Updated on 2023-03-23 GMT+08:00

Creating a Meeting


This API is used to create an instant meeting. 1. By default, calling this API will add you to the meeting as the host. You do not need to pass your own information in the participant parameters. 2. If other participants need to be invited when a meeting is created, the information about other participants needs to be passed. If other participants are not required to join the meeting, participant details and the number of participants can be empty.

Function Prototype

createConf(createConfInfo: CreateConfInfo, onCreateConfResult?: (ret: SDKERR, reason: string, createConfResult: CreateConfResult) => void): voidcreateConf(createConfInfo: CreateConfInfo, onCreateConfResult?: (ret: SDKERR, reason: string, createConfResult: CreateConfResult) => void): void

Request Parameters

Table 1 Input parameter description
Parameter Mandatory Type Description
createConfInfo Y CreateConfInfo Meeting creation information.
onCreateConfResult Y (ret: SDKERR, reason: string, createConfResult: CreateConfResult) => void Callback of creating the meeting.
Table 2 CreateConfInfo
Parameter Mandatory Type Description
subject Y string Meeting topic.
mediaType Y MediaType Meeting type.
needPassword Y boolean Whether a guest password is required. This parameter is valid only for meetings with a random ID.
isAutoRecord N boolean Whether to enable automatic meeting recording. If automatic meeting recording is enabled, the meeting will be recorded by default, regardless of whether recording is enabled or disabled in the meeting. This parameter is valid only for cloud recording, not for local recording on clients.
allowRecord N boolean Whether meeting recording is supported. (This parameter is valid only for the Windows platform.) This parameter is valid only for cloud recording, not for local recording on clients.
confAllowJoinUser N ConfAllowJoinUserType Users who are allowed to join the meeting. By default, everyone is allowed.
vmrId N string Unique cloud meeting room ID. To schedule a meeting with a random meeting ID, set this parameter to an empty string.
vmrConfIdType N VmrConfIdType ID type of the cloud meeting room.
guestPwd N string Guest password. If this parameter is left empty, the server randomly generates a password. This parameter is valid only for meetings with a random ID.
isOpenWaitingRoom N boolean Waiting room status. This parameter takes effect only when the waiting room function is enabled.
duration N number Meeting duration, in minutes. The value ranges from 15 to 1440. If this parameter is left blank, the server uses the default meeting duration.
isMicOn N boolean Whether to enable the microphone. The options are true (yes) and false (no).
isCameraOn N boolean Whether to enable the camera. The options are true (yes) and false (no).
numOfAttendee Y number Number of participants. If participants are not required, set this parameter to 0.
attendees Y AttendeeBaseInfo Participant details. If participants are not required, set this parameter to 0.
Table 3 Enumerated values of MediaType
Enumeration Name Enumerated Value Description
Table 4 Enumerated values of ConfAllowJoinUserType
Enumeration Name Enumerated Value Description
CONF_ALLOW_JOIN_IN_COMPANY_USER 2 Corporate users only.
CONF_ALLOW_JOIN_INVITED_USER 3 Invited users only.
Table 5 Enumerated values of VmrConfIdType
Enumeration Name Enumerated Value Description
HWM_VMR_CONF_ID_TYPE_FIXED 0 Fixed ID of the cloud meeting room.
HWM_VMR_CONF_ID_TYPE_RANDOM 1 Random ID of the cloud meeting room.
Table 6 AttendeeBaseInfo
Parameter Mandatory Type Description
nickName Y string Participant name.
number Y string Number. If this parameter is set to the SIP number (for example, +99111244216210249) allocated to the account, the Huawei Cloud Meeting app is called. If this parameter is set to a PSTN number (for example, 18700000000), the number is called through the VoIP gateway if the enterprise has enabled PSTN call. This parameter is used for account and password authentication. Either this parameter or thirdUserId must be set.
thirdUserId Y string Third-party user ID. This parameter is used for app ID authentication. Either this parameter or number must be set.
accountId N string Huawei Cloud Meeting account.
email N string Email address used for receiving email notifications.
sms N string Mobile number used for receiving SMS notifications.
isAutoInvite N boolean Whether to automatically invite participants.
isMute N boolean Whether to mute the microphone.
role N ConfRole Participant role in the meeting.
type N AttendeeType Participant type.
Table 7 Enumerated values of ConfRole
Enumeration Name Enumerated Value Description
HWM_CONF_ROLE_ATTENDEE 0 Common participant.
HWM_CONF_ROLE_WAITING 4 Waiting room member.
Table 8 Enumerated values of AttendeeType
Enumeration Name Enumerated Value Description
ATTENDEE_TYPE_NORMAL 0 Voice, HD, and SD participant addresses.
ATTENDEE_TYPE_TELEPRESENCE 1 Address of a telepresence participant (uni-screen or tri-screen telepresence participant).
ATTENDEE_TYPE_TERMINAL 2 Meeting room or hard terminal.
ATTENDEE_TYPE_OUTSIDE 3 External participant.
ATTENDEE_TYPE_MOBILE 5 Soft client user's mobile phone.
ATTENDEE_TYPE_BOARD 8 Whiteboard user.
ATTENDEE_TYPE_IDEAHUB 9 Large-screen device with HiSilicon chips.
ATTENDEE_TYPE_WELINKC 11 WeLink (public edition).

Return Values


Callback Method Parameters

(ret: SDKERR, reason: string, createConfResult: CreateConfResult) => void

Table 9 Input parameter description
Parameter Type Description
ret For details about SDKERR, see Error Code Reference. Error code.
reason string Error description.
createConfResult CreateConfResult Meeting creation result.
Table 10 CreateConfResult
Parameter Type Description
confId string Meeting ID.
vmrConfId string Cloud meeting room ID (valid only for the macOS platform).
hostPwd string Host password.
guestPwd string Guest password.
mediaType MediaType Meeting media type (valid only for the macOS platform).
guestJoinUri string Guest link.
selfConfRole ConfRole Role in the meeting.
subject string Meeting topic.
startTime number Meeting start time, in seconds (GMT).
endTime number Meeting end time.
schedulerName string Name of the user who schedules the meeting.