Updated on 2022-07-11 GMT+08:00

70.16.5 Updates

  1. Added APIs related to recurring meetings. For details, see Scheduling a Recurring Meeting Series, Editing a Recurring Meeting Series, Canceling a Recurring Meeting Series, Editing a Recurring Meeting, and Canceling a Recurring Meeting.
  2. Added isStopConflictConf to HWMJoinConfParam.h in the API for joining a meeting using an ID. For details, see Table 2.
  3. Adjusted the SSO login API. For details, see loginBySSO:.
  4. Modified error codes. For details about the new error code description, see Table 1.
    Table 1 Mapping between error codes of the old and new versions

    Error Codes in 70.14.6 and Earlier Versions

    Error Codes After 70.16.5

    New Error Code Description



    The guest password is invalid.



    The calling number, account, or third-party account cannot be empty.