConfIncomingInfo) => void): voidsetOnConfIncomingNotifyCB(onConfIncomingNotify: (confIncomingInfo: ConfIncomingInfo) => void): void

Request Parameters

Table 1 Input parameter description
Parameter Mandatory Type Description
onConfIncomingNotify Yes (confIncomingInfo: ConfIncomingInfo) => void Notifies you of an incoming meeting call.

Return Values


Notification Method Parameters

(confIncomingInfo: ConfIncomingInfo) => void

Table 2 Input parameter description
Parameter Type Description
confIncomingInfo ConfIncomingInfo Incoming call information.
Table 3 ConfIncomingInfo
Parameter Type Description
state ConfComingState Incoming call status.
mediaType MediaType Meeting media type.
isP2PConf boolean Whether the meeting is an instant meeting.
confId string Meeting ID.
vmrConfId string ID of meetings held in a cloud meeting room.
Table 4 Enumerated values of ConfComingState
Enumeration Name Enumerated Value Description
HWM_CONF_COMING_STATE_START 1 Initial state. The phone of the called participant is ringing.
HWM_CONF_COMING_STATE_ACCEPT 2 The call was answered.
HWM_CONF_COMING_STATE_REJECT 3 The call was rejected.
HWM_CONF_COMING_STATE_TIMEOUT 4 The called party did not respond, the call timed out, or the caller hung up the call.
Table 5 Enumerated values of MediaType
Enumeration Name Enumerated Value Description